< Luka 12 >

1 Na tango yango, lokola bankoto ebele ya bato basanganaki, kino bakomaki konyatana bango na bango, Yesu abandaki na koyebisa bayekoli na Ye: — Bosala keba na levire ya Bafarizeo, oyo ezali lokuta!
Meanwhile the people had gathered in thousands, so that they trod upon one another, when Jesus, addressing himself to his disciples, began by saying to them: “Be on your guard against the leaven — that is, the hypocrisy — of the Pharisees.
2 Eloko moko te ebombama ekozanga komonisama, mpe eloko moko te ya sekele ekozanga koyebana.
There is nothing, however covered up, which will not be uncovered, nor anything kept secret which will not become known.
3 Nyonso oyo bokoloba kati na molili ekoyokana kati na pole ya mokolo, mpe nyonso oyo bokolobana na matoyi kati na bashambre ekosakolama wuta na likolo ya bandako.
Hence all that you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear, within closed doors, will be proclaimed upon the housetops.
4 Balingami na Ngai, nazali koloba na bino: bobanga te bato oyo bakoki koboma nzoto mpe, na sima, bakoki kosala likambo mosusu te.
To you who are my friends I say, Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but after that can do no more.
5 Nakolakisa bino nani oyo bosengeli kobanga: bobanga Ye oyo, sima na kufa, azali na bokonzi ya kobwaka kati na lifelo. Solo, nazali koloba na bino: Ye nde bosengeli kobanga. (Geenna g1067)
I will show you of whom you should be afraid. Be afraid of him who, after killing you, has the power to fling you into the Pit. Yes, I say, be afraid of him. (Geenna g1067)
6 Boni, batekaka te bandeke mike mitano na motuya ya mbongo ya bibende mibale? Nzokande, Nzambe abosanaka ata ndeke moko te kati na yango.
Are not five sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them has escaped God’s notice.
7 Ayebi kutu ata motango ya suki na bino. Bobanga te; boleki bandeke mike ebele na motuya.
No, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.
8 Nazali koloba na bino: moto nyonso oyo, na miso ya bato, akotatola ete azali moto na Ngai, Mwana na Moto mpe akotatola liboso ya ba-anjelu ya Nzambe ete azali moto na Ye;
Every one, I tell you, who shall acknowledge me before his fellow men, the Son of Man, also, will acknowledge before God’s angels;
9 kasi ye oyo akowangana Ngai na miso ya bato, Ngai mpe nakowangana ye liboso ya ba-anjelu ya Nzambe.
but he, who disowns me before his fellow men, will be altogether disowned before God’s angels.
10 Moto nyonso oyo akoloba mabe na tina na Mwana na Moto akolimbisama, kasi ye oyo akofinga Molimo Mosantu akolimbisama te.
Every one who shall say anything against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but for him who slanders the Holy Spirit there will be no forgiveness.
11 Tango bakokumba bino kati na bandako ya mayangani, liboso ya bakambi mpe bakonzi, bomitungisa te na koluka koyeba ndenge nini bokosamba mpe maloba nini bokoloba;
Whenever they take you before the Synagogue Courts or the magistrates or other authorities, do not be anxious as to how you will defend yourselves, or what your defence will be, or what you will say;
12 pamba te Molimo Mosantu akolakisa bino, na tango yango, makambo oyo bosengeli koloba.
for the Holy Spirit will show you at the moment what you ought to say.”
13 Moto moko kati na ebele ya bato alobaki na Yesu: — Moteyi, loba na ndeko na ngai ete akabola na ngai libula oyo tata atikelaki biso.
“Teacher,” a man in the crowd said to Jesus, “tell my brother to share the property with me.”
14 Yesu azongiselaki ye: — Molingami na Ngai, nani atie Ngai Mosambisi to Mokati makambo na bino ya libula?
But Jesus said to him: “Man, who made me a judge or an arbiter between you?”
15 Bongo alobaki na bato nyonso: — Bosala keba! Bomibatela malamu ete bokweya te na lokoso ya konduka bomengo; pamba te, ezala kati na bofuluki, ezali bomengo te nde esalaka bomoi ya moto.
