< Heremaia 52 >

1 E rua tekau ma tahi nga tau o Terekia i a ia i kingi ai; a kotahi tekau ma tahi nga tau i kingi ai ia ki Hiruharama: a ko te ingoa o tona whaea ko Hamutara, he tamahine na Heremaia o Ripina.
Sedechie was a sone of oon and twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede enleuene yeer in Jerusalem; and the name of his modir was Amychal, the douyter of Jeremye of Lobna.
2 A i kino tana mahi ki te titiro a Ihowa, i rite ki nga mea katoa i mea ai a Iehoiakimi.
And he dide yuels bifore the iyen of the Lord, bi alle thingis whiche Joachym hadde do.
3 Na reira i a Ihowa ka riri nei, ka puta mai te aitua ki Hiruharama, ki a Hura, a maka noatia atu ratou i tona aroaro; a i whakakeke a Terekia ki te kingi o Papurona.
For the stronge veniaunce of the Lord was in Jerusalem, and in Juda, til he castide hem awey fro his face. And Sedechie yede awei fro the kyng of Babiloyne.
4 Na i te iwa o nga tau o tona kingitanga, i te tekau o nga marama, i te tekau o nga ra o te marama, ka tae mai a Nepukareha kingi o Papurona, a ia me tana ope katoa ki Hiruharama, a whakapaea ana e ia; a hanga ana e ratou etahi taumaihi a taka noa, hei whawhai atu ki reira.
Forsothe it was don in the nynthe yeer of his rewme, in the tenthe monethe, in the tenthe dai of the monethe, Nabugodonosor, the kyng of Babiloyne, cam, he and al his oost, ayens Jerusalem; and thei bisegiden it, and bildiden ayens it strengthis in cumpas.
5 Heoi ka whakapaea te pa a tae noa ki te tekau ma tahi o nga tau o Kingi Terekia.
And the citee was bisegid, til to the enleuenthe yeer of the rewme of Sedechie.
6 I te wha o nga marama, i te iwa o nga ra o te marama, ka tino nui te matekai o te pa, na kahore he taro ma nga tangata o te whenua.
Forsothe in the fourthe monethe, in the nynthe dai of the monethe, hungur helde the citee; and foodis weren not to the puple of the lond.
7 Katahi ka pakaru te pa, rere ana nga tangata whawhai katoa, puta ana i roto i te pa i te po, na te ara o te kuwaha i waenganui o nga taiepa e rua, na tera i te kari a te kingi, i karapotia hoki te pa e nga Karari; a haere ana ratou na te ara o te Arapa.
And the citee was brokun, and alle men werriouris therof fledden; and thei yeden out of the citee in the niyt, bi the weie of the yate, which is bitwixe twei wallis, and ledith to the gardyn of the kyng, while Caldeis bisegiden the citee in cumpas; and thei yeden forth bi the weie that ledith in to desert.
8 Otiia i whaia te kingi e te ope o nga Karari, a hopukia ana a Terekia ki nga mania i Heriko; a i marara noa atu tana ope katoa i tona taha.
Sotheli the oost of Caldeis pursuede the kyng; and thei token Sedechie in desert, which is bisidis Jerico, and al his felouschipe fledde awei fro hym.
9 Na ka mau ratou ki te kingi, a kawea ana ki te kingi o Papurona, ki Ripira i te whenua o Hamata; a whakaputaia ana e ia te whakawa mona.
And whanne thei hadden take the kyng, thei brouyten hym to the kyng of Babiloyne in Reblatha, which is in the lond of Emath; and the kyng of Babiloyne spak domes to hym.
10 Na tukitukia ana e te kingi o Papurona nga tama a Terekia i tana tirohanga: i tukitukia ano e ia nga rangatira katoa o Hura ki Ripira.
And the kyng of Babiloyne stranglide the sones of Sedechie bifore hise iyen; but also he killide alle the princes of Juda in Rablatha.
11 Na tikarohia ana e ia nga kanohi o Terekia; a herea ana ia e te kingi o Papurona ki te mekameka, kawea ana ki Papurona, maka ana ki te whare herehere, a taea noatia te ra i mate ai ia.
And he puttide out the iyen of Sedechie, and boond hym in stockis; and the kyng of Babiloyne brouyte hym in to Babiloyne, and puttide hym in the hous of prisoun, til to the dai of his deth.
12 Na i te rima o nga marama, i te tekau o nga ra o te marama, ko te tekau ma iwa hoki ia o nga tau o Kingi Nepukareha kingi o Papurona, ka haere mai a Neputaraarana rangatira o nga kaitiaki, he tangata tu i te aroaro o te kingi o Papurona, ki Hiru harama.
