< 2 Masolo ya Kala 26 >

1 Bato nyonso ya Yuda baponaki Oziasi oyo azalaki na mibu zomi na motoba ya mbotama mpe bakomisaki ye mokonzi na esika ya Amatsia, tata na ye.
And all the people of Juda took his son Ozias, who was sixteen years old, and made him king in the room of Amasias his father.
2 Sima na kufa ya tata na ye, Amatsia, Oziasi atongaki lisusu engumba Eyiloti mpe azongisaki yango na se ya bokonzi ya Yuda.
He built Ailath, and restored it to the dominion of Juda, after that the king slept with his fathers.
3 Oziasi azalaki na mibu zomi na motoba ya mbotama tango akomaki mokonzi, mpe akonzaki mibu tuku mitano na mibale na Yelusalemi. Kombo ya mama na ye ezalaki « Yekolia. » Yekolia azalaki moto ya Yelusalemi.
Ozias was sixteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned two and fifty years in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Jechelia of Jerusalem.
4 Asalaki makambo ya sembo na miso ya Yawe ndenge kaka Amatsia, tata na ye, asalaki.
And he did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, according to all that Amasias his father had done.
5 Oziasi akangamaki na Nzambe mikolo nyonso ya bomoi ya Zakari, pamba te azalaki kolakisa ye kotosa Nzambe. Na tango nyonso oyo Oziasi awumelaki kokangama na Yawe, Nzambe azalaki kolongisa ye.
And he sought the Lord in the days of Zacharias that understood and saw God: and as long as he sought the Lord, he directed him in all things.
6 Akendeki kobundisa bato ya Filisitia mpe atobolaki madusu kati na bamir ya Gati, ya Yabine mpe ya Asidodi. Atongaki lisusu bingumba ebele kati na etuka ya Asidodi mpe kati na bituka mosusu ya bato ya Filisitia.
Moreover he went forth and fought against the Philistines, and broke down the wall of Geth, and the wall of Jabnia, and the wall of Azotus: and he built towns in Azotus, and among the Philistines.
7 Nzambe asungaki ye tango abundisaki bato ya Filisitia, ya Arabi oyo bazalaki kovanda na Guri-Bala, mpe tango abundisaki bato ya Maoni.
And God helped him against the Philistines, and against the Arabians, that dwelt in Gurbaal, and against the Ammonites.
8 Bato ya Amoni bafutaki mpako ya mokonzi epai ya Oziasi, mpe kombo na ye ekendeki sango kino na bandelo ya Ejipito, pamba te akomaki na nguya makasi koleka.
And the ammonites gave gifts to Ozias: and his name was spread abroad even to the entrance of Egypt for his frequent victories.
9 Oziasi atongaki bandako milayi kati na Yelusalemi, na ekuke ya suka, na ekuke ya lubwaku mpe na suka ya mir; mpe alendisaki yango makasi.
And Ozias built towers in Jerusalem over the gate of the corner, and over the gate of the valley, and the rest, in the same side of the wall, and fortified them.
10 Atongaki lisusu bandako milayi kati na esobe mpe atimolaki mabulu ebele ya mayi mpo ete azalaki na bibwele ebele na se ya bangomba mpe na etando. Azalaki mpe na basali ebele oyo bazalaki kotimola mabele mpe kosala kati na bilanga na ye ya vino kati na bituka ya bangomba mpe na mabele oyo ebotaka malamu, pamba te azalaki kolinga mingi misala ya bilanga.
And he built towers in the wilderness, and dug many cisterns, for he had much cattle both in the plains, and in the waste of the desert: he had also vineyards and dressers of vines in the mountains, and in Carmel: for he was a man that loved husbandry.
11 Oziasi azalaki na basoda oyo baselingwa mpo na bitumba; mpe babongisamaki na masanga kolanda motango na bango ndenge Yeyeli, mokomi mikanda, mpe kalaka Maaseya, na bokambami ya Anania, moko kati na bakonzi ya bakalaka ya mokonzi, bazwaki bango na mosala.
And the army of his fighting men, that went out to war, was under the hand of Jehiel the scribe, and Maasias the doctor, and under the hand of Henanias, who was one of the king’s captains.
12 Motango nyonso ya bakambi ya mabota, oyo bazalaki kokamba basoda ya mpiko, ezalaki nkoto mibale na nkama motoba.
And the whole number of the chiefs by the families of valiant men were two thousand six hundred.
13 Bakonzi ya mabota bazalaki kokamba basoda nkoto nkama misato na sambo na nkama mitano oyo baselingwa mpo na bitumba mpe bazalaki basoda ya mpiko, mpo na kobundela mokonzi liboso ya banguna na ye.
And the whole army under them three hundred and seven thousand five hundred: who were fit for war, and fought for the king against the enemy.
