< Luka 6 >

1 Mokolo moko ya Saba, wana Yesu azalaki kotambola kati na bilanga ya ble, bayekoli na Ye babandaki kobuka ble; mpe, sima na bango kolongola yango baposo na maboko, baliaki bambuma na yango.
One (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest), while Jesus was walking through some grain fields with his disciples, the disciples picked some of the heads of grain. They rubbed them in their hands [to separate the grains from the husks], and ate the grain. [The law of Moses permitted people to do that if they were hungry].
2 Ndambo ya Bafarizeo batunaki: — Mpo na nini bozali kosala likambo oyo epekisami kosalema na mokolo ya Saba?
Some Pharisees [who were watching] said to Jesus, “(You should not be doing on our rest day [work] that [our] laws forbid!/Why are you doing on our rest day [work] that our laws forbid?)” [RHQ]
3 Yesu azongiselaki bango: — Botanga nanu te makambo oyo Davidi asalaki tango ye elongo na baninga na ye bazalaki na nzala?
[Jesus wanted to show them that the record in Scriptures indicated that God permitted people to disobey certain religious laws when they needed food]. [So] he replied, “[It is written in the Scriptures] what [our revered ancestor, King] David did when he and the men with him were hungry. You have read about that, ([but you do not think about what it implies/so why do you not think about what it implies]?) [RHQ]
4 Akotaki kati na Ndako ya Nzambe, akamataki mapa oyo ebulisama mpo na Nzambe, aliaki yango mpe apesaki yango epai ya baninga na ye. Nzokande, Banganga-Nzambe kaka nde bazalaki na ndingisa ya kolia yango.
David entered God’s big worship tent [and asked for some food]. [The high priest gave him] the bread that the priests had presented to God. It was permitted [in] one of [Moses’ laws] that only the priests could eat that bread. But [even though David was not a priest], he ate some, and gave some to the men who were with him. [And God did not consider that what David did was wrong]!”
5 Yesu alobaki na bango lisusu: — Mwana na Moto azali Mokonzi ya mokolo ya Saba.
Jesus also said to them, “[I am] the one who came from heaven, so [I] have the authority [to determine what is right for my disciples to do on] the day of rest!”
6 Mokolo mosusu ya Saba, Yesu akotaki kati na ndako ya mayangani mpe abandaki koteya. Ezalaki kuna na moto moko akufa loboko ya mobali.
Another (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest) Jesus entered a (synagogue/Jewish meeting place) and taught the people. There was a man there whose right hand was shriveled.
7 Balakisi ya Mobeko mpe Bafarizeo bazalaki kolandela Yesu mpo na kotala soki akobikisa moto na mokolo ya Saba, mpo ete bazwa likambo ya kofunda Ye.
The men who taught the [Jewish] laws and the Pharisees [who were there] watched Jesus, to see if he would heal the man (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day). They did this so that, [if he healed the man], they would accuse him [of disobeying their laws by working on the day of rest].
8 Kasi lokola Yesu ayebaki makanisi na bango, alobaki na moto oyo akufa loboko: — Telema mpe pusana na liboso ya bato nyonso! Moto yango atelemaki mpe apusanaki na liboso ya bato nyonso.
But Jesus knew what they were thinking. So he said to the man with the shriveled hand, “Come and stand here [in front of everyone]!” So the man got up and stood there.
9 Bongo Yesu alobaki na bato mosusu: — Nazali kotuna bino: nini epesamela nzela ya kosala na mokolo ya Saba: kosala bolamu to kosala mabe, kobikisa moto to kotika ye kokufa?
Then Jesus said to the others, “I ask you this: Do the laws that [God gave Moses] permit [people] to do what is good (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day), or [do they permit people] to harm [others]? [Do they permit us] to save [a person’s] life [on our day of rest] or to let [him] die [HYP] [by refusing to help him]?”
10 Yesu atalaki moko na moko kati na bango mpe alobaki na moto oyo akufa loboko: — Sembola loboko na yo! Moto yango asembolaki loboko, mpe loboko na ye ebikaki.
[They refused to answer him. So] after he looked around at them all, he said to the man, “Stretch out your [shriveled] hand!” The man did that, and his hand became all right again!
11 Kasi balakisi ya Mobeko mpe Bafarizeo basilikaki makasi mpe bakomaki kolobana mpo na koluka likambo oyo bakoki kosala Yesu.
But the men who taught the Jewish laws and the Pharisees were very angry, and they discussed with one another what they could do to [get rid of] Jesus.
12 Kaka na mikolo wana, Yesu amataki likolo ya ngomba mpo na kosambela; asalaki kuna butu mobimba, azali kosambela Nzambe.
About that time [Jesus] went up into the hills to pray. He prayed to God all night.
