< Ecechiela 10 >

1 Un es redzēju, un raugi, uz tā izplatījuma pār to ķerubu galvām bija kā safīra akmens, tā kā goda krēsls redzams pār viņiem.
And saw and behold in the firmament that was over the heads of the cherubims, there appeared over them as it were the sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne.
2 Un Viņš runāja uz to vīru, kas bija ģērbies audeklī, un sacīja: ej iekšā starp tiem skrituļiem apakš tiem ķerubiem, un pildi savas rokas ar degošām oglēm, kas starp tiem ķerubiem, un kaisi tās pār to pilsētu. Un viņš gāja iekšā priekš manām acīm.
And he spoke to the man, that was clothed with linen, and said: Go in between the wheels that are under the cherubims and fill thy hand with the coals of fire that are between the cherubims, and pour them out upon the city. And he went in, in my sight:
3 Un tie ķerubi stāvēja tam namam pa labo roku, kad tas vīrs iegāja, un padebesis piepildīja iekšēju pagalmu.
And the cherubims stood on the right side of the house, when the man went in, and a cloud filled the inner court.
4 Tad Tā Kunga godība pacēlās no tiem ķerubiem pie tā nama sliekšņa, un tas nams piepildījās ar padebesi, un tas pagalms bija pilns spožuma no Tā Kunga godības.
And the glory of the Lord was lifted up from above the cherub to the threshold of the house: and the house was filled with the cloud, and the court was filled with the brightness of the glory of the Lord.
5 Un to ķerubu spārnu troksni dzirdēja līdz ārējam pagalmam, kā tā visuvarenā Dieva balsi, kad Tas runā.
And the sound of the wings of the cherubims was heard even to the outward court as the voice of God Almighty speaking.
6 Un kad Viņš tam vīram, kas ģērbies audeklī, bija pavēlējis un sacījis: ņem uguni no tiem skrituļiem starp tiem ķerubiem, tad viņš gāja iekšā un piestājās pie viena skrituļa.
And when he had commanded the man that was clothed with linen, saying: Take fire from the midst of the wheels that are between the cherubims: he went in and stood beside the wheel,
7 Tad ķerubs izstiepa savu roku starp tiem ķerubiem pēc tā uguns, kas bija starp tiem ķerubiem, un to ņēma un deva tam vīram rokā, kas bija ģērbies audeklī; tas to ņēma un izgāja ārā.
And one cherub stretched out his arm from the midst of the cherubims to the fire that was between the cherubims: and he took, and put it into the hands of him that was clothed with linen: who took it and went forth.
8 Un tur parādījās pie tiem ķerubiem tā kā cilvēka roka apakš viņu spārniem.
And there appeared in the cherubims the likeness of a man’s hand under their wings.
9 Tad es redzēju, un raugi, četri skrituļi bija pie tiem ķerubiem, pie ikkatra ķeruba viens skritulis, un tie skrituļi izskatījās kā turkisa akmeņi:
And I saw, and behold there were four wheels by the cherubims: one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels was to the sight like the chrysolite stone:
10 Un tie četri bija vienādi pēc izskata, tā kā būtu skritulis iekš skrituļa.
And as to their appearance, all four were alike: as if a wheel were in the midst of a wheel.
11 Ejot tie gāja uz savām četrām pusēm, tie ejot negriezās, bet kurp galva turējās, turp tie gāja pakaļ, tie ejot negriezās.
And when they went, they went by four ways: and they turned not when they went: but to the place whither they first turned, the rest also followed, and did not turn back.
12 Un visa viņu miesa un viņu mugura un viņu rokas un viņu spārni un tie skrituļi bija pilni acu visapkārt pie tiem četriem un viņu skrituļiem.
And their whole body, and their necks, and their hands, and their wings, and the circles were full of eyes, round about the four wheels.
13 Tie skrituļi tapa nosaukti viesulis priekš manām ausīm.
And these wheels he called voluble, in my hearing.
14 Un ikvienam bija četri vaigi, tas pirmais vaigs bija ķeruba vaigs, un tas otrais vaigs bija cilvēka vaigs, un tas trešais bija lauvas vaigs, un tas ceturtais bija ērgļa vaigs.
And every one had four faces: one face was the face of a cherub, and the second face, the face of a man: and in the third was the face of a lion: and in the fourth the face of an eagle.
15 Un tie ķerubi cēlās. Tie bija tie paši dzīvie, ko biju redzējis pie Ķebaras upes.
And the cherubims were lifted up: this is the living creature that I had seen by the river Chobar.
16 Un kad tie ķerubi gāja, tad tie skrituļi gāja viņiem sānis, un kad tie ķerubi savus spārnus pacēla, no zemes uz augšu skriet, tad ir tie skrituļi no viņu sāniem nešķīrās.
And when the cherubims went, the wheels also went by them: and when the cherubims lifted up their wings, to mount up from the earth, the wheels stayed not behind, but were by them.
17 Kad tie stāvēja, tad ir šie stāvēja, un kad tie cēlās, tad ir šie cēlās, jo tā dzīvā gars bija iekš tiem.
When they stood, these stood: and when they were lifted up, these were lifted up: for the spirit of life was in them.
18 Un Tā Kunga godība gāja nost no tā nama sliekšņa un stāvēja uz tiem ķerubiem,
And the glory of the Lord went forth from the threshold of the temple: and stood over the cherubims.
19 Un tie ķerubi cilāja savus spārnus un pacēlās no zemes uz augšu priekš manām acīm iziedami, un tie skrituļi gāja viņiem sānis; un tie nostājās pie Tā Kunga nama vārtu durvīm pret rīta pusi, un Israēla Dieva godība bija virsū pār viņiem.
And the cherubims lifting up their wings, were raised from the earth before me: and as they went out, the wheels also followed: and it stood in the entry of the east gate of the house of the Lord: and the glory of the God of Israel was over them.
20 Šie bija tie dzīvie, ko es redzēju apakš Israēla Dieva pie Ķebaras upes, un es nomanīju, tos esam ķerubus.
This is the living creature, which I saw under the God of Israel by the river Chobar: and I understood that they were cherubims.
21 Ikvienam bija četri vaigi un ikvienam bija četri spārni un apakš viņu spārniem bija kā cilvēku rokas.
Each one had four faces, and each one had four wings: and the likeness of a man’s hand was under their wings.
22 Un viņu vaigi izskatījās kā tie, ko biju redzējis pie Ķebaras upes, šiem un viņiem bija vienāds izskats; un ikviens gāja taisni uz priekšu.
And as to the likeness of their faces, they were the same faces which I had seen by the river Chobar, and their looks, and the impulse of every one to go straight forward.

< Ecechiela 10 >