< Eksodosy 33 >

1 Le hoe t’Iehovà amy Mosè, Mionjona, angao ty atoy, ihe naho ondaty nampiavote’o an-tane Mitsraimeo, homb’ an-tane nifantàko amy Avrahame, am’ Ietsàke naho am’ Iakòbe ami’ty hoe: Hatoloko amo tarira’oo izay.
And the Lord said to Moses, Go forward, go up hence, you and your people, whom you brought out of the land of Egypt, into the land which I swore to Abraam, and Isaac, and Jacob, saying, I will give it to your seed.
2 Le hahitriko hiaolo anahareo t’i Sorotàko, handroahako i nte-Kanàney, i nte-Amòrey naho i nte-Kìtey naho i nte-Perìzey, i nte-Kìvey vaho i nte-Iebòsey,
And I will send at the same time my angel before your face, and he shall cast out the Amorite and the Chettite, and the Pherezite and Gergesite, and Evite, and Jebusite, and Chananite.
3 mb’an-tane kararahen-dronono naho tantele añe; fa tsy hionjom-beo añivo’o ao iraho kera habotseko an-dalambey, ie ondaty gan-katoke.
And I will bring you into a land flowing with milk and honey; for I will not go up with you, because you are a stiff-necked people, lest I consume you by the way.
4 Ie nahajanjiñe i tsara maràñe zay ondatio le nangoihoy vaho tsy ama’e ty niravake,
And the people having heard this grievous saying, mourned in mourning apparel.
5 amy natao’ Iehovà amy Mosè ty hoe, Ano ty hoe o ana’ Israeleo: Ondaty gam-pititia nahareo; aa naho nihelatse añivo’ areo ao iraho tsy ho nagodrako aniany hao? Ko miravak’ arè, hisafiriako ty hanoako.
For the Lord said to the children of Israel, You are a stiff-necked people; take heed lest I bring on you another plague, and destroy you: now then put off your glorious apparel, and [your] ornaments, and I will show you what I will do to you.
6 Aa le hinalo’ o ana’ Israeleo am’iereo ze ravake naho bange ambohi-Koreba.
So the sons of Israel took off their ornaments and their array at the mount of Choreb.
7 Ie amy zay, nendese’ i Mosè i kibohoy vaho naore’e alafe’ i tobey, lavitse i tobey eñe, le nitokave’e ty hoe kibohom-pamantañañe. Aa le songa niavotse mb’ amy kivohom-pamantañañe alafe’ i tobey eiy ze nipay Iehovà.
And Moses took his tabernacle and pitched it without the camp, at a distance from the camp; and it was called the Tabernacle of Testimony: and it came to pass [that] every one that sought the Lord went forth to the tabernacle which was without the camp.
8 Aa naho nienga mb’amy kibohotsey mb’ eo t’i Mosè, le hene niongake ondatio sambe nijohañe an-dala’ i kiboho’ey nandrèndreke i Mose ampara-piziliha’e an-kibohotse ao.
And whenever Moses went into the tabernacle without the camp, all the people stood every one watching by the doors of his tent; and when Moses departed, they took notice until he entered into the tabernacle.
9 Aa naho nizilik’ an-kibohotse ao t’i Mosè, le nizotso mb’eo i rahoñe nijoalay nijohañe an-dala’ i kibohotsey, le nifanaontsy amy Mosè t’Iehovà.
And when Moses entered into the tabernacle, the pillar of the cloud descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and [God] talked to Moses.
10 Ie hene nahaisake i rahoñe nijoalay nijohañe an-dala’ i kibohotsey ondatio le sindre niongake ondatio vaho songa niambane an-dalan-kiboho’e.
And all the people saw the pillar of the cloud standing by the door of the tabernacle, and all the people stood and worshipped every one at the door of his tent.
