< Nehemia 9 >

1 Ie amy andro faha-roapolo-efats’ ambi’ i volañeiy le nivory vaho nililitse o ana’ Israeleo, nisaron-gony naho tane.
Now in the twenty and fourth day of this month the children of Israel were assembled with fasting, and with sack clothes, and earth upon them.
2 Le nifañambak’ amy ze hene ambahiny o tiri’ Israeleo vaho nijohañe eo nisoloho o hakeo’eo naho o tahin-droae’eo.
And the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers, and stood and confessed their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers.
3 Le nijohañe an-toe’ iareo eo namaky amy boke Hà’ Iehovà Andria­nañahare’ iareo ami’ty fah’efa’ i àndroy; naho ami’ty fah’efa’e ka, nisoloho vaho nibabok’ añatrefa’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’ iareo.
And they stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of the LORD their God one fourth part of the day; and another fourth part they confessed, and worshipped the LORD their God.
4 Niongak’ ambone’ i fanongañey amy zao o nte-Levio, Iesòa naho i Baný, i Kadmiele, i Sebanià, i Baný, i Serebià vaho i Kenaný, le nampipoña-piarañanañañe am’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’ iareo.
Then stood up upon the stairs, of the Levites, Jeshua, and Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Chenani, and cried with a loud voice unto the LORD their God.
5 Le hoe i nte-Levy rey, Iesoa, i Kadmiele, i Baný, i Kasabneià, i Serebià, i Hodià, i Sebanià vaho i Petakià: Miongaha le andriaño t’Iehovà Andria­nañahare’ areo nainai’e teo, nainai’e eo vaho ano ty hoe: Andriañeñe ty tahina’o lifots’ engeñe, onjoneñe ambone’ ze atao fañandriañañe naho fandrengeañe.
Then the Levites, Jeshua, and Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodijah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah, said, Stand up and bless the LORD your God for ever and ever: and blessed be your glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise.
6 Ihe ro Iehovà, Ihe avao; Ihe ty namboatse o likerañeo, o andindin-dikerañeo naho o valobohò’ iareo iabio, ty tane toy naho ze he’e ama’e ao, o riakeo naho ze hene ama’e ao, Ihe ty mameloñe iereo; vaho miambane ama’o i fifamorohotan-dikerañey.
You, even you, are LORD alone; you have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and you preserve them all; and the host of heaven worships you.
7 Ihe ro Iehovà Andrianañahare nijoboñe i Avrahame, ninday aze hienga i Ore’ o nte-Kasdio naho tinolo’o tahinañe ty hoe Avrahame;
You are the LORD the God, who did choose Abram, and brought him forth out of Ur of the Chaldees, and gave him the name of Abraham;
8 Ihe nahavazoho te nigahiñe añ’atrefa’o ty arofo’e le nifañina ama’e hanolorañe aze ty tane’ o nte-Kaànaneo, o nte-Kiteo, o nte-Amoreo naho o nte-Perizeo naho o nte-Ieboseo naho o nte-Girgaseo, hanolora’o aze amo tiri’eo vaho nihenefe’o ami’ty havantaña’o o tsara’oo;
And found his heart faithful before you, and made a covenant with him to give the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Jebusites, and the Girgashites, to give it, I say, to his seed, and have performed your words; for you are righteous:
9 le nivazoho’o ty fisotrian-droae’ay e Mitsraime ao naho jinanji’o ty fitoreova’ iareo añ’olo’ i Riake Menay;
And did see the affliction of our fathers in Egypt, and heard their cry by the Red sea;
10 naho tinolo’o viloñe naho raha tsi-tantane t’i Parò naho o mpitoro’e iabio naho ze hene ondati’ i tane’ey; amy te niarofoana’o t’ie nisenge hery; vaho nahazoa’o Tahinañe manahake androany.
