< Lioka 20 >

1 Ary tamin’ ny andro anankiray, raha nampianatra ny olona teo an-kianjan’ ny tempoly Jesosy ka nitory ny filazantsara, dia nanatona ny lohan’ ny mpisorona sy ny mpanora-dalàna ary ny loholona
And it came to pass on one of those days, as he was teaching the people in the temple, and preaching the good news, the chief priests and the scholars with the elders stood near.
2 ka niteny taminy hoe: Lazao aminay: Fahefana manao ahoana no anaovanao izao zavatra izao? ary iza no nanome Anao izany fahefana izany?
And they spoke, saying to him, Tell us, by what authority are thou doing these things? Or who is he who gave thee this authority?
3 Ary Jesosy namaly ka nanao taminy hoe: Izaho kosa mba hanontany anareo zavatra iray loha, ka lazao amiko:
And having answered, he said to them, I also will ask you one word, and ye tell me.
4 Ny batisan’ i Jaona avy tany an-danitra va, sa avy tamin’ ny olona?
The immersion of John, was it from heaven or from men?
5 Dia niara-nisaina izy ka nanao hoe: Raha holazaintsika hoe mantsy: Avy tany an-danitra, dia hataony hoe: Nahoana no tsy nino azy ianareo?
And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we should say, From heaven, he will say, Why did ye not believe him?
6 Fa raha holazaintsika hoe kosa: Avy tamin’ ny olona, dia hitora-bato antsika ny vahoaka rehetra, satria inoany ho mpaminany Jaona.
But if we say, From men, all the people will stone us, for they are convinced John is a prophet.
7 Dia namaly ireo fa tsy fantany izay nihaviany.
And they replied not to know from where.
8 Ary Jesosy nanao taminy hoe: Izaho kosa tsy hilaza aminareo izay fahefana anaovako izao zavatra izao.
And Jesus said to them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.
9 Dia nilaza izao fanoharana izao tamin’ ny olona Izy ka nanao hoe: Nisy lehilahy anankiray nanao tanim-boaloboka, ka nahofany tamin’ olona mpiasa tany izany, dia nandeha nitoetra ela tany an-tany hafa izy.
And he began to speak this parable to the people. A man planted a vineyard, and leased it to farmers, and went abroad for a considerable time.
10 Ary tamin’ ny fotoana dia naniraka mpanompo hankany amin’ ny mpiasa tany izy mba handray amin’ ny vokatry ny tanim-boaloboka; fa ny mpiasa tany nikapoka azy ka nampandeha azy maina.
And at the season he sent a bondman to the farmers, so that they would give him from the fruit of the vineyard. But having beaten him, the farmers sent him away empty.
11 Dia naniraka mpanompo anankiray koa izy; ary nokapohiny mafy koa iny sady nalany baraka ka nampandehaniny maina.
And he proceeded to send another bondman. And they, having beaten and shamefully treated, sent him also away empty.
12 Dia naniraka anankiray koa izy; ary iny koa dia nataony naratra ka noroahiny.
And he proceeded to send a third. And they also having wounded this man, cast him out.
13 Dia hoy ny tompon’ ny tanim-boaloboka: Inona re no hataoko? Haniraka ny zanako malalako aho; angamba hanaja azy izy.
And the lord of the vineyard said, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son. Perhaps they will be made ashamed after seeing this man.
14 Fa raha nahita iny ny mpiasa tany, dia niara-nisaina izy ka nanao hoe: Ity no mpandova; andeha hovonointsika io, mba ho antsika ny lova.
But when the farmers saw him, they deliberated among themselves, saying, This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, so that the inheritance may become ours.
15 Dia namoaka azy tany ivelan’ ny tanim-boaloboka izy ka namono azy. Hataon’ ny tompon’ ny tanim-boaloboka ahoana moa izy amin’ izany?
And having cast him outside of the vineyard, they killed him. What therefore will the lord of the vineyard do to them?
