< Isaia 21 >

1 Faminaniana ny amin’ ny loza hanjo ny Efitra Ranobe. Tahaka ny firimorimon’ ny tadio any atsimo no fihaviny avy any an-efitra, dia avy any amin’ ny tany mahatahotra.
The oracle of the wilderness of the sea. As whirlwinds in the Negev sweep through, it comes from the wilderness, from an awesome land.
2 Misy fahitana mampahory naseho tamiko: Ny mpamitaka mamitaka, ary ny mpandringana mandringana. Iakaro, ry Elama ô! ekeo, ry Media ô! Hatsahatro ny fisentoana rehetra.
A grievous vision is declared to me. The treacherous man deals treacherously, and the destroyer destroys. Go up, Elam; attack. I have stopped all of Media's sighing.
3 Ary raha nahita izany aho, dia feno fanaintainana ny valahako; Fijalijaliana no nahazo ahy tahaka ny fijalijalian’ ny vehivavy raha miteraka; Niolanolana fatratra aho ka tsy nandre izany; Toran-kovitra aho ka tsy nahita izany.
Therefore my thighs are filled with anguish. Pains have taken hold on me, like the pains of a woman in labor. I am in so much pain that I can't hear. I so am dismayed that I can't see.
4 Niemponempona ny foko, nampahatahotra ahy ny horohoro; Ny hariva fahafinaretako nampodiny ho fangovitako.
My heart flutters. Horror has frightened me. The twilight that I desired has been turned into trembling for me.
5 Velarina ny latabatra, miambina ny mpiambina, mihinana sy misotro ny olona mitsangàna, ianareo lehibe, ka hosory ny ampinga!
They prepare the table. They set the watch. They eat. They drink. Rise up, you princes, oil the shield.
6 Fa izao no nolazain’ i Jehovah tamiko: Mandehana, manendre tily; Ka izay hitany no aoka holazainy.
For YHWH said to me, "Go, set a watchman. Let him declare what he sees.
7 Dia nahita izy ka indreo mpitaingina manao andiany mandeha tsiroaroa sy boriky andiany ary rameva andiany. Ary nihaino izy, eny, nihaino dia nihaino;
When he sees chariots, horsemen in pairs, riders on donkeys, riders on camels, let him listen diligently, very diligently."
8 Dia niantso nanao feon-diona izy ka nanao hoe: Tompo ô! izaho mijanona mandrakariva eto ambonin’ ny fitazanako nony antoandro, Ary mitoetra eto amin’ ny fiambenako aho mandritra ny alina;
Then the lookout shouted: "Lord, I stand continually on the watchtower in the daytime, and every night I stay at my post.
9 Koa, indreo, avy ny olona andiany, mpitaingina mandeha tsiroaroa; Ary nanandratra ny feony izy ka nanao hoe: Rava, rava Babylona! Ary ny sarin’ ny andriamaniny rehetra dia voatorotoro miraraka amin’ ny tany.
Look, here comes a troop of men, horsemen in pairs." He answered, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon; and all the engraved images of her gods are broken to the ground.
10 Ry ahy voavely toy ny vary teo am-pamoloako ô! Izay efa reko tamin’ i Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely, no nambarako taminareo.
You are my threshing, and the grain of my floor." That which I have heard from YHWH of hosts, the God of Israel, I have declared to you.
11 Faminaniana ny amin’ ny loza hanjo an’ i Edoma. Misy miantso ahy any Seïra manao hoe: Ry mpiambina ô, toy inona alina moa izao? Ry mpiambina ô, toy inona alina moa izao?
The burden of Dumah. One calls to me out of Seir, "Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?"
12 Dia hoy ny mpiambina: Avy ny maraina, avy koa ny alina; Raha mbola ta-hanontany ianareo, dia manontania ihany; ka avia, miverena.
The watchman said, "The morning comes, and also the night. If you will inquire, inquire. Come back again."
13 Faminaniana ny amin’ ny loza hanjo an’ i Arabia. Any an’ ala any Arabia no andrianareo, ry andian’ ny Dedanita.
The burden on Arabia. In the forest in Arabia you will lodge, you caravans of Dedanites.
14 Itondrana rano ny mangetaheta; Ny mponina amin’ ny tany Tema mitsena hanina ny mandositra;
They brought water to him who was thirsty. The inhabitants of the land of Tema met the fugitives with their bread.
15 Fa mandositra ny sabatra ireo, dia ny sabatra voatsoaka sy ny tsipìka voahenjana ary ny havesatry ny ady.
For they fled away from the swords, from the drawn sword, from the bent bow, and from the heat of battle.
16 Fa izao no nolazain’ i Jehovah tamiko: Ato anatin’ ny herintaona, tahaka ny taonan’ ny mpikarama, dia ho levona avokoa ny voninahitr’ i Kedara;
For YHWH said to me, "Within a year, as a worker bound by contract would count it, the glory of Kedar will fail,
17 Ary ny tsipìka sisa izay; an’ ny lehilahy mahery, taranak’ i Kedara, dia ho vitsy foana, fa Jehovah Andriamanitry ny Isiraely, ao efa niteny.
and the residue of the number of the archers, the warriors of the people of Kedar, will be few; for YHWH, the God of Israel, has spoken it."

< Isaia 21 >