And showed signs and wonders upon Pharaoh, and on all his servants, and on all the people of his land: for you knew that they dealt proudly against them. So did you get you a name, as it is this day.
11 Vinaki’o añatrefa’ iareo i riakey, hitsaha’ iareo añivo’ i riakey an-tane maike; vaho nafetsa’o an-dalek’ ao o nañoridañe iareoo, nanahake t’ie vato an-drano mitabohazake.
And you did divide the sea before them, so that they went through the midst of the sea on the dry land; and their persecutors you threw into the deeps, as a stone into the mighty waters.
12 Mbore an-drahoñe mijoalajoala ty niaoloa’o iareo handro; naho añ’ afo nisotratràke te haleñe, nañazavà’o ho a iareo ty lalañe homba’ iareo.
Moreover you led them in the day by a cloudy pillar; and in the night by a pillar of fire, to give them light in the way wherein they should go.
13 Nizotso am-bohi-Sinay eo irehe, ni­tsara am’ iereo boak’ andikerañ’ añe, nanolotse lily to naho i Hake vantañey vaho fepètse naho fañè soa;
You came down also upon mount Sinai, and spoke with them from heaven, and gave them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes and commandments:
14 naho nampahafohina’o i Sabata’o masiñey naho linili’o fepètse naho fañè vaho i Hake am-pità’ i Mosè mpitoro’oy;
And made known unto them your holy sabbath, and commandedst them precepts, statutes, and laws, by the hand of Moses your servant:
15 naho nitolora’o mofon-dikerañe ho ami’ty hasalikoa’ iareo naho nampiboaha’o rano boak’ ami’ ty vato ho ami’ty hataliñiera’ iareo vaho nililie’o t’ie himoake amy taney, hitavane i nampionjona’o fitañe hanolora’o iareoy.
And gave them bread from heaven for their hunger, and brought forth water for them out of the rock for their thirst, and promised them that they should go in to possess the land which you had sworn to give them.
16 Fe nirengevoke, ie naho o roae’aio, nanjì-kàtoke, tsy nañaoñe o lili’oo,
But they and our fathers dealt proudly, and hardened their necks, and hearkened not to your commandments,
17 le nifoneña’ iareo ty tsy hijanjiñe, le tsy nitiahi’ iareo o raha tsitantane nanoe’o añivo’ iareoo; te mone nizinjin-kàtoke, le ami’ty fiolà’ iareo ty nanendreañe mpiaolo hampipoly iareo am-pandrohizañe añe; fe Andrianañahare Mpañaha irehe, matarike, atsa-tretrè, malaon-kaviñerañe, lifo-kafatraram-pikokoañe vaho tsy naforintse’o.
And refused to obey, neither were mindful of your wonders that you did among them; but hardened their necks, and in their rebellion appointed a captain to return to their bondage: but you are a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and forsook them not.
18 Eka, toe namboatse bania trinanake iereo ami’ty hoe: Intoy ty ndrahare’ areo nañavotse anahareo an-tane Mitsraime, le nanao haloloam-bey;
Yea, when they had made them a molten calf, and said, This is your God that brought you up out of Egypt, and had wrought great provocations;
19 f’Ihe am-pikokoa’o migahiñe, tsy nifary iareo am-patrambey añe; tsy nienga iareo handro i rahoñe nijoalay mpiaolo amy lalañey, ndra i afo nisotra­tràke haleñey, hañazava ty lalañe hombà’ iareo.
Yet you in your manifold mercies forsook them not in the wilderness: the pillar of the cloud departed not from them by day, to lead them in the way; neither the pillar of fire by night, to show them light, and the way wherein they should go.
20 Natolo’o i Arofo’o soay hañoke naho tsy nitana’o tsy ho am-palie’ iareo i maney vaho nanjotsoa’o rano ami’ty harandranoañe.
You gave also your good spirit to instruct them, and withheld not your manna from their mouth, and gave them water for their thirst.