11 Vaho nifanaontsy am-piatrefan-daharañe t’Iehovà naho i Mosè, manahake ty fifañòhahohàm-pirañetse. Aa ie nimpoly mb’an-tobe mb’eo, tsy nienga i kibohoy ty ajalahy atao Iehosoa ana’ i None mpitoro’e.
And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as if one should speak to his friend; and he retired into the camp: but his servant Joshua the son of Naue, a young man, departed not forth from the tabernacle.
12 Hoe t’i Mosè am’ Iehovà: Ingo, i tsinara’o amako ty hoe: Ampionjono ondaty retoa; fa tsy nampandrendrehe’o ahy o hampindreze’o amakoo. Fa nanao ty hoe irehe, Fantako ami’ty tahina’o irehe vaho isoheñe am-piva­zohoako.
And Moses said to the Lord, Behold! you say to me, Lead on this people; but you have not showed me whom you will send with me, but you have said to me, I know you above all, and you have favour with me.
13 Aa naho nitendreke fañisohañe am-pihaino’o iraho le mihalaly ama’o, Atorò ahy o lala’oo, haharendrehako Azo, hahazoako falalàñe am-pihaino’o vaho ereñerèño te ondati’o ty fifeheañe toy.
If then I have found favour in your sight, reveal yourself to me, that I may evidently see you; that I may find favour in your sight, and that I may know that this great nation [is] your people.
14 Le hoe re: Hindre lia ama’o ty fiatrefako vaho hampitofàko.
And he says, I myself will go before you, and give you rest.
15 Aa le hoe ty navale’e: Naho tsy hiaolo anay ty fiatrefa’o le ko ampi­onjone’o boak’ etoa.
And he says to him, If you go not up with us yourself, bring me not up hence.
16 Aa ino ty hahafohinako henaneo t’ie nitendreke fañisohañe am-pihaino’o, izaho naho ondati’oo, lehe tsy mindre ama’ay irehe? ie hampiavaheñe amy ze hene ondaty ambone’ ty tane atoy, izaho naho ondati’oo?
And how shall it be surely known, that both I and this people have found favour with you, except only if you go with us? So both I and your people shall be glorified beyond all the nations, as many as are upon the earth.
17 Hoe t’Iehovà amy Mosè, Toe hanoeko ka o sinaontsi’o anianio; amy te ihe nahaisa-pañosihañe am-pañenteako, toe fantako ami’ty añara’o.
And the Lord said to Moses, I will also do for you this thing, which you have spoken; for you have found grace before me, and I know you above all.
18 Le hoe re, Mihalaly ama’o, Ehe aboaho amako ty asi’o.
And [Moses] says, Manifest yourself to me.
19 Le hoe re: Hene hampiarieko aña­trefa’o ty hasoako naho ho taroñeko aolo’o eo ty tahinañe ty hoe Iehovà; le hisoheko ze hisoheko vaho ho tretrezeko ze ho tretrezeko.
And [God] said, I will pass by before you with my glory, and I will call by my name, the Lord, before you; and I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and will have pity on whom I will have pity.
20 Hoe ka re: Tsy mete hañisake ty tareheko irehe; amy te tsy ho veloñe t’in­daty mahaisak’ aze.
And [God] said, You shall not be able to see my face; for no man shall see my face, and live.
21 Aa hoe t’Iehovà, Ingo ty toetse marine’ ahy etia, mijohaña amo vatoo;
And the Lord said, Behold, [there is] a place by me: you shall stand upon the rock;
22 vaho ie miary eo ty engeko le hifireko an-tsifitsifi’ o vatoo irehe naho ho lombofa’ ty tañako t’ie miary;
and when my glory shall pass by, then I will put you into a hole of the rock; and I will cover you over with my hand, until I shall have passed by.
23 le hasintako amy zao ty tañako vaho ho isa’o ty vòhoko fe tsy isaheñe ty tareheko.
And I will remove my hand, and then shall you see my back parts; but my face shall not appear to you.

< Eksodosy 33 >