< 1 Hamuera 21 >

1 Katahi ka tae a Rawiri ki Nopo ki te tohunga ki a Ahimereke. A wiri ana a Ahimereke i te tutakitanga ki a Rawiri, a ka mea ki a ia, He aha koe i haere mai ai, tou kotahi, kahore na hoki ou hoa?
Forsothe Dauid cam in to Nobe to Achimelech preest; and Achymelech wondrid, for Dauid `hadde come; and he seide to Dauid, Whi art thou aloone, and no man is with thee?
2 Na ka mea a Rawiri ki te tohunga, ki a Ahimereke, He mea i whakahaua ai ahau e te kingi; i mea mai hoki ia ki ahau, Kei mohiotia e tetahi he kupu o te take ka tonoa atu nei koe e ahau, i whakahaua atu nei koe e ahau. Na, ko nga tangata, kei te wa hi i kiia e ahau mo ratou.
And Dauid seide to Achymelech preest, The kyng comaundide to me a word, and seide, No man wite the thing, for which thou art sent fro me, and what maner comaundementis Y yaf to thee; for Y seide also to children, that thei schulden go in to that `and that place;
3 Na, he aha kei raro i tou ringa? homai etahi taro ki toku ringa, kia rima: etahi atu mea ranei kei konei.
now therfor if thou hast ony thing at hond, ether fyue looues, yyue thou to me, ether what euer thing thou fyndist.
4 Na ka utu te tohunga ki a Rawiri, ka mea, Kahore he taro noa i toku ringa: engari tenei te taro tapu; ki te mea raia kahore i tata nga tangata ki te wahine.
And the preest answeride to Dauid, and seide to hym, Y haue `not lewid, `that is, comyn, looues at hoond, but oneli hooli breed; whether the children ben clene, and moost of wymmen?
5 Na ka whakahoki a Rawiri ki te tohunga, ka mea ki a ia, He pono kihai tetahi wahine i tukua kia tata ki a matou i enei ra e toru; noku i haere mai nei e tapu ana ano nga mea o nga tamariki, ahakoa ra he haere noa tenei; tera noa atu ia te tapu in aianei o o ratou mea.
And Dauid answeride to the preest, and seide to hym, And sotheli if it is doon of wymmen, we absteyneden vs fro yistirdai and the thridde dai ago, whanne we yeden out, and the `vessels, that is, bodies, of the children weren cleene; forsothe this weie is defoulyd, but also that schal be halewid to dai in the vessels.
6 Na ka hoatu te mea tapu e te tohunga ki a ia: kahore hoki o reira taro, heoi ano ko te taro aroaro i tangohia nei i te aroaro o Ihowa, kia whakatakotoria ai he taro mahana i te ra i tangohia ai.
Therfor the preest yaf to hym halewid breed, for noon other breed was there, no but oneli looues of settyng forth, that weren takun awey fro the face of the Lord, that hoote looues schulen be set.
7 Na, i reira tetahi o nga tangata a Haora i taua ra, e whakawarea ana ki te aroaro o Ihowa, ko tona ingoa ko Roeke Eromi, ko te mea tino nui o nga kaitiaki hipi a Haora.
Forsothe sum man of the seruauntis of Saul was there with ynne in the tabernacle of the Lord; and his name was Doech of Ydumee, the myytiest of the scheepherdis, `that is, iugis, of Saul.
8 Na ka mea a Rawiri ki a Ahimereke, Kahore ianei i konei i raro i tou ringa tetahi tao, hoari ranei: kihai hoki i maua mai e ahau taku hoari me aku patu, he mea whakapotatutatu hoki te take a te kingi.
Forsothe Dauid seide to Achymelech, If thou hast `here at hond spere, ether swerd, yyue to me; for Y took not with me my swerd and myn armeris; for the `word of the kyng constreynede me.
9 Ano ra ko te tohunga, Ko te hoari a Koriata, a te Pirihitini, i patua na e koe ki te raorao o Eraha; nana, koia tenei he mea takai ki te kakahu i muri o te epora. Ki te tangohia tena e koe mau, tangohia; kahore atu hoki, ko tena anake. Na ka mea a Rawiri, Kahore ona rite, homai ki ahau.
And the preest seide, Lo! here the swerd of Goliath Filistei, whom thou killidst in the valey of Terebynte, is wlappid in a cloth aftir ephoth; if thou wolt take this, take thou; for here is noon other outakun that. And Dauid seide, Noon other is lijk this, yyue thou it to me.
10 Katahi a Rawiri ka whakatika, a rere ana i taua ra ano i te wehi i a Haora, a tae tonu atu ki a Akihi kingi o Kata.
Therfor Dauid roos, `and fledde in that dai fro the face of Saul, and cam to Achis, the kyng of Geth.
11 Na ka mea nga tangata a Akihi ki a ia, Ehara ianei tenei i a Rawiri, i te kingi o te whenua? kihai ianei ratou i waiata mona, tetahi ki tetahi i roto i nga kanikani, i mea, Na Haora ana mano i patu, na Rawiri ko ana tekau mano?
And the seruauntis of Achis seiden to hym, whanne thei hadden seyn Dauid, Whether this is not Dauid, kyng of the lond? Whether thei sungen not to hym bi queeris, and seiden, Saul smoot a thousynde, and Dauid smoot ten thousynde?
12 Na mau tonu iho enei kupu i te ngakau o Rawiri, a nui atu tona wehi i a Akihi kingi a Kata.
Sotheli Dauid puttide these wordis `in his herte, and he dredde greetli of the face of Achis, kyng of Geth.
13 Na ka whakaahua ke ia ki to ratou aroaro, a ka whakahaurangi i a ia i roto i a ratou; ka haehae hoki i nga tatau o te kuwaha, a ka tuku i tona huhare kia tarere iho ki tona kimikumi.
And Dauid chaungide his mouth bifor Achis, and felde doun bitwixe her hondis, and he hurtlide ayens the doris of the yate, and his drauelis, `that is, spotelis, flowiden doun in to the beerd.
14 Katahi a Akihi ka mea ki ana tangata, Nana, kua kite koutou i te tangata nei e haurangi ana; he aha i kawea mai ai ki ahau?
And Achis seide to hise seruauntis, Seen ye the wood man? why brouyten ye hym to me?
15 He onge no aku tangata haurangi i kawea mai ai tenei e koutou hei mahi i nga mahi a te haurangi ki ahau? me uru mai koia tenei tahake ki toku whare?
whether wood men failen to vs? whi han ye brouyt in hym, that he schulde be wood, while Y am present? Delyuere ye hym fro hennus, lest he entre in to myn hows.

< 1 Hamuera 21 >