< Ihaia 29 >

1 Aue te mate mo Ariere, mo Ariere, mo te pa i noho ai a Rawiri! tapiritia iho tetahi tau ki tetahi tau; mahia nga hakari i nga wa e rite ai:
Wo! Ariel, Ariel, the citee which Dauid ouercam; yeer is addid to yeer, solempnytees ben passyd.
2 Hei reira raru ai i ahau a Ariere, a ka pouri; ka tangi: a ka rite ia ki ahau ano ko Ariere.
And Y schal cumpasse Ariel, and it schal be soreuful and morenynge; and Jerusalem schal be to me as Ariel.
3 Ka nohoia atu ano koe e ahau, a karapoi noa; ka whakapaea koe ki te parepare, ka ara ano i ahau he taiepa hei tatau ki a koe.
And Y schal cumpasse as a round trendil in thi cumpasse, and Y schal caste erthe ayens thee, and Y schal sette engynes in to thi bisegyng.
4 A ka whakahokia iho koe, ka korero ake i te whenua; ka iti ano tau kupu i roto i te puehu; ka rite tou reo ki to te tangata i te atua maori, he mea puta ake i te whenua, ka kohimu ake tau kupu i roto i te puehu.
Thou schalt be maad low, thou schalt speke of erthe, and thi speche schal be herd fro the erthe; and thi vois schal be as the vois of a deed man reisid bi coniuring, and thi speche schal ofte grutche of the erthe.
5 Ko te huihuinga ia o ou hoariri ka rite ki te puehu ririki, a koe te huihuinga o te hunga nanakia ki te papapa e rere atu ana: ae ra, ka hemorere tonu.
And the multitude of hem that wyndewen thee, schal be as thynne dust; and the multitude of hem that hadden the maistrie ayens thee, schal be as a deed sparcle passynge.
6 Ka pa ta Ihowa o nga mano ki a ia, he whatitiri, he ru, he reo nui, he tukauati, he tupuhi, he mura ahi e ka ana.
And it schal be sudenli, anoon it schal be visitid of the Lord of oostis, in thundur, and in mouyng of the erthe, and in greet vois of whirlwynd, and of tempest, and of flawme of fier deuowrynge.
7 A ka rite ki te moe, ki te rekanga kanohi o te po nga iwi maha katoa e whawhai ana ki Ariere, ara te hunga katoa e ngangare ana ki a ia, ki tona pa kaha, e whakatupu kino ana hoki i a ia.
And the multitude of alle folkis that fouyten ayens Ariel schal be as the dreem of a nyytis visioun; and alle men that fouyten, and bisegiden, and hadden the maistrie ayens it.
8 Ka rite ano ki te tangata matekai e moe ana, na kei te kai ia; heoi, kei te ohonga ake, e takoto kau ana tona wairua: ka rite hoki ki te tangata matewai e moe ana, na kei te inu ia; te ohonga ake, kahore he kaha, kei te hiahia ano tona wairua: ko te rite tera o te hui o nga iwi katoa e whawhai ana ki Maunga Hiona.
And as an hungry man dremyth, and etith, but whanne he is awakid, his soule is voide; and as a thirsti man dremeth, and drynkith, and after that he is awakid, he is weri, and thirstith yit, and his soule is voide, so schal be the multitude of alle folkis, that fouyten ayens the hil of Sion.
9 E tu koutou, e miharo; e hari, a ka matapo: e haurangi ana ratou, ehara ia i te waina; e hurori ana, engari ehara i te wai kaha.
Be ye astonyed, and wondre; wake ye, and douyte ye; be ye drunken, and not of wyn; be ye moued, and not with drunkenesse.
10 No te mea kua ringihia e Ihowa te wairua o te moe au tonu ki runga ki a koutou, kua oti ano i a ia te whakamoe o koutou kanohi, nga poropiti; ko o koutou rangatira, ko nga matakite, kua taupokina e ia.
For the Lord hath meddlid to you the spirit of sleep; he schal close youre iyen, and schal hile youre profetis, and princes that sien visiouns.
11 A ka rite ki a koutou te kitenga katoa ki nga kupu o tetahi pukapuka i hiritia, e hoatu ana e nga tangata ki tetahi tangata matua ki te korero pukapuka, ka mea atu, Tena, korerotia tenei: a ka mea mai ia, E kore e taea e ahau, e hiri na hoki.
And the visioun of alle profetis schal be to you as the wordis of a book aseelid; which whanne thei schulen yyue to hym that kan lettris, thei schulen seie, Rede thou this book; and he schal answere, Y may not, for it is aseelid.
12 Na ka hoatu taua pukapuka ki te mea kahore nei e matau ki te korero pukapuka; na ko te kianga atu, Tena, korerotia tenei: ano ra ko ia, Kahore ahau e matau ki te korero.
