< Levitikosy 16 >

1 Ary Jehovah niteny tamin’ i Mosesy, rehefa maty izy roa lahy zanak’ i Arona, tamin’ izy nanatona teo anatrehan’ i Jehovah ka maty;
And the Lord spak to Moises, aftir the deeth of the twei sones of Aaron, whanne thei offriden alien fier, and weren slayn, and comaundide to hym,
2 dia hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Mosesy: Lazao amin’ i Arona rahalahinao mba tsy hiditra mandrakariva ao amin’ ny fitoerana masìna izy; dia ao anatin’ ny efitra lamba, eo anoloan’ ny rakotra fanaovam-panavotana, izay eo ambonin’ ny fiara, mba tsy hahafaty azy; fa hiseho eo amin’ ny rahona eo ambonin’ ny rakotra fanaovam-panatovana Aho.
and seide, Speke thou to Aaron, thi brother, that he entre not in al tyme in to the seyntuarie, which is with ynne the veil bifor the propiciatorie, bi which the arke is hilid, that he die not; for Y schal appere in a cloude on Goddis answeryng place;
3 Ary izao no ho entin’ i Arona, raha miditra ao amin’ ny fitoerana masìna izy: vantotr’ ombilahy iray hatao fanatitra noho ny ota sy ondrilahy iray hatao fanatitra dorana.
`no but he do these thingis bifore. He schal offer a calf for synne, and a ram in to brent sacrifice;
4 Akanjo lava masìna rongony fotsy no hiakanjoany, ary kalisaona rongony fotsy no hataony manolo-koditra, ary fehin-kibo rongony fotsy no hifehezany, ary hamama rongony fotsy no hisatrohany: fitafiana masìna ireo, ka handro amin’ ny rano izy vao hiakanjo azy.
he schal be clothid with a lynnun coote, he schal hide the schamefast membris with pryuy lynnun clothis; he schal be gird with a lynnun girdil, he schal putte a lynnun mytre on his heed; for these clothis ben hooli, with whiche alle he schal be clothid, whanne he is waischun.
5 Ary ny fiangonan’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely, dia handraisany osilahy roa hatao fanatitra noho ny ota sy ondrilahy izay hatao fanatitra dorana.
And he schal take of al the multitude of the sones of Israel twei kidis for synne, and o ram in to brent sacrifice;
6 Dia hampanatonin’ i Arona ny vantotr’ ombilahy izay hatao fanatitra noho ny ota ho an’ ny tenany, ka dia hanao fanavotana ho an’ ny tenany sy ny ankohonany izy.
and whanne he offrith a calf, and preieth for hym,
7 Ary dia halainy koa ny osilahy roa ka hapetrany eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah, eo anoloan’ ny varavaran’ ny trano-lay fihaonana.
and for his hows, he schal make twei `buckis of geet to stonde bifor the Lord, in the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng;
8 Dia hanaovan’ i Arona filokana ny osilahy roa: ny loka anankiray ho an’ i Jehovah, ary ny loka anankiray ho an’ i Azazela.
and he schal sende `on euer eithir, o lot to the Lord, and another lot to the goot that schal be sent out.
9 Ary hampanatonin’ i Arona ny osilahy izay niharan’ ny filokana ho an’ i Jehovah ka hataony fanatitra noho ny ota.
Whos lot goith out to the Lord, he schal offre it for synne;
10 Fa ny osilahy izay niharan’ ny filokana ho an’ i Azazela kosa dia hapetraka velona eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah hanaovana fanavotana ho azy, mba handefasana azy hankany an-efitra ho an’ i Azazela.
sotheli whos lot goith out in to goot that schal be sent out, he schal sette hym quyk bifor the Lord, that he sende preyers `on hym, and sende hym out in to wildirnesse.
11 Ary hampanatonin’ i Arona ny vantotr’ ombilahy, izay hatao fanatitra noho ny ota ho an’ ny tenany, ka dia hanao fanavotana ho azy sy ny ankohonany izy, dia hovonoiny ny vantotr’ ombilahy, izay hatao fanatitra noho ny ota ho an’ ny tenany.
Whanne these thingis ben doon riytfuli, he schal offre the calf, and `he schal preye for hym silf, and for his hows, and schal offre the calf.
12 Dia haka vain’ afo eran’ ny fitondran’ afo avy amin’ ny alitara eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah izy, ary ditin-kazo mani-pofona voatorotoro madinika eran-tanan-droa, ka ho entiny miditra ao anatin’ ny efitra lamba.
