< Hohea 4 >

1 Whakarongo ki te kupu a Ihowa, e nga tama a Iharaira; he tautohe hoki ta Ihowa ki nga tangata o te whenua, no te mea kahore he pono, kahore he tohu tangata, kahore he matauranga ki te Atua i te whenua.
Sones of Israel, here ye the word of the Lord, for whi doom is to the Lord with the dwelleris of erthe; for whi trewthe is not, and merci is not, and kunnyng of the Lord is not in erthe.
2 Te oati! te korero teka! te kohuru! te tahae! te puremu! pakaru mai ana ratou; te toto, pa tonu ki te toto.
Curs, and leesyng, and manquelling, and thefte, and auowtrie flowiden, and blood touchide blood.
3 Mo reira te whenua ka pouri, ko ona tangata katoa ka tangi, me nga kirehe o te parae, me nga manu o te rangi; ka whakakorea ano nga ika o te moana.
For this thing the erthe schal mourne, and ech that dwellith in that lond, schal be sijk, in the beeste of the feeld, and in the brid of the eir; but also the fischis of the see schulen be gaderid togidere.
4 Kaua ia te tangata e whakawa, e whakahe i tetahi tangata: e rite ana hoki tou iwi ki te hunga e totohe ana ki te tohunga.
Netheles ech man deme not, and a man be not repreuyd; for thi puple is as thei that ayen seien the prest.
5 Na ka hinga koe i te awatea, me te poropiti, ka hinga ngatahi korua i te po; ka whakangaromia ano hoki e ahau tou whaea.
And thou schalt falle to dai, and the profete also schal falle with thee; in the niyt Y made thi modir to be stille.
6 Ka ngaro taku iwi i te kore matauranga: kua paopao na koe ki te matauranga, na ka paopao ano ahau ki a koe hei tohunga maku: kua wareware na koe ki te ture a tou Atua, ka wareware ano ahau ki au tamariki.
My puple was stille, for it hadde not kunnyng; for thou hast putte awei kunnyng, Y schal putte thee awei, that thou vse not presthod to me; and for thou hast foryete the lawe of thi God, also Y schal foryete thi sones.
7 I te mea ka nui ratou, katahi ratou ka hara ki ahau: whakaputaina ketia ana e ahau to ratou kororia hei whakama.
Bi the multitude of hem, so thei synneden ayens me. Y schal chaunge the glorie of hem in to schenschipe.
8 Ko te hara o taku iwi kainga ake e ratou, ko to ratou ngakau anga tonu ki to ratou he.
Thei schulen ete the synnes of my puple, and thei schulen reise the soulis of hem to the wickidnesse of hem.
9 Ko te tukunga iho, rite iwi, rite tohunga: a ka whiua ratou e ahau mo o ratou ara, ka utua a ratou mahi.
And it schal be, as the puple so the prest; and Y schal visite on hym the weies of hym, and Y schal yelde to him the thouytis of hym.
10 Ka kai hoki ratou, a e kore e makona: ka moepuku a e kore e tokomaha; mo ta ratou whakarere i nga mahara ki a Ihowa.
And thei schulen ete, and thei schulen not be fillid; thei diden fornicacioun, and ceessiden not, for thei forsoken the Lord in not kepynge.
11 Riro pu te hinengaro i te moepuku, i te waina, i te waina hou.
Fornycacioun, and wiyn, and drunkenesse doen awei the herte.
12 E ui tikanga ana taku iwi ki a ratou rakau, ko to ratou tokotoko ano hoki hei whakaatu tikanga ki a ratou: kua pohehe hoki ratou i te wairua o te moepuku, kua maunu atu i raro i to ratou Atua ki te puremu.
My puple axide in his tre, and the staf therof telde to it; for the spirit of fornicacioun disseyuede hem, and thei diden fornicacioun fro her God.
13 E patu ana ratou i nga patunga tapu i runga i nga tihi o nga maunga, e tahu whakakakara ana i runga i nga pukepuke, i raro i nga oki, i nga papara, i nga terepini, he pai hoki no te taumarumarunga iho: mo reira ka moepuku a koutou tamahine, ka p uremu a koutou wahine.
On the heedis of mounteyns thei maden sacrifice, and on the litil hillis thei brenten encense vndur an ook, and a popeler, and terebynte, for the schadewe therof was good. Therfor youre douytris schulen do fornicacioun, and youre wyues schulen be auoutressis.
14 E kore ahau e whiu i a koutou tamahine ina moepuku, i a koutou wahine ina puremu; ko nga tane nei hoki he mea wehe atu ki nga wahine moepuku, ko ratou tahi ko nga wahine kairau kei te mea patunga tapu: mo reira ka hinga te iwi kahore nei o ratou matauranga.
Y schal not visite on youre douytris, whanne thei don fornicacioun, and on youre wyues, whanne thei doon auowtrie; for thei lyuyden with hooris, and maden sacrifice with men turned in to wymmens condiciouns. And the puple that vndirstondith not, schal be betun.
15 Ahakoa koe, e Iharaira, kairau noa, kaua a Hura e he; a kaua hoki koutou e haere mai ki Kirikara, kaua hoki e haere ki runga ki Peteawene, a kaua e oati, Kei te ora a Ihowa.
If thou, Israel, doist fornicacioun, nameli Juda trespasse not; and nyle ye entre in to Galgala, and stie ye not in to Bethauen, nether swere ye, The Lord lyueth.
16 Kua whakangutungutu hoki a Iharaira, tona rite kei te kuao kau e whakatotoi ana: akuanei ratou whangaia ai e Ihowa, peratia ai me te reme i te wahi whanui.
For as a wielde cow Israel bowide awei; now the Lord schal fede hem as a lomb in broodnesse.
17 Kua honoa a Eparaima ki nga whakapakoko: tukua atu ki tana.
Effraym is the partener of idols, leeue thou him;
18 Ko te mea e inumia ana e ratou kua kawa; he moepuku tonu ta ratou; a he whakama ta o ratou rangatira e matenui ana.
the feeste of hem is departid. Bi fornicacioun thei diden fornicacioun, the defenders therof louyden to brynge schenschipe.
19 Kua oti ia te kopaki e te hau ki roto ki ona parirau; ka whakama hoki ratou ki a ratou patunga tapu.
The spirit boond hym in hise wyngis, and thei schulen be schent of her sacrifices.

< Hohea 4 >