< Ecechiela 32 >

1 Un divpadsmitā gadā, divpadsmitā mēnesī pirmā mēneša dienā Tā Kunga vārds uz mani notika sacīdams:
And in the twelfth yeere in the twelfth moneth, and in the first day of the moneth, the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
2 Cilvēka bērns, sāc raudu dziesmu par Faraonu, Ēģiptes ķēniņu, un saki uz viņu: ak tautu lauva, tu esi pagalam! Un tu biji kā jūras zvērs jūrā un izlēci savās upēs un sajauci ūdeņus ar savām kājām un samini upes.
Sonne of man, take vp a lamentation for Pharaoh King of Egypt, and say vnto him, Thou art like a lyon of the nations and art as a dragon in the sea: thou castedst out thy riuers and troubledst the waters with thy feete, and stampedst in their riuers.
3 Tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: Es tādēļ Savu tīklu izplētīšu pār tevi daudz tautu sapulcē, kas tevi izvilks Manā tīklā.
Thus sayth the Lord God, I will therefore spread my net ouer thee with a great multitude of people, and they shall make thee come vp into my net.
4 Tad Es tevi metīšu uz zemi, Es tevi nosviedīšu uz lauku un visiem putniem apakš debess Es likšu mist uz tevis un visiem zvēriem virs zemes no tevis pieēsties,
Then will I leaue thee vpon the land, and I will cast thee vpon the open field, and I wil cause all the foules of the heauen to remaine vpon thee, and I will fill all the beastes of the field with thee.
5 Un metīšu tavu maitu uz kalniem un pildīšu tās ielejas ar tavām miesām.
And I will lay thy flesh vpon the mountaines, and fill the valleys with thine height.
6 Un Es dzirdināšu zemi ar tām asinīm, kas no tevis izplūst līdz kalniem, un upes no tevis taps pildītas.
I will also water with thy blood the land wherein thou swimmest, euen to ye mountaines, and the riuers shall be full of thee.
7 Un kad Es tevi izdzēsīšu, tad Es apsegšu debesi un aptumšošu viņas zvaigznes, sauli Es apklāšu ar mākoņiem, un mēneša gaišums vairs nespīdēs.
And when I shall put thee out, I will couer the heauen, and make the starres thereof darke: I will couer the sunne with a cloude, and the moone shall not giue her light.
8 Visus spožos debess spīdekļus Es tevis dēļ aptumšošu un vedīšu tumsību pār tavu zemi, saka Tas Kungs Dievs.
All the lightes of heauen will I make darke for thee, and bring darkenesse vpon thy lande, sayeth the Lord God.
9 Es arī darīšu skumīgas daudz tautu sirdis, kad Es tavu mocību iznesīšu starp tautām, tanīs valstīs, ko tu nepazīsti.
I will also trouble the heartes of many people, when I shall bring thy destruction among the nations and vpon the countries which thou hast not knowen.
10 Un Es darīšu, ka daudz tautas par tevi iztrūcinājās, un viņu ķēniņiem mati celsies stāvu par tevi, kad Es cilāšu Savu zobenu viņu priekšā, un tie drebēs ik acumirkli ikviens par savu dvēseli tai dienā, kad tu kritīsi.
Yea, I will make many people amased at thee, and their Kings shalbe astonished with feare for thee, when I shall make my sworde to glitter against their faces, and they shall be afraide at euery moment: euery man for his owne life in the day of thy fall.
11 Jo tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: Bābeles ķēniņa zobens nāks pār tevi.
For thus sayth the Lord God, The sworde of the King of Babel shall come vpon thee.
12 Un Es tavu pulku nogāzīšu caur vareno zobeniem, tie visi ir tie visbriesmīgākie starp tautām, tie izpostīs Ēģiptes lepnību, un viss viņas pulks taps izdeldēts.
By the swordes of the mightie will I cause thy multitude to fall: they all shall be terrible nations, and they shall destroy the pompe of Egypt, and all the multitude thereof shalbe consumed.