And then he added: “Take care to keep yourselves free from every form of covetousness; for even in the height of his prosperity a man’s true Life does not depend on what he has.”
16 Mpe alobaki na bango lisese oyo: — Bilanga ya mozwi moko ebotaki bambuma ebele penza.
Then Jesus told them this parable — “There was once a rich man whose land was very fertile;
17 Akomaki kokanisa mpe komituna: « Nasala nini? Nazali lisusu na esika te mpo na kobomba bambuma na ngai ya bilanga. »
and he began to ask himself ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?
18 Bongo amilobelaki lisusu: « Nakosala boye: nakobuka bibombelo na ngai mpo na kotonga bibombelo oyo eleki minene, nakobomba kuna ble na ngai nyonso mpe biloko na ngai mosusu.
This is what I will do,’ he said; ‘I will pull down my barns and build larger ones, and store all my grain and my goods in them;
19 Sima na yango, nakomilobela: ‹ Oh bomoi na ngai, otondi na biloko oyo ebombami mpo na mibu ebele; pema na yo, lia, mela mpe sepela! › »
and I will say to myself, Now you have plenty of good things put by for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, and enjoy yourself.’
20 Kasi Nzambe alobaki na ye: « Zoba! Na butu ya lelo kaka, okokufa. Bongo nani akokoma nkolo biloko nyonso oyo ondukaki mpo na yo moko? »
But God said to the man ‘Fool! This very night your life is being demanded; and as for all you have prepared — who will have it?’
21 Ekozala bongo mpo na moto nyonso oyo andukaka bomengo mpo na ye moko, kasi alukaka te kozala mozwi na miso ya Nzambe.
So it is with those who lay by wealth for themselves and are not rich to the glory of God.”
22 Bongo Yesu alobaki na bayekoli na Ye: — Yango wana, nazali koloba na bino: bomitungisaka te na tina na bomoi na bino, na komituna: tokolia nini? To na tina na banzoto na bino, na komituna: Tokolata nini?
And Jesus said to his disciples: “That is why I say to you, Do not be anxious about the life here — what you can get to eat; nor yet about your body — what you can get to wear.
23 Pamba te bomoi eleki bilei na tina, mpe nzoto eleki bilamba na tina.
For life is more than food, and the body than its clothes.
24 Botala bayanganga: elonaka nkona te, ebukaka bambuma te, ezali te na ebombelo bambuma to na ebombelo bilei; kasi Nzambe aleisaka yango. Nzokande bino, boleki bandeke na motuya.
Think of the ravens — they neither sow nor reap; they have neither storehouse nor barn; and yet God feeds them! And how much more precious are you than birds!
25 Nani kati na bino, na nzela ya mitungisi na ye, akoki kobakisa ata ngonga moko na molayi ya bomoi na ye?
But which of you, by being anxious, can prolong his life a moment?
26 Soki bokoki kosala te makambo oyo ya mike-mike, bongo mpo na nini komitungisa na tina na makambo mosusu?
And, if you cannot do even the smallest thing, why be anxious about other things?
27 Botala ndenge bafololo ya lisi ekolaka! Esalaka te, etongaka bilamba te; nzokande, nazali koloba na bino, ezala ye moko mokonzi Salomo, kati na nkembo na ye nyonso, atikalaki kolata te lokola moko kati na yango.
Think of the lilies, and how they grow. They neither toil nor spin; yet, I tell you, even Solomon in all his splendour was not robed like one of these.
28 Soki Nzambe alatisaka bongo matiti oyo, lelo, ezali kati na bilanga, mpe, lobi, ekobwakama na moto, akozanga te kolatisa bino, bato ya kondima moke?
If, even in the field, God so clothes the grass which is living to-day and to-morrow will be thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O men of little faith!
29 Bomitungisaka te na tina na biloko ya kolia to ya komela, bolongola yango na makanisi na bino.
And you — do not be always seeking what you can get to eat or what you can get to drink; and do not waver.
30 Pamba te ezali bapagano ya mokili oyo nde balukaka-lukaka biloko wana nyonso. Tata na bino ayebi malamu ete bozali na bosenga na yango.
