< Ceturtā Mozus 12 >

1 Tad Mirjame un Ārons runāja pret Mozu tās etiopiešu sievas dēļ ko viņš bija ņēmis, jo viņš vienu etiopieti bija ņēmis par sievu, un tie sacīja:
And she spoke Miriam and Aaron against Moses on [the] causes of the woman Cushite whom he had taken for a woman Cushite he had taken.
2 Vai Tas Kungs tikai caur Mozu vien runājis? Vai tas nav arī caur mums runājis? Un Tas Kungs to dzirdēja.
And they said ¿ only only by Moses has he spoken Yahweh ¿ not also by us has he spoken and he heard Yahweh.
3 Bet tas vīrs Mozus bija ļoti lēnprātīgs, vairāk nekā visi cilvēki virs zemes.
And the man Moses ([was] humble *Q(K)*) very more than every person who [was] on [the] surface of the ground.
4 Tad Tas Kungs piepeši runāja uz Mozu un uz Āronu un uz Mirjami: nāciet ārā jūs trīs pie saiešanas telts; un tie trīs nāca ārā.
And he said Yahweh suddenly to Moses and to Aaron and to Miriam come out O [the] three of you to [the] tent of meeting and they went out [the] three of them.
5 Tad Tas Kungs nonāca padebeša stabā un stāvēja saiešanas telts durvīs; un viņš sauca Āronu un Mirjami, un tie abi nāca ārā.
And he came down Yahweh in a pillar of cloud and he stood [the] entrance of the tent and he summoned Aaron and Miriam and they went out both of them.
6 Un Viņš sacīja: klausiet jel Manu vārdu! Ja jūsu starpā viens pravietis, tad Es, Tas Kungs, viņam parādos parādīšanā, caur sapni Es ar viņu runāju.
And he said hear please words my if he is prophet of your Yahweh by vision to him I make myself known by a dream I speak with him.
7 Tāds nav Mans kalps Mozus, kas visā Manā namā ir uzticīgs.
Not thus servant my Moses in all house my [is] faithful he.
8 Muti pret muti Es ar viņu runāju un ne caur tumšiem vārdiem, bet redzēdams viņš redz Tā Kunga vaigu; kādēļ tad jūs neesat bijušies runāt pret Manu kalpu, pret Mozu?
Mouth to mouth I speak with him and a vision and not by riddles and [the] form of Yahweh he sees and why? not were you afraid to speak against servant my against Moses.
9 Un Tā Kunga bardzība iedegās pret tiem, un Viņš aizgāja.
And it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on them and he went.
10 Un tas padebesis atstājās no telts virsas, un redzi, Mirjame bija spitālīga kā sniegs, un Ārons uzlūkoja Mirjami, un redzi, tā bija spitālīga.
And the cloud it departed from over the tent and there! Miriam [was] leprous like snow and he turned Aaron to Miriam and there! leprous.
11 Tad Ārons sacīja uz Mozu: lūdzams, mans kungs, nepielīdzini mums tos grēkus, ar ko mēs ģeķīgi esam darījuši un ar ko esam apgrēkojušies.
And he said Aaron to Moses pardon me O lord my do not please may put on us [the] sin which we have acted foolishly and which we have sinned.
12 Lai viņa nav kā tas, kas nedzīvs iziet no mātes miesām, kam puse no miesas jau saēsta.
May not please she be like dead [person] whom when came forth he from [the] womb of mother his and it was eaten half of flesh his.
13 Tad Mozus brēca uz To Kungu un sacīja: Ak Dievs, lūdzams, dziedini jel viņu!
And he cried out Moses to Yahweh saying O God please heal please her.
14 Un Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu: kad viņas tēvs spļaudams viņas vaigā būtu spļāvis, vai tā septiņas dienas nekaunētos? Lai tā septiņas dienas ārā aiz lēģera top ieslēgta un pēc tam lai tā atkal top pieņemta.
And he said Yahweh to Moses and father her certainly he had spat in face her ¿ not will she be put to shame seven days she will be shut up seven days from [the] outside of the camp and after she will be received.
15 Tad Mirjame tapa ieslēgta ārā aiz lēģera septiņas dienas, un tie ļaudis negāja tālāki, kamēr Mirjame atkal tapa pieņemta.
And she was shut up Miriam from [the] outside of the camp seven days and the people not it set out until was received Miriam.
16 Bet pēc tam tie ļaudis cēlās no Hacerotas un apmetās Pārana tuksnesī.
And after they set out the people from Hazeroth and they encamped in [the] wilderness of Paran.

< Ceturtā Mozus 12 >