And whanne he hath take the censeer, which he hath fillid of the coolis of the auter, and `he hath take in hond the `swete smellynge spicery maad into encense, he schal entre ouer the veil in to the hooli thingis;
13 Ary hataony eo amin’ ny afo eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah ny ditin-kazo, ka hosaronan’ ny setroky ny ditin-kazo ny rakotra fanaovan-panavotana, izay eo ambonin’ ny Vavolombelona, mba tsy hahafaty azy.
that whanne swete smellynge spiceries ben put on the fier, the cloude and `vapour of tho hile Goddis answeryng place, which is on the witnessyng, and he die not.
14 Dia hangalany ny ran’ ny vantotr’ ombilahy ka hafafin’ ny fanondrony amin’ ny rakotra fanaovam-panavotana eo amin’ ny lafiny atsinanana; ary ny eo anoloan’ ny rakotra fanaovam-panavotana koa dia hofafazany ny rà impito amin’ ny fanondrony.
Also he schal take of the `blood of the calf, and he schal sprenge seuensithis with the fyngur ayens `the propiciatorie, `to the eest.
15 Dia hovonoiny ny osilahy izay hatao fanatitra noho ny ota ho an’ ny olona, ka ho entiny miditra ao anatin’ ny efitra lamba ny ràny, dia hataony tahaka ny efa nataony tamin’ ny ran’ ny vantotr’ ombilahy ihany ka hafafiny eo amin’ ny rakotra fanaovam-panavotana sy eo anoloany.
And whanne he hath slayn the `buk of geet, for synne of the puple, he schal brynge in the blood therof with ynne the veil, as it is comaundid of the `blood of the calf, that he sprynge euene ayens Goddis answeryng place,
16 Dia hanao fanavotana ho an’ ny fitoerana masìna izy noho ny fahalotoan’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely sy ny fahadisoany, dia ny fahotany rehetra; ary toy izany koa no hataony ho an’ ny trano-lay fihaonana, izay mitoetra eo aminy, eo afovoan’ ny fahalotoany.
and he schal clense the seyntuarie fro vnclennessis of the sones of Israel, and fro her trespassyngis, and alle synnes. Bi this custom he schal do in the tabernacle of witnessyng, which is set among hem, in the myddis of partis of the abitacioun `of hem.
17 Ary aza avela hisy olona ao amin’ ny trano-lay fihaonana, raha miditra hanao fanavotana ao amin’ ny fitoerana masìna Arona mandra-pivoakany avy nanao fanavotana ho an’ ny tenany sy ny ankohonany ary ho an’ ny fiangonana, dia ny Isiraely rehetra.
No man be in the tabernacle, whanne the bischop schal entre in to the seyntuarie, that he preye for hym silf, and for his hows, and for al the cumpeny of Israel, til he go out of the tabernacle.
18 Dia hivoaka ho eo amin’ ny alitara eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah izy ka hanao fanavotana ho an’ ny alitara; dia hangalany ny ran’ ny vantotr’ ombilahy sy ny ran’ ny osilahy ka hatentiny amin’ ny tandroky ny alitara eo amin’ ny zorony efatra.
Sotheli whanne he hath go out to the auter which is bifor the Lord, preye he for hym silf, and schede he on the hornes therof, bi cumpas, the blood `that is takun of the calf, and of the `buk of geet;
19 Dia hofafazany ny rà impito amin’ ny fanondrony izy ka hodioviny sy hohamasininy ho afaka amin’ ny fahalotoan’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely.
and sprynge he seuensithis with the fyngur, and clense he, and halewe the autir fro vnclennessis of the sones of Israel.
20 Ary rehefa vitany ny fanavotana ho an’ ny fitoerana masìna sy ny trano-lay fihaonana ary ny alitara, dia hampanatoniny ny osilahy velona.
Aftir that he hath clensid the seyntuarie, and tabernacle, and auter, thanne offre he the lyuynge `buc of geet;
21 Dia hapetrak’ i Arona amin’ ny lohan’ ny osilahy velona ny tànany roa, ka hekeny eo amboniny ny heloky ny Zanak’ Isiraely rehetra sy ny fahadisoany rehetra, dia ny fahotany rehetra; dia hametraka izany eo amin’ ny lohan’ ny osilahy izy ka hampandeha azy ho entin’ ny lehilahy voatendry hankany an-efitra.
and whanne euer eithir hond is set on the heed therof, knowleche the preest alle the wickidnessis of the sones of Israel, and alle the trespassis and synnes `of hem, whiche the preest schal wische to the heed therof, and schal sende hym out in to deseert bi a man maad redi.
