< Masese 24 >

1 Kolulaka te bato oyo basalaka mabe mpe kolukaka te kozala elongo na bango,
Do not be envious of those who are evil, nor desire to associate with them,
2 pamba te mitema na bango ekanisaka kaka kosala mabe, mpe bibebu na bango eyeisaka kaka mobulu soki elobi.
because their hearts plot violence and their lips talk about trouble.
3 Ndako etongamaka na nzela ya bwanya, mpe elendisamaka na nzela ya mayele.
Through wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established.
4 Bashambre ekotondisama na biloko nyonso ya talo mpe ya kitoko na nzela ya boyebi.
By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
5 Moto ya bwanya atondi na nguya, moto oyo azalaka na boyebi alendisaka nguya na ye.
A warrior of wisdom is strong, and a man of knowledge increases his strength;
6 Pamba te kolonga na etumba esengaka bwanya, mpe lobiko ezalaka kati na motango ebele ya bapesi toli.
for by wise direction you can wage your war and with many advisors there is victory.
7 Bwanya ezalaka likolo mingi mpo na zoba, yango wana azalaka te na likambo ya koloba kati na mayangani oyo esalemaka pembeni ya ekuke.
Wisdom is too high for a fool; in the gate he does not open his mouth.
8 Moto oyo asalaka mabongisi ya kosala mabe akokende sango lokola moteki baninga.
There is one who plans to do evil— people call him a master of schemes.
9 Mabongisi ya bozoba ezali masumu, mpe bato bayinaka motioli.
A foolish plan is sin and men despise a mocker.
10 Soki omilembisi na mokolo ya pasi, makasi na yo ekozala pamba.
If you become weak with fear in the day of trouble, then your strength is small.
11 Kangola bato oyo bazali komema bango na kufa, mpe bikisa bato oyo bazali kokende na kufa lokola bato oyo balangwe masanga.
Rescue those who are being taken away to death and hold back those who are staggering to the slaughter.
12 Soki olobi: « Tala, toyebaki likambo moko te kati na makambo oyo nyonso; » boni, Ye oyo amekaka mitema asosolaka yango te? Ye oyo abatelaka molimo na yo ayebaka yango te? Afutaka te moto na moto kolanda misala na ye?
If you say, “Behold, we knew nothing about this,” does not the one who weighs the heart understand what you are saying? The one who guards your life, does he not know it? Will God not give to each one what he deserves?
13 Mwana na ngai, lia mafuta ya nzoyi, pamba te ezalaka kitoko! Mwa ndambo ya mafuta ya nzoyi ekozala elengi na lolemo na yo.
My son, eat honey because it is good, because the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste.
14 Yeba lisusu ete bwanya ezali elengi mpo na molimo na yo; soki ozwi yango, yeba ete lobi na yo ekozala malamu, mpe elikya na yo ekozala ya pamba te.
Such is wisdom for your soul— if you find it, there will be a future and your hope will not be cut off.
15 Yo moto mabe, komeka te kotia mitambo kati na ndako ya moto ya sembo, mpe komeka te kopanza yango,
Do not lie in wait like the wicked person who attacks the house of the righteous person. Do not destroy his home!
16 pamba te ata soki moto ya sembo akweyi mbala sambo, akotelema kaka; nzokande pasi ekweyisaka moto mabe.
For the righteous person falls down seven times and rises again, but wicked people are brought down by calamity.
17 Soki monguna na yo akweyi, kosepela te; mpe soki apengwi, tika ete motema na yo esepela te;
Do not celebrate when your enemy falls and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles,
18 noki te Yawe akomona, akosepela te mpe akokitisela yo kanda na Ye.
or Yahweh will see and disapprove and turn away his wrath from him.
19 Kosilika te likolo ya bato oyo basalaka mabe, kolula te bato mabe;
Do not worry because of evildoers, and do not envy wicked people,
20 pamba te lobi ya malamu ekozala te mpo na moto oyo asalaka mabe, mpe mwinda ya bato mabe ekokufa.
for the evil person has no future and the lamp of wicked people will go out.
21 Mwana na ngai, tosaka Yawe mpe mokonzi, kosanganaka te na batomboki,
Fear Yahweh, and fear the king, my son; do not associate with those who rebel against them,
22 pamba te bango mibale bakoki kotindela batomboki pasi na pwasa. Bongo, nani ayebi pasi oyo bakoki kotinda?
for suddenly their disaster will come and who knows the extent of the destruction that will come from both of them?
23 Makambo oyo mpe ezali toli ya bato ya bwanya: Kopona bilongi, kati na kosambisa, ezali malamu te.
These also are sayings of the wise. Partiality in judging a case at law is not good.
24 Moto oyo alobaka na moto mabe: « Ozali moto ya sembo, » bato bakolakela ye mabe, mpe bikolo ekotombokela ye.
Whoever says to the wicked person, “You are a righteous person,” will be cursed by peoples and hated by nations.
25 Kasi bato oyo bapamelaka moto mabe bakozala malamu mpe lipamboli ekozala likolo na bango.
But those who discipline the wicked will have delight and gifts of goodness will come to them.
26 Eyano ya solo ezali lokola beze ya bibebu.
The one who gives an honest answer gives a kiss on the lips.
27 Bongisa libanda ya mosala na yo, bongisa bilanga na yo, bongo na sima, tonga ndako na yo.
Prepare your outdoor work, and make everything ready for yourself in the field; after that, build your house.
28 Kotatola na pamba te mpo na kosala moninga na yo mabe; mpo na nini olingi kosalela bibebu na yo na lokuta?
Do not bear witness against your neighbor without cause and do not deceive with your lips.
29 Kolobaka te: « Nakosala ye ndenge asali ngai, nakozongisela ye kolanda makambo oyo ye asali. »
Do not say, “I will do to him what he has done to me; I will pay him back for what he has done.”
30 Nalekaki pembeni ya elanga ya moto ya goyigoyi, mpe pembeni ya elanga ya vino ya moto oyo azangi mayele;
I went by the field of a lazy man, past the vineyard of the man having no sense.
31 bongo, tala ndenge etondi na banzube, tala ndenge matiti mabe ezipi yango, mpe mir na yango ya mabanga ebukani.
Thorns had grown up everywhere, the ground was covered with nettles, and its stone wall was broken down.
32 Tango natiaki makanisi na ngai kati na makambo oyo namonaki, nazwaki mayele oyo:
Then I saw and considered it; I looked and received instruction.
33 mwa pongi moke, mwa kopema moke, mwa kokanga maboko moke mpo na kolala,
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest—
34 bobola ekoyela yo na pwasa lokola moleki nzela, mpe pasi ekoyela yo lokola moyibi.
and poverty comes marching upon you, and your needs like an armed soldier.

< Masese 24 >