< Ecechiela 17 >

1 Un Tā Kunga vārds notika uz mani sacīdams:
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
2 Cilvēka bērns, liec Israēla namam mīklu priekšā un stāsti līdzību.
Son of man, put forth a riddle, and speak a parable to the house of Israel,
3 Un saki: tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: liels ērglis ar lieliem spārniem, ar stipriem locekļiem un kuplām raibām spalvām nāca uz Lībanu un paņēma ciedra koka galotni.
And say: Thus saith the Lord God: A large eagle with great wings, long-limbed, full of feathers, and of variety, came to Libanus, and took away the marrow of the cedar.
4 Viņš nolauza pašu virsgalu un to aiznesa uz vienu tirgoņu zemi un to iestādīja vienā tirgotāju pilsētā.
He cropped off the top of the twigs thereof: and carried it away into the land of Chanaan, and he set it in a city of merchants.
5 Viņš paņēma arīdzan no tās zemes sēklas un lika to sējamā tīrumā, viņš to paņēma un stādīja kā vītolu pie liela ūdens.
And he took of the seed of the land, and put it in the ground for seed, that it might take a firm root over many waters: he planted it on the surface of the earth.
6 Un tā izplauka un palika par kuplu vīna koku ar zemu augumu, jo viņa stīgas locījās uz viņu, un viņa sakne bija apakš viņa; tā viņš tapa par vīna koku, kas izlaida stīgas un dabūja zarus.
And it sprung up and grew into a spreading vine of low stature, and the branches thereof looked towards him: and the roots thereof were under him. So it became a vine, and grew into branches, and shot forth sprigs.
7 Un vēl viens ērglis bija ar lieliem spārniem un kuplām spalvām, un redzi, tas vīna koks locīja savas saknes uz viņu un izstiepa savus zarus pret viņu, ka viņš šo slacinātu no sava stādījuma dobēm.
And there was another large eagle, with great wings, and many feathers: and behold this vine, bending as it were her roots towards him, stretched forth her branches to him, that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation.
8 Gan tas bija dēstīts labā zemē pie liela ūdens, ka tam bija stīgas izlaist un augļus nest un palikt par it labu vīna koku.
It was planted in a good ground upon many waters, that it might bring forth branches, and bear fruit, that it might become a large vine.
9 Saki tad: tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: vai tam labi izdosies? Vai viņa saknes netaps izrautas un viņa augļi nogriezti, ka sakalst un visas viņa zaļās lapas savīst? Un tas nenotiks caur lielu elkoni nedz caur lielu ļaužu pulku, ka to izcels no viņa saknēm.
Say thou: Thus saith the Lord God: Shall it prosper then? shall he not pull up the roots thereof, and strip off its fruit, and dry up all the branches it hath shot forth, and make it wither: and this without a strong arm, or many people, to pluck it up by the root?
10 Redzi jel! Viņš gan ir dēstīts, bet vai tam labi izdosies? Vai tas, kad rīta vējš to aizskars, kaltin nenokaltīs? Uz tām dobēm, kur tas dēstīts, tas nokaltīs.
Behold, it is planted: shall it prosper then? shall it not be dried up when the burning wind shall touch it, and shall it not wither in the furrows where it grew?
11 Un Tā Kunga vārds notika uz mani sacīdams:
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
12 Saki jel uz to atkāpēju sugu: vai jūs nezināt, kas tas ir? Saki: redzi, Bābeles ķēniņš ir nācis uz Jeruzālemi un paņēmis viņas ķēniņu līdz ar viņas lielkungiem un tos aizvedis pie sevis uz Bābeli.
Say to the provoking house: Know you not what these things mean? Tell them: Behold the king of Babylon cometh to Jerusalem: and he shall take away the king and the princes thereof, and carry them with him to Babylon.
13 Un viņš no ķēniņa dzimuma vienu ir ņēmis un ar to cēlis derību un tam licis zvērēt un atņēmis zemes varenos,
And he shall take one of the king’s seed, and make a covenant with him, and take an oath of him. Yea, and he shall take away the mighty men of the land,
14 Lai tā valsts būtu zema un nepaaugstinātos, un lai tā derību turēdama pastāvētu.
That it may be a low kingdom and not lift itself up, but keep his covenant, and observe it.
