< Salamo 116 >

1 Kokoako t’Iehovà amy te janji’e ty feoko naho o halalikoo,
Alleluia. I am well pleased, because the Lord will listen to the voice of my supplication.
2 Amy te nanokilaña’e ravembia, le ho tokaveko Amy ze hene androko.
Because he has inclined his ear to me, therefore will I call upon him while I live.
3 Nivandire’ o talin-kavilasio iraho, nazi’ i tsikeokeokey; nizò fikoretañe naho anahelo. (Sheol h7585)
The pangs of death compassed me; the dangers of hell found me: I found affliction and sorrow. (Sheol h7585)
4 Le nikanjieko ty tahina’ Iehovà: Ehe, r’Iehovà, hahao ty fiaiko!
Then I called on the name of the Lord: O Lord, deliver my soul.
5 Matarike t’Iehovà naho mahity; Eka, mpitretrè t’i Andrianañaharentika.
The Lord is merciful and righteous; yes, our God has pity.
6 Arova’ Iehovà o trentrañeo, nizo havoretra iraho fe rinomba’e.
The Lord preserves the simple: I was brought low, and he delivered me.
7 Mimpolia mb’am-pitofà’o ao ry fiaiko, fa nampiraorao azo t’Iehovà.
Return to your rest, O my soul; for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.
8 Fa navotso’o an-kavetrahañe ty fiaiko, tsy ho foy rano o masokoo, tsy hitsikapy o tombokoo,
For he has delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.
9 t’ie hitsontik’ añatrefa’ Iehovà, an-tanen-kaveloñe ao.
I shall be well-pleasing before the Lord in the land of the living.
10 Nahatoky avao ndra te nataoko ty hoe: Mafe ty fisotriako.
Alleluia. I believed, therefore I have spoken: but I was greatly afflicted.
11 Hoe iraho te nianifañe: Fonga Remborake ondatio.
And I said in mine amazement, Every man is a liar.
12 Akore ty hañavahako am’ Iehovà? ami’ty habein-kasoa’e amako?
What shall I render to the Lord for all the things wherein he has rewarded me?
13 Ho zonjoñeko ty fitovim-pandrombahañe vaho hikanjy ty tahina’ Iehovà.
I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.
14 Havahako o nifantàko am’ Iehovào, añatrefa’ ondati’e iabio.
I will pay my vows to the Lord, in the presence of all his people.
15 Sarotse am-pihaino’ Iehovà ty havilasi’ o noro’eo.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
16 Ry Iehovà, toe mpitoro’o iraho, fetrek’oro’o, ty anan’ anak’ampata’o; fa nabala’o o rohikoo.
O Lord, I am your servant; I am your servant, and the son of your handmaid: you have burst by bonds asunder.
17 Hengaeko sorom-pañandriañañe, vaho ho kanjieko ty tahina’ Iehovà.
I will offer to you the sacrifice of praise, and will call upon the name of the Lord.
18 Hondrohako am’ Iehovà o nifantàkoo, Eka, añatrefa’ ondati’e iabio.
I will pay my vows to the Lord, in the presence of all his people,
19 An-kiririsan’anjomba’ Iehovà eo, añivo’o ao, ry Ierosalaime. Treño t’Ià!
in the courts of the Lord's house, in the midst of you, Jerusalem.

< Salamo 116 >