< Jeremia 14 >

1 Ny tenin’ i Jehovah izay tonga tamin’ i Jeremia ny amin’ ny mosary.
The word of YHWH that came to Jeremiah concerning the drought.
2 Misaona ny Joda, ary mitanondrika ny vavahadiny; Mitafy lamba fioriana izy ka mipetraka amin’ ny tany; Ary miakatra ny fitarainan’ i Jerosalema.
"Judah mourns, and its gates languish, they sit in black on the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up.
3 Ny lehibeny maniraka ny madinika hantsaka rano; Dia tonga any amin’ ny lavaka famorian-drano ireny, nefa tsy mahita rano ka miverina mitondra loha mody; Menatra sy mangaihay izy ka misaron-doha.
Their nobles send their little ones to the waters: they come to the cisterns, and find no water; they return with their vessels empty; they are disappointed and confounded, and cover their heads.
4 Noho ny fangentan’ ny tany, noho ny tsy nilatsahan’ ny ranonorana taminy, dia menatra ny mpiasa ka misaron-doha.
Because of the ground which is cracked, because no rain has been in the land, the plowmen are disappointed, they cover their heads.
5 Ary na dia ny dieravavy any an-tsaha aza, raha miteraka, dia mahafoy noho ny tsi-fisian’ ny ahi-maitso.
Yes, the hind also in the field calves, and forsakes her young, because there is no grass.
6 Ary ny borikidia mijanona eny an-tendrombohitra mangadihady, mihanahana maniry ny rivotra toy ny amboadia izy; Manjambena ny masony noho ny tsi-fisian’ ny ahitra.
The wild donkeys stand on the bare heights, they pant for air like jackals; their eyes fail, because there is no herbage."
7 Ry Jehovah ô, na dia miampanga anay aza ny helokay, miasà ihany Hianao noho ny anaranao; Fa be ny fiodinanay, taminao no nanotanay.
"Though our iniquities testify against us, work for your name's sake, YHWH; for our backslidings are many; we have sinned against you.
8 Ry Fanantenan’ ny Isiraely ô, Mpamonjy azy amin’ ny andro fahoriana! Nahoana Hianao no dia toy ny vahiny amin’ ny tany ary toy ny mpandeha izay manorin-day handry indray alina monja?
Hope of Israel, its Savior in the time of trouble, why should you be as a foreigner in the land, and as a wayfaring man who turns aside to stay for a night?
9 Nahoana Hianao no dia toy ny olona ankona ary toy ny lehilahy mahery tsy mahavonjy? Nefa mbola ato aminay ihany Hianao, Jehovah ô, ary ny anaranao dia efa nantsoina taminay; Aza dia mandao anay.
Why should you be like a scared man, as a mighty man who can't save? Yet you, YHWH, are in the midst of us, and we are called by your name; do not leave us."
10 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah amin’ ity firenena ity: Te-hirenireny toy izao izy, ka tsy mahajanona ny tongony; Tsy sitrak’ i Jehovah izy, Ankehitriny dia tsaroany ny helony, ary valiany ny fahotany.
Thus says YHWH to this people, "Even so have they loved to wander; they have not refrained their feet: therefore YHWH does not accept them; now he will remember their iniquity, and visit their sins."
11 Dia hoy Jehovah tamiko: Aza mivavaka ho an’ ity firenena ity hahasoa azy.
YHWH said to me, "Do not pray for this people for their good.
12 Fa na dia mifady hanina aza izy, dia tsy hihaino ny fitarainany Aho; Ary na dia manatitra fanatitra dorana sy fanatitra hohanina aza izy, dia tsy hankasitraka azy Aho, fa haripako amin’ ny sabatra sy ny mosary ary ny areti-mandringana izy.
When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and meal offering, I will not accept them; but I will consume them by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence."
13 Dia hoy izaho: Indrisy, Jehovah Tompo ô! Indreo ny mpaminany manao aminy hoe: Tsy hiharan’ ny sabatra ianareo, ary tsy ho mosarena; Fa homeko fiadanana maharitra eto amin’ ity tany ity ianareo.