21 Eka, efa­polo taoñe ty nanohaña’o iareo am-patrambey añe; le tsy eo ty nipaia’ iareo; tsy nikomavo o siki’eo, tsy nienatse o fandia’eo.
Yea, forty years did you sustain them in the wilderness, so that they lacked nothing; their clothes waxed not old, and their feet swelled not.
22 Mbore tinolo’o fifeheañe naho borizañe, le zinara’o toetse naho tane, handrambesa’ iareo ty tane’ i Sikhone naho ty tanem-panjàka’ i Hesbone naho ty tane’ i Oge mpanjaka’ i Basane.
Moreover you gave them kingdoms and nations, and did divide them into corners: so they possessed the land of Sihon, and the land of the king of Heshbon, and the land of Og king of Bashan.
23 Nampangetseketsehe’o ho mira amo vasian-dikerañeo o ana’ iareoo, le nampihovae’o amy tane nafanto’o aman-droae’ iareo hizilik’ ao hitavañe azey.
Their children also multiplied you as the stars of heaven, and brought them into the land, concerning which you had promised to their fathers, that they should go in to possess it.
24 Aa le nimoak’ ao i anake rey nitavañe i taney, le nampiambanea’o añatrefa’ iareo o mpimone’ i taneio, o nte-Kaananeo vaho natolo’o am-pità’ iareo rekets’ o mpanjaka’eo naho ondati’ i taneio, hanoañe ze satri’ iareo.
So the children went in and possessed the land, and you subdued before them the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, and gave them into their hands, with their kings, and the people of the land, that they might do with them as they would.
25 Ie nandrambe rova fatratse naho tane kobokara naho nitavañ’ anjomba lifo-draha soa, kadaha hinaly, tanem-bahe naho golobon’ olive naho hatae maro fihinam-boa, le nikama naho nianjañe naho nahazo sandriñe vaho nierañerañe amy hasoa’o ra’elahiy.
And they took strong cities, and a fat land, and possessed houses full of all goods, wells dug, vineyards, and olive yards, and fruit trees in abundance: so they did eat, and were filled, and became fat, and delighted themselves in your great goodness.
26 F’ie nanjehatse, niola ama’o, le nitsambolitio’ iareo i Ha’oy naho nanjamañe o mpitoki’o nañatahata iareo himpoly ama’oo vaho nitolon-kate­rateràñe jabajaba.
Nevertheless they were disobedient, and rebelled against you, and cast your law behind their backs, and slew your prophets which testified against them to turn them to you, and they wrought great provocations.
27 Aa le natolo’o am-pità’ o rafelahi’ iareoo; le nampalovilovieñe; vaho nitoreo ama’o iereo an-tsam-pèh’ohatse. Nijanjiñe andindiñe añe irehe naho nitolora’o mpandrombake ami’ty fiferenaiña’o, le navotso’o am-pitan-drafelahy.
Therefore you delivered them into the hand of their enemies, who vexed them: and in the time of their trouble, when they cried unto you, you heard them from heaven; and according to your manifold mercies you gave them saviours, who saved them out of the hand of their enemies.
28 F’ie nitofa ro mbe nanao haloloañe añatrefa’o avao; aa le napo’o am-pitàn-drafelahi’ iareo, hifeleha’e; fe naho nitolike iereo naho nitoreo ama’o le nainai’e nahajanjiñe an-dike­rañe añe vaho nandrombake ty amy fiferenaiña’oy;
But after they had rest, they did evil again before you: therefore left you them in the land of their enemies, so that they had the dominion over them: yet when they returned, and cried unto you, you heard them from heaven; and many times did you deliver them according to your mercies;
29 mbore hinatahata’o, hampitoliha’o mb’an-Kàke, f’ie nibohaboha tsy nañaoñe o lili’oo naho nandilatse amo fañè’oo, o mahaveloñe ondaty t’ie ambenañeo, fe nanolotse soroke manjehatse naho nampigàn-katoke vaho tsy nañaoñe.