22 Ary ho entin’ ny osilahy ho any an-efitra ny helok’ izy rehetra; dia halefany any ny osilahy.
And whanne the `buc of geet hath bore alle the wickidnessis `of hem in to a deseert lond,
23 Dia hiditra ao amin’ ny trano-lay fihaonana Arona, ary hanala ny fitafiany rongony fotsy, izay niakanjoany raha niditra ao amin’ ny fitoerana masìna izy, ka hamela azy ao.
and is left `in deseert, Aaron schal turn ayen in to the tabernacle of witnessyng; and whanne the clothis ben put of, in whiche he was clothid bifore, whanne he entrid in to the seyntuarie of God, and ben left there,
24 Dia handro amin’ ny rano eo amin’ izay fitoerana masìna izy ka hitafy ny fitafiany; dia hivoaka izy ka hanatitra ny fanatitra dorana ho an’ ny tenany sy ny fanatitra dorana ho an’ ny olona ka hanao fanavotana ho an’ ny tenany sy ny olona.
he schal waische his fleisch in the hooli place, and he schal be clothid in his owen clothis, and aftir that he hath go out, and hath offrid the brent sacrifice of hym silf, and of the puple, he schal preye as wel for hym silf, as for the puple;
25 Ary ny saboran’ ny fanatitra noho ny ota dia hodorany ho fofona eo ambonin’ ny alitara.
and he schal brenne on the auter the innere fatnesse which is offrid for synne.
26 Ary ilay mandefa ny osilahy ho an’ i Azazela dia hanasa fitafiana ka handro amin’ ny rano, vao mahazo mankeo an-toby.
Sotheli he that leet go the `buk of geet able to be sent out, schal waische hise clothis and bodi with water, and so he schal entre in to the castels.
27 Ary ny vantotr’ ombilahy natao fanatitra noho ny ota sy ny osilahy natao fanatitra noho ny ota, izay efa nampidirina tao amin’ ny fitoerana masìna ny ràny hatao fanavotana, dia ho entina mivoaka ho eny ivelan’ ny amin’ ny afo ny hodiny sy ny henany ary ny toby; ary hodorana tain-drorohany.
Forsothe thei schulen bere out of the castels the calf and `buk of geet, that weren offrid for synne, and whos blood was brouyt in to the seyntuarie, that the clensyng were fillid; and thei schulen brenne bi fier as well the skynnys, as the fleischis and dung of tho.
28 Ary izay mandoro ireo dia hanasa fitafiana sy handro amin’ ny rano, vao mahazo mankeo an-toby.
And who euer brenneth tho, schal waische hise clothis and fleisch in watir, and so he schal entre in to the castels.
29 Ary izao no ho lalàna mandrakizay ho anareo: amin’ ny andro fahafolo amin’ ny volana fahafito dia aoka hampahory ny tenanareo ianareo ary tsy hanao raharaha akory, na ny tompon-tany, na ny vahiny eo aminareo.
And this schal be to you a lawful thing euerlastynge; in the seuenthe monethe, in the tenthe dai of the monethe, ye schulen turment youre soulis, and ye schulen not do ony werk, nethir a man borun in the lond, nether a comelyng which is a pilgrym among you.
30 Fa amin’ izany andro izany no hanaovana fanavotana ho anareo hanadiovana anareo, ka dia hadio ho afaka amin’ ny fahotanareo rehetra eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah ianareo
The delyueryng fro synne, and the clensyng of you schal be in this dai, ye schulen be clensid bifore the Lord fro alle youre synnes;
31 Ho tena andro fitsaharana ho anareo izany, ka hampahory ny tenanareo ianareo: ho lalàna mandrakizay izany.
for it is sabat of restyng, and ye schulen turment youre soulis bi euerlastynge religioun.
32 Ary ny mpisorona, izay hohosorana sy hatokana ho mpisorona hisolo ny rainy, dia hanao fanavotana; ary hitafy ny fitafiana rongony fotsy izy, dia ny fitafiana masìna.
Sotheli the preest schal clense, which is anoyntid, and whos hondis ben halewid, that he be set in preesthod for his fadir; and he schal be clothid in a lynnun stoole, and in hooli clothis,
33 Dia hanao fanavotana ho an’ ny fitoerana masìna izy sy ho an’ ny trano-lay fihaonana sy ny alitara sy ny mpisorona ary ny olona rehetra amin’ ny fiangonana.
and he schal clense the seyntuarie, and the tabernacle of witnessyng, and the auter, and the preestis, and al the puple.
34 Ary ho lalàna mandrakizay ho anareo izany, hanaovana fanavotana ho an’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely indray mandeha isan-taona hahafahany amin’ ny fahotany rehetra. Dia nataon’ i Arona araka izay efa nandidian’ i Jehovah an’ i Mosesy.
And this schal be to you a lawful thing euerlastynge, that ye preye for the sones of Israel, and for alle the synnes `of hem, onys in the yeer. Therfor he dide, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.

< Levitikosy 16 >