< Pirmā Mozus 38 >

1 Un notikās tanī laikā, ka Jūda no saviem brāļiem nogāja un apmetās pie kāda Adulamnieku vīra, Hīras vārdā.
And it was at the time that and he went down Judah from with brothers his and he turned aside to a man an Adullamite and name his [was] Hirah.
2 Un Jūda redzēja tur kāda Kanaāniešu vīra meitu, un viņa vārds bija Šua, un viņš to ņēma un gāja pie tās.
And he saw there Judah a daughter of a man a Canaanite and name his [was] Shua and he took her and he went into her.
3 Un tā tapa grūta un dzemdēja dēlu un nosauca viņa vārdu Ģeru.
And she conceived and she bore a son and he called name his Er.
4 Un tā tapa atkal grūta un dzemdēja dēlu un nosauca viņa vārdu Onanu.
And she conceived again and she bore a son and she called name his Onan.
5 Un tā dzemdēja vēl vienu dēlu un nosauca viņa vārdu Šelu, un viņš bija Ķezibā, kad tā to dzemdēja.
And she repeated again and she bore a son and she called name his Shelah and he was in Kezib when bore she him.
6 Un Jūda ņēma sievu priekš Ģera, sava pirmdzimtā, un viņas vārds bija Tamāre.
And he took Judah a wife for Er firstborn his and name her [was] Tamar.
7 Bet Ģers, Jūdas pirmdzimtais, bija ļauns Tā Kunga priekšā, tāpēc Tas Kungs to nokāva.
And he was Er [the] firstborn of Judah evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh and he put to death him Yahweh.
8 Tad Jūda sacīja Onanam: ej pie sava brāļa sievas un ņem to sava brāļa vietā un cel dzimumu savam brālim.
And he said Judah to Onan go into [the] wife of brother your and act as a husband's brother for her and raise up offspring for brother your.
9 Bet Onans zinādams, ka tas dzimums viņam nepiederēs, pie sava brāļa sievas iedams, tam lika izgaist zemē, lai savam brālim nedotu dzimuma.
And he knew Onan that not to him it will belong the offspring and it was if he went into [the] wife of brother his and he spoiled [the] ground towards to not to give offspring to brother his.
10 Un Tam Kungam nepatika, ko viņš darīja, un viņš to arīdzan nokāva.
And it was evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh [that] which he had done and he put to death also him.
11 Tad Jūda sacīja uz savu vedeklu Tamāri: paliec atraitne sava tēva namā, tiekams Šelus, mans dēls, pieaug; jo viņš domāja: vai viņam arī nebūs jāmirst, kā viņa brāļiem. Un Tamāre nogāja un dzīvoja sava tēva namā.
And he said Judah to Tamar daughter-in-law his dwell a widow [the] house of father your until he will grow up Shelah son my for he said lest he should die also he like brothers his and she went Tamar and she dwelt [the] house of father her.
12 Kad nu labs laiks bija pagājis, tad Šuas meita, Jūda sieva, nomira; pēc tam Jūda iepriecinājās un gāja pie saviem avju cirpējiem uz Timnu, viņš un Hīra, viņa draugs, tas Adulamnieks.
And they increased the days and she died [the] daughter of Shua [the] wife of Judah and he was comforted Judah and he went up to [the] shearers of sheep his he and Hirah friend his the Adullamite Timnah towards.
13 Un Tamārei tapa vēstīts un sacīts: redzi, tavs tēvocis iet uz Timnu, savas avis cirpt.
And it was told to Tamar saying there! father-in-law your [is] going up Timnah towards to shear sheep his.
14 Tad viņa novilka savas atraitņu drēbes un apsedzās ar vaiga apsegu un aptinās un apsēdās priekš Enaima vārtiem, kas ir uz Timnas ceļa; jo tā bija redzējusi, ka Šelus bija pieaudzis un ka viņa tam nebija dota par sievu.
And she removed [the] clothes of widowhood her from on her and she covered with the veil and she wrapped herself up and she sat at [the] entrance of Enaim which [is] on [the] road of Timnah towards for she had seen that he had grown up Shelah and she not she had been given to him to a wife.
15 Un Jūda to redzēja un šķita, to esam mauku, tāpēc ka tā savu vaigu bija apsegusi.
And he saw her Judah and he considered her to a prostitute for she had covered face her.
16 Un noklīda pie tās ceļmalā un sacīja: nāc jel, laid man pie tevis ieiet; jo viņš nezināja, to savu vedeklu esam. Un tā sacīja: ko tu man dosi, ja tu pie manis ieiesi?
