< Ezekiela 3 >

1 Le hoe re tamako, O ana’ ondatio, kamao o zoe’oo, kamao ty boke peleke toy, vaho akia misaontsia añ’anjomba Israele.
Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, eat that you find; eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel.
2 Aa le sinokako ty vavako vaho nafantso’e ahy i pelekey.
So I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that roll.
3 Le hoe re amako, O ana’ ondatio, ampihinano ty sarotro’o, vaho atsafo an-tsarotro’o ao ty peleke atoloko azo toy. Aa le nihaneko; vaho nimamy hoe tantele am-bavako ao.
And he said unto me, Son of man, cause your belly to eat, and fill your bowels with this roll that I give you. Then did I eat it; and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness.
4 Le hoe re amako, O ana’ ondatio, akia mimoaha añ’ anjomba’ Israele ao vaho isaontsio o fivolakoo.
And he said unto me, Son of man, go, get you unto the house of Israel, and speak with my words unto them.
5 Tsy nahitrike am’ ondaty lale-drehake ndra saro-pisaontsio irehe, fa mb’amy anjomba’ Israeley;
For you are not sent to a people of a strange speech and of an hard language, but to the house of Israel;
6 tsy amo kilakila’ ondaty aman-dañonañe miheotseo, ndra amam-pivola-aliheñe tsy haharendreha’o ty saontsi’e. Aa naho nampihitrifeko amy zay, toe ho nañaoñe azo iereo.
Not to many people of a strange speech and of an hard language, whose words you can not understand. Surely, had I sent you to them, they would have hearkened unto you.
7 Fe tsy te hijanjiñ’ azo i anjomba’ Israeley; amy t’ie tsy te hijanjiñ’ ahy; songa mamporohotse naho gan-troke ty anjomba’ Israele.
But the house of Israel will not hearken unto you; for they will not hearken unto me: for all the house of Israel are shameless and hardhearted.
8 Ingo te nampion­tsoñontsoñeko ty lahara’o hatreatrè’o ty lahara’ iareo, naho nanoeko gañe ty fatram-bei’o hiatreatrea’e ty panda’ iareo.
Behold, I have made your face strong against their faces, and your forehead strong against their foreheads.
9 Mira ami’ty hamafen-tsafira te amo vato-pilakeo ty nanoeko ty fatram-bei’o; ko lonjetse amo fangarefa’ iareoo, ndra t’ie akiba-piola.
As an adamant harder than flint have I made your forehead: fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.
10 Nitovoña’e ty hoe, Rambeso añ’arofo’o ao naho janjiño an-dravembia’o ze hene tsara ho taroñeko;
Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, all my words that I shall speak unto you receive in your heart, and hear with your ears.
11 akia mimoaha añivo’ o mpirohio naho saontsio vaho talilio, Hoe ty nafè’ Iehovà Talè—ke hijanjiñe iereo, he tsy hañaoñe.
And go, get you to them of the captivity, unto the children of your people, and speak unto them, and tell them, Thus says the Lord GOD; whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear.
12 Aa le rinambe’ i Tiokey mañambone iraho vaho tsinanoko am-bohoko ao ty feon-tsorotombahañe: Rengèñe ty enge’ Iehovà an-toe’e eo;
Then the spirit took me up, and I heard behind me a voice of a great rushing, saying, Blessed be the glory of the LORD from his place.
13 naho ty feom-pifañoza’ o ela’ i raha veloñe reio naho ty feo’ o larò rekets’ am’ iareoo, vaho ty fipoñafan-kotroke ra’elahy.
I heard also the noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another, and the noise of the wheels opposite to them, and a noise of a great rushing.
14 Le nongahe’ i Tiokey naho nasese’e mb’eo, vaho nandeha amañ-embetse, aman-troke mitsovovoke; fa naozatse tamako ty fità’ Iehovà.
So the spirit lifted me up, and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit; but the hand of the LORD was strong upon me.
15 Le nivotrak’ amo mpirohy mpi­moneñe e Tela­viveao iraho, añ’olo i saka Kebarey eo, naho nitoboke am-piambesara’ iareo, vaho nidok’ eo an-kalonjeran-troke fito andro.
