< Filipiana 4 >

1 Ary amin’ izany, ry rahalahy sady malalako no mahamanina ahy, fifaliako sy satro-boninahitro, tomoera tsara ao amin’ ny Tompo ianareo, ry malalako.
Wherefore, my brethren, beloved and tenderly-regarded, my joy and my crown, so stand in our Lord, my beloved.
2 Mananatra an’ i Eodia aho, ary mananatra an’ i Syntyke, mba hiray saina ao amin’ ny Tompo izy.
Of Evhodia I beseech, and of Syntika, that one mind they have in our Lord.
3 Eny, mangataka aminao koa aho, ry ilay tena mpiara-miasa amiko, manampia azy roa vavy, fa niara-niasa fatratra tamiko teo amin’ ny filazantsara izy, mbamin’ i Klementa koa sy ny mpiara-miasa amiko sisa, izay voasoatra ao amin’ ny bokin’ ny fiainana.
Also of thee I beseech, my true yokefellow, to be helpful to those who are labouring with me in the gospel, with Klimis, and with the rest of my helpers, whose names are written in the book of life.
4 Mifalia mandrakariva amin’ ny Tompo; hoy izaho indray: Mifalia.
Rejoice in our Lord in all time, and again I say, Rejoice.
5 Aoka ho fantatry ny olona rehetra ny fandeferanareo. Efa mby akaiky ny Tompo.
And let your meekness be known unto every man: our Lord is near.
6 Aza manahy na inona na inona; fa aoka ny fivavahana sy ny fifonana mbamin’ ny fisaorana no ho entinareo manambara ny fangatahanareo amin’ Andriamanitra amin’ ny zavatra rehetra.
For nothing be anxious; but in all time, with prayer and with supplication, let your requests be made known before Aloha:
7 Ary ny fiadanan’ Andriamanitra, izay mihoatra noho ny fahalalana rehetra, hiaro ny fonareo sy ny hevitrareo ao amin’ i Kristy Jesosy.
And the peace of Aloha, which is greater than all knowledge, shall keep your hearts and your minds, through Jeshu Meshiha.
8 Farany, ry rahalahy, na inona na inona marina, na inona na inona manan-kaja, na inona na inona mahitsy, na inona na inona madio, na inona na inona maha-te-ho-tia, na inona na inona tsara laza, raha misy hatsaram-panahy, ary raha misy dera, dia hevero izany.
FINALLY, my brethren, those (things) which are true, and those which are honest, and those which are just, and those which are pure, and those which are lovely, and those which are laudable, and those (which are) works of praise and of celebration, these consider.
9 Ataovy izay efa nianaranareo sy efa noraisinareo ary efa renareo sy efa hitanareo tamiko; ary ho aminareo ny Andriamanitry ny fiadanana.
These which you have learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, these perform; and the God of peace will be with you.
10 Ary faly indrindra ao amin’ ny Tompo aho, satria nampitsimohinareo indray ankehitriny ny fiheverana ahy, izay efa noheverinareo rahateo, saingy tsy mbola nahita andro hanaovana ianareo.
But greatly do I rejoice in our Lord, that you have begun to care (again) for me, as also you were careful, but you have not had ability.
11 Tsy filan-javatra anefa no anaovako izany; fa izaho efa nianatra tsy hierina na manao ahoana na manao ahoana.
But I have not spoken because I have had need; for I have learned to make sufficient to me that which I have had.
12 Mahalala hietry aho, ary mahalala hitombo; na aiza na aiza, ary na amin’ inona na amin’ inona, dia efa nampianarina ny ho voky sy ho noana aho ary hanam-be sy halahelo.
I know (how) to be abased, I know also how to abound in all; and in every thing I am trained with sufficiency and with hunger, with abundance and with destitution:
13 Mahay ny zavatra rehetra aho ao amin’ ilay mampahery ahy.
for every thing I am empowered through the Meshiha who strengtheneth me.
14 Kanefa nanao soa ianareo no niaraka ory tamiko ka niantra ahy.
Nevertheless, you have done well to communicate unto my afflictions.
15 Ary fantatrareo koa, ry Filipiana, fa tamin’ ny niandohan’ ny filazantsara, rehefa niala tany Makedonia aho, tsy nisy fiangonana nanan-draharaha tamiko ny amin’ ny fanomezana sy fandraisana, afa-tsy ianareo ihany.
Know also, you Philipisoyee, that in the commencement of the gospel, when I went forth from Makedunia, not one of the churches communicated to me in the account of receiving and giving, but you only.
16 Fa fony tany Tesalonika aza aho, dia nampanatitra ho ahy indray mandeha amana indroa ianareo hamonjy ahy.
For also to Thessalonika one time and twice to my necessity you sent.
17 Nefa tsy toy ny mitady ny fanomezana no izany; fa mitady ny vokatra izay hitombo ho voninahitrareo aho.
Not because I seek the gift, but I seek that fruit may multiply unto you.
18 Fa manana ny zavatra rehetra aho sady manana amby ampy aza; feno aho, rehefa nandray tamin’ i Epafrodito ilay zavatra nampitondrainareo, dia hanitra ankasitrahana, fanatitra tian’ Andriamanitra sady ankasitrahany.
But I have received every thing, I abound; and am full; and I have accepted all that you sent me by Epaphroditos, a sweet fragrance and a sacrifice, acceptable, which pleaseth Aloha.
19 Fa Andriamanitro hahatanteraka izay rehetra tokony ho anareo araka ny hareny amin’ ny voninahitra no amin’ i Kristy Jesosy.
And my God shall supply all your necessity, according to his riches in the glory of Jeshu Meshiha.
20 Ary ho an’ Andriamanitra Raintsika anie ny voninahitra mandrakizay mandrakizay. Amena. (aiōn g165)
To Aloha our Father be praise and glory to the age of ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
21 Manaova veloma ny olona masìna rehetra ao amin’ i Kristy Jesosy. Manao veloma anareo ny rahalahy izay ato amiko.
Ask for the peace of all the saints who are in Jeshu the Meshiha. The brethren who are with me ask for your peace.
22 Manao veloma anareo ny olona masìna rehetra, indrindra fa ny ankohonan’ i Kaisara.
All the saints ask for your peace, especially those who are of the house of Caesar.
23 Ho amin’ ny fanahinareo anie ny fahasoavan’ i Jesosy Kristy Tompo.
The grace of our Lord Jeshu the Meshiha be with you all. Amen.

< Filipiana 4 >