< Salamo 31 >

1 Ama’o ao, ry Iehovà, ty fitsolohako; ko apoho ho salaren-ka, hahao amo havantaña’oo.
In you, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in your righteousness.
2 Atokilaño amako ty ravembia’o, imbao masìka, t’ie ho lamilamy fipalirako, kijolim-pandrombahañe ahy.
Bow down your ear to me; deliver me speedily: be you my strong rock, for an house of defence to save me.
3 Toe Ihe ro ­lamilamiko naho kijoliko; i Tahina’oy ro hanehake naho hiaolo ahy.
For you are my rock and my fortress; therefore for your name's sake lead me, and guide me.
4 Akaro amy harato naeta’iareo amakoy, amy te Ihe ro fitsolohako.
Pull me out of the net that they have laid privately for me: for you are my strength.
5 Am-pità’o ao ro anolorako troke, fa nijebañe ahy irehe ry Iehovà, Andrianañaharen-kavantañañe.
Into your hand I commit my spirit: you have redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.
6 Hejeko o mpañaoñe ty hakoafan-dRemborakeo; Iehovà ro iatoako.
I have hated them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in the LORD.
7 Hifale naho hirebeke amo fiferenaiña’oo iraho, fa nihaoñe’o o hasotriakoo; naho niarofoana’o ty haferenaiñako,
I will be glad and rejoice in your mercy: for you have considered my trouble; you have known my soul in adversities;
8 tsy napo’o an-tañan-drafelahiko ao; fa navotra’o an-tane mangadagadañe eo o tombokoo.
And have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy: you have set my feet in a large room.
9 Tretrezo ry Iehovà, fa tokoen-draha; nabotsem-pihontoke o masokoo, eka, ty fiaiko naho ty sandriko.
Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly.
10 Fa nirì-ty hontoke ty fiaiko, naho ty fiselekaiñañe o taokoo, milesa ty haozarako ty amo tahikoo, vaho minike o taolakoo.
For my life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing: my strength fails because of mine iniquity, and my bones are consumed.
11 Toe finjèn-draho ty amo rafelahikoo, mentsake o mpiharo-tanàñ’ amakoo, fañembañañe o rañekoo, mibotitsik’ amako ze mahaoniñ’ahy an-dalañe ey.
I was a reproach among all mine enemies, but especially among my neighbours, and a fear to mine acquaintance: they that did see me without fled from me.
12 Haliño hoe lolo iraho, tsy amam-betsevetse; manahake ty karabiba.
I am forgotten as a dead man out of mind: I am like a broken vessel.
13 Tsinanoko ty bisibisi’ i màroy, harevendreveñañe mb’etia mb’atia, mikinia ahy, ikililia’e ty hañè-doza amako.
For I have heard the slander of many: fear was on every side: while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life.
14 Fe izaho, Ihe ro fiatoako ry Iehovà hoe iraho: Ihe ro Andrianañahareko.
But I trusted in you, O LORD: I said, You are my God.
15 Am-pità’o o androkoo; avotsoro an-taña’ o rafelahikoo, naho amo mpanao samporerakeo.
My times are in your hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.
16 Ampaviaho amy mpitoro’oy ty lahara’o; hahao amo fiferenaiña’oo.
Make your face to shine upon your servant: save me for your mercies' sake.
17 Ko apo’o ho salaren-draho ry Iehovà, fa mikanjy Azo, fe meñaro o lo tserekeo, ampitsiño an-tsikeokeok’ ao. (Sheol h7585)
Let me not be ashamed, O LORD; for I have called upon you: let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave. (Sheol h7585)
18 Hampianjiñeñe o famelen-dremborake manotratsotrake o vantañeo ie mirengevoke naho mañinje.
Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.
19 Akore ty harà’ elahin-kasoa’o nahaja’o ho amo mañeveñ’ama’oo, ie nitsene’o ho amo mpitsolok’ ama’o añatrefam-pihaino’ o ana’ondatio!
Oh how great is your goodness, which you have laid up for them that fear you; which you have wrought for them that trust in you before the sons of men!
20 Akafi’o am-pipalirañe añatrefa’o iereo, ami’ty fikililia’ ondatio; ampitsolohe’o an-kivoho ao tsy ho vorehe’ o famelekeo.
You shall hide them in the secret of your presence from the pride of man: you shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.
21 Andriañeñe t’Iehovà, fa nilosore’e amako ty fiferenaiña’e, an-drova niarikatoheñe.
Blessed be the LORD: for he has showed me his marvellous kindness in a strong city.
22 Aa naho izaho, hoe iraho te niendrake: ho naitoañe aolom-pihaino’o eo. fe jinanji’o ty fivolan-kalaliko, te nikaiheko.
For I said in my haste, I am cut off from before your eyes: nevertheless you heard the voice of my supplications when I cried unto you.
23 Kokò t’Iehovà ry noro’e iabio, arova’ Iehovà o migahiñeo, vaho avarigidi’e amo mpievoñevoñeo ty avake.
O love the LORD, all you his saints: for the LORD perserves the faithful, and plentifully rewards the proud doer.
24 Mihaozara naho mihafatrara arofo ry hene mpitamà Iehovà.
Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all you that hope in the LORD.

< Salamo 31 >