< Lioka 17 >

1 Ary hoy Jesosy tamin’ ny mpianany: Tsy maintsy ho avy ny fahatafintohinana; nefa lozan’ izay olona mahatonga izany!
And he said to his disciples, It is necessary for causes of trouble to come about, but unhappy is he by whom they come.
2 Aleo anantonana vato lehibe fikosoham-bary ny vozony, ka atsipy any an-dranomasina izy, toy izay hahatafintohina na dia ny anankiray amin’ ireo madinika ireo aza.
It would be well for him if a great stone was put round his neck and he was dropped into the sea, before he made trouble for any of these little ones.
3 Mitandrema ianareo; fa raha manota ny rahalahinao, dia teneno mafy izy, ka raha mibebaka izy, dia mamelà ny helony.
Give attention to yourselves: if your brother does wrong, say a sharp word to him; and if he has sorrow for his sin, let him have forgiveness.
4 Ary raha manota aminao impito indray andro izy, ary mivalo aminao impito kosa manao hoe; Mibebaka aho, dia mamelà ny helony.
And if he does you wrong seven times in a day, and seven times comes to you and says, I have regret for what I have done; let him have forgiveness.
5 Ary hoy ny Apostoly tamin’ ny Tompo: Ampitomboy ny finoanay.
And the twelve said to the Lord, Make our faith greater.
6 Fa hoy ny Tompo: Raha manana finoana na dia hoatra ny voan-tsinapy iray aza ianareo, dia azonareo lazaina amin’ io vorihazo io hoe: Miongota, ary aoka hambolena ao anatin’ ny ranomasina, dia hanaiky anareo izy.
And the Lord said, If your faith was only as great as a grain of mustard seed, you might say to this tree, Be rooted up and planted in the sea; and it would be done.
7 Ary iza moa aminareo no manana mpanompo miasa tany, na miandry ondry, ka raha tonga avy tany an-tsaha ilay mpanompo, dia hanao aminy hoe: Avia faingana, ka mipetraha hihinana?
But which of you, having a servant who is ploughing or keeping sheep, will say to him, when he comes in from the field, Come now and be seated and have a meal,
8 Fa tsy hilaza aminy kosa hoe va izy: Manamboara izay hisakafoako, ary misikìna, ka manompoa ahy ambara-pihinako sy hisotroako; fa rehefa vita izany, dia vao mahazo mihinana sy misotro ianao?
Will he not say, Get a meal for me, and make yourself ready and see to my needs till I have had my food and drink; and after that you may have yours?
9 Moa misaotra izany mpanompo izany va izy, satria nataony izay nandidiany?
Does he give praise to the servant because he did what was ordered?
10 Dia tahaka izany koa ianareo, rehefa vitanareo izay rehetra nandidiana anareo, dia ataovy hoe: Mpanompo ny mahasoa izahay; ny tokony ho nataonay ihany no efa nataonay.
In the same way, when you have done all the things which are given you to do, say, There is no profit in us, for we have only done what we were ordered to do.
11 Ary raha niakatra ho any Jerosalema Jesosy, dia nandeha namaky an’ i Samaria sy Galilia.
And it came about that when they were on the way to Jerusalem he went through Samaria and Galilee.
12 Ary raha niditra tao amin’ ny vohitra anankiray Izy, dia nisy boka folo lahy nifanena taminy, izay nijanona teny lavitra eny.
And when he went into a certain small town he came across ten men who were lepers, and they, keeping themselves at a distance,
13 Ary izy ireo niantso mafy nanao hoe: Ry Jesosy Tompo ô, mamindrà fo aminay.
Said, in loud voices, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.
14 Ary raha hitany ireo, dia hoy Izy taminy: Mandehana, misehoa amin’ ny mpisorona. Ary rehefa lasa izy ireo, dia nadio teny am-pandehanana.
And when he saw them he said, Go, and let the priests see you. And, while they were going, they were made clean.
15 Ary ny anankiray tamin’ ireo, raha nahita fa sitrana izy, dia niverina ka nankalaza an’ Andriamanitra tamin’ ny feo mahery
And one of them, when he saw that he was clean, turning back, gave praise to God in a loud voice;
16 sady niankohoka tamin’ ny tongotr’ i Jesosy ka nisaotra Azy; ary Samaritana iny lehilahy iny.
And, falling down on his face at the feet of Jesus, he gave the credit to him; and he was a man of Samaria.
17 Dia namaly Jesosy ka nanao hoe: Tsy efa voadio avokoa va izy folo lahy? fa aiza ny sivy?
And Jesus said, Were there not ten men who were made clean? where are the nine?
