< Sofoni 1 >

1 Wuta na buku ya motambolisi banzembo. Babetaki yango na mandanda. Na tango Joziasi, mwana mobali ya Amoni, azalaki mokonzi ya mokili ya Yuda, Yawe alobaki na Sofoni, mwana mobali ya Kushi, mwana mobali ya Gedalia, mwana mobali ya Amaria, mwana mobali ya Ezekiasi:
The word of Jehovah which came to Zephaniah, the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hezekiah, in the days of Josiah, the son of Amon, king of Judah.
2 « Nakosilisa kobebisa biloko nyonso oyo ezali kati na mokili, » elobi Yawe,
I will utterly sweep away everything off of the surface of the earth, says Jehovah.
3 « solo, nakoboma ezala bato to banyama, ezala bandeke ya likolo to bambisi ya ebale; nakolongola, na mokili, bato mabe mpe biloko oyo ebetisaka bato mabaku » elobi Yawe.
I will sweep away people and animals. I will sweep away the birds of the sky, and the fish of the sea, and the idols that cause the wicked to stumble. I will remove humankind from the surface of the earth, says Jehovah.
4 « Nakosembola loboko na Ngai mpo na kopesa mokili ya Yuda mpe bavandi nyonso ya Yelusalemi etumbu; nakosilisa koboma, na esika oyo, nyonso oyo etikali, ya losambo ya nzambe Bala elongo na bakombo ya banganga-nzambe ya bapagano, oyo basalelaka banzambe ya bikeko:
I will stretch out my hand against Judah, and against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, the name of the idolatrous priests along with the priests,
5 bato nyonso oyo bafukamaka na likolo ya bandako mpo na kosambela mampinga ya likolo, bato nyonso oyo bagumbamaka na kolapa ndayi na Kombo na Yawe mpe na kombo na nzambe Moloki,
those who worship the host of heaven on the housetops, those who worship and swear by Jehovah and also swear by Milcom,
6 bato nyonso oyo bapesaka Yawe mokongo, oyo balukaka Ye te mpe batunaka Ye te.
those who have turned back from following Jehovah, and those who haven't sought Jehovah nor inquired after him.
7 Bovanda kimia liboso ya Nkolo Yawe, pamba te mokolo ya Yawe ekomi pene! Yawe abongisi mbeka, abulisi babengami na Ye.
Be silent at the presence of Jehovah, for the day of Jehovah is at hand. For Jehovah has prepared a sacrifice. He has consecrated his guests.
8 Na mokolo ya mbeka ya Yawe, nakopesa etumbu epai ya bakambi, epai ya bana mibali ya mokonzi mpe epai ya bato nyonso oyo balataka bilamba ya bapaya.
It will happen in the day of Jehovah's sacrifice that I will punish the princes, the king's sons, and all those who are clothed with foreign attire.
9 Na mokolo wana, nakopesa etumbu epai ya bato nyonso oyo bapumbwaka ekotelo ya tempelo, bato oyo batondisaka tempelo ya banzambe na bango ya bikeko na makambo ya kanza mpe na lokuta.
In that day, I will punish all those who leap over the threshold, who fill their master's house with violence and deceit.
10 Na mokolo wana, » elobi Yawe, « koganga makasi ekoyokana wuta na Ekuke ya Bambisi, kolela ekoyokana wuta na Mboka ya sika mpe lokito monene wuta na bangomba mikuse.
On that day, says Jehovah, there will be the noise of a cry from the Fish Gate, a wailing from the Second Quarter, and a loud crash from the hills.
11 Bino bavandi ya etuka Makiteshi, bolela, pamba te bato nyonso ya mombongo bakokufa, mpe bato nyonso oyo batekaka palata bakobebisama!
Wail, you inhabitants of the market district, for all the merchants will be destroyed, and all those who weigh out silver will be removed.
12 Na tango wana, nakoluka engumba Yelusalemi na nzela ya mwinda, nakopesa etumbu epai ya bato nyonso oyo bamimonaka ete bakoka mpe bamilobelaka: ‹ Yawe asalaka na Ye eloko te, ezala ya malamu to ya mabe. ›
It will happen at that time that I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will punish the people who are complacent, who say in their heart, "Jehovah will not do good, nor will he do harm."
13 Bakobotola bango bomengo na makasi mpe bakobuka bandako na bango; bakotonga bandako, kasi bakotikala kovanda yango te; bakosala bilanga ya vino, kasi bakotikala komela vino na yango te. »
Their wealth will be looted and their houses a desolation. Yes, they will build houses, but won't inhabit them. They will plant vineyards, but won't drink their wine.
14 Mokolo monene ya Yawe ekomi pene, solo ekomi pene mpe ezali koya noki penza. Boyoka! Makelele ya mokolo na Yawe ekozala bololo; ezala basoda ya mpiko, bakoganga mpo na koluka lisungi.
The great day of Jehovah is near. Near and approaching very rapidly. The cry on the day of Jehovah is bitter. In it the warrior shouts his battle cry.
15 Mokolo yango ekozala mokolo ya kanda makasi, mokolo ya pasi mpe ya somo, mokolo ya komitungisa mpe ya kobebisama, mokolo ya butu mpe ya molili makasi, mokolo ya mapata mpe mapata ya mwindo,
That day is a day of wrath, a day of distress and anguish, a day of devastation and ruin, a day of clouds and thick darkness,
16 mokolo ya kobeta bakelelo mpe ya makelele ya bitumba mpo na kobundisa bingumba batonga makasi mpe bandako milayi oyo batonga makasi.
a day of the trumpet and battle cry against the fortified cities, and against the high corner towers.
17 Nakotindela bato pasi ya makasi: bakokoma kotambola lokola bato balangwe masanga, pamba te basalaki masumu liboso ya Yawe; bakopanza makila na bango lokola putulu mpe bakobwaka misopo na bango lokola salite.
I will bring distress on the people, that they will walk like blind men, because they have sinned against Jehovah, and their blood will be poured out like dust, and their flesh like dung.
18 Na mokolo ya kanda na Yawe, ezala palata to wolo na bango ekobikisa bango te. Na moto ya zuwa na Ye, mokili mobimba ekozikisama, pamba te akosukisa na mbalakata bavandi nyonso ya mokili.
Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah's wrath, but the whole land will be devoured by the fire of his jealousy; for he will bring terrifying destruction on all the inhabitants of the land.

< Sofoni 1 >