< Lūkas Evaņg̒elijs 6 >

1 Un notikās vienā svētdienā Viņam caur labību ejot, ka Viņa mācekļi vārpas plūca un ēda, ar rokām tās izberzdami.
It came to pass then on a Sabbath (second [after the] first *K*) [is] passing along He through (*k*) grainfields, and were plucking the disciples of Him and were eating the heads of grain rubbing [them] in the hands.
2 Bet kādi no farizejiem uz tiem sacīja: “Kam jūs dariet, ko svētdienās darīt nav brīv?”
Some however of the Pharisees said (to them: *k*) Why do you that which not it is lawful (to do in *k*) [on] the Sabbaths?
3 Un Jēzus atbildēja un uz tiem sacīja: “Vai jūs neesat lasījuši, ko Dāvids ir darījis, kad tas bija izsalcis līdz ar tiem, kas pie viņa bija?
And answering to them said Jesus; Surely this have you read what did David, (when *N(k)O*) was hungry he himself and those who with him being?
4 Ka tas ir iegājis Dieva namā un tās Dievam noliktās maizes ņēmis un ēdis un devis arī tiem, kas pie viņa bija, kādas ēst nevienam nav brīv kā vien priesteriem.”
how he entered into the house of God, and the loaves of the presentation (having taken *N(k)O*) (and *k*) ate and gave (and *k*) to those with him which not it is lawful to eat only except solely to the priests?
5 Un Viņš uz tiem sacīja: “Tas Cilvēka Dēls ir kungs arī par svētdienu.”
And He was saying to them (that: *ko*) Lord is (also *k*) of the Sabbath the Son of Man.
6 Bet atkal citā svētdienā Viņam baznīcā ejot un mācot notikās, ka tur bija cilvēks, kam labā roka bija nokaltusi.
It came to pass then (and *k*) on another Sabbath entering He into the synagogue and teaching; and there was a man there and the hand of him the right was withered.
7 Bet tie rakstu mācītāji un farizeji uz Viņu glūnēja, vai Viņš svētdienā nedziedinās, ka atrastu vainas pie Viņa.
(Were closely watching *N(k)O*) now Him the scribes and the Pharisees whether on the Sabbath (He heals *N(k)O*) that they may find [reason] (to accuse *N(k)O*) Him.
8 Bet tas Viņu domas nomanīja un sacīja uz to cilvēku, kam tā nokaltusi roka bija: “Celies un stājies šeit vidū!” Un tas cēlās un nostājās.
He himself now knew the thoughts of them. (and *k*) He said (now *no*) to the (man *N(k)O*) the withered having the hand; (do arise *N(k)O*) and do stand in the midst. (*k*) (And *N(k)O*) having risen up he stood.
9 Tad Jēzus uz tiem sacīja: “Es jums ko vaicāšu: vai ir brīv svētdienā labu darīt, vai ļaunu darīt, dzīvību glābt vai maitāt?”
Said (then *N(k)O*) Jesus to them; (I ask *N(k)O*) you (if *N(k)O*) it is lawful (on the Sabbath *N(k)O*) to do good or to do evil? Life to save or (to destroy? *NK(O)*)
10 Un tos visapkārt uzlūkojis, Viņš uz to cilvēku sacīja: “Izstiep savu roku!” Un tas tā darīja; un viņa roka tam atkal tapa vesela, itin kā tā otra.
And having looked around all on them He said (to him; *N(K)O*) do stretch out the hand of you. And he did (thus; *k*) and was restored the hand of him (sound *K*) (as another. *KO*)
11 Un tie tapa trakuma pilni un sarunājās savā starpā, ko Jēzum darīt.
They themselves then were filled with rage and were discussing with one another what maybe they would do to Jesus.
12 Bet notikās tanīs dienās, ka Viņš izgāja uz to kalnu Dievu lūgt; un Viņš palika cauru nakti Dieva lūgšanā.
It came to pass then in the days those (to go out *N(k)O*) (He *no*) to the mountain to pray; and He was spending the night in prayer to God.
13 Un kad gaisma ausa, tad Viņš sasauca Savus mācekļus un izredzēja no tiem divpadsmit, kurus Viņš arī nosauca par apustuļiem:
And when it became day, He called to [Him] the disciples of Him, also having chosen out from them twelve whom also apostles He named:
14 Sīmani, ko Viņš arī nosauca Pēteri, un Andreju, viņa brāli, Jēkabu un Jāni, Filipu un Bērtuli,
Simon whom also He named Peter and Andrew the brother of him (and *no*) James and John (and *no*) Philip and Bartholomew
15 Mateju un Tomu, Jēkabu, Alfeja dēlu, un Sīmani, kas ir nosaukts Zelotes,
(and *no*) Matthew and Thomas (and *no*) James (*k*) of Alphaeus and Simon the [one] being called Zealot
16 Jūdu, Jēkaba dēlu, un Jūdasu Iskariotu, kas palika par nodevēju.
(and *no*) Judas [son] of James and Judas Iscariot who (also *ko*) became [the] betrayer.