13 Na tongo, abengaki bayekoli na Ye pene na Ye mpe aponaki bato zomi na mibale kati na bango, ba-oyo akomaki kobenga « bantoma. » Ezalaki:
The next day he summoned all his disciples to come near him. From them he chose twelve men, whom he called apostles.
14 Simona oyo Yesu apesaki kombo « Petelo; » Andre, ndeko na ye; Jake, Yoane, Filipo, Bartelemi;
They were Simon, to whom he gave the [new] name, Peter; Andrew, Peter’s [younger] brother; James and [his younger brother], John; Philip; Bartholomew;
15 Matayo, Toma; Jake, mwana mobali ya Alife, Simona oyo azalaki moko kati na lisanga ya Bazelote;
Matthew, whose other name was Levi; Thomas; [another] James, the [son] of Alpheus; Simon, who belonged to the party [that encouraged people to] rebel [against the Roman government];
16 Yuda, mwana mobali ya Jake, mpe Yuda Isikarioti oyo atekaki Yesu.
Judas, the [son] of [another] James; and Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]), the one who later (betrayed Jesus./enabled the Jewish leaders to seize Jesus.)
17 Yesu akitaki elongo na bango wuta na ngomba, mpe batelemaki na esika moko ya polele epai wapi bayekoli na Ye bazalaki ebele elongo na bato mosusu ebele oyo bawutaki na Yuda mobimba, na Yelusalemi mpe na bamboka ya Tiri mpe ya Sidoni, oyo ezalaki pembeni-pembeni ya ebale monene.
[Jesus] came down from the hills with his disciples and stood on a level area. There was a very big crowd of his disciples there. There was also a large group of people who had come from Jerusalem and from many [other] places [in] Judea [district], and from the coastal areas near Tyre and Sidon [cities].
18 Bayaki mpo na koyoka Ye mpe mpo na kobikisama na bokono na bango. Ba-oyo milimo mabe ezalaki kotungisa bakangolamaki.
They came to hear Jesus talk to them and to be healed {and for him to heal them} from their diseases. He also healed those whom evil spirits had troubled.
19 Bato nyonso balukaki kosimba Ye, pamba te nguya moko ezalaki kobima kati na Ye mpe ezalaki kobikisa bato nyonso.
Everyone [in the crowd] tried to touch him, because he was healing everyone by [his/God’s] power.
20 Bongo Yesu atalaki bayekoli na Ye mpe alobaki: « Esengo na bino oyo bozali babola, pamba te Bokonzi ya Nzambe ezali mpo na bino!
He looked [MTY] at his disciples and said, “[God] is pleased with you [who know] that you lack what [he wants you to have; ] he will allow you to be the people whose lives he rules over.
21 Esengo na bino oyo bozali na nzala sik’oyo, pamba te bokotonda! Esengo na bino oyo bozali kolela sik’oyo, pamba te bokoseka!
[God] is pleased with you who sincerely desire to receive what [MTY] [he wants you to have]; he will give you what you need, until you are satisfied. [God] is pleased with you that grieve now [because of sin]. Later you will be joyful.
22 Esengo na bino tango bato bazali koyina bino, tango bazali kobengana bino, tango bazali kofinga bino, mpe tango bato bazali kosambwisa kombo na bino, likolo na Mwana na Moto!
[God] is pleased with you when [other] people hate you, when they will not let you join them, when they insult you, when they say that you are evil because [you believe in] me, the one who came from heaven.
23 Tango makambo yango ekokokisama, bosepela mpe bozala na esengo, pamba te lifuti na bino ezali monene kati na Likolo. Ezalaki mpe kaka ndenge wana nde batata na bango banyokolaki basakoli.
When that happens, rejoice! Jump up and down because you are so happy! [God will give] you a great reward in heaven! [When they do these things to you, it will prove that you are God’s servants]. (OR, [People have always treated God’s servants like that].) Do not forget that these people’s ancestors did the same things to the prophets [who served God faithfully]!
24 Kasi mawa na bino oyo bozali bazwi, pamba te bosili kozwa kobondisama na bino!
But there will be terrible punishment for you that are rich; the happiness you have received [from your riches] is the only happiness that you will get.
25 Mawa na bino oyo bozali ya kotonda sik’oyo, pamba te bokozala na nzala! Mawa na bino oyo bozali koseka sik’oyo, pamba te bokozala na mawa mpe bokolela!
There will be terrible punishment for you who [think that you] have all that you need now; you will [realize] that these things will not make you feel satisfied. There will be terrible punishment for you who are joyful now; you will [later] be very sad.
26 Mawa na bino soki bato nyonso bazali koloba malamu na tina na bino, pamba te ezali ndenge wana nde bakoko na bango basalaki basakoli ya lokuta!
When most [HYP] people speak well about you, trouble is ahead for you; [it will not prove that you are God’s servants, because] your ancestors used to speak well about those who falsely [claimed that they were] prophets.”
