< 1 Hamuera 11 >

1 Na ka haere mai a Nahaha Amoni ki te whakapae i Iapehe Kireara. A ka mea nga tangata katoa o Iapehe ki a Nahaha, Whakaritea mai he kawenata ki a matou, a ka mahi matou ki a koe.
And it was don as aftir a monethe, Naas of Amon stiede, and bigan to fiyte ayens Jabes of Galaad. And alle the men of Jabes seiden to Naas, Haue thou vs boundun in pees, and we schulen serue thee.
2 Na ka mea a Nahaha Amoni ki a ratou, Ko te mea tenei e whakarite kawenata ai ahau ki a koutou, kia pokaia o koutou kanohi matau katoa; a ka waiho e ahau hei tawai mo Iharaira katoa.
And Naas of Amon answeride to hem, In this Y schal smyte boond of pees with you, that Y putte out the riyt iyen of alle you, and that Y sette you schenschip in al Israel.
3 Ano ra ko nga kaumatua o Iapehe ki a ia, Tukua mai koa ki a matou kia whitu nga ra, kia tono tangata ai matou puta noa i nga rohe o Iharaira; a, ki te kahore he kaiwhakaora mo matou, na ka puta atu matou ki a koe.
And the eldere men of Jabes seiden to him, Graunte thou to vs seuene daies, that we senden messangeris to alle the termes of Israel; and if noon be that defende vs, we schulen go out to thee.
4 Katahi ka haere nga karere ki Kipea o Haora, a korerotia ana enei kupu ki nga taringa o te iwi: na nui atu te reo o te iwi katoa ki te tangi.
Therfor messangeris camen in to Gabaad of Saul, and spaken these wordis, `while the puple herde; and al the puple reiside her vois, and wepte.
5 Na e haere mai ana tera a Haora i te mara, i muri i nga kau; na ka mea a Haora, Na te aha te iwi i tangi ai? Na ka korerotia ki a ia nga korero a nga tangata o Iapehe.
And lo! Saul cam, `and suede oxis fro the feeld; and he seide, What hath the puple, for it wepith? And thei telden to hym the wordis of men of Jabes.
6 I te rongonga o Haora i enei korero, na ko te tino putanga o te wairua o te Atua ki runga ki a ia, a mura whakarere tona riri ki taua rongo.
And the Spirit of the Lord skippide in to Saul, whanne he hadde herd these wordis, and his woodnesse was `wrooth greetli.
7 Na ka mau ia ki etahi kau e rua, tapatapahia ana e ia; tukua ana ki nga rohe katoa o Iharaira, he mea kawe na nga karere, a ka mea, Ki te kahore tetahi e puta mai ki te aru i a Haora, ki te aru hoki i a Hamuera, ka peneitia ana kau. Na ka tau te wehi o Ihowa ki runga ki te iwi, a ka puta ratou ano he tangata kotahi.
And he took euer either oxe, and kittide in to gobetis, and sente in to alle the termes of Israel, bi the hondis of messangeris; and seide, Who euer goith not out, and sueth not Saul and Samuel, so it schal be don to hise oxun. Therfor the drede of the Lord asailide the puple, and thei yeden out as o man.
8 Na ka taua ratou e ia ki Pehek; e toru rau mano nga tama a Iharaira, e toru tekau hoki mano nga tangata o Hura.
And he noumbride hem in Besech; and thre hundrid thousynd weren of the sones of Israel; forsothe of the men of Juda weren thretti thousynde.
9 Na ka mea ratou ki nga karere i haere mai ra, Kia penei ta koutou ki atu ki nga tangata o Iapehe Kireara, Apopo, kia mahana te ra, ka puta he whakaoranga mo koutou. Na haere ana aua karere, a korerotia ana ki nga tangata o Iapehe; a koa ana ratou.
And thei seiden to the messangeris that camen, Thus ye schulen seie to the men that ben in Jabes of Galaad, To morew schal be helthe to you, whanne the sunne is hoot. Therfor the messangeris camen, and telden to the men of Jabes; whiche weren glad,
10 Na reira ka mea nga tangata o Iapehe, Apopo ka puta atu matou ki a koutou, a ma koutou e mea ki a matou nga mea e pai ana ki to koutou whakaaro.
and seiden, Eerli we schulen go out to you, and ye schulen do to vs al that plesith you.
11 Heoi i te aonga ake ka wehea e Haora te iwi kia toru nga ngohi. Na haere ana ratou ki waenganui o te puni i te whakaaraara o te ata, patua iho nga Amoni a mahana noa te ra; a, ko nga toenga, i marara noa atu, a kihai hoki i waiho kia tokorua o r atou e haere tahi ana.
And it was don, whanne the morewe dai cam, Saul ordeynede the puple in to thre partis; and he entride in to the myddil tentis `in the wakyng of the morewtid, and he smoot Amon til the dai `was hoot; `forsothe the residues weren scaterid, so that tweyne togidere weren not left in hem.
12 Na ka mea te iwi ki a Hamuera, Ko wai tenei i mea nei, Hei kingi koia a Haora mo tatou? Homai aua tangata kia whakamatea e matou.
And the puple seide to Samuel, Who is this, that seide, Saul schal not regne on vs? Yyue ye the men, and we schulen sle hem.
13 Ano ra ko Haora, E kore tetahi e whakamatea aianei; ko te ra hoki tenei i puta ai ta Ihowa whakaora mo Iharaira.
And Saul seide, No man schal be slayn in this dai, for to dai the Lord made helthe in Israel.
14 Katahi ka mea a Hamuera ki te iwi, Haere mai, tatou ka haere ki Kirikara, ki reira whakahou ai i te kingitanga.
Forsothe Samuel seide to the puple, Come ye, and go we in to Galgala, and renule we there the rewme.
15 Na haere ana te iwi katoa ki Kirikara, a whakakingitia ana a Haora ki reira ki te aroaro o Ihowa ki Kirikara. Na patua ana e ratou ki reira he patunga mo te pai ki te aroaro o Ihowa; a nui atu te koa o Haora, ratou ko nga tangata katoa o Iharair a i reira.
And al the puple yede in to Galgala, and there thei maden Saul kyng bifor the Lord `in Galgala; and thei offriden pesible sacrifices bifor the Lord. And Saul was glad there, and alle the men of Israel greetli.

< 1 Hamuera 11 >