< Estera 10 >

1 Ary Ahasoerosy mpanjaka nampandoa hetra ny tany sy ny nosin-dranomasina.
And the King Ahashuerosh layd a tribute vpon the land, and vpon the yles of the sea.
2 Ary izay rehetra nataony araka ny fahefany sy ny heriny mbamin’ ny filazana ny fahalehibiazan’ i Mordekay, araka izay nanandratan’ ny mpanjaka azy, tsy efa voasoratra ao amin’ ny bokin’ ny tantaran’ ny mpanjakan’ i Media sy Persia va izany?
And all the actes of his power, and of his might, and the declaration of the dignitie of Mordecai, wherwith the King magnified him, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia?
3 Fa Mordekay Jiosy no nanarakaraka an’ i Ahasoerosy mpanjaka sady nalaza tamin’ ny Jiosy ka nankasitrahan’ ny rahalahiny maro, satria nitady hihasoa ny fireneny izy sady nilaza fiadanana tamin’ ny olona rehetra iray firazanana aminy.
For Mordecai the Iewe was the second vnto King Ahashuerosh, and great among the Iewes, and accepted among the multitude of his brethren, who procured the wealth of his people, and spake peaceably to all his seede.

< Estera 10 >