< 2 Mpanjaka 5 >

1 Ary Namàna, komandin’ ny miaramilan’ ny mpanjakan’ i Syria, dia olona lehibe teo anatrehan’ ny tompony sady nanan-kaja, satria izy no namonjen’ i Jehovah an’ i Syria; ary lehilahy mahery izy, nefa kosa boka.
Now Naaman, chief of the army of the king of Aram, was a man of high position with his master, and greatly respected, because by him the Lord had given salvation to Aram; but he was a leper.
2 Ary ny Syriana nivoaka nanao an-tokony ka nitondra ny zazavavy kely anankiray babo avy tany amin’ ny tanin’ ny Isiraely; ary nanompo ny vadin’ i Namana io.
Now the Aramaeans had gone out in bands, and taken prisoner from Israel a little girl, who became servant to Naaman's wife.
3 Ary hoy io tamin’ ny tompovaviny: Enga anie ka mba ao amin’ ny mpaminany izay any Samaria ny tompoko! dia hahasitrana azy amin’ ny habokany izy.
And she said to her master's wife, If only my lord would go to the prophet in Samaria, he would make him well.
4 Ary niditra Namana ka nilaza tamin’ ny tompony hoe: Izany ka izany no nolazain’ ilay zazavavy izay avy tany amin’ ny tanin’ ny Isiraely.
And someone went and said to his lord, This is what the girl from the land of Israel says.
5 Dia hoy ny mpanjakan’ i Syria: Andeha ary mandeha, fa hampitondra taratasy ho any amin’ ny mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely aho. Dia lasa izy sady nitondra talenta volafotsy folo sy volamena enina arivo sekely ary akanjo im-polo miova teny an-tànany.
So the king of Aram said, Go then; and I will send a letter to the king of Israel. And he went, taking with him ten talents of silver and six thousand shekels of gold, and ten changes of clothing.
6 Ary izy nitondra ny taratasy ho any amin’ ny mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely nanao hoe: Ary raha tonga atỳ aminao ity taratasy ity, dia ho fantatrao fa efa nampandeha an’ i Namàna mpanompoko aho hankatỳ aminao, koa sitrano amin’ ny habokany izy.
And he took the letter to the king of Israel, in which the king of Aram had said, See, I have sent my servant Naaman to you to be made well, for he is a leper.
7 Ary nony efa novakin’ ny mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely ny taratasy, dia nandriatra ny fitafiany izy ka nanao hoe: Andriamanitra va aho ka hahafaty na hahavelona, no anirahan’ ilehiny atỳ amiko mba hahasitrana olona amin’ ny habokany? Koa masìna ianareo, fantaro sy izahao fa mila ady amiko mihitsy izy.
But the king of Israel, after reading the letter, was greatly troubled and said, Am I God, to give death and life? why does this man send a leper to me to be made well? is it not clear that he is looking for a cause of war?
8 Ary rehefa ren’ i Elisa, lehilahin’ Andriamanitra, fa nandriatra ny fitafiany ny mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely, dia naniraka tany amin’ ny mpanjaka izy ka nanao hoe: Nahoana no nandriatra ny fitafianao ianao? Aoka izy hankatỳ amiko, dia ho fantany fa misy mpaminany tokoa ao amin’ ny Isiraely.
Now Elisha, the man of God, hearing that the king of Israel had done this, sent to the king, saying, Why are you troubled? send the man to me, so that he may see that there is a prophet in Israel.
9 Ary dia nandeha Namàna nitondra ny soavaliny sy ny kalesiny ka nijanona teo am-baravaran’ ny tranon’ i Elisa.
So Naaman, with all his horses and his carriages, came to the door of Elisha's house.
10 Ary Elisa naniraka olona tany aminy hilaza hoe: Mandehana, mandroa impito ao Jordana, dia hody aminao indray ny nofonao, ka hadio ianao.
And Elisha sent a servant to him, saying, Go to Jordan, and after washing seven times in its waters your flesh will be well again and you will be clean.
11 Fa tezitra Namàna, dia lasa ka nanao hoe: Indro, nataoko fa hivoaka hankatỳ amiko mihitsy izy ka hitsangana ary hiantso ny anaran’ i Jehovah Andriamaniny sady hanevaheva ny tànany eo ambonin’ ny aretina ka hahasitrana ny boka.
But Naaman was angry and went away and said, I had the idea that he would come out to see such an important person as I am, and make prayer to the Lord his God, and with a wave of his hand over the place make the leper well.
12 Tsy tsara noho ny ranon’ ny Isiraely rehetra va Abana sy Farpara, onin’ i Damaskosy? Tsy mahazo mandro ao amin’ ireo va aho ka hadio? Dia nihodina izy ka lasa an-katezerana.
Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? may I not be washed in them and become clean? So turning, he went away in wrath.
13 Dia nanatona ny mpanompony ka niteny taminy hoe: Ry ikaky ô, na dia zavatra lehibe aza no nasain’ ny mpaminany ho nataonao, moa tsy mba ho nataonao va izany? koa mainka va, raha hoy izy aminao: Mandroa, dia hadio ianao?
Then his servants came to him and said, If the prophet had given you orders to do some great thing, would you not have done it? how much more then, when he says to you, Be washed and become clean?
14 Dia nidina izy ka nisitrika tao Jordana impito araka ny tenin’ ny lehilahin’ Andriamanitra: ary ny nofony dia tonga tahaka ny nofon-jazakely indray, ka nadio izy.
Then he went down seven times into the waters of Jordan, as the man of God had said; and his flesh became like the flesh of a little child again, and he was clean.
