< Ohabolana 30 >

1 Ny teny mavesa-danja nataon’ i Agora, zanak’ i Jake, dia ny teny nataon-dralehilahy tamin’ Itiela, eny, tamin’ Itiela sy Okala:
The words of Agur, the son of Jakeh, from Massa. The man says: I am full of weariness, O God, I am full of weariness; O God, I have come to an end:
2 Izaho dia biby, fa tsy olona, Ary tsy manan-tsain’ olombelona aho.
For I am more like a beast than any man, I have no power of reasoning like a man:
3 Tsy nianatra fahendrena aho, Na nahazo ny fahalalana ny Iray Masìna.
I have not got wisdom by teaching, so that I might have the knowledge of the Holy One.
4 Iza no efa niakatra tany an-danitra sady nidina indray? Iza no nahangona ny rivotra tao an-tànany? Iza no nahafono ny rano tamin’ ny lambany? Iza no nahamisy ny faran’ ny tany rehetra? Iza no anarany, ary iza no anaran’ ny zanany? Fa toa fantatrao!
Who has gone up to heaven and come down? who has taken the winds in his hands, prisoning the waters in his robe? by whom have all the ends of the earth been fixed? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if you are able to say?
5 Ny tenin’ Andriamanitra dia voadio avokoa; Ampinga ho an’ izay mialoka aminy Izy.
Every word of God is tested: he is a breastplate to those who put their faith in him.
6 Aza manampy ny teniny, fandrao hanariny ianao Ka ho hita fa mpandainga.
Make no addition to his words, or he will make clear your error, and you will be seen to be false.
7 Zavatra roa loha no angatahiko aminao; Ka aza lavinao, dieny tsy mbola maty aho:
I have made request to you for two things; do not keep them from me before my death:
8 Ampanalaviro ahy ny zava-poana sy ny lainga; Aza manome ahy alahelo na harena; Fahano aho amin’ izay anjara-hanina sahaza ho ahy;
Put far from me all false and foolish things: do not give me great wealth or let me be in need, but give me only enough food:
9 Fandrao, raha voky aho, dia handà Ka hanao hoe: Iza moa Jehovah? Ary andrao, raha tonga malahelo aho, dia hangalatra Ka hanamavo ny anaran’ Andriamanitro.
For fear that if I am full, I may be false to you and say, Who is the Lord? or if I am poor, I may become a thief, using the name of my God wrongly.
10 Aza manendrikendrika ny mpanompo amin’ ny tompony, Fandrao hozoniny ianao ka hahazo heloka.
Do not say evil of a servant to his master, or he will put a curse on you, and you will get into trouble.
11 Misy taranaka izay manozona ny rainy Sady tsy misaotra ny reniny.
There is a generation who put a curse on their father, and do not give a blessing to their mother.
12 Misy taranaka manao azy ho madio, Kanjo tsy voasasa ho afaka amin’ ny fahalotoany.
There is a generation who seem to themselves to be free from sin, but are not washed from their unclean ways.
13 Misy taranaka, endrey ny fiandrandran’ ny masony Sy ny fisondrotry ny hodi-masony!
There is a generation, O how full of pride are their eyes! O how their brows are lifted up!
14 Misy taranaka izay toy ny sabatra ny nifiny, Ary toy ny antsy ny vazany, Hamongotra ny ory tsy ho amin’ ny tany Sy ny malahelo tsy ho amin’ ny olona.
There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, their strong teeth like knives, for the destruction of the poor from the earth, and of those who are in need from among men.
15 Ny dinta manan-janakavavy roa, dia ny hoe: Omeo, Omeo. Misy zavatra telo tsy mety voky, Eny, efatra aza no tsy manao hoe: Aoka izay:
The night-spirit has two daughters, Give, give. There are three things which are never full, even four which never say, Enough:
16 Ny fiainan-tsi-hita; sy ny kibo momba, Ny tany izay tsy vonton-drano, Ary ny afo koa no tsy mba manao hoe: Aoka izay. (Sheol h7585)
The underworld, and the woman without a child; the earth which never has enough water, and the fire which never says, Enough. (Sheol h7585)
17 Ny maso izay miandranandrana amin-dray Sady tsy mety manaja reny Dia hotsaingotsaingohin’ ny goaika eny an-dohasahan-driaka Ary hohanin’ ny zana-boromahery.