17 Un ar tiem zemē nokāpis Viņš stāvēja klajā vietā, un Viņa mācekļu draudze un liels pulks ļaužu no visas Jūdu zemes un Jeruzālemes un no Tirus un Sidonas jūrmalas bija nākuši, Viņu dzirdēt un tapt dziedināti no savām sērgām,
And having descended with them He stood on a place level. and a crowd (large *NO*) of disciples of Him and a multitude great of the people from all Judea and Jerusalem and the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon who came to hear Him and to be healed of the diseases of them.
18 Arī tie, kas tapa mocīti no nešķīstiem gariem, - un tie tapa darīti veseli.
And those (being troubled with *N(k)O*) spirits unclean (and *k*) were healed.
19 Un visi tie ļaudis meklēja Viņu aizskart, jo spēks izgāja no Viņa un Viņš visus dziedināja.
And all the multitude (were seeking *N(k)O*) to touch Him, because power from Him was going out and was healing all.
20 Un Savas acis uz Saviem mācekļiem pacēlis, Viņš sacīja: “Svētīgi esat jūs nabagi, jo jums pieder Dieva valstība.
And He himself having lifted up the gaze of Him upon the disciples of Him was saying: Blessed [are] the poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
21 Svētīgi esat, kas tagad izsalkuši, jo jūs tapsiet paēdināti. Svētīgi esat, kas tagad raudāt, jo jūs smiesities.
Blessed [are] those hungering now, for you will be filled. Blessed [are] those weeping now, for you will laugh.
22 Svētīgi esat, kad cilvēki jūs ienīd, un kad tie jūs izslēgs un lamās un jūsu vārdu kā ļaunu atmetīs Tā Cilvēka Dēla dēļ.
Blessed are you when may hate you men and when they may exclude you and they may insult [you] and they may cast out the name of you as evil on account of the Son of Man.
23 Priecājaties tanī dienā un dejiet, jo redzi jūsu alga ir liela debesīs; jo tāpat viņu tēvi darījuši tiem praviešiem.
(do rejoice *N(k)O*) in that [very] day and do leap for joy; behold for the reward of you [is] great in heaven. According to (the [things] *N(K)O*) (of them *N(k)O*) for were treating the prophets the fathers of them.
24 Bet ak vai jums, bagātiem, jo jums jau sava alga!
But woe to you who are rich, for you are receiving the comfort of you.
25 Ak vai jums, kas esat piebarojušies, jo jūs izsalksiet! Ak vai jums, kas tagad smejaties, jo jūs noskumsities un raudāsiet!
Woe to you who [are] filled (now, *no*) for you will hunger. Woe to (to you *k*) who [are] laughing now, for you will mourn and will weep.
26 Ak vai jums, kad visi cilvēki labu par jums runā, jo tāpat viņu tēvi darījuši tiem viltīgiem praviešiem.
Woe to you (to you *k*) when of you well speak all men; according to (the [things] *N(K)O*) (of them *N(k)O*) for were treating the false prophets the fathers of them.
27 Bet Es saku jums, kas to dzirdiet: mīlējiet savus ienaidniekus; dariet labu tiem, kas jūs ienīd.
But to you I say to those hearing: do love the enemies of you, good do perform to those hating you,
28 Svētījiet tos, kas jūs nolād; lūdziet par tiem, kas jūs apkaitina.
do bless those cursing (you, *N(k)O*) (and *k*) do pray (for *N(k)O*) those mistreating you.
29 Tam, kas tev vaigā sit vienā pusē, tam sniedz arī otru; un tam, kas tavu mēteli ņem, tam arī neliedz svārkus.
To the [one] striking you on the cheek, do offer also the other; and from the [one] taking away your cloak also the tunic not may do withhold.
30 Bet dod ikkatram, kas tevi lūdz; un neatprasi no tā, kas ņem, kas tev pieder.
To everyone (now who *ko*) is asking you do give; and from the [one] taking away what [is] yours not do ask [it] back.
31 Un itin kā gribat, lai citi ļaudis jums dara, tāpat dariet arī jūs viņiem.
And even as you desire that they may perform to you men, (and you yourselves *ko*) do perform to them likewise.
32 Un kad mīlējāt tos, kas jūs mīl, kāda pateicība jums nākas? Jo grēcinieki arīdzan mīl tos, kas viņus mīl.
And if you love those loving you, what to you credit is it? Even for sinners those loving them love.
33 Un kad labu dariet tiem, kas jums labu dara, kāda pateicība jums nākas? Jo grēcinieki to dara tāpat.
And (for *no*) if you shall do good to those doing good to you, what to you credit is it? For even (for *ko*) sinners the same perform.
34 Un kad aizdodat tiem, no kā cerējat atdabūt, kāda pateicība jums nākas? Jo arī grēcinieki grēciniekiem aizdod, lai to pašu atdabū.
And if (you shall lend [to those] *N(k)(o)*) from whom you expect (to receive, *N(k)O*) what to you credit is it? Even (for *ko*) (*k*) sinners to sinners lend that they may receive the same amount.