And he turned aside to her to the road and he said give! please let me go into you for not he knew that [was] daughter-in-law his she and she said what? will you give to me that you will come into me.
17 Un tas sacīja: es tev sūtīšu vienu āzi no ganāmpulka. Un tā sacīja: tad dod man ķīlas, tiekams tu to sūti.
And he said I I will send a kid of goats from the flock and she said if you will give a pledge until sending [it] you.
18 Tad tas sacīja: kas tās tādas ķīlas, ko man tev būs dot? Un tā atbildēja: tavs aizspiežamais gredzens un tava virkne un tava niedre, kas tavā rokā. Un tas viņai to deva un iegāja pie tās; un tā tapa grūta no viņa.
And he said what? [is] the pledge which I will give to you and she said seal your and cord your and staff your which [is] in hand your and he gave [them] to her and he went into her and she conceived to him.
19 Un tā cēlās un aizgāja un nolika to apsegu un apvilka savas atraitņu drēbes.
And she arose and she went and she removed veil her from on her and she put on [the] clothes of widowhood her.
20 Un Jūda sūtīja to āzi caur savu draugu, to Adulamnieku, atņemt tās ķīlas no tās sievas rokas; bet tas to neatrada.
And he sent Judah [the] kid of the goats by [the] hand of friend his the Adullamite to take the pledge from [the] hand of the woman and not he found her.
21 Tad tas vaicāja tās vietas ļaudis sacīdams: kur ir tā mauka, kas Enaimā uz ceļa sēdējusi? Un tie sacīja: še maukas nav bijis.
And he asked [the] men of place her saying where? [is] the cult prostitute she [was] at Enaim at the road and they said not she was in this [place] a cult prostitute.
22 Un tas atgriezās pie Jūdas un sacīja: es to neesmu atradis, un tās vietas ļaudis arīdzan saka: še maukas nav bijis.
And he returned to Judah and he said not I found her and also [the] men of the place they said not she was in this [place] a cult prostitute.
23 Tad Jūda sacīja: lai tā to sev patur, ka netopam kaunā; redzi, es šo āzi esmu sūtījis, un tu viņas neesi atradis.
And he said Judah let her take [them] for herself lest we should become contempt there! I sent the kid this and you not you found her.
24 Un notikās pēc kādiem trim mēnešiem, tad Jūdam tapa vēstīts un sacīts: Tamāre, tava vedekla, maucību dzinusi, un redzi, tā ir arī grūta no maukošanas. Tad Jūda sacīja: izvediet to ārā, ka tā top sadedzināta.
And it was - when from three months and it was told to Judah saying she has acted as a prostitute Tamar daughter-in-law your and also here! [she is] pregnant to prostitution and he said Judah bring out her so she may be burned.
25 Kad nu tā tapa izvesta, tad tā sūtīja pie sava tēvoča un sacīja: no tā vīra, kam šās lietas pieder, es esmu grūta; un tā sacīja: vai pazīsti jel, - kam tas aizspiežamais gredzens un šī virkne un šī niedre pieder?
She [was being] brought out and she she sent to father-in-law her saying to a man whom these [belong] to him I [am] pregnant and she said investigate please [belong] to whom? the seal and the cord and the staff these.
26 Un Jūda tās pazina un sacīja: tā sieva ir taisnāka nekā es, tāpēc ka es viņu savam dēlam Šelum neesmu devis. Un viņš to vairs neatzina.
And he recognized [them] Judah and he said she is righteous more than me for since not I gave her to Shelah son my and not he repeated again to know her.
27 Un tai dzemdējot, redzi, tai bija dvīņi viņas miesās.
And it was at [the] time gave birth she and there! twins [were] in womb her.
28 Un kad tā dzemdēja, tad viens roku izbāza, un bērnu saņēmēja to ņēma un apsēja sarkanu pavedienu ap to roku un sacīja: šis nāks pirmais ārā.
And it was when gave birth she and he put out a hand and she took the midwife and she tied on hand his a scarlet thread saying this one he came out first.
29 Un kad tas to roku ievilka, redzi, tad nāca viņa brālis ārā; un tā sacīja: kāpēc tu sev plēsumu esi plēsis? Un tā viņa vārdu nosauca Perec (plēsis).
And it was - when [he was] withdrawing hand his and there! he came out brother his and she said how! you have made a breach on yourself a breach and someone called name his Perez.
30 Un pēc tam viņa brālis nāca ārā, ap kā roku tas sarkanais pavediens bija, un tā viņa vārdu nosauca Zerus (atspīdums).
And after he came out brother his whom [was] on hand his the scarlet thread and someone called name his Zerah.

< Pirmā Mozus 38 >