And the book schal be youun to him that kan not lettris, and it schal be seid to hym, Rede thou; and he schal answere, Y kan no lettris.
13 Na ka mea te Ariki, I te mea e whakatata ana mai te iwi nei ki ahau, a e whakahonore ana i ahau ki to ratou mangai, ki o ratou ngutu, otiia e matara noa atu ana i ahau o ratou ngakau, a ko to ratou wehi ki ahau he mea whakaako e ta te tangata to hutohu:
And the Lord seide, For that this puple neiyeth with her mouth, and glorifieth me with her lippis, but her herte is fer fro me; and thei dredden me for the comaundement and techyngis of men, therfor lo!
14 Na, ka tahuri ahau ki te mahi i tetahi mahi whakamiharo ki waenganui i tenei iwi, he mahi whakamiharo rawa, he miharo whakaharahara: ka whakamotitia hoki nga whakaaro o o ratou mea whakaaro nui, ka ngaro te matauranga o o ratou mea mohio.
Y schal adde, that Y make wondryng to this puple, in a greet myracle and wondurful; for whi wisdom schal perische fro wise men therof, and the vndurstondyng of prudent men therof schal be hid.
15 Aue te mate mo te hunga e whai ana i te wahi hohonu, kia ngaro ai to ratou whakaaro i a Ihowa; a kei te pouri a ratou mahi, e mea ana hoki, Ko wai e kite ana i a tatou? ko wai e matau ana ki a tatou?
Wo to you that ben hiye of herte, that ye hide counsel fro the Lord; the werkis of whiche ben in derknessis, and thei seien, Who seeth vs, and who knowith vs?
16 Ta koutou whakaputa ke! E kiia ranei te kaihanga rihi he rite ki te paru? e ki ake ranei te mea i hanga ki tona kaihanga, Kihai ahau i hanga e ia? e mea ake ranei te mea i mahia ki tona kaimahi, Kahore ona matauranga?
This thouyt of you is weiward, as if cley thenke ayens a pottere, and the werk seie to his makere, Thou madist not me; and a thing `that is maad, seie to his makere, Thou vndurstondist not.
17 He teka ranei he iti rawa nei te takiwa, a ka puta ke a Repanona hei mara whai hua, a ka kiia te mara whai hua hei ngahere?
Whether not yit in a litil time and schort the Liban schal be turned in to Chermel, and Chermel schal be arettid in to the forest?
18 I taua ra ka rongo nga turi i nga kupu o te pukapuka, ka kite ano nga kanohi o nga matapo i roto i te kakarauri, i te pouri.
And in that dai deef men schulen here the wordis of the book, and the iyen of blynde men schulen se fro derknessis and myisty;
19 Ka neke ake ano te hari o te hunga mahaki ki a Ihowa, ka koa ano nga tangata rawakore ki te Mea Tapu o Iharaira.
and mylde men schulen encreesse gladnesse in the Lord, and pore men schulen make ful out ioie in the hooli of Israel.
20 Kua moti hoki te tangata nanakia; a ko te tangata whakahi, kua poto; kua hatepea atu ano te hunga katoa i whanga ki te kino:
For he that hadde the maistrie, failide, and the scornere is endid, and alle thei ben kit doun that walkiden on wickidnesse;
21 E whakatau he nei ki te tangata e korero ana, e whakatakoto rore nei mo te kairiri o te he i te kuwaha; a kahore he rawa i whakapeaua ketia ai e ratou te tangata tika.
whiche maden men to do synne in word, and disseyueden a repreuere in the yate, and bowiden awey in veyn fro a iust man.
22 Na ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, nana nei a Aperahama i hoko, mo te whare o Hakopa, E kore a Hakopa e whakama aianei, e kore ano e koma tona mata aianei.
For this thing the Lord, that ayen bouyte Abraham, seith these thingis to the hous of Jacob, Jacob schal not be confoundid now, nether now his cheer schal be aschamed; but whanne he schal se hise sones,
23 Engari kia kite ia i ana tamariki, i te mahi a oku ringa, i roto i a ia, ka whakatapua e ratou toku ingoa; ae ra, ka whakatapua ano e ratou te Mea Tapu o Hakopa, a ka wehi ki te Atua o Iharaira.
the werkis of myn hondis, halewynge my name in the myddis of hym. And thei schulen halewe the hooli of Jacob, and thei schulen preche God of Israel;
24 Ka mohiotia ano te matauranga e nga wairua kotiti ke, a ka ako te hunga amuamu ki te kupu mohio.
and thei that erren in spirit, schulen knowe vndurstondyng, and idil men schulen lerne the lawe.

< Ihaia 29 >