18 Moa tsy nisy hita niverina hanome voninahitra an’ Andriamanitra afa-tsy ity olona hafa firenena ity ihany va?
Have not any of them come back to give glory to God, but only this one from a strange land?
19 Ary hoy Izy taminy: Mitsangàna, mandehana; ny finoanao no efa nahavonjy anao.
And he said to him, Get up, and go on your way; your faith has made you well.
20 Ary Jesosy, nony nanontanian’ ny Fariseo izay andro hihavian’ ny fanjakan’ Andriamanitra, dia namaly azy hoe: Tsy misehoseho no fihavin’ ny fanjakan’ Andriamanitra.
And when the Pharisees put questions to him about when the kingdom of God would come, he gave them an answer and said, The kingdom of God will not come through observation:
21 Ary ny olona tsy hanao hoe: Indro, etỳ! na erỳ! fa, indro, ny fanjakan’ Andriamanitra dia ao anatinareo.
And men will not say, See, it is here! or, There! for the kingdom of God is among you.
22 Ary hoy Izy tamin’ ny mpianatra: Ho avy ny andro hanirianareo hahita ny anankiray amin’ ny andron’ ny Zanak’ olona, nefa tsy hahita ianareo.
And he said to his disciples, The time will come when you will have a great desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, but you will not see it.
23 Ary ny olona hilaza aminareo hoe: Indro, erỳ! na: Indro, etỳ! nefa aza mandeha ianareo, na manaraka azy.
And if they say to you, See, it is there! or, It is here! do not go away, or go after them.
24 Fa tahaka ny helatra manelatra hatramin’ ny faravodilanitra ka mahazava hatramin’ ny farany koa, dia ho toy izany ny Zanak’ olona amin’ ny androny,
For as in a thunderstorm the bright light is seen from one end of the sky to the other, so will the Son of man be when his time comes.
25 Fa tsy maintsy mijaly mafy Izy aloha ka holavin’ ity taranaka ity.
But first, he will have to undergo much and be put on one side by this generation.
26 Ary tahaka ny tamin’ ny andron’ i Noa, dia hisy toy izany koa amin’ ny andron’ ny Zanak’ olona:
And as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the day of the Son of man.
27 nihinana izy, nisotro izy, nampaka-bady izy, navoaka hampakarina izy, mandra-pihavin’ ny andro izay nidiran’ i Noa tao amin’ ny sambo-fiara, dia tonga ny Safo-drano ka nandringana azy rehetra.
They were feasting and taking wives and getting married, till the day of the overflowing of the waters, when Noah went into the ark, and they all came to destruction.
28 Ary tahaka ny tamin’ ny andron’ i Lota koa: nihinana izy, nisotro izy, nivarotra izy, namboly izy, nanao trano izy;
In the same way, in the days of Lot; they were feasting and trading, they were planting and building;
29 fa tamin’ ny andro izay nivoahan’ i Lota avy tao Sodoma, dia nisy afo sy solifara nilatsaka avy tany an-danitra ka nandringana azy rehetra.
But on the day when Lot went out of Sodom, fire came down from heaven and destruction came on them all.
30 Dia ho tahaka izany koa amin’ ny andro hisehoan’ ny Zanak’ olona.
So will it be in the day of the revelation of the Son of man.
31 Amin’ izany andro izany izay eo an-tampon-trano, ary ny entany ao an-trano, dia aoka tsy hidina haka izany; ary toy izany koa izay any an-tsaha, aoka tsy hiverina amin’ izay efa nilaozany izy.
On that day, if anyone is on the roof of the house, and his goods are in the house, let him not go down to take them away; and let him who is in the field not go back to his house.
32 Tsarovy ny vadin’ i Lota.
Keep in mind Lot's wife.
33 Na zovy na zovy mitady hamonjy ny ainy dia hahavery azy; ary na zovy na zovy no hahavery ny ainy dia hahazo izany.
If anyone makes an attempt to keep his life, it will be taken from him, but if anyone gives up his life, he will keep it.
34 Lazaiko aminareo fa amin’ izany alina izany hisy roa lahy miray fandriana; ny anankiray horaisina, ary ny anankiray havela.
I say to you, In that night there will be two men sleeping in one bed, and one will be taken away and the other let go.
35 Hisy roa vavy miara-mitoto vary; ny anankiray horaisina, ary ny anankiray havela.
Two women will be crushing grain together; one will be taken away and the other let go.
37 Dia namaly izy ireo ka nanao taminy hoe: Aiza, Tompoko? Ary hoy Izy taminy: Izay itoeran’ ny faty, dia any koa no hiangonan’ ny voromahery.
And they, answering him, said, Where, Lord? And he said to them, Where the body is, there will the eagles come together.

< Lioka 17 >