< 1 Masolo ya Kala 29 >

1 Mokonzi Davidi alobaki na lisanga mobimba: — Salomo, mwana na ngai ya mobali, moko kaka oyo Nzambe aponi, azali nanu elenge mpe ayebi penza makambo malamu te. Nzokande, mosala ezali monene, pamba te Ndako oyo ezali mpo na moto te kasi mpo na Yawe Nzambe.
And kyng Dauid spak to al the chirche, God hath chose Salomon, my sone, yit a child and tendre; forsothe the werk is greet, and a dwellyng is not maad redi to man but to God.
2 Na bozwi na ngai nyonso, nabongisaki mpo na Ndako ya Nzambe na ngai: wolo mpo na misala ya wolo, palata mpo na misala ya palata, ebende mpo na misala ya bibende, mabaya mpo na misala ya mabaya, mabanga ya onikisi mpe mabanga ya kobamba, mabanga oyo engengaka mpe ya balangi ebele, mabanga ya talo ya lolenge nyonso mpe mabanga ya marbre. Biloko oyo nyonso ezalaki penza ebele.
Sotheli Y in alle my myytis haue maad redi the costis of the hows of my God; gold to goldun vessels, siluer in to siluerne vessels, bras in to brasun vessels, irun in to irun vessels, tre in to trenun vessels, onychyn stonys, and stonys as of the colour of wymmens oynement, and ech precious stoon of dyuerse colouris, and marbil of dyuerse colouris, most plenteuously.
3 Mpe lisusu, na tina na bolingo na ngai mpo na Ndako ya Nzambe na ngai, napesi sik’oyo wuta na bozwi na ngai moko: wolo mpe palata mpo na Ndako ya Nzambe na ngai likolo ya nyonso oyo nabongisaki mpo na Ndako oyo ya bule:
And ouer these thingis Y yyue gold and siluer in to the temple of my God, whiche Y offride of my propir catel in to the hows of my God, outakun these thingis whiche Y made redi in to the hooli hows,
4 kilo nkoto nkama moko ya wolo ya peto ya Ofiri, kilo nkoto nkama mibale na tuku mitano ya palata ya peto mpo na kolatisa bamir ya Ndako.
thre thousynde talentis of gold, of the gold of Ophir, and seuene thousynde of talentis of siluer most preuyd, to ouergilde the wallis of the temple;
5 Wolo mpe palata yango ebongisami mpo na misala ya wolo mpe ya palata, mpe mpo na misala nyonso oyo bato ya misala ya maboko basengeli kosala. Sik’oyo, nani alingi kopesa na esengo mpe na motema moko epai na Yawe?
and werkis be maad bi the hondis of crafti men, where euere gold is nedeful, of gold, and where euere siluer is nedeful, of siluer; and if ony man offrith bi his fre wille, fille he his hond to dai, and offre he that that he wole to the Lord.
6 Boye, bakambi ya mabota, bakonzi ya mabota ya Isalaele, bakonzi ya bankoto mpe ya bankama mpe bakambi ya misala ya mokonzi bapesaki makabo wuta na mitema na bango moko.
Therfor the princes of meynees, and the duykis of the lynagis of Israel, and the tribunes, and the centuriouns, and the princes of the possessiouns of the kyng, bihiyten;
7 Mbala moko, bapesaki mpo na mosala ya Ndako ya Nzambe: bakilo nkama tuku sambo ya wolo, biloko ya wolo nkoto zomi, bakilo koleka minkoko nkama misato ya palata, bakilo nkoto nkama motoba ya bronze, mpe bakilo koleka minkoko misato ya bibende.
and thei yauen in to the werkis of the hows of the Lord, fyue thousynde talentis of gold, and ten thousynde schyllyngis; ten thousynde talentis of siluer, and eiytene thousynde talentis of bras, and an hundrid thousynde of talentis of irun.
8 Bato nyonso oyo bazalaki na mabanga ya talo bapesaki yango na ebombelo ya bozwi ya Tempelo ya Yawe epai ya Yeyeli, moto ya libota ya Gerishoni.
And at whom euere stoonys were foundun, thei yauen in to the tresour of the hows of the Lord, bi the hond of Jehiel Gersonyte.
9 Bato basepelaki mingi na makabo oyo bango moko bapesaki wuta na mokano ya mitema na bango, pamba te bazalaki kopesa yango epai ya Yawe, na motema mobimba. Mokonzi Davidi mpe asepelaki na yango mingi.
