< Jeremijas 25 >

1 Šis ir tas vārds, kas notika uz Jeremiju par visiem Jūda ļaudīm Jūda ķēniņa Jojaķima, Josijas dēla, ceturtā gadā; tas bija Nebukadnecara, Bābeles ķēniņa, pirmais gads; -
The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah, in the fourth year of Jehoyakim the son of Josiah the king of Judah, which is the first year of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon;
2 To pravietis Jeremija runājis uz visiem Jūda ļaudīm un uz visiem Jeruzālemes iedzīvotājiem un sacījis:
Which Jeremiah the prophet spoke concerning all the people of Judah, and to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying,
3 No Jūda ķēniņa Josijas, Amona dēla, trīspadsmitā gada līdz šai dienai, šos divdesmit trīs gadus, Tā Kunga vārds uz mani noticis, un es uz jums esmu runājis vienā runāšanā, bet jūs neesat klausījuši,
From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon the king of Judah, even until this day, that is now three and twenty years, the word of the Lord hath come unto me, and I have spoken unto you, rising early and speaking; but ye have not hearkened.
4 Un Tas Kungs pie jums vienmēr sūtījis vienā sūtīšanā visus Savus kalpus, tos praviešus, bet jūs neesat klausījuši un neesat savas ausis atgriezuši paklausīt.
And the Lord hath sent unto you all his servants the prophets, making [them] rise early and sending [them]; but ye have not hearkened, and have not inclined your ear to hear.
5 Tie sacīja: atgriežaties jel ikviens no sava niknā ceļa un no sava darba ļaunuma, tad dzīvosiet tai zemē, ko Tas Kungs devis jums un jūsu tēviem, mūžīgi mūžam.
They said, O do turn away every one from his evil way, and from the wrongfulness of your doings; and ye shall remain in the land that the Lord hath given unto you and to your fathers, for from eternity to eternity;
6 Nedzenaties citiem dieviem pakaļ tiem kalpot un tos pielūgt, un neapkaitinājat Mani caur savu roku darbu, ka Es jums nedaru ļauna.
And go not after other gods to serve them, and to bow down to them, and provoke me not to anger with the works of your hands; and I will not injure you.
7 Bet jūs Mani neesat klausījuši, saka Tas Kungs, Mani kaitinādami caur savu roku darbu, sev pašiem par ļaunu.
Yet have ye not hearkened unto me, saith the Lord: in order that ye might provoke me to anger with the works of your own hands to your own injury.
8 Tādēļ tā saka Tas Kungs Cebaot: Tāpēc ka jūs neesat klausījuši Manus Vārdus,
Therefore thus hath said the Lord of hosts, Because ye have not hearkened to my words:
9 Redzi, tad Es sūtīšu un ņemšu visas ciltis no ziemeļa puses, saka Tas Kungs, līdz ar Nebukadnecaru, Bābeles ķēniņu, Savu kalpu, un tās vedīšu pār šo zemi un pār viņas iedzīvotājiem un pār visiem ļaudīm visapkārt, un Es tos izdeldēšu un tos darīšu par biedēkli un par apsmieklu un mūžīgu tuksnesi.
Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, saith the Lord, and to Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and I will bring them over this land, and over its inhabitants, and over all these nations round about, and I will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, and a derision, and perpetual ruins.
10 Un Es tiem iznīcināšu prieka balsi un līksmības balsi, brūtgāna balsi un brūtes balsi, dzirnavu troksni un sveces spīdumu.
And I will banish from them the voice of gladness, and the voice of joy, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the sound of the mill, and the light of the lamp.
11 Un visa šī zeme paliks par posta vietu un par tuksnesi. Un šie ļaudis kalpos Bābeles ķēniņam septiņdesmit gadus.
And this whole land shall become a ruin and an [object of] astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.
12 Bet kad tie septiņdesmit gadi būs pilni, tad Es, saka Tas Kungs, piemeklēšu pie Bābeles ķēniņa un pie šiem ļaudīm, viņu noziegumu, tāpat pie Kaldeju zemes, un to darīšu par mūžīgu tuksnesi.
And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are completed, that I will visit on the king of Babylon, and on that nation, saith the Lord, their iniquity, and on the land of the Chaldeans, and will change it into perpetual desolations.
13 Un Es vedīšu pār šo zemi visus Savus Vārdus, ko Es par to esmu runājis, visu, kas šai grāmatā rakstīts, ko Jeremija par visiem šiem ļaudīm sludinājis.
And I will bring over that land all my words which I have spoken concerning it, all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah hath prophesied concerning all the nations.
14 Jo arī tos kalpinās varenas tautas un lieli ķēniņi. Tā Es tiem atmaksāšu pēc viņu darīšanas un pēc viņu roku darbiem.
For when many nations and great kings shall have made them also serve: I will then recompense them according to their deeds, and according to the work of their own hands.
15 Jo tā Tas Kungs, Israēla Dievs, uz mani sacījis: ņem no Manas rokas šo biķeri bardzības vīna un dodi to dzert visiem ļaudīm, pie kā Es tevi sūtu,
For thus hath said the Lord the God of Israel unto me, Take the cup of the wine of this fury out of my hand, and cause all the nations to whom I send thee to drink it.
16 Lai tie dzer, streipuļo un trako caur to zobenu, ko Es viņu starpā sūtīšu.
And they shall drink, and reel about, and be mad, because of the sword that I will send among them.
17 Un es ņēmu to biķeri no Tā Kunga rokas un devu visiem ļaudīm dzert, pie kā Tas Kungs mani bija sūtījis,
And I took the cup out of the hand of the Lord, and caused to drink all the nations, unto whom the Lord had sent me:
18 Proti Jeruzālemei un Jūda pilsētām un viņas ķēniņiem un viņas lielkungiem, tos darīt par postu un par biedēkli, par apsmieklu un par lāstu, tā kā tas šodien ir,
Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and its kings, and its princes, to make them a ruin, an astonishment, a derision, and a curse; as it is this day;
19 Faraonam, Ēģiptes ķēniņam un viņa kalpiem un viņa lielkungiem un visiem viņa ļaudīm,
Pharaoh the king of Egypt, and his servants, and his princes, and all his people;
20 Un visām jauktām tautām, un visiem ķēniņiem Uc zemē un visiem ķēniņiem Fīlistu zemē un Askalonai un Gazai un Ekronei un Ašdodas atlikušiem,
And all the confederated nations, and all the kings of the land of 'Uz, and all the kings of the land of the Philistines, and Ashkelon, and Gazzah, and 'Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod;
21 Edomam un Moabam un Amona bērniem,
Edom, and Moab, and the children of 'Ammon;
22 Un visiem Tirus ķēniņiem un visiem Sidonas ķēniņiem, tiem ķēniņiem, kas salās viņpus jūras,
And all the kings of Tyre, and all the kings of Zidon, and the kings of the isle which is beyond the sea;
23 Dedanam un Temanam un Buzam un tiem, kam apcirptas bārdas,
Dedan, and Thema, and Buz, and all those that have their hair cut round;
24 Un visiem Arābijas ķēniņiem un visiem ķēniņiem pār jauktām tautām, kas tuksnesī dzīvo,
And all the kings of Arabia, and all the kings of the confederated nations that dwell in the wilderness;
25 Un visiem Zimrus ķēniņiem un visiem Elama ķēniņiem un visiem Medijas ķēniņiem,
And all the kings of Zimri, and all the kings of 'Elam, and all the kings of Media;
26 Un visiem ziemeļu ķēniņiem tuvu un tālu, vienam kā otram, un visām zemes valstīm, kas virs zemes, un Šešaka ķēniņš dzers pēc viņiem.
And all the kings of the north, that are far and that are near, one with another, and all the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the face of the earth; and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them.
27 Tev uz tiem būs sacīt: tā saka Tas Kungs Cebaot, Israēla Dievs: dzeriet un piedzeraties un vemjat un krītat, ka jūs atkal neceļaties priekš tā zobena, ko Es sūtīšu jūsu starpā.
And thou shalt say unto them, Thus hath said the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Drink ye, and become drunken, and vomit, and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword, which I am sending among you.
28 Un kad tie liegsies to biķeri ņemt no tavas rokas un dzert, tad tev uz tiem būs sacīt: tā saka Tas Kungs Cebaot: tiešām, jums būs dzert.
And it shall be, if they refuse to take the cup of thy hand to drink, that thou shalt say unto them, Thus hath said the Lord of hosts, Ye must certainly drink;
29 Jo redzi, tai pilsētā, kas nosaukta pēc Mana Vārda, Es iesāku ar to ļaunumu; vai jūs paliksiet itin bez soda? Jūs nepaliksiet bez soda, jo Es zobenu atsaucu pār visiem zemes iedzīvotājiem, saka Tas Kungs Cebaot.
For lo, on the city which is called by my name, I begin to inflict evil, and ye will remain utterly unpunished? Ye shall not remain unpunished; for a sword am I calling up over all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hosts.
30 Tad tev visus šos vārdus tiem būs sludināt un uz tiem sacīt: Tas Kungs rūks no augšienes un pacels Savu balsi no Savas svētās vietas, Viņš rūkdams rūks pret Savu mājokli, Viņš kliegšanu cels, kā vīna minēji, pret visiem zemes iedzīvotājiem.
But thou, do thou prophesy concerning them all these words, and say unto them, The Lord will cry aloud from on high, and from his holy habitation will he send forth his voice; he will cry out very loudly over his habitation; the vintner's call, as they that tread out the grapes, will he lift up against all the inhabitants of the earth.
31 Skaņa ies līdz pasaules galam, jo Tam Kungam ir strīdus ar tautām, Viņš turēs tiesu pār visu miesu; bezdievīgos Viņš nodod zobenam, saka Tas Kungs.
A tumultuous noise cometh even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he holdeth judgment over all flesh: the wicked, —these he giveth up to the sword, saith the Lord.
32 Tā saka Tas Kungs Cebaot: redzi, nelaime izies no tautas uz tautu, un liela vētra celsies no pasaules gala.
Thus hath said the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil goeth forth from nation to nation, and a great storm-wind waketh up from the farthest ends of the earth.
33 Un Tā Kunga nokautie gulēs tai dienā no viena pasaules gala līdz otram, tie netaps žēloti nedz salasīti nedz aprakti, tie būs par mēsliem virs zemes.
And the slain of the Lord shall be on that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, nor gathered up, nor buried; they shall be as dung upon the surface of the ground.
34 Kauciet, gani, un brēciet un vārtaties pelnos, ganāmā pulka lepnie; jo jūsu dienas ir piepildītas uz kaušanu, un Es jūs izklīdināju, ka jūs krītat kā dārgs trauks.
Wail, ye shepherds, and cry; and roll yourselves about [in the dust], ye leaders of the flocks; for full are your days for you to be slaughtered, and I will scatter you; and you shall fall like a costly vessel.
35 Un tie gani nevarēs izbēgt, un tā ganāmā pulka lepnie neizmuks.
And lost shall be the place of refuge for the shepherds, and the escape for the leaders of the flocks to escape.
36 Klau! Gani brēc un ganāmā pulka lepnie kauc, jo Tas Kungs viņu ganību postījis.
There is the voice of the cry of anguish of the shepherds, and the wailing of the leaders of the flocks; for the Lord hath devastated their pasture.
37 Un miera lauki taps postīti caur Tā Kunga bardzības karstumu.
And in silent desolation lie the pasture-lands of peace, because of the fierceness of the anger of the Lord.
38 Viņš kā jauns lauva atstājis Savu dzīvokli; jo viņu zeme ir tapusi par posta vietu caur to briesmīgo dusmību un Viņa bardzības karstumu.
He hath forsaken his covert, like the young lion; for their land is become desolate, because of the fierceness of the wasting [sword], and because of the fierceness of his anger.

< Jeremijas 25 >