16 Hankany izy, dia hamono ireo mpiasa tany ireo, ka homeny olon-kafa ny tanim-boaloboka. Ary raha nahare izany ireo, dia hoy izy: Sanatria izany!
He will come and destroy these farmers, and will give the vineyard to others. And having heard it, they said, May it not happen!
17 Ary Jesosy nijery azy ka nanao hoe: Ahoana moa izao voasoratra izao: Ny vato izay nolavin’ ny mpanao trano, Dia izy no efa natao fehizoro?
But having looked upon them, he said, What then is this that is written, The stone that those who build rejected, this became the head of the corner?
18 Izay rehetra potraka amin’ izany vato izany dia ho torotoro; fa na iza na iza no ianjerany dia ho mongomongo.
Every man who falls on that stone will be broken, but on whomever it may fall, it will grind him to dust.
19 Ary tamin’ izany ora izany dia nitady hisambotra Azy ny mpanora-dalàna sy ny lohan’ ny mpisorona; nefa natahotra ny olona izy, satria fantany fa izy no nolazainy tamin’ izany fanoharana izany.
And the chief priests and the scholars sought to throw hands on him in the same hour. And they were afraid, for they knew that he spoke this parable against them.
20 Ary nizaha taratra an’ i Jesosy izy ka naniraka mpitsikilo, izay nody ho marina, mba hamandrika Azy amin’ ny teniny, hanolorany Azy ho amin’ ny hery sy ny fahefan’ ny governora.
And having watched him, they sent forth insidious men pretending themselves to be righteous, so that they might take hold of his word, in order to deliver him up to the rule and to the authority of the governor.
21 Ary ireo nanontany Azy ka nanao hoe: Mpampianatra ô, fantatray fa miteny sy mampianatra marina Hianao ka tsy mizaha tavan’ olona, fa mampianatra marina ny lalan’ Andriamanitra:
And they questioned him, saying, Teacher, we know that thou speak and teach rightly, and thou do not accept a personage, but teach the way of God in truth,
22 Mety va raha mandoa vola hetra ho an’ i Kaisara izahay, sa tsia?
Is it permitted for us to give tribute to Caesar or not?
23 Fa Jesosy nahafantatra ny fihendreny ka nanao taminy hoe:
But having perceived their craftiness, he said to them, Why do ye try me?
24 Mampisehoa denaria amiko. An’ iza moa io sary sy soratra eo aminy io? Hoy ireo: An’ i Kaisara.
Display to me a denarius. Whose image and inscription has it? And having answered, they said, Caesar's.
25 Dia hoy Jesosy taminy: Aloavy ho an’ i Kaisara ary izay an’ i Kaisara, ary ho an’ Andriamanitra izay an’ Andriamanitra.
And he said to them, Then render the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of God to God.
26 Ary tsy sahiny nitanana Azy teo anatrehan’ ny olona izany teny izany sady gaga izy noho ny famaliny ka nangina.
And they were unable to lay hold of his word before the people. And having marveled at his answer, they were silent.
27 Ary ny sasany tamin’ ny Sadoseo, izay milaza fa tsy misy fitsanganan’ ny maty, dia nanatona ka nanontany Azy hoe:
And some of the Sadducees having approached, those who say there is no resurrection, they questioned him,
28 Mpampianatra ô, Mosesy nanoratra ho antsika hoe: Raha misy manan-drahalahy maty momba, ka mbola velona ny vadin’ ny maty, dia aoka ny rahalahiny hampakatra an-dravehivavy ka hiteraka hamelo-maso ny rahalahiny.
saying, Teacher, Moses wrote to us, if any brother dies, having a wife, and this man dies childless, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed to his brother.
29 Koa nisy fito mirahalahy; ary ny zokiny nampaka-bady, dia maty momba.
There were therefore seven brothers. And the first having taken a wife, died childless.