And the puple was glad, whanne thei bihiyten avowis bi her fre wille, for with al the herte thei offriden tho to the Lord. But also kyng Dauid was glad with greet ioye, and blesside the Lord bifor al the multitude,
10 Davidi akumisaki Yawe liboso ya lisanga mobimba na maloba oyo: « Oh Yawe, Nzambe ya Isalaele, tata na biso, tika ete ozwa lokumu mpo na libela!
and seide, Lord God of Israel, oure fadir, thou art blessid fro with outen bigynnyng in to with outen ende;
11 Oh Yawe, monene, nguya, kongenga, nkembo mpe bokonzi ezali ya Yo; pamba te biloko nyonso oyo ezali na likolo mpe na se ezali ya Yo. Yawe, bokonzi ezali ya Yo, osalaka nyonso oyo olingi na ekelamu nyonso.
Lord, worthi doyng is thin, and power, and glorie, and victorie, and heriyng is to thee; for alle thingis that ben in heuene and in erthe ben thine; Lord, the rewme is thin, and thou art ouer alle princes; ritchessis ben thin, and glorie is thin;
12 Bozwi mpe lokumu ewutaka epai na Yo; ozali na bokonzi likolo na nyonso, makasi mpe nguya ezali na maboko na Yo mpo na kotombola mpe kopesa makasi na moto nyonso.
thou art Lord of alle; in thin hond is vertu, and power, and in thin hond is greetnesse, and lordschipe of alle.
13 Nzambe na biso, tozali sik’oyo kosanzola Yo mpe kokumisa Kombo na Yo.
Now therfor, oure God, we knoulechen to thee, and we herien thi noble name.
14 Nazali nani, mpe bato na ngai bazali banani, mpo ete tozwa makoki ya kopesa makabo oyo, wuta na mokano ya mitema na biso moko? Nyonso ewutaka epai na Yo, mpe topesi Yo kaka oyo ewuti na loboko na Yo.
Who am Y, and who is my puple, that we moun bihete alle these thingis to thee? Alle thingis ben thine, and we han youe to thee tho thingis, whiche we token of thin hond.
15 Liboso na Yo, tozali bapaya mpe baleki nzela, ndenge ezalaki batata na biso. Mikolo na biso awa na mokili ezali koleka lokola elili oyo ezangi elikya.
For we ben pilgrimes and comelyngis bifor thee, as alle oure fadris; oure daies ben as schadewe on the erthe, and `no dwellyng is.
16 Oh Yawe, Nzambe na biso, bomengo nyonso oyo tobongisi mpo na kotonga Tempelo mpo na lokumu ya Kombo na Yo ya Bule ewuti na loboko na Yo mpe ezali ya Yo.
Oure Lord God, al this plentee which we han maad redi, that an hows schulde be byldid to thin hooli name, is of thin hond; and alle thingis ben thin.
17 Oh Nzambe na ngai, nayebi ete oyebi bozindo ya mitema na biso, osepelaka na bosembo. Napesi nyonso oyo wuta na mokano ya motema na ngai moko mpe na makanisi ya lokuta te. Sik’oyo, namoni ndenge nini bato na Yo, oyo bazali awa, bapesi Yo makabo oyo na motema malamu.
My God, Y woot, that thou preuest hertis, and louest symplenesse of herte; wherfor and Y, in the symplenesse of myn herte, haue offrid gladli alle these thingis; and Y siy with greet ioye thi puple, which is foundun here, offre yiftis to thee.
18 Oh Yawe, Nzambe ya Abrayami, Izaki mpe Isalaele, batata na biso, batela makanisi oyo kati na mitema ya bato na Yo mpo na libela mpe sala ete mitema na bango ekangama na Yo.
Lord God of Abraham, and of Ysaac, and of Israel, oure fadris, kepe thou with outen ende this wille of her hertis; and this mynde dwelle euere in to the worschipyng of thee.
19 Pesa na mwana na ngai ya mobali, Salomo, motema ya boyengebene mpo na kobatela mitindo na Yo, malako na Yo mpe bikateli na Yo; mpo na kosala nyonso mpe kotonga Ndako oyo nasaleli mabongisi oyo nyonso. »
Also yyue thou to Salomon, my sone, a perfit herte, that he kepe thin heestis, and witnessyngis, and thi ceremonyes; and do alle thingis, and that he bilde the hows, whose costis Y haue maad redi.