Then I said, "Ah, YHWH. Look, the prophets tell them, 'You shall not see the sword, neither shall you have famine; but I will give you assured peace in this place.'"
14 Dia hoy Jehovah tamiko: Ireo mpaminany ireo dia maminany lainga amin’ ny anarako; Tsy naniraka azy Aho, na nandidy azy, na niteny taminy; Fa fahitana mandainga sy faminaniana tsy marina ary tsinotsinona sy fitaky ny fony no aminaniany aminareo.
Then YHWH said to me, "The prophets prophesy lies in my name; I did not send them, neither have I commanded them, neither spoke I to them: they prophesy to you a lying vision, and divination, and a thing of nothing, and the deceit of their own heart.
15 Koa izao no lazain’ i Jehovah ny amin’ ireo mpaminany izay maminany amin’ ny Anarako ireo nefa tsy nirahiko tsinona ka milaza fa tsy hisy sabatra sy mosary eto amin’ ity tany ity: Ny sabatra sy ny mosary indrindra no handringanana ireo mpaminany ireo.
Therefore thus says YHWH concerning the prophets who prophesy in my name, and I did not send them, yet they say, 'Sword and famine shall not be in this land:' 'By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.'
16 Ary ny firenena izay aminanian’ ireo koa dia hiely faty eny an-dalamben’ i Jerosalema noho ny mosary sy ny sabatra, ka tsy hisy mpandevina ireny, na ny tenany, na ny vadiny, na ny zananilahy, na ny zananivavy, fa haidiko ao aminy ny faharatsiany.
The people to whom they prophesy shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and the sword; and they shall have none to bury them—them, their wives, nor their sons, nor their daughters: for I will pour their wickedness on them."
17 Koa lazao aminy izao teny izao: Ny ranomasoko hijononoka andro aman’ alina ka tsy hitsahatra; Fa ny oloko, zanakavavy virijina, naratra mafy dia mafy tamin’ ny kapoka maharary indrindra.
"You shall say this word to them, 'Let my eyes run down with tears night and day, and let them not cease; for the virgin daughter of my people is broken with a great breach, with a very grievous wound.
18 Raha mivoaka any an-tsaha aho, dia indreny ny matin-tsabatra! Ary raha miditra ao an-tanàna kosa aho, dia indreo ny anan’ ny mosary! Eny, ny mpaminany sy ny mpisorona dia mirenireny mankamin’ ny tany tsy fantany.
If I go forth into the field, then, look, the slain with the sword. And if I enter into the city, then, look, those who are sick with famine. For both the prophet and the priest go about in the land, and have no knowledge.'"
19 Efa narianao tokoa va Joda? Efa naharikoriko ny fanahinao va Ziona? Nahoana no dia mamely anay Hianao, ka efa tsy mety sitrana izahay? Nanantena fiadanana izahay, kanjo tsy nahita asa, ary andro fanasitranana, fa indro fampitahorana.
"Have you utterly rejected Judah? Has your soul loathed Zion? Why have you struck us, and there is no healing for us? We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of healing, and look, dismay.
20 Jehovah ô, tsaroanay ny faharatsianay sy ny heloky ny razanay; Fa efa nanota taminao izahay.
We acknowledge, YHWH, our wickedness, and the iniquity of our fathers; for we have sinned against you.
21 Noho ny amin’ ny anaranao dia aza arianao izahay; Aza atao ho tsinontsinona ny seza fiandrianan’ ny voninahitrao; Tsarovy, ka aza tsoahanao ny fanekenao taminay.
Do not abhor us, for your name's sake; do not disgrace the throne of your glory: remember, do not break your covenant with us.
22 Mba misy mahalatsaka ranonorana va ireny sampin’ ny jentilisa ireny? Na mahay mandatsaka ranonorana mivatravatra va ny lanitra? Fa tsy Hianao ihany va no Izy, ry Jehovah Andriamanitray ô? Koa manantena Anao izahay, satria Hianao no nanao ireo zavatra rehetra ireo.
Are there any among the vanities of the nations that can cause rain? Or can the sky give showers? Aren't you he, YHWH our God? Therefore we will wait for you; for you have made all these things."

< Jeremia 14 >