13 Un visus viņas lopus Es izdeldēšu pie tā lielā ūdens, ka cilvēka kāja to vairs nesajauks, ir lopu nags to nesajauks.
I will destroy also all the beastes thereof from the great watersides, neither shall the foote of man trouble them any more, nor the hooues of beast trouble them.
14 Tad Es viņu ūdeņus darīšu skaidrus un viņu upēm likšu tecēt kā eļļai, saka Tas Kungs Dievs,
Then will I make their waters deepe, and cause their riuers to runne like oyle, sayeth the Lord God.
15 Kad Es Ēģipti būšu darījis par posta vietu, un zeme no savas pilnības būs palikusi tukša, kad Es visus viņas iedzīvotājus būšu kāvis, - tad samanīs, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs.
When I shall make the land of Egypt desolate, and the countrey with all that is therein, shall be laid waste: when I shall smite all them which dwell therein, then shall they know that I am ye Lord.
16 Šī ir tā raudu dziesma, un tā jādzied; tautu meitas šo raudu dziesmu dziedās; par Ēģipti un par visu viņas ļaužu pulku tās dziedās šo raudu dziesmu, saka Tas Kungs Dievs. -
This is the mourning wherewith they shall lament her: the daughters of the nations shall lament her: they shall lament for Egypt, and for all her multitude, sayeth the Lord God.
17 Un divpadsmitā gadā, piecpadsmitā mēneša dienā Tā Kunga vārds uz mani notika sacīdams:
In the twelfth yeere also in the fifteenth day of the moneth, came the worde of the Lord vnto me, saying,
18 Cilvēka bērns, žēlojies par Ēģiptes ļaužu pulku un nogremdē to līdz ar tām lepno tautu meitām zemes apakšā pie tiem, kas grimuši dziļumā.
Sonne of man, lament for the multitude of Egypt, and cast them downe, euen them and the daughters of the mighty nations vnto the nether partes of the earth, with them that goe downe into the pit.
19 Par ko tu nu esi skaistāka? Kāp zemē un apgūlies pie neapgraizītiem.
Whome doest thou passe in beautie? goe downe and sleepe with the vncircumcised.
20 Tie kritīs starp zobena nokautiem. Viņa ir nodota zobenam; aizraujiet viņu ar visu viņas ļaužu pulku.
They shall fall in the middes of them that are slaine by the sword: shee is deliuered to the sword: draw her downe, and all her multitude.
21 Tie varoņu varenie un viņas palīgi ar viņu runās elles vidū: tie ir nogrimuši, tie guļ starp neapgraizītiem un zobena nokautiem. (Sheol h7585)
The most mighty and strong shall speake to him out of the mids of hell with them that helpe her: they are gone downe and sleepe with the vncircumcised that be slaine by the sworde. (Sheol h7585)
22 Tur ir Asurs ar visu savu ļaužu pulku, viņu kapi ir visapkārt ap viņu; tie visi nokauti, caur zobenu krituši.
Asshur is there and all his companie: their graues are about him: all they are slaine and fallen by the sworde.
23 Viņa kaps ir tai visdziļākā bedrē, un viņa ļaužu pulks ir visapkārt ap viņa kapu; visi nokauti, caur zobenu krituši, kas briesmas bija cēluši dzīvo zemē.
Whose graues are made in the side of the pit, and his multitude are rounde about his graue: all they are slaine and fallen by the sworde, which caused feare to be in the land of the liuing.
24 Tur ir Elams ar visu savu ļaužu pulku visapkārt ap viņa kapu; tie visi nokauti, caur zobenu krituši; tie grimuši neapgraizīti zemes apakšā, kas briesmas bija cēluši dzīvo zemē, tie nes savu kaunu pie tiem, kas grimuši dziļumā.