Forsothe in the nynthe monethe, in the tenthe dai of the monethe, thilke is the nyntenthe yeer of the kyng of Babiloyne, Nabusardan, the prince of chyualrie, that stood bifore the kyng of Babiloyne, cam in to Jerusalem.
13 Na tahuna ake e ia te whare o Ihowa, me te whare o te kingi; a tahuna ana e ia ki te ahi nga whare katoa o Hiruharama, nga whare katoa hoki o te hunga nunui.
And he brente the hous of the Lord, and the hous of the kyng, and alle the housis of Jerusalem; and he brente with fier ech greet hous.
14 Na ka wawahia e te ope katoa o nga Karari, e ta te rangatira o nga kaitiaki, nga taiepa katoa o Hiruharama a whawhe noa.
And al the ost of Caldeis, that was with the maistir of chyualrie, distriede al the wal of Jerusalem bi cumpas.
15 Katahi ka whakahekea atu e Neputaraarana rangatira o nga kaitiaki etahi o nga tino rawakore o te iwi, me era atu ano o te iwi i mahue ki te pa, me te iwi i papahoro atu, i taka atu ki te kingi o Papurona, me nga morehu ano o taua huihui.
Sotheli Nabusardan, the prince of chyualrie, translatide of the pore men of the puple, and of the residue comyn puple, that was left in the citee, and of the fleeris ouer, that fledden ouer to the kyng of Babiloyne; and he translatide other men of the multitude.
16 Engari i waiho e Neputaraarana rangatira o nga kaitiaki etahi o nga tino rawakore o te whenua hei kaimahi waina, hei paruaruru.
But Nabusardan, the prince of chyualrie, lefte of the pore men of the lond vyne tilers, and erthe tilers.
17 Na, ko nga pou parahi i te whare o Ihowa, ko nga turanga me te moana parahi i te whare o Ihowa, wawahia ana e nga Karari, a maua atu ana e ratou te parahi katoa o aua mea ki Papurona.
Also Caldeis brakun the brasun pilers, that weren in the hous of the Lord, and the foundementis, and the brasun waischyng vessel, that was in the hous of the Lord; and thei token al the metal of tho in to Babiloyne.
18 I maua atu ano e ratou nga pata, nga koko pungarehu, nga kutikuti rama, nga peihana, nga koko, me nga oko parahi katoa mo a ratou mahi tapu.
And thei tokun cawdruns, and fleischokis, and sautrees, and violis, and morteris, and alle brasun vessels, that weren in seruyce;
19 Ko nga kapu, ko nga paepae ngarahu, ko nga peihana, ko nga pata, ko nga turanga rama, ko nga koko, ko nga oko; ko nga mea i hanga ki te koura, he koura, ko nga mea i hanga ki te hiriwa, he hiriwa, i maua katoatia atu e te rangatira o nga kaitiak i.
thei token also `watir pottis, and vessels of encense, and pottis, and basyns, and candilstikis, and morters, and litle cuppis; hou manye euere goldun, goldun, and hou manye euere siluerne, siluerne.
20 Na ko nga pou e rua, ko te moana kotahi, ko nga puru parahi kotahi tekau ma rua i raro i nga turanga, i hanga nei e Kingi Horomona mo te whare o Ihowa: kahore he paunatanga o te parahi o enei oko katoa.
The maister of chyualrie took twei pilers, and o waischyng vessel, and twelue brasun caluys, that weren vndur the foundementis, whiche kyng Salomon hadde maad in the hous of the Lord. No weiyte was of the metal of alle these vessels.
21 Na ko nga pou, kotahi tekau ma waru whatianga te tiketike o te pou kotahi; tekau ma rua hoki nga whatianga o te aho hei pae mona; na, ko te matotoru, e wha nga ringa: he tuwhera a roto.
Forsothe of the pilers, eiytene cubitis of heiythe weren in o piler, and a roop of twelue cubitis cumpasside it; certis the thickenesse therof was of foure fyngris, and was holowe withynne.
22 A ko te whakapaipai o runga he parahi; ko te tiketike o te whakapaipai kotahi, e rima nga whatianga, he parahi katoa te mea i whiria me nga pamekaranete i tetahi taha o te whakapaipai, i tetahi taha. Rite tonu hoki ki enei o te rua o nga pou, me nga pamekaranete ano.
And brasun pomels weren on euer either; and the heiythe of a pomel was of fyue cubitis; and werkis lijk nettis and pumgranatis weren on the coroun `in cumpas.
23 Na e iwa tekau ma ono nga pamekaranete o nga taha; a ko nga pamekaranete katoa i te mea i whiria, kotahi te rau, a whawhe noa.
And the pumgranatis weren nynti and sixe hangynge doun, and alle pumgranatis weren cumpassid with an hundred werkis lijk nettis.