20 Davidi alobaki na bato nyonso: — Bopambola Yawe, Nzambe na bino! Boye, bato nyonso bakumisaki Yawe, Nzambe ya bakoko na bango, bagumbamaki mpe bafukamaki liboso ya Yawe mpe ya mokonzi.
Forsothe Dauid comaundide to al the chirche, Blesse ye `oure Lord God. And al the chirche blesside the Lord God of her fadris, and thei bowiden hem silf, and worschipiden God, aftirward the kyng.
21 Mokolo oyo elandaki, babonzaki bambeka mpe bambeka ya kotumba epai na Yawe: bangombe ya mibali nkoto moko, bameme ya mibali nkoto moko mpe bana meme nkoto moko elongo na makabo ya masanga ya vino mpe makabo mosusu ebele, mpo na Isalaele mobimba.
And thei offriden slayn sacrifices to the Lord, and thei offriden brent sacrifices in the dai suynge; a thousynde boolis, and a thousynde rammes, and a thousynde lambren, with her fletynge sacrifices, and al the custom, most plenteuously, in to al Israel.
22 Baliaki mpe bamelaki liboso ya Yawe na esengo na mokolo wana, mpe batatolaki mpo na mbala ya mibale ete Salomo, mwana mobali ya Davidi, azali mokonzi. Bapakolaki ye mafuta mpo ete azala mokonzi; mpe Tsadoki, mpo ete azala Nganga-Nzambe.
And thei eten and drunken bifor the Lord in that dai, with greet gladnesse. And thei anoyntiden the secounde tyme Salomon, the sone of Dauid; and thei anoyntiden hym in to prince to the Lord, and Sadoch in to bischop.
23 Salomo avandaki na Kiti ya Bokonzi ya Yawe lokola mokonzi na esika ya Davidi, tata na ye. Apambolamaki mpe Isalaele mobimba etosaki ye.
And Salomon sat on the trone of the Lord in to kyng, for Dauid, his fadir; and it pleside alle men, and al Israel obeiede to hym.
24 Bakonzi nyonso, basoda ya mpiko mpe bana nyonso ya mibali ya mokonzi Davidi batosaki mokonzi Salomo.
But also alle princes, and myyti men, and alle the sones of kyng Dauid, yauen hond, and weren suget to `Salomon the kyng.
25 Yawe atombolaki Salomo makasi liboso ya Isalaele mobimba, mpe apesaki ye lokumu ya bokonzi koleka bakonzi nyonso ya Isalaele oyo balekaki liboso na ye.
Therfor the Lord magnefiede Salomon on al Israel, and yaue to hym glorie of the rewme, what maner glorie no kyng of Israel hadde bifor hym.
26 Davidi, mwana mobali ya Izayi, azalaki mokonzi ya Isalaele mobimba.
Therfor Dauid, the sone of Ysai, regnede on al Israel;
27 Davidi akonzaki Isalaele mibu tuku minei: mibu sambo na Ebron mpe mibu tuku misato na misato na Yelusalemi.
and the daies in whiche he regnede on Israel weren fourti yeer; in Ebron he regnede seuene yeer, and in Jerusalem thre and thretti yeer.
28 Akufaki na kimobange ya esengo. Atondisamaki na mibu ebele, na bozwi mpe na lokumu; bongo Salomo, mwana na ye ya mobali, akitanaki na ye na bokonzi.
And he diede in good eelde, and was ful of daies, and richessis, and glorie; and Salomon, his sone, regnede for hym.
29 Makambo mosusu oyo etali bokonzi ya Davidi, wuta na ebandeli kino na suka, ekomama kati na buku ya misala ya mosakoli Samuele, na buku ya misala ya mosakoli Natan mpe na buku ya misala ya mosakoli Gadi.
Forsothe the formere and the laste dedis of Dauid ben writun in the book of Samuel, the prophete, and in the book of Nathan, prophete, and in the book of Gad, the prophete;
30 Kati na babuku ya misala yango, balobelaki mpe makambo nyonso ya bokonzi mpe ya makasi na ye, makambo nyonso oyo ekomelaki ye, Isalaele mpe mikili nyonso ya zingazinga.
and of al his rewme, and strengthe, and tymes, that passiden vndur hym, ethir in Israel, ethir in alle rewmes of londis.

< 1 Masolo ya Kala 29 >