< Lucam 7 >

1 cum autem implesset omnia verba sua in aures plebis intravit Capharnaum
And whanne he hadde fulfillid alle hise wordis in to the eeris of the puple, he entride in to Cafarnaum.
2 centurionis autem cuiusdam servus male habens erat moriturus qui illi erat pretiosus
But a seruaunt of a centurien, that was precious to hym, was sijk, and drawynge to the deeth.
3 et cum audisset de Iesu misit ad eum seniores Iudaeorum rogans eum ut veniret et salvaret servum eius
And whanne he hadde herd of Jhesu, he sente to hym the eldere men of Jewis, and preiede hym, that he wolde come, and heele his seruaunt.
4 at illi cum venissent ad Iesum rogabant eum sollicite dicentes ei quia dignus est ut hoc illi praestes
And whanne thei camen to Jhesu, thei preieden hym bisili, and seiden to hym, For he is worthi, that thou graunte to hym this thing;
5 diligit enim gentem nostram et synagogam ipse aedificavit nobis
for he loueth oure folk, and he bildide to vs a synagoge.
6 Iesus autem ibat cum illis et cum iam non longe esset a domo misit ad eum centurio amicos dicens Domine noli vexari non enim dignus sum ut sub tectum meum intres
And Jhesus wente with hem. And whanne he was not fer fro the hous, the centurien sente to hym freendis, and seide, Lord, nyle thou be trauelid, for Y am not worthi, that thou entre vnder my roof;
7 propter quod et me ipsum non sum dignum arbitratus ut venirem ad te sed dic verbo et sanabitur puer meus
for which thing and Y demede not my silf worthi, that Y come to thee; but seie thou bi word, and my child schal be helid.
8 nam et ego homo sum sub potestate constitutus habens sub me milites et dico huic vade et vadit et alio veni et venit et servo meo fac hoc et facit
For Y am a man ordeyned vndur power, and haue knyytis vndur me; and Y seie to this, Go, and he goith, and to anothir, Come, and he cometh, and to my seruaunt, Do this thing, and he doith.
9 quo audito Iesus miratus est et conversus sequentibus se turbis dixit amen dico vobis nec in Israhel tantam fidem inveni
And whanne this thing was herd, Jhesus wondride; and seide to the puple suynge hym, Treuli Y seie to you, nether in Israel Y foond so greet feith.
10 et reversi qui missi fuerant domum invenerunt servum qui languerat sanum
And thei that weren sent, turneden ayen home, and founden the seruaunt hool, which was sijk.
11 et factum est deinceps ibat in civitatem quae vocatur Naim et ibant cum illo discipuli eius et turba copiosa
And it was don aftirward, Jhesus wente in to a citee, that is clepid Naym, and hise disciplis; and ful greet puple wente with hym.
12 cum autem adpropinquaret portae civitatis et ecce defunctus efferebatur filius unicus matri suae et haec vidua erat et turba civitatis multa cum illa
And whanne he cam nyy to the yate of the citee, lo! the sone of a womman that hadde no mo children, was borun out deed; and this was a widowe; and myche puple of the citee with hir.
13 quam cum vidisset Dominus misericordia motus super ea dixit illi noli flere
And whanne the Lord Jhesu hadde seyn hir, he hadde reuthe on hir, and seide to hir, Nyle thou wepe.
14 et accessit et tetigit loculum hii autem qui portabant steterunt et ait adulescens tibi dico surge
And he cam nyy, and touchide the beere; and thei that baren stoden. And he seide, Yonge man, Y seie to thee, rise vp.
15 et resedit qui erat mortuus et coepit loqui et dedit illum matri suae
And he that was deed sat vp ayen, and bigan to speke; and he yaf hym to his modir.
16 accepit autem omnes timor et magnificabant Deum dicentes quia propheta magnus surrexit in nobis et quia Deus visitavit plebem suam
And drede took alle men, and thei magnyfieden God, and seiden, For a grete profete is rysun among vs, and, For God hath visitid his puple.
17 et exiit hic sermo in universam Iudaeam de eo et omnem circa regionem
And this word wente out of hym in to al Judee, and in to al the cuntre aboute.
18 et nuntiaverunt Iohanni discipuli eius de omnibus his
And Joones disciplis toolden hym of alle these thingis.
19 et convocavit duos de discipulis suis Iohannes et misit ad Dominum dicens tu es qui venturus es an alium expectamus
And Joon clepide tweyn of hise disciplis, and sente hem to Jhesu, and seide, Art thou he that is to come, or abiden we anothir?
20 cum autem venissent ad eum viri dixerunt Iohannes Baptista misit nos ad te dicens tu es qui venturus es an alium expectamus
And whanne the men cam to hym, thei seiden, Joon Baptist sente vs to thee, and seide, Art thou he that is to come, or we abiden anothir?
21 in ipsa autem hora curavit multos a languoribus et plagis et spiritibus malis et caecis multis donavit visum
And in that our he heelide many men of her sijknessis, and woundis, and yuel spiritis; and he yaf siyt to many blynde men.
22 et respondens dixit illis euntes nuntiate Iohanni quae vidistis et audistis quia caeci vident claudi ambulant leprosi mundantur surdi audiunt mortui resurgunt pauperes evangelizantur
And Jhesus answerde, and seide to hem, Go ye ayen, and telle ye to Joon tho thingis that ye han herd and seyn; blynde men seyn, crokid men goen, mesels ben maad cleene, deef men heren, deed men risen ayen, pore men ben takun to prechyng of the gospel.
23 et beatus est quicumque non fuerit scandalizatus in me
And he that schal not be sclaundrid in me, is blessid.
24 et cum discessissent nuntii Iohannis coepit dicere de Iohanne ad turbas quid existis in desertum videre harundinem vento moveri
And whanne the messangeris of Joon weren go forth, he bigan to seie of Joon to the puple,
25 sed quid existis videre hominem mollibus vestimentis indutum ecce qui in veste pretiosa sunt et deliciis in domibus regum sunt
What wenten ye out in to desert to se? a reed waggid with the wynd?
26 sed quid existis videre prophetam utique dico vobis et plus quam prophetam
But what wenten ye out to se? a man clothid with softe clothis? Lo! thei that ben in precious cloth and in delicis, ben in kyngis housis. But what wenten ye out to se? a profete? Yhe, Y seie to you, and more than a profete.
27 hic est de quo scriptum est ecce mitto angelum meum ante faciem tuam qui praeparabit viam tuam ante te
This is he, of whom it is writun, Lo! Y sende myn aungel bifor thi face, which schal make `thi weie redi bifor thee.
28 dico enim vobis maior inter natos mulierum propheta Iohanne Baptista nemo est qui autem minor est in regno Dei maior est illo
Certis Y seie to you, there is no man more prophete among children of wymmen, than is Joon; but he that is lesse in the kyngdom of heuenes, is more than he.
29 et omnis populus audiens et publicani iustificaverunt Deum baptizati baptismo Iohannis
And al the puple herynge, and pupplