< Jozuas 18 >

1 Un visa Israēla bērnu draudze sapulcējās Šīlo un tur uzcēla saiešanas telti, kad nu zeme viņu priekšā bija uzvarēta.
And all the congregation of the children of Israel were assembled at Selo, and there they pitched the tabernacle of witness; and the land was subdued by them.
2 Un no Israēla bērniem, kam savas daļas nebija nodalītas, atlika septiņas ciltis.
And the sons of Israel remained, [even] those who [had] not received their inheritance, seven tribes.
3 Un Jozuas sacīja uz Israēla bērniem: cik ilgi jūs esat tik kūtri, ka nenoejat uzņemt to zemi, ko Tas Kungs, jūsu tēvu Dievs jums devis?
And Joshua said to the sons of Israel, How long will you be slack to inherit the land, which the Lord our God has given you?
4 Dabūjiet sev trīs vīrus no ikvienas cilts, tad es tos sūtīšu, lai tie ceļas un zemi pārstaigā un to uzraksta pēc savām daļām, un griežas atpakaļ pie manis.
Appoint of yourselves three men of each tribe, and let them rise up and go through the land, and let them describe it before me, as it will be proper to divide it.
5 Tiem nu to būs dalīt septiņās daļās; Jūda lai paliek savās robežās no dienasvidus puses, un Jāzepa nams lai paliek savās robežās no ziemeļa puses.
And they came to him: and he divided to them seven portions, [saying], Juda shall stand to them a border southward, and the sons of Joseph shall stand to them northward.
6 Un jums to zemi būs uzrakstīt septiņās daļās un atnest man, ka es priekš jums šeit mesloju Tā Kunga, mūsu Dieva, priekšā.
And do you divide the land into seven parts, and bring the description hither to me, and I will give you a lot before the Lord our God.
7 Jo Levitiem nav nekādas zemes daļas jūsu starpā, bet Tā Kunga priestera amats ir viņu daļa. Bet Gads un Rūbens un Manasus puscilts savu tiesu ir ņēmuši viņpus Jardānes pret rītiem, ko Mozus, Tā Kunga kalps, tiem devis.
For the sons of Levi have no part amongst you; for the priesthood of the Lord [is] his portion; and Gad, and Ruben, and the half tribe of Manasse, have received their inheritance beyond Jordan eastward, which Moses the servant of the Lord gave to them.
8 Tad tie vīri cēlās un nogāja, un Jozuas tiem, kas nogāja, pavēlēja zemi uzrakstīt, un sacīja: ejat, un pārstaigājat to zemi un uzrakstiet to un griežaties atpakaļ pie manis, tad es priekš jums metīšu meslus Tā Kunga priekšā šeitan Šīlo.
And the men rose up and went; and Joshua charged the men who went to explore the land, saying, Go and explore the land, and come to me, and I will bring you forth a lot here before the Lord in Selo.
9 Tad tie vīri nogāja un pārstaigāja to zemi un to pēc viņas pilsētām grāmatā uzrakstīja septiņās daļās, un nāca atpakaļ pie Jozuas uz lēģeri Šīlo.
And they went, and explored the land: and they viewed it, and described it according to the cities, seven parts in a book, and brought [the book] to Joshua.
10 Un Jozuas meta meslus priekš viņiem Šīlo Tā Kunga priekšā, un Jozuas tur Israēla bērniem dalīja to zemi pēc viņu daļām.
And Joshua cast the lot for them in Selo before the Lord.
11 Un mesli krita Benjamina bērnu ciltij pēc viņu radiem, un viņu nomeslotās tiesas robeža stiepjas starp Jūda bērniem un Jāzepa bērniem.
And the lot of the tribe of Benjamin came forth first according to their families: and the borders of their lot came forth between the children of Juda and the children of Joseph.
12 Un viņu ziemeļa robeža nāca no Jardānes, un šī robeža iet augšā gar Jērikus ziemeļa pusi un stiepjas caur tiem kalniem pret vakara pusi un viņas gals ir pie Bet-Avenas tuksneša.
And their borders were northward: the borders shall go up from Jordan behind Jericho northward, and shall go up to the mountain westward, and the issue of it shall be Baethon of Mabdara.