Then I came to them of the captivity at Telabib, that dwelt by the river of Chebar, and I sat where they sat, and remained there astonished among them seven days.
16 Aa naho nimodo ty fito andro, le niheo amako ty tsara’ Iehovà nanao ty hoe:
And it came to pass at the end of seven days, that the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
17 O ana’ondatio, fa tinendreko ho mpijilojilo amy anjomba’ Israeley, aa ie mijanjin-tsara boak’ am-bavako ao, le hatahatao ty amako iereo.
Son of man, I have made you a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.
18 Aa naho anoeko ty hoe ty lo-tsereke: Toe hihomake irehe, f’ie tsy hatahatae’o tsy talilie’o, tsy amantopantohe’o i tsereheñey hienga o sata’e ratio, handrombak’ aiñe, aa le hikenkañe amo hakeo’eo indaty lo-tserekey, fe ho paiako am-pità’o ty lio’e.
When I say unto the wicked, You shall surely die; and you give him not warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at your hand.
19 Aa naho hatahatae’o ka i lo-tserekey, naho tsy ambolitio’e i sata’e ratiy ndra itsilea’e i fañaveloa’e ratiy, le hikenkañe amo tahi’eo re, fe naharombak’ ain-drehe.
Yet if you warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.
20 Ie ka, naho mifotetse amy hamarentane’ey t’ indaty vantañe vaho mandilatse, naho ampipoheko fampitsikapiañe aolo’e eo, le hikenkan-dre; aa kanao tsy hinatahata’o, le hikenkañe amo hakeo’eo ie tsy ho tiahy ka o sata soa nanoe’eo, fa ho paiako am-pità’o ty lio’e.
Again, When a righteous man does turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling-block before him, he shall die: because you have not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at your hand.
21 Aa naho hatahatae’o ka i vañoñey tsy handilatse vaho tsy manao tahin-dre, le toe ho velon-dre, amy te nihaoñe’e i nahatahata’oy; vaho naharombak’ ain-drehe.
Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he does not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also you have delivered your soul.
22 Tamako ty fità’ Iehovà; le hoe re tamako, Akia mb’amy montoñey añe vaho ho volañeko.
And the hand of the LORD was there upon me; and he said unto me, Arise, go forth into the plain, and I will there talk with you.
23 Aa le niongake iraho nimb’ amy montoñey mb’eo; ingo nijohañe eo ty enge’ Iehovà, hambañe amy enge nirendreko añ’olon-tsaka Kebare añey; vaho nibabok’ an-daharako.
Then I arose, and went forth into the plain: and, behold, the glory of the LORD stood there, as the glory which I saw by the river of Chebar: and I fell on my face.
24 Le nizilik’ amako i Arofoy, naho natroa’e an-tomboko eo; vaho nitsara amako, nanao ty hoe, Akia, misikadàña an-kivoho’o ao,
Then the spirit entered into me, and set me upon my feet, and spoke with me, and said unto me, Go, shut yourself within your house.
25 le ihe ana’ondaty, oniño te hapok’ ama’o ty taly vaho hamahotse azo iereo tsy mone hiavotse mb’ am’ondatio;
But you, O son of man, behold, they shall put bands upon you, and shall bind you with them, and you shall not go out among them:
26 le hampipiteheko an-dañilañi’o eo ty famele’o, le ho moan-drehe tsy hahaendake ondatio; amy te anjomba miola iereo.
And I will make your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth, that you shall be dumb, and shall not be to them a reprover: for they are a rebellious house.
27 Fe naho hivolañe ama’o iraho le ho sokafeko ty falie’o vaho hanoa’o ty hoe: Hoe t’Iehovà Talè; aa ze mete hijanjiñe, angao hijanjiñe; le ze mifoneñe tsy hijanjiñe, apoho hifoneñe; amy t’ie anjomba miola.
But when I speak with you, I will open your mouth, and you shall say unto them, Thus says the Lord GOD; He that hears, let him hear; and he that forbears, let him forbear: for they are a rebellious house.

< Ezekiela 3 >