15 Ary niverina nankao amin’ ny lehilahin’ Andriamanitra izy mbamin’ izay rehetra nanaraka azy, dia tonga tao ary nitsangana teo anatrehany ka nanao hoe: Indro, fantatro fa tsy misy Andriamanitra amin’ ny tany rehetra, afa-tsy ato amin’ ny Isiraely ihany koa masìna ianao, raiso ny saotra aterin’ ny mpanomponao.
Then he went back to the man of God, with all his train, and, taking his place before him, said, Now I am certain that there is no God in all the earth, but only in Israel: now then, take an offering from me.
16 Fa hoy izy: Raha velona koa Jehovah, Izay itsanganako eo anatrehany, tsy handray mihitsy aho. Ary nanery azy handray izy; fa tsy nety Elisa.
But he said, By the life of the Lord whose servant I am, I will take nothing from you. And he did his best to make him take it but he would not.
17 Ary hoy Namana: Masìna ianao, moa tsy homena tany zakan’ ny ampondra roa va izaho mpanomponao? fa ny mpanomponao tsy mba hanatitra fanatitra dorana na fanatitra hafa intsony ho an’ ny andriamani-kafa, fa ho an’ i Jehovah ihany.
Then Naaman said, If you will not, then let there be given to your servant as much earth as two beasts are able to take on their backs; because from now on, your servant will make no offering or burned offering to other gods, but only to the Lord.
18 Nefa ny amin’ izao zavatra izao dia aoka havelan’ i Jehovah ny heloky ny mpanomponao: raha ny tompoko miditra ao an-tranon-dRimona hiankohoka ao ary mitehina amin’ ny tanako, ka mba miankohoka ao an-tranon-dRimona aho, raha miankohoka ao aho, Jehovah anie hamela ny heloky ny mpanomponao amin’ izany zavatra izany.
But may your servant have the Lord's forgiveness for this one thing: when my master goes into the house of Rimmon for worship there, supported on my arm, and my head is bent in the house of Rimmon; when his head is bent in the house of Rimmon, may your servant have the Lord's forgiveness for this thing.
19 Ary hoy izy taminy: Mandehana soa aman-tsara. Ary dia niala taminy izy ka lasa lavidavitra.
And he said to him, Go in peace. And he went from him some distance.
20 Fa hoy Gehazy, zatovon’ i Elisa, lehilahin’ Andriamanitra: Indro, ny tompoko namela fotsiny ity Namàna Syriana ity ka tsy nandray tamin’ ny tànany izay zavatra nentiny, fa raha velona koa Jehovah, dia hihazakazaka hanaraka azy aho ka handray zavatra aminy.
But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, the man of God, said, Now my master has taken nothing from Naaman, this Aramaean, of what he would have given him: by the living Lord, I will go after him and get something from him.
21 Ka dia lasa Gehazy nanaraka an’ i Namàna Ary nony tazan’ i Namàna avy mihazakazaka manaraka azy izy, dia niala faingana tamin’ ny kalesy hitsena azy izy ka nanao hoe: Tsara ihany va?
So Gehazi went after Naaman. And when Naaman saw him running after him, he got down from his carriage and went back to him and said, Is all well?
22 Ary hoy izy: Tsara ihany; kanefa ny tompoko naniraka ahy hilaza hoe: Indro ankehitriny misy zatovo roa lahy amin’ ny zanaky ny mpaminany tonga atỳ amiko avy any amin’ ny tany havoan’ i Efraima; koa masìna ianao, omeo talenta volafotsy sy fitafiana indroa miova izy.
And he said, All is well: but my master has sent me, saying, Even now, two young men of the sons of the prophets have come to me from the hill-country of Ephraim; will you give me a talent of silver and two changes of clothing for them?
23 Ary hoy Namàna: Aoka handray talenta roa ianao. Ary nanery azy izy sady namehy talenta volafotsy roa tao anaty kitapo roa mbamin’ ny fitafiana indroa miova, ka nampitondrainy ny zatovony roa lahy izany; ary nitondra izany teo alohany ireo.
And Naaman said, Be good enough to take two talents. And forcing him to take them, he put two talents of silver in two bags, with two changes of clothing, and gave them to his two servants to take before him.
24 Fa nony tonga tao amin’ ny havoana izy, dia nalainy teny an-tànany izany ka napetrany tao an-trano; dia nampandehaniny ireo, ka dia lasa izy.
When he came to the hill, he took them from their hands, and put them away in the house; and he sent the men away, and they went.
25 Fa Gehazy kosa niditra ka nitsangana teo anatrehan’ ny tompony. Ary hoy Elisa taminy: Avy taiza ianao, ry Gehazy? Dia hoy izy: Tsy avy taiza tsy avy taiza ny mpanomponao.
Then he came in and took his place before his master. And Elisha said to him, Where have you come from, Gehazi? And he said, Your servant went nowhere.
26 Fa hoy kosa Elisa taminy: Tsy niaraka taminao ihany va ny foko tamin’ ilay nihodina niala tamin’ ny kalesy hitsena anao ralehilahy? Moa andro fandraisam-bola, na fandraisana fitafiana, na tanin’ oliva, na tanim-boaloboka, na ondry aman’ osy, na omby, na ankizilahy, na ankizivavy va izao?
And he said to him, Did not my heart go with you, when the man got down from his carriage and went back to you? Is this a time for getting money, and clothing, and olive-gardens and vine-gardens, and sheep and oxen, and men-servants and women-servants?
27 Koa ny habokan’ i Namàna dia hiraikitra aminao sy ny taranakao mandrakizay. Ary niala teo anatrehany izy ka, indro, boka fotsy toy ny oram-panala.
Because of what you have done, the disease of Naaman the leper will take you in its grip, and your seed after you, for ever. And he went out from before him a leper as white as snow.

< 2 Mpanjaka 5 >