These are the things for which all the nations of the world are seeking, and your Father knows that you need them.
31 Bolukaka nde liboso Bokonzi ya Nzambe, bongo bakobakisela bino biloko wana nyonso.
No, seek his Kingdom, and these things shall be added for you.
32 Oh etonga moke, bobanga te! Pamba te Tata na bino asepelaki kopesa bino Bokonzi!
So do not be afraid, my little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom.
33 Boteka biloko na bino mpe bokaba epai ya babola mbongo oyo bokozwa. Bosala mpo na bolamu na bino mabenga oyo etobokaka te; bonduka bomengo kati na Likolo epai wapi ekoki kobeba te, moyibi akoki kopusana te mpe nselele ekoki kobebisa te;
Sell what belongs to you, and give in charity. Make yourselves purses that will not wear out — an inexhaustible treasure in Heaven, where no thief comes near, or moth works ruin.
34 pamba te epai bomengo na bino ezali, kuna mpe motema na bino ekozala.
For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.
35 Bomilengela mpo na mosala mpe bobatela minda na bino ya kopela.
Make yourselves ready, with your lamps alight;
36 Bozala lokola bato oyo bazali kozela bozongi ya nkolo na bango wuta na feti ya libala, mpo ete bafungolela ye ekuke tango kaka akoya mpe akobeta ekuke.
and be like men who are waiting for their Master’s return from his wedding, so that, when he comes and knocks, they may open the door for him at once.
37 Esengo na basali oyo nkolo, tango akoya, akokuta bazali kosenzela! Nazali koloba na bino penza ya solo: nkolo mpe akolata elamba na ye ya mosala, akovandisa bango na mesa, mpe akoya kopesa bango bilei.
Happy are those servants whom, on his return, the Master will find watching. I tell you that he will make himself ready, and bid them take their places at table, and will come and wait upon them.
38 Ekozala penza esengo mpo na basali oyo nkolo akokuta bazali kosenzela, ezala ayei na ngonga ya midi ya butu to liboso ete tongo etana.
Whether it is late at night, or in the early morning that he comes, if he finds all as it should be, then happy are they.
39 Kasi bososola malamu likambo oyo: soki nkolo ndako ayebaki ngonga oyo moyibi akoya, alingaki kopekisa ye kokota kati na ndako na ye.
This you do know, that, had the owner of the house known at what time the thief was coming, he would have been on the watch, and would not have let his house be broken into.
40 Bino mpe bomilengela, pamba te Mwana na Moto akoya na ngonga oyo bozali kokanisa kutu te kozela Ye.
Do you also prepare, for when you are least expecting him the Son of Man will come.”
41 Petelo atunaki Yesu: — Nkolo, ozali koloba lisese oyo mpo na biso to mpo na bato nyonso?
“Master,” said Peter, “are you telling this parable with reference to us or to every one?”
42 Nkolo azongisaki: — Nani mobateli bomengo ya sembo mpe ya mayele epai ya nani nkolo akopesa mokumba ya kokamba basali na ye mpo na kopesaka bango bilei na bango na tango oyo ekoki?
“Who, then,” replied the Master, “is that trustworthy steward, the careful man, who will be placed by his master over his establishment, to give them their rations at the proper time?
43 Esengo na mosali oyo nkolo na ye, tango akozonga, akokuta azali kosala bongo!
Happy will that servant be whom his master, when he comes home, shall find doing this.
44 Nazali koloba na bino penza ya solo: nkolo na ye akopesa ye mokumba ya kobatela biloko na ye nyonso.
His master, I tell you, will put him in charge of the whole of his property.
45 Kasi soki mosali yango amilobeli: « Nkolo na ngai awumeli mpo na kozonga, » mpe akomi kobeta basali mpe basi basali; kolia, komela masanga mpe kolangwa,
But should that servant say to himself ‘My master is a long time coming,’ and begin to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk,
46 nkolo ya mosali yango akozonga na mokolo oyo ye, mosali, azali kozela ye te, mpe na ngonga oyo ayebi te. Boye akokata-kata ye na biteni mpe akotia ye esika moko na basali oyo bazangi bosembo.
that servant’s master will come on a day when he does not expect him, and at an hour of which he is unaware, and will flog him severely and assign him his place among the untrustworthy.
47 Mosali oyo ayebi posa ya nkolo na ye, kasi amilengeli te to asali te kolanda posa ya nkolo na ye, akobetama fimbu ebele.
The servant who knows his master’s wishes and yet does not prepare and act accordingly will receive many lashes;
48 Kasi mosali oyo ayebi te posa ya nkolo na ye mpe asali makambo oyo ebongi na etumbu, akobetama fimbu moke. Na moto oyo bapesi mingi, bakosenga ye mpe mingi; mpe bakotuna na moto na moto kolanda mokumba oyo bapesi ye: na moto oyo bapesi mingi, bakotuna ye mpe mingi; mpe na moto oyo bapesi moke, bakotuna ye moke.
while one who does not know his master’s wishes, but acts so as to deserve a flogging, will receive but few. From every one to whom much has been given much will be expected, and from the man to whom much has been entrusted the more will be demanded.
49 Nayei kotia moto na mokili, nazali na posa makasi ete moto yango emipelela.
I came to cast fire upon the earth; and what more can I wish, if it is already kindled?
50 Kasi ezali na libatisi moko oyo nasengeli kozwa, mpe tala ndenge nini nakomi motema moto-moto mpo na kozela kokokisama na yango!
There is a baptism that I must undergo, and how great is my distress until it is over!
51 Boni, bokanisi ete nayaki mpo na komema kimia na mokili? Kimia te, bokabwani nde.
Do you think that I am here to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but to cause division.
52 Pamba te, kobanda sik’oyo, bato mitano kati na libota moko bakokabwana: misato bakoyina mibale, mpe mibale bakoyina misato.
For from this time, if there are five people in a house, they will be divided, three against two, and two against three.
53 Tata akoyina mwana na ye ya mobali, mpe mwana mobali akoyina tata na ye; mama akoyina mwana na ye ya mwasi, mpe mwana mwasi akoyina mama na ye; mama-bokilo akoyina mwasi ya mwana na ye ya mobali, mpe mwasi ya mwana mobali akoyina mama-bokilo na ye.
‘Father will be opposed to son and son to father, mother to daughter and daughter to mother, mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law.’”
54 Bongo alobaki lisusu na ebele ya bato: — Tango bomonaka mapata kobima na weste, bolobaka mbala moko: « Mvula elingi konoka, » mpe ekokisamaka bongo.
And to the people Jesus said: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once ‘There is a storm coming,’ and come it does.
55 Tango mopepe ya sude efulaka, bolobaka: « Molunge ekozala makasi penza, » mpe esalemaka bongo.
And when you see that the wind is in the south, you say ‘It will be burning hot,’ and so it proves.
56 Bato ya bilongi mibale! Boyebi malamu kolimbola bilembo oyo bomonaka na mokili mpe na likolo, bongo mpo na nini bozali koyeba te kososola tango oyo?
Hypocrites! You know how to judge of the earth and the sky; how is it, then, that you cannot judge of this time?
57 Mpo na nini bososolaka te, mpo na bino moko, makambo oyo ezali sembo?
Why do not you yourselves decide what is right?
58 Soki ozali kokende na esambiselo elongo na moto oyo afundi yo, sala nyonso mpo ete oyokana na ye, wana bozali nanu na nzela. Soki te, akokumba yo epai ya mosambisi, mosambisi akokaba yo na maboko ya bakengeli, mpe bakengeli bakobwaka yo kati na boloko.
When, for instance, you are going with your opponent before a magistrate, on your way to the court do your best to be quit of him; for fear that he should drag you before the judge, then the judge will hand you over to the bailiff of the court, and the bailiff throw you into prison.
59 Nazali koloba na yo: okobima na boloko soki kaka ofuti niongo na yo kino na mbongo ya suka ya bibende.
You will not, I tell you, come out until you have paid the very last farthing.”

< Luka 12 >