24 Na tangohia ana e te rangatira o nga kaitiaki a Heraia, te tino tohunga, me te tohunga tuarua, me Tepania, me nga kaitiaki tokotoru o te kuwaha:
And the maister of the chyualrie took Saraie, the firste preest, and Sophonye, the secounde preest, and three keperis of the vestiarie.
25 I tangohia hoki e ia i roto i te pa tetahi rangatira o nga tangata whawhai, tokowhitu hoki no te aroaro pu ake o te kingi, he hunga i rokohanga ki roto ki te pa; me te kaituhituhi a te rangatira ope, ko ia nei te kaihuihui i nga tangata o te whe nua; e ono tekau hoki nga tangata o te iwi o te whenua, he hunga i rokohanga e ia ki roto ki te pa.
And of the citee he took o chast seruaunt and onest, that was souereyn on the men werriours; and seuene men of hem that sien the face of the kyng, whiche weren foundun in the citees; and a scryuen, prince of knyytis, that preuyde yonge knyytis; and sixti men of the puple of the lond, that weren foundun in the myddis of the citee.
26 Na ka mau a Neputaraarana rangatira o nga kaitiaki ki a ratou, kawea ana ki te kingi o Papurona ki Ripira.
Forsothe Nabusardan, the maistir of chyualrie, took hem, and brouyte hem to the kyng of Babiloyne in Reblatha.
27 Na patua iho ratou e te kingi o Papurona, whakamatea iho ki Ripira, ki te whenua o Hamata. Heoi whakahekea atu ana a Hura i tona oneone.
And the kyng of Babiloyne smoot hem, and killide hem in Reblatha, in the lond of Emath; and Juda was translatid fro his lond.
28 Ko te hunga tenei i whakaraua atu e Nepukareha: i te whitu o nga tau e toru mano e rua tekau ma toru nga Hurai:
This is the puple, whom Nabugodonosor translatide in the seuenthe yeer; Jewis, thre thousynde and thre and twenti.
29 I te tekau ma waru o nga tau o Nepukareha, e waru rau e toru tekau ma rua nga tangata i whakaraua atu e ia i Hiruharama:
In the eiytenthe yeer, Nabugodonosor translatide fro Jerusalem eiyte hundrid and two and thritti persoones.
30 I te rua tekau ma toru o nga tau o Nepukareha, e whitu rau e wha tekau ma rima nga tangata o nga Hurai i whakaraua atu e Neputaraarana, e te rangatira o nga kaitiaki: ko aua tangata katoa e wha mano e ono rau.
In the thre and twentithe yeer of Nabugodonosor, Nabusardan, the maister of chyualrie, translatide seuene hundrid and fyue and fourti persoones of Jewis. Therfor alle the persoones weren foure thousynde and sixe hundrid.
31 Na i te toru tekau ma whitu o nga tau o te whakahekenga atu o Iehoiakini kingi o Hura, i te tekau ma rau o nga marama, i te rua tekau ma rima o nga ra o te marama, ka whakaarahia e Ewiri Meroraka kingi o Papurona, i te tau tuatahi i kingi ai ia, te mahunga o Iehoiakini kingi o Hura, whakaputaina ana ia e ia i roto i te whare herehere;
And it was doon, in the seuene and threttithe yeer of the passyng ouer of Joachym, kyng of Juda, in the tweluethe monethe, in the fyue and twentithe dai of the monethe, Euylmerodach, kyng of Babiloyne, reiside in that yeer of his rewme the heed of Joachym, kyng of Juda; and ledde hym out of the hous of the prisoun,
32 A korero pai ana ia ki a ia, nekehia ake ana e ia tona torona ki runga ake i te torona o nga kingi i tona taha i Papurona.
and spak good thingis with hym. And he settide the trone of him aboue the trones of kyngis, that weren after hym in Babiloyne,
33 Kakahuria ana e ia he kakahu ke i ona kakahu o te herehere, a kai taro ana ia i tona aroaro i nga ra katoa i ora ai ia.
and chaungide the clothis of his prisoun. And Joachym eet breed bifore hym euere, in alle the daies of his lijf;
34 Na, ko tana kai he kai i homai tonu e te kingi o Papurona mana, he mea mo tenei ra, mo tenei ra, a taea noatia te ra o tona matenga, i nga ra katoa i ora ai ia.
and hise metis, euerlastynge metis weren youun to hym of the kyng of Babiloyne, ordeyned bi ech dai, til to the dai of his deth, in alle the daies of his lijf. And it was don, aftir that Israel was led in to caitiftee, and Jerusalem was distried, Jeremye, the profete, sat wepinge, and biweilide Jerusalem with this lamentacioun; and he siyyide, and weilide with bitter soule, and seide.

< Heremaia 52 >