14 Na tango nyonso ya bitumba, Oziasi azalaki kopesa banguba, makonga, bikoti ya bibende, bilamba ya bibende oyo ebatelaka tolo, matolotolo mpe bibambelo mabanga.
And Ozias prepared for them, that is, for the whole army, shields, and spears, and helmets, and coats of mail, and bows, and slings to cast stones.
15 Asalisaki kati na Yelusalemi, epai ya bato ya mayele, bamashini mpo na kotia yango likolo ya bandako milayi mpe na suka ya bamir mpo na kobwaka makonga mpe mabanga minene. Kombo na ye ekendeki sango, pamba te asungamaki makasi kino kokoma moto na nguya.
And he made in Jerusalem engines of diverse kinds, which he placed in the towers, and in the corners of the walls, to shoot arrows, and great stones: and his name went forth far abroad, for the Lord helped him, and had strengthened him.
16 Kasi tango Oziasi akomaki na nguya, atondaki na lolendo oyo ememaki ye na kokweya. Atambolaki lisusu na bosembo te liboso ya Yawe, Nzambe na ye, kino kokota na Tempelo ya Yawe mpo na kotumba mbeka ya malasi na likolo ya etumbelo ya malasi.
But when he was made strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction, and he neglected the Lord his God: and going into the temple of the Lord, he had a mind to burn incense upon the altar of incense.
17 Nganga-Nzambe Azaria alandaki Oziasi na sima, elongo na Banganga-Nzambe mosusu ya Yawe, tuku mwambe, bango nyonso batonda na mpiko.
And immediately Azarias the priest going in after him, and with him fourscore priests of the Lord, most valiant men,
18 Batelemelaki mokonzi Oziasi mpe balobaki na ye: « Oziasi, kotumba mbeka ya malasi mpo na Yawe ezali mosala na yo te! Ezali nde mosala ya Banganga-Nzambe, bakitani ya Aron, oyo babulisama mpo na mosala yango. Bima wuta na Esika ya bule, pamba te ozali kosala likambo ya nkele, mpe Yawe Nzambe akosepela na yo te! »
Withstood the king and said: It doth not belong to thee, Ozias, to burn incense to the Lord, but to the priests, that is, to the sons of Aaron, who are consecrated for this ministry: go out of the sanctuary, do not despise: for this thing shall not be accounted to thy glory by the Lord God.
19 Bongo Oziasi, oyo asimbaki mbabola na loboko na ye, atombokelaki Banganga-Nzambe. Kaka na tango yango, wana azalaki kati na Tempelo ya Yawe liboso ya etumbelo ya ansa, bokono ya maba ebimaki na elongi na ye na miso ya Banganga-Nzambe.
And Ozias was angry, and holding in his hand the censer to burn incense, threatened the priests. And presently there rose a leprosy in his forehead before the priests, in the house of the Lord at the altar of incense.
20 Tango Azaria, mokonzi ya Banganga-Nzambe, mpe Banganga-Nzambe mosusu batalaki ye mpe bamonaki ete akomi na bokono ya maba na elongi, babenganaki ye na lombangu wana ye moko mpe azalaki kobima na lombangu, pamba te Yawe asambwisaki ye.
And Azarias the high priest, and all the rest of the priests looked upon him, and saw the leprosy in his forehead, and they made haste to thrust him out. Yea himself also being frightened, hasted to go out, because he had quickly felt the stroke of the Lord.
21 Mokonzi Oziasi abelaki bokono ya maba kino na mokolo na ye ya kufa. Lokola azalaki kobela bokono ya maba, akomaki kovanda na ndako moko batonga mosika, pamba te babenganaki ye mosika ya Tempelo ya Yawe. Yotami, mwana na ye ya mobali, mobateli biloko ya ndako ya mokonzi, ayangelaki bato ya mokili.
And Ozias the king was a leper unto the day of his death, and he dwelt in a house apart being full of the leprosy, for which he had been cast out of the house of the Lord. And Joatham his son governed the king’s house, and judged the people of the land.
22 Makambo mosusu oyo etali bokonzi ya Oziasi mpe misala na ye, kobanda na ebandeli kino na suka, ezali mosakoli Ezayi, mwana mobali ya Amotsi, nde akomaki yango.
But the rest of the acts of Ozias first and last were written by Isaias the son of Amos, the prophet.
23 Oziasi akendeki kokutana na bakoko na ye, mpe bakundaki ye esika moko na bango kati na lilita ya bakonzi, pamba te bato bazalaki koloba: « Abelaki bokono ya maba. » Yotami, mwana na ye ya mobali, akitanaki na ye na bokonzi.
And Ozias slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the field of the royal sepulchres, because he was a leper: and Joatham his son reigned in his stead.

< 2 Masolo ya Kala 26 >