And testified against them, that you might bring them again unto your law: yet they dealt proudly, and hearkened not unto your commandments, but sinned against your judgments, (which if a man do, he shall live in them; ) and withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.
30 Taoñ’ an-taoñe ty nifeaha’o iareo naho hinatahata’o amañ’ Arofo’o añamo mpitoki’oo; f’ie tsy nanolo-dravembia vaho natolo’e am-pita’ o kilakila’ ondati’ i taneio.
Yet many years did you forbear them, and testified against them by your spirit in your prophets: yet would they not give ear: therefore gave you them into the hand of the people of the lands.
31 Fe ami’ty habeim-piferenaiña’o, tsy nimongore’o, tsy hene naforintseñe; ihe Andria­nañahare matarike, lifo-pitretrezañe.
Nevertheless for your great mercies' sake you did not utterly consume them, nor forsake them; for you are a gracious and merciful God.
32 Ie amy zao ry Andrianañahare’ay, ry Jabahinake, Maozatse, toe Andrianañahare mampañeveñe, Mpitàm-pañina naho fiferenaiñañe, ko enga’o ho kedekedek’ ama’o o faloviloviañe nifetsak’ ama’ay naho amo mpanjaka’aio naho amo roandria’aio naho amo mpisoro’aio naho amo mpitoki’aio naho aman-droae’aio naho am’ ondati’o iabio, sikal’ añ’andro’ o mpanjaka’ i Asoreo pak’ androanio.
Now therefore, our God, the great, the mighty, and the terrible God, who keep covenant and mercy, let not all the trouble seem little before you, that has come upon us, on our kings, on our princes, and on our priests, and on our prophets, and on our fathers, and on all your people, since the time of the kings of Assyria unto this day.
33 Toe vantan-dRehe amy ze he’e nifetsak’ ama’ay; nanao an-kavañonan-dRehe, zahay ka an-karatiañe;
Nevertheless you are just in all that is brought upon us; for you have done right, but we have done wickedly:
34 mbore tsy nitana’ o mpanjaka’aio, o roandria’aio, o mpisoro’aio vaho o roae’ aio i Tsara’oy; tsy hinao’ iareo o fepè’oo naho o taro’o nitaroña’o.
Neither have our kings, our princes, our priests, nor our fathers, kept your law, nor hearkened unto your commandments and your testimonies, wherewith you did testify against them.
35 F’ie tsy nitoroñ’ Azo amy fifehea’ iareoy naho amy hasoa ra’elahy natolo’oy naho i tane bey henehene naho kobokara nitolora’o añatrefa’ iareoo mbore tsy nifotetse amo halò-tsere’eo.
For they have not served you in their kingdom, and in your great goodness that you gave them, and in the large and fat land which you gave before them, neither turned they from their wicked works.
36 Oniño te ondevo zahay androany, le ty amy tane natolo’o aman-droae’ay hikamà’ iareo o voka’eo amo hasoa’eo, ingo, ondevo ama’e ao zahay,
Behold, we are servants this day, and for the land that you gave unto our fathers to eat the fruit thereof and the good thereof, behold, we are servants in it:
37 vaho miveve amo mpanjaka nampijadoña’o ama’ay ty amo hakeo’aio i voka’e nibodobodoy; mbore ananaña’e lily o sandri’aio, o añombe’aio, ze satrin’ arofo’e; toe malovilovy zahay.
And it yields much increase unto the kings whom you have set over us because of our sins: also they have dominion over our bodies, and over our cattle, at their pleasure, and we are in great distress.
38 Aa ty amy tsaraeñe rezay, le nampijadoñe fañina zahay naho vinoli-fitombo’ o roandria’aio naho o nte-Levi’aio vaho o mpisoro’aio.
And because of all this we make a sure covenant, and write it; and our princes, Levites, and priests, seal unto it.

< Nehemia 9 >