27 Kasi, na bino oyo bozali koyoka Ngai, nalobi: Bolingaka banguna na bino mpe bosalelaka bayini na bino bolamu.
“But I say this to each of you [disciples] who are listening [to what I say]: Love your enemies [as well as your friends]. Do good things for those who hate you!
28 Bopambolaka bato oyo balakelaka bino mabe, mpe bobondelaka mpo na bato oyo banyokolaka bino.
[Ask God to] bless those who curse you! Pray for those who mistreat you!
29 Soki moto abeti yo mbata na litama moko, pesa ye mpe litama mosusu. Soki moto abotoli yo kazaka na yo, tika ye azwa lisusu elamba na yo.
If someone [insults one of you by] striking you on one of your cheeks, turn your face [so that he can strike] the other cheek [also]. If [a bandit] wants to take away your [(sg)] coat, let him also have your shirt.
30 Pesa na moto nyonso oyo asengi yo; mpe soki moto akamati eloko na yo, kosenga te ete azongisela yo yango.
Give something to everyone who asks you [(sg) for something]. If someone takes away things that belong to you [(sg)], do not ask him to return them.
31 Oyo bolingaka ete bato mosusu basalela bino, bino mpe bosalaka yango mpo na bango.
In whatever way you [(pl)] want others to act toward you, that is the way that you should act toward them.
32 Soki bolingaka kaka bato oyo balingaka bino, litomba nini bokozwa? Bato ya masumu mpe balingaka bato oyo balingaka bango.
If you love [only] those who love you, do not [expect God] to praise you for [doing that] [RHQ], [because] even sinners love those who love them.
33 Mpe soki bosalaka bolamu epai ya bato oyo basalaka bino bolamu, litomba nini bokozwa? Bato ya masumu mpe basalaka bongo.
If you do good things [only] for those who do good things for you, do not [expect God] to reward you [for doing that] [RHQ], [because] even sinners do that.
34 Soki bodefisaka kaka na bato oyo bozali na elikya ete bakoki kofuta bino niongo oyo bodefisaka bango, litomba nini bokozwa? Bato ya masumu mpe badefisaka baninga na bango, bato ya masumu, na elikya ete bakofuta bango niongo yango.
If you lend [things or money only] to those who you expect will give something back to you, do not [expect that God] will reward you [RHQ] [for doing that]. Even sinners lend to other sinners, because they expect them to pay everything back.
35 Kasi bolingaka banguna na bino, bosalelaka bango bolamu, bodefisaka na kozanga kolikya ete bakofuta bino niongo. Na bongo, bokozwa litomba monene mpe bokozala bana ya Ye-Oyo-Aleki-Likolo; pamba te azali malamu mpo na bato oyo bandimaka te bolamu oyo basaleli bango, mpe azali malamu mpo na bato mabe.
Instead, love your enemies! Do good things for them! Lend to them, and do not expect them to pay anything back! [If you do that, God will give] you a big reward. And you will be [acting like] his children [should]. Remember that God is kind to people who are not grateful and to people who are wicked, [and he expects you to be like that too].
36 Boyokelaka bato mawa, ndenge kaka Tata na bino ayokelaka bato mawa.
Act mercifully toward others, just like your Father [in heaven acts] mercifully [toward you].”
37 Bosambisaka te, mpe bakosambisa bino te; bokatelaka bato etumbu te, mpe bakokatela bino etumbu te; bolimbisaka, mpe bakolimbisa bino;
“Do not say how sinfully others have acted, and then [God] will not say how sinfully you have acted. Do not condemn others, and then [he] will not condemn you [DOU]. Forgive others [for the evil things that they have done to you], and then [God] will forgive you.
38 bopesaka, mpe bakopesa bino; bakosopa kati na mabenga na bino biloko oyo eleki ebele, oyo bakofina mpe bakoningisa malamu kino ekokoma kosopana. Pamba te bakomeka bino na emekelo kaka oyo bosalelaka mpo na komeka bato mosusu. »
Give [good things to others], and then [God] will give [good] things to you. It will be [as though] [MET] [God is putting things in a basket] for you. He will give you a full amount, pressed down in the basket, which he will shake [so that he can put more in], and it will spill over the sides! [Remember that] the way you act [toward others] will be the way that [God] will act toward you!”
39 Yesu alobaki na bango lisusu lisese oyo: « Boni, mokufi miso akoki kotambolisa mokufi miso mosusu? Boni, bango mibale bakokweya te kati na libulu?
He also told [his disciples] this parable [to show them that they should be like him, and not be like the Jewish religious leaders]: “(You certainly would not [expect] a blind man to lead another blind man./Would you [expect] a blind man to lead [another] blind man?) [RHQ] If he tried to do [that], (they would both probably fall into a hole!/wouldn’t they both probably fall into a hole?) [RHQ] [I am your teacher, and you disciples should be like me].