15 Bet tas no viņa atkāpās un sūtīja savus vēstnešus uz Ēģipti, lai tam sūtītu zirgus un ļaužu pulku. Vai tam izdosies? Vai tas izglābsies, kas to dara? Vai derības lauzējs izglābsies?
But he hath revolted from him and sent ambassadors to Egypt, that it might give him horses, and much people. And shall he that hath done thus prosper, or be saved? and shall he escape that hath broken the covenant?
16 Tik tiešām kā Es dzīvoju, saka Tas Kungs Dievs, tā ķēniņa zemē, kas viņu darījis par ķēniņu, kam zvērestu viņš nicinājis un kam derību viņš lauzis, pie tā viņš nomirs Bābelē.
As I live, saith the Lord God: In the place where the king dwelleth that made him king, whose oath he hath made void, and whose covenant he broke, even in the midst of Babylon shall he die.
17 Un Faraons karā viņam klāt nestāvēs ar lielu karaspēku un ar lielu pulku, kad uzmetīs valni un uztaisīs bulverķus, izdeldēt daudz dvēseles.
And not with a great army, nor with much people shall Pharao fight against him: when he shall cast up mounts, and build forts, to cut off many souls.
18 Jo viņš nicinājis zvērestu un lauzis derību; redzi, jebšu viņš savu roku bija devis, tomēr viņš visu to ir darījis, tāpēc viņš neizglābsies.
For he had despised the oath, breaking his covenant, and behold he hath given his hand: and having done all these things, he shall not escape.
19 Tādēļ tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: tik tiešām kā Es dzīvoju, Es Savu zvērestu, ko viņš nicinājis, un Savu derību, ko viņš lauzis, gribu mest uz viņa galvu.
Therefore thus saith the Lord God: As I live, I will lay upon his head the oath he hath despised, and the covenant he hath broken.
20 Un Es Savu tīklu izpletīšu pār viņu, ka viņš Manos valgos taps gūstīts, un Es viņu likšu novest uz Bābeli un tur ar viņu tiesāšos par viņa atkāpšanos, ka viņš no Manis atkāpies.
And I will spread my net over him, and he shall be taken in my net: and I will bring him into Babylon, and will judge him there for the transgression by which he hath despised me.
21 Un visi viņa bēgļi ar visiem viņa piederīgiem kritīs caur zobenu, un tie atlikušie taps izkaisīti visos vējos, un jūs samanīsiet, ka Es, Tas Kungs, to esmu runājis.
And all his fugitives with all his bands shall fall by the sword: and the residue shall be scattered into every wind: and you shall know that I the Lord have spoken.
22 Tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: Es ņemšu no tā augstā ciedra koka galotnes, un to stādīšu, no paša viņa virsgala es ņemšu zariņu, un to dēstīšu ļoti augstā kalnā,
Thus saith the Lord God: I myself will take of the marrow of the high cedar, and will set it: I will crop off a tender twig from the top of the branches thereof, and I will plant it on a mountain high and eminent.
23 Israēla augstā kalnā Es to stādīšu, un viņš izlaidīs zarus un nesīs augļus un taps par krāšņu ciedra koku, tā ka apakš viņa dzīvos visādi putni no visādām spalvām; viņa zaru pavēnī tie dzīvos.
On the high mountains of Israel will I plant it, and it shall shoot forth into branches, and shall bear fruit, and it shall become a great cedar: and all birds shall dwell under it, and every fowl shall make its nest under the shadow of the branches thereof.
24 Un visi koki laukā samanīs, ka Es, Tas Kungs, to augsto koku esmu pazemojis un to zemo koku paaugstinājis, to zaļo koku kaltējis un to sakaltušo koku darījis zaļojam. Es, Tas Kungs, to esmu runājis un to darīšu.
And all the trees of the country shall know that I the Lord have brought down the high tree, and exalted the low tree: and have dried up the green tree, and have caused the dry tree to flourish. I the Lord have spoken and have done it.

< Ecechiela 17 >