< Ezayi 59 >

1 Tala, loboko na Yawe ezali mokuse te mpo na kobikisa, litoyi na Ye ekangama te mpo na koyoka!
Look, Yahweh's hand is not so short that it cannot save; nor his ear so dull, that it cannot hear.
2 Kasi ezali bambeba na bino nde ekaboli bino na Nzambe na bino, ezali masumu na bino nde esali ete abombela bino elongi na Ye mpo ete ayoka bino te.
Your sinful acts, however, have separated you from your God, and your sins have made him hide his face from you and from hearing you.
3 Pamba te maboko na bino ebebi na makila, mpe misapi na bino ebebi na makambo mabe; bibebu na bino ezali koloba makambo ya lokuta, mpe minoko na bino ezali kobimisa makambo mabe.
For your hands are stained with blood and your fingers with sin. Your lips speak lies and your tongue speaks maliciously.
4 Moko te azali kofunda makambo na bosolo, moko te azali kosamba na bosembo; bazali kotia mitema na makambo ezanga tina mpe bazali koloba lokuta; na mitema na bango, basalaka mabongisi ya kosala mabe mpe bakokisaka yango na misala na bango.
No one calls in righteousness, and none pleads his case in truth. They trust in empty words, and tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to sin.
5 Bazali kopasola maki ya etupa mpe bazali kotonga ndako ya lifofe. Moto nyonso oyo akolia maki na yango akokufa; mpe, soki apasoli liki moko, ekobimisa etupa.
They hatch eggs of a poisonous snake and weave a spider's web. Whoever eats of their eggs dies, and if an egg is crushed, it hatches into a poisonous snake.
6 Basinga ya lifofe ekokoma bilamba te, misala na bango ekobomba bango te; misala na bango ezali misala mabe, mpe misala ya mobulu nde ezalaka na maboko na bango.
Their webs cannot be used for garments, nor can they cover themselves with their works. Their works are works of sin, and deeds of violence are in their hands.
7 Matambe na bango epotaka mbangu mpo na kosala mabe, mpe bazalaka mbangu mpo na kosopa makila ya moto oyo asali mabe te. Makanisi na bango ezalaka kaka ya mabe; kobuka-buka mpe kobebisa nde ezalaka na nzela na bango.
Their feet run to evil, and they run to pour out innocent blood. Their thoughts are thoughts of sin; violence and destruction are their roads.
8 Bayebi nzela ya kimia te, mpe bosembo ezali na nzela na bango te; bakomisaka nzela na bango nyoka-nyoka, moko te oyo akotambola na nzela yango akotikala koyeba kimia.
The way of peace they do not know, and there is no justice in their paths. They have made crooked paths; whoever travels these paths does not know peace.
9 Yango wana bosembo ezali mosika na biso, mpe solo ezali kokomela biso te; tozali kozela pole, kasi nyonso ezali kaka molili; toluki moyi, kasi tozali kaka kotambola na molili.
Therefore justice is far from us, nor does righteousness reach us. We wait for light, but see darkness; we look for brightness, but we walk in darkness.
10 Tozali kosimbasimba mir mpo na kotambola lokola bakufi miso, tozali kobanga kotambola lokola bato bazanga miso; tozali kobeta mabaku na moyi makasi lokola nde tozali na butu makasi, tozali na nzoto kolongono kasi tokomi lokola bakufi.
We grope for the wall like the blind, like those who cannot see. We stumble at noonday as in the twilight; among the strong we are like dead men.
11 Biso nyonso tozali konguna-nguna lokola bangombolo, mpe tozali kolelalela tango nyonso lokola ebenga; tozali koluka bosembo, kasi tozali komona yango te, tozali koluka lobiko, kasi ekimi mosika na biso!
We growl like bears and moan like doves; we wait for justice, but there is none; for rescue, but it is far from us.
12 Pamba te mabe na biso ekomi mingi na miso na Yo, mpe masumu na biso ekomi kofunda biso; masumu na biso ezali liboso na biso mpe toyebi malamu bambeba na biso:
For our many transgressions are before you, and our sins testify against us; for our transgressions are with us, and we know our sins.
13 kotomboka mpe kowangana Yawe, kopesa Nzambe na biso mokongo, kosala mabongisi ya konyokola bato mpe kotombokisa bato, kokana na motema mpe koloba maloba ya lokuta.
We have rebelled, denying Yahweh and turning away from following our God. We have spoken extortion and turning aside, conceived complaining from the heart and words of lying.
14 Boye, bosembo ezongi sima, mpe bosolo etelemi mosika; pamba te solo ekweyi na balabala, mpe bosembo elongi kokota te.
Justice is driven back, and righteousness stands far off; for truth stumbles in the public square, and right cannot come.
15 Solo ezali komonana lisusu na esika moko te; bazali konyokola moto oyo azali kokima mabe. Yawe amoni yango mpe asepeli te ete kosambisa na bosembo ezali te.
Trustworthiness has gone away, and he who turns away from evil makes himself a victim. Yahweh saw it and was displeased that there was no justice.
16 Amoni ete ezali ata na moto moko te, akamwe ete ata molobeli moko te azali. Boye, loboko na Ye moko ememi Ye na lobiko, mpe bosembo na Ye elendisi Ye.
He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no one to intervene. Therefore his own arm brought salvation for him, and his righteousness sustained him.
17 Alati bosembo lokola ebombelo ya tolo, mpe ekoti ya lobiko na moto na Ye; alati kozongisa mabe na mabe lokola nzambala, mpe amizipi zuwa lokola kazaka.
He put on righteousness as a breastplate and a helmet of salvation upon his head. He clothed himself with garments of vengeance and wore zeal as a mantle.
18 Akofuta moto na moto kolanda misala na ye: kanda makasi epai ya bayini na Ye, mpe lifuti oyo ekoki epai ya banguna na Ye; akopesa na bisanga lifuti na yango.
He repaid them for what they had done, angry judgment to his adversaries, vengeance to his enemies, to the islands punishment as their reward.
19 Longwa na ngambo ya weste, bato bakobanga Kombo ya Yawe; mpe longwa na ngambo ya este, bato bakokumisa nkembo na Ye; pamba te akoya lokola ebale oyo etomboki, oyo pema ya Yawe ekomema.
So they will fear the name of Yahweh from the west, and his glory from the sun's rising; for he will come as a rushing stream, driven by the breath of Yahweh.
20 « Mpo na Siona, mosikoli akoya epai ya bato ya Jakobi, oyo bakobongwana na masumu na bango, » elobi Yawe.
“A redeemer will come to Zion and to those who turn from their rebellious deeds in Jacob—this is Yahweh's declaration.
21 « Bongo mpo na Ngai, » elobi Yawe, « tala boyokani na Ngai elongo na bango: Molimo na Ngai, oyo azali epai na yo, mpe maloba na Ngai, oyo natiaki na monoko na yo ekolongwa te, na monoko na yo to na minoko ya bana na yo to na minoko ya bakitani na bango, kobanda kaka na tango oyo mpe libela na libela, » elobi Yawe.
As for me, this is my covenant with them—says Yahweh—my spirit who is upon you, and my words which I have put in your mouth, will not leave your mouth, or go out of the mouth of your children, or go out of the mouth of your children's children—says Yahweh—from this time and forever.”

< Ezayi 59 >