The eye which makes sport of a father, and sees no value in a mother when she is old will be rooted out by the ravens of the valley, and be food for the young eagles.
18 Misy zavatra telo mahagaga ka tsy takatro, Eny, efatra aza no tsy fantatro:
There are three things, the wonder of which overcomes me, even four things outside my knowledge:
19 Ny nalehan’ ny voromahery teny amin’ ny habakabaka, Ny nalehan’ ny bibilava teny amin’ ny vatolampy, Ny nalehan’ ny sambo teny amin’ ny ranomasina, Ary ny nalehan’ ny lehilahy tamin’ ny tovovavy.
The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a snake on a rock; the way of a ship in the heart of the sea; and the way of a man with a girl.
20 Tahaka izany koa no fanaon’ ny vehivavy mpijangajanga: Homana izy, dia mamafa ny vavany, Ka dia manao hoe: Tsy nanao ratsy aho.
This is the way of a false wife; she takes food, and, cleaning her mouth, says, I have done no wrong.
21 Izao fitondrana telo izao no tsy mampandry ny tany, Eny, zavatra efatra aza no tsy zakany;
For three things the earth is moved, and there are four which it will not put up with:
22 Raha ny andevo no tonga mpanjaka, Raha ny adala no voky hanina,
A servant when he becomes a king; a man without sense when his wealth is increased;
23 Raha ny vehivavy lany zara no ampakarina, Ary raha ny ankizivavy no mandova ny tompovaviny.
A hated woman when she is married; and a servant-girl who takes the place of her master's wife.
24 Izao zavatra efatra izao dia kely amin’ ny etỳ ambonin’ ny tany, Nefa hendry sady mahay:
There are four things which are little on the earth, but they are very wise:
25 Ny vitsika dia firenena tsy matanjaka, Nefa manangona ny haniny amin’ ny fahavaratra izy;
The ants are a people not strong, but they put by a store of food in the summer;
26 Ny biby hyraka dia firenena tsy manan-kery, Nefa manao ny tranony ao amin’ ny harambato izy;
The conies are only a feeble people, but they make their houses in the rocks;
27 Ny valala tsy manana mpanjaka, Nefa izy rehetra miainga manao antokony tsara;
The locusts have no king, but they all go out in bands;
28 Ny antsiantsy dia mandady amin’ ny tànany, Nefa tonga ao an-tranon’ ny mpanjaka izy.
You may take the lizard in your hands, but it is in kings' houses.
29 Misy zavatra telo izay tsara famindra, Eny, efatra aza no tsara fandeha;
There are three things whose steps are good to see, even four whose goings are fair:
30 Dia ny liona, izay mahery indrindra amin’ ny biby Ka tsy mihemotra na amin’ inona na amin’ inona,
The lion, which is strongest among beasts, not turning from his way for any;
31 Ny soavaly voaomana hiady sy ny osilahy Ary ny mpanjaka tsy azo toherina.
The war-horse, and the he-goat, and the king when his army is with him.
32 Raha adala ka nanandra-tena ianao, Na efa nisaina hanao ratsy, Dia tampeno ny tananao ny vavanao.
If you have done foolishly in lifting yourself up, or if you have had evil designs, put your hand over your mouth.
33 Ny fanontsankontsanana ny ronono no miteraka rononomandry, Ny fanolanana ny orona no miteraka rà; Ary ny fanetsiketsehana ny fahatezerana no miteraka ady.
The shaking of milk makes butter, and the twisting of the nose makes blood come: so the forcing of wrath is a cause of fighting.

< Ohabolana 30 >