30 Ary ny faharoa
And the second took the woman, and this man died childless.
31 sy ny fahatelo koa nampakatra azy; ary tahaka izany avokoa no nataon’ izy fito mirahalahy; nefa maty momba avokoa izy.
And the third likewise took her, and likewise also the seven; they left behind no children, and died.
32 Ary farany dia maty koa ravehivavy.
And last of all the woman also died.
33 Koa amin’ ny fitsanganan’ ny maty ho vadin’ iza moa ravehivavy? fa samy efa nanambady azy avokoa izy fito mirahalahy.
In the resurrection therefore whose wife of them does she become? For the seven had her as wife.
34 Ary Jesosy nanao taminy hoe: Ny zanak’ izao fiainana izao dia mampaka-bady sady avoaka hampakarina; (aiōn g165)
And having answered, Jesus said to them, The sons of this age marry, and are given in marriage, (aiōn g165)
35 fa izay atao miendrika hahazo izany fiainana izany sy ny fitsanganana amin’ ny maty kosa dia tsy raha mampaka-bady, na avoaka hampakarina; (aiōn g165)
but those who are considered worthy to attain to that age, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage. (aiōn g165)
36 ary tsy mety maty intsony izy, fa mitovy amin’ ny anjely sady zanak’ Andriamanitra, satria zanaky ny fitsanganana amin’ ny maty.
For neither can they die any more, for they are like the agents, and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.
37 Ary Mosesy aza nanambara teo amin’ ilay teny milaza ny Voaroy fa hatsangana ny maty, raha nilaza an’ i Jehovah hoe Andriamanitr’ i Abrahama sy Andriamanitr’ isaka ary Andriamanitr’ i Jakoba.
But that the dead are raised, even Moses showed at the Bush when he calls the Lord, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
38 Fa Izy tsy mba Andriamanitry ny maty, fa an’ ny velona; fa velona ho an’ Andriamanitra avokoa izy rehetra.
Now he is not God of the dead, but of the living, for all live to him.
39 Ary ny mpanora-dalàna sasany namaly ka nanao hoe: Mpampianatra ô, marina izay nolazainao.
And some of the scholars having answered, they said, Teacher, thou said well.
40 Fa tsy nisy sahy nanontany Azy intsony ireo.
For they no longer dared to question him anything.
41 Ary hoy Jesosy taminy: Ahoana no lazaina fa Kristy no Zanak’ i Davida?
And he said to them, How do they say the Christ is David's son?
42 Fa Davida ihany no milaza eo amin’ ny bokin’ ny Salamo hoe: Jehovah nilaza tamin’ ny Tompoko hoe: Mipetraha eo an-tanako ankavanana
Even David himself says in the book of Psalms, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
43 Ambara-panaoko ny fahavalonao ho fitoeran’ ny tongotrao.
until I will place thine enemies a footstool of thy feet.
44 Davida amin’ izany manao Azy hoe Tompo; koa ahoana no maha-zanany Azy?
David therefore calls him Lord, and how is he his son?
45 Ary hoy Jesosy tamin’ ny mpianany teo anatrehan’ ny olona rehetra:
And while all the people were listening, he said to his disciples,
46 Mitandrema ny amin’ ny mpanora-dalàna, izay mazoto mandehandeha miakanjo akanjo lava, ary te-hoharabain’ ny olona eny an-tsena, sady tia ny fipetrehana aloha eo amin’ ny synagoga sy ny fitoerana aloha eo amin’ ny fanasana,
Beware of the scholars, who desire to walk around in long robes, and love greetings in the marketplaces, and chief seats in the synagogues, and places of honor at the feasts,
47 ary mandany ny tranon’ ny mpitondratena sy manao vavaka lavareny mba ho fiolahana; ireo dia hahazo fahamelohana mafimafy kokoa.
who devour widows' houses, and in pretence make long prayers. These will receive greater damnation.

< Lioka 20 >