13 Un no turienes robeža aiziet uz Lūzu, gar Lūzu, - šī ir Bētele, - pret dienasvidu, un robeža noiet uz Atarot-Ādaru pie tā kalna, kas ir dienasvidus pusē no Lejas-Bet-Oronas.
And the borders will go forth thence to Luz, behind Luz, from the south of it; this is Baethel: and the borders shall go down to Maatarob Orech, to the hill country, which is southward of Baethoron the lower.
14 Un šī robeža stiepjas un griežas vakara malā uz dienasvidu, no tā kalna, kas ir Bet-Oronai pretī uz dienasvidu, un viņas gals ir pie Kiriat-Baālas, - šī ir Kiriat-Jearima, Jūda bērnu pilsēta, - šī ir vakara puses mala.
And the borders shall pass through and proceed to the part that looks towards the sea, on the south, from the mountain in front of Baethoron southward, and its termination shall be at Cariath-Baal, this is Cariath-Jarin, a city of the children of Juda; this is the part towards the west.
15 Un dienasvidus mala stiepjas no Kiriat-Jearimas gala, un šī robeža iznāk no vakara puses un iziet uz Nevtoas avotu.
And the south side on the part of Cariath-Baal; and the borders shall go across to Gasin, to the fountain of the water of Naphtho.
16 Un šī robeža noiet līdz tā kalna galam, kas ir Inoma dēla ielejai pretī, Revaiešu ielejā pret ziemeļiem un noiet caur Inoma ieleju gar Jebusiešiem pret dienasvidu un noiet līdz Roģeles avotam,
And the borders shall extend down on one side, this is in front of the forest of Sonnam, which is on the side of Emec Raphain northward, and it shall come down to Gaeenna behind Jebusai southward: it shall come down to the fountain of Rogel.
17 Un stiepjas uz ziemeļa pusi un iznāk uz En-Zemesu un iziet uz Ģililotu, kas stiepjas pret Adumim, un noiet uz Boēna, Rūbena dēla, akmeni,
And [the borders] shall go across to the fountain of Baethsamys:
18 Un iet pāri gar to klajumu uz ziemeļa pusi un noiet uz to klajumu.
and shall proceed to Galiloth, which is in front by the going up of Aethamin; and they shall come down to the stone of Baeon of the sons of Ruben; and shall pass over behind Baetharaba northward, and shall go down to the borders behind the sea northward.
19 Un šī robeža iet pāri gar Bet-Aglu pret ziemeļiem, un šās robežas gals ir pie sāls jūras mēles pret ziemeļiem, pie Jardānes gala dienas vidū; šī ir dienvidu robeža.
And the termination of the borders shall be at the creek of the salt sea northward to the side of Jordan southward: these are their southern borders.
20 Un Jardāne ir viņa robeža rīta pusē; šī ir Benjamina bērnu daļa pēc viņu robežām visapkārt, pēc viņu radiem.
And Jordan shall be their boundary on the east: this [is] the inheritance of the children of Benjamin, these [are] their borders round about according to their families.
21 Bet Benjamina bērnu cilts pilsētas pēc viņu radiem ir: Jērikus un Bet-Agla un Emek-Ķecica
And the cities of the children of Benjamin according to their families [were] Jericho, and Bethagaeo, and the Amecasis,
22 Un Bet-Araba un Cemaraīm un Bētele.
and Baethabara, and Sara, and Besana,
23 Un Avim un Para un Ovra
and Aeein, and Phara, and Ephratha,
24 Un Kavar-Amonaja un Ovni un Gaba, divpadsmit pilsētas un viņu ciemi;
and Carapha, and Cephira, and Moni, and Gabaa, twelve cities and their villages:
25 Gibeona un Rāma un Beērote
Gabaon, and Rama, and Beerotha;
26 Un Micpa un Ķevira un Moca
and Massema, and Miron, and Amoke;
27 Un Reķeme un Jerpeēle un Tareala
and Phira, and Caphan, and Nacan, and Selecan, and Thareela,
28 Un Cela, Eleve un Jebuzi, - šī ir Jeruzāleme, - Ģibeata, Kiriata, četrpadsmit pilsētas un viņu ciemi. Šī ir Benjamina bērnu daļa pēc viņu radiem.
and Jebus (this is Jerusalem); and Gabaoth, Jarim, thirteen cities, and their villages; this [is] the inheritance of the sons of Benjamin according to their families.

< Jozuas 18 >