There is Elam and all his multitude round about his graue: al they are slaine and fallen by the sword which are gone downe with the vncircumcised into the nether parts of the earth, which caused themselues to be feared in the land of the liuing, yet haue they borne their shame with them that are gone downe to the pit.
25 Pie nokautiem cisas sataisītas viņam un visam viņa ļaužu pulkam, viņu kapi ir visapkārt ap viņu; tie visi, neapgraizīti, caur zobenu ir nokauti; tāpēc ka tie briesmas cēluši dzīvo zemē, tie nes savu kaunu pie tiem, kas grimuši dziļumā, - viņš guldināts nokauto vidū.
They haue made his bed in the mids of the slaine with al his multitude: their graues are round about him: all these vncircucised are slaine by the sworde: though they haue caused their feare in the land of ye liuing, yet haue they borne their shame with them that goe downe to the pitte: they are laide in the middes of them, that be slaine.
26 Tur ir Mešehs un Tūbals ar visu savu ļaužu pulku, visapkārt ap viņu ir viņu kapi, tie visi, neapgraizīti, ir nokauti ar zobenu, tāpēc ka bija briesmas cēluši dzīvo zemē.
There is Meshech, Tubal, and all their multitude, their graues are round about them: al these vncircumcised were slaine by the sworde, though they caused their feare to be in ye land of the liuing.
27 Tie neguļ pie tiem kritušiem neapgraizīto varoņiem, kas ellē nogrimuši ar savām bruņām, kam zobeni likti apakš galvām; viņu noziegumi nākuši pār viņu kauliem, tāpēc ka bija varoņi par briesmām dzīvo zemē. (Sheol h7585)
And they shall not lie with the valiant of the vncircumcised, that are fallen, which are gone down to the graue, with their weapons of warre, and haue laied their swords vnder their heads, but their iniquitie shalbe vpon their bones: because they were the feare of the mighty in the lande of the liuing. (Sheol h7585)
28 Arī tu tapsi satriekts neapgraizītu vidū un gulēsi pie zobena nokautiem.
Yea, thou shalt be broken in the middes of the vncircumcised, and lie with them that are slaine by the sworde.
29 Tur ir Edoms, viņa ķēniņi un visi viņa lielkungi, kas ar savu varoņu godu ir likti pie zobena nokautiem; tie guļ pie neapgraizītiem un pie tiem, kas grimuši dziļumā.
There is Edom, his Kings, and all his princes, which with their strength are laied by them that were slaine by the sworde: they shall sleepe with the vncircumcised, and with them that goe downe to the pit.
30 Tur ir visi ziemeļa valdnieki un visi Sidonieši, kas nogrimuši pie nokautiem un kaunā likti, lai gan ar savu varu bijuši par iztrūcināšanu, un tie guļ neapgraizīti pie tiem, kas zobena nokauti, un nes savu kaunu pie tiem, kas nogrimuši dziļumā. -
There be al the princes of the North, with al the Zidonians, which are gone downe with the slaine, with their feare: they are ashamed of their strength, and the vncircumcised sleepe with them that be slaine by the sword, and beare their shame with them that goe downe to the pit.
31 Faraons tos redzēs un iepriecināsies ar visu savu ļaužu pulku; ar zobenu ir nokauti, Faraons un viss viņa karaspēks, saka Tas Kungs Dievs.
Pharaoh shall see them, and hee shall be comforted ouer all his multitude: Pharaoh, and all his armie shall be slaine by the sword, saieth the Lord God.
32 Jo Es viņam esmu licis briesmas celt dzīvo zemē, un viņš ir nolikts neapgraizīto vidū pie tiem, kas zobena nokauti, Faraons ar visu savu ļaužu pulku, saka Tas Kungs Dievs.
For I haue caused my feare to be in the lande of the liuing: and he shall be laid in the mids of the vncircumcised with them, that are slaine by the sword, euen Pharaoh and all his multitude, sayeth the Lord God.

< Ecechiela 32 >