35 Bet mīlējiet savus ienaidniekus un dariet labu un aizdodiet, nekā atkal par to negaidīdami, un tad jūsu alga būs liela, un jūs būsiet Tā Visuaugstākā bērni; jo Viņš ir laipnīgs pret nepateicīgiem un ļauniem.
But do love the enemies of you and do good and do lend nothing expecting in return; and will be the reward of you great, and you will be sons (of the *k*) Most High, for He himself kind is to the ungrateful and evil.
36 Tāpēc esiet žēlīgi, kā arī jūsu Tēvs ir žēlīgs.
do be you (therefore *K*) merciful even as also the Father of you merciful is.
37 Netiesājiet, tad jūs netapsiet tiesāti; nepazudinājiet, tad jūs netapsiet pazudināti; piedodiet, tad jums taps piedots.
And not do judge, that certainly not you may be judged. (and *no*) not do condemn, that certainly not you may be condemned. do forgive, and you will be forgiven.
38 Dodiet, tad jums taps dots: pilns, saspaidīts, sakratīts un pār pārim ejams mērs jums taps iedots jūsu klēpī; jo ar to mēru, ar ko jūs mērojiet, jums taps atmērots.”
do give, and it will be given to you. Measure good pressed down (and *k*) shaken together (and *k*) running over will they put into the lap of you; with which (*k*) for (it *k*) measure you measure, it will be re-measured to you.
39 Viņš tiem arī sacīja vienu līdzību: “Vai akls aklam ceļu var rādīt? Vai tie abi nekritīs bedrē?
He spoke then (also *no*) a parable to them; surely not ever is able a blind [man] a blind [man] to lead? Surely both into a pit (will fall in? *N(k)O*)
40 Māceklis nav augstāks pār savu mācītāju: kad māceklis ir kā viņa mācītājs, tad viņš ir pilnīgs.
Not is a disciple above the teacher (of him. *k*) fully trained however everyone will be like the teacher of him.
41 Bet ko tu redzi skabargu sava brāļa acī, bet baļķi savā paša acī tu nenomani?
Why now look you at the splinter that [is] in the eye of the brother of you, and the beam that [is] in the own eye not notice?
42 Jeb, kā tu vari sacīt uz savu brāli: laid brāli, es to skabargu no tavas acs gribu izvilkt, un to baļķi savā paša acī tu neredzi? Tu liekuli, velc papriekš to baļķi no savas acs, un tad pielūko, ka tu to skabargu no sava brāļa acs vari izvilkt.
(or *ko*) How are you able to say to the brother of you; Brother, do allow [me] I may cast out the splinter that [is] in the eye of you, yourself the in the eye of you beam not seeing? Hypocrite, do cast out first the beam from the eye of you, and then you will see clearly the splinter in the eye of the brother of you to cast out.
43 Jo tas nav labs koks, kas nes nelāga augļus, nedz nelāga koks, kas nes labus augļus.
No for there is tree good producing fruit bad; nor (again [is there] *no*) a tree bad producing fruit good;
44 Ikkatrs koks top pazīts pie saviem augļiem. Jo no ērkšķiem nevar lasīt vīģes, nedz vīnogas no dadžiem.
Each for tree by the own fruit is known. Not for from thorns do they gather figs nor from a bramble bush grapes gather they.
45 Labs cilvēks no savas labas sirds mantas izdod labu, un ļauns cilvēks no savas ļaunas sirds mantas izdod ļaunu. Jo no sirds pilnības mute runā.
The good man out of the good treasure of the [his] heart (of him *ko*) brings forth that which [is] good, and the evil (man *k*) out of the evil (treasure the heart his own *K*) brings forth that which [is] evil; Out of for (of the *k*) overflow (*k*) of his heart speaks the mouth of him.
46 Bet ko jūs Mani saucat: Kungs, Dievs! un nedarāt, ko Es saku?
Why now Me do you call: Lord Lord, and not do what I say?
47 Ikviens, kas pie Manis nāk un Manus vārdus dzird un dara, - Es jums rādīšu, kam viņš līdzināms.
Everyone who is coming to Me and hearing of Mine the words and doing them, I will show you to whom he is like.
48 Tas ir līdzināms cilvēkam, kas ēku taisīdams dziļi raka un pamatu lika uz klints. Kad nu plūdi gadījās, tad tā straume lauzās uz to ēku, bet viņu nespēja kustināt, jo tā bija uzlikta uz klints.
Like he is to a man building a house who dug and he deepened and he laid a foundation on the rock. when a flood then having come burst upon the stream the house that, and not was able to shake it (because *N(k)O*) (*no*) (well *NO*) (to have been built *N(K)O*) (it *no*) (upon the rock. *k*)
49 Bet kas dzird un nedara, tas ir līdzināms cilvēkam, kas ēku uztaisīja uz zemes bez pamata; un tā straume lauzās un tā ēka tūdaļ sagruva, un šīs ēkas gāšanās bija liela.”
The [one] however having heard and not having done like it is to a man having built a house on the ground without a foundation on which burst the stream, and immediately (it fell, *N(k)O*) and was the ruin of the house that great [one].

< Lūkas Evaņg̒elijs 6 >