40 Moyekoli alekaka molakisi na ye te, kasi moyekoli nyonso oyo bateyi malamu akozala lokola molakisi na ye.
A disciple should not [expect to be] better known than his teacher. But if a student is fully trained {if someone fully trains a student}, the student can become like his teacher [MET]. [So you should be content to be like me].
41 Mpo na nini ozali kotala mwa lititi oyo ezali kati na liso ya ndeko na yo, wana ozali komona te nzete oyo ezali kati na liso na yo moko?
(Why do you notice [someone else’s small faults]?/None of you should be concerned about [someone else’s small faults] [MET, RHQ].) [That would be like] noticing a speck in that person’s eye. But you should be concerned about [your own big faults. They are like] planks in your own eye, [which you do not notice].
42 Ndenge nini okoki koloba na ndeko na yo: ‹ Ndeko na ngai, tika ete nalongola yo mwa lititi oyo ezali kati na liso na yo, › wana ozali kokoka komona te nzete oyo ezali kati na liso na yo moko. Bolole! Banda nanu kolongola nzete oyo ezali kati na liso na yo, bongo okomona malamu mpo ete okoka kolongola mwa lititi oyo ezali kati na liso ya ndeko na yo.
(You [(sg)] should not say, ‘Friend, let me take out that speck in your eye!’ when you do not notice the log in your own eye!/Why do you say, ‘Friend, let me take out that speck in your eye!’ when you do not notice the log in your own eye?) [RHQ] [If you do that], you are a hypocrite! You should first [stop committing your own sins. That will be like] removing the plank from your own eye. Then, as a result, you will have the spiritual insight you need to help others get rid of the [faults that are like] specks in their eyes.”
43 Nzete ya malamu ebotaka te bambuma ya mabe, mpe nzete ya mabe ebotaka te bambuma ya malamu.
“[People are like trees] [MET]. Healthy trees do not bear bad fruit (OR, bear only good fruit), and unhealthy trees do not bear good fruit.
44 Nzete nyonso eyebanaka na mbuma na yango: na nzete ya nzube, babukaka bambuma ya figi te; mpe na nzete ya sende, balongolaka bambuma ya vino te.
[Just like you] can tell if a tree is good or bad by looking at its fruit, [you can tell which people are good and which are bad by looking at the way they] conduct their lives. [For example, because thornbushes cannot produce figs], no one can pick figs from thornbushes. And [since bramble bushes cannot produce grapes], no one can [pick] grapes from bramble bushes.
45 Moto malamu abimisaka bolamu kowuta na makambo malamu oyo etondi kati na motema na ye, mpe moto mabe abimisaka mabe kowuta na makambo mabe oyo etondi kati na motema na ye. Pamba te monoko elobaka kolanda makambo oyo etondi kati na motema.
[Similarly], good people will conduct their lives in a good way because they think a lot of good [things], and evil people will live in an evil way because they think a lot of evil [things]. The basic principle is that people speak [and act] according to all that they think.”
46 Mpo na nini bobengaka Ngai ‹ Nkolo! Nkolo! › kasi bosalaka te makambo oyo nayebisaka bino?
“[Because people should obey what their masters tell them], (it is disgraceful that you say that I am your master but you do not do what I tell you!/why do you say that I am your master but you do not do what I tell you?) [RHQ]
47 Moto nyonso oyo ayaka epai na Ngai, ayokaka maloba na Ngai mpe atiaka yango na misala, nazali kolakisa bino soki akokani na nani:
Some people come to me, and hear my messages and obey them. I will tell you what they are like.
48 akokani na moto oyo, mpo na kotonga ndako, atimolaki mabele, akitaki penza na mozindo mpe atongaki moboko ya ndako yango na likolo ya libanga; tango mpela eyaki, mayi emataki makasi mpe emibwakaki na ndako yango kasi ekokaki te kobuka yango, pamba te etongamaki malamu.
They are like a man who dug deep [into the ground to prepare to build his house]. He made sure that the foundation was on solid ground. Then when there was a flood, the water tried to wash away the house. But the river could not shake the house, because it was built {he built it} on a solid [foundation].
49 Kasi moto oyo ayokaka maloba na Ngai mpe atiaka yango te na misala akokani na moto oyo atongaki ndako na likolo ya mabele, ezanga moboko; tango kaka mpela emibwakaki na ndako, ndako yango ekweyaki mbala moko mpe epanzanaki. »
But some people hear my messages but do not obey them. They are like a man who built a house on top of the ground without [digging] a foundation. When the river flooded, the house collapsed immediately and was completely ruined. [So it is important for you to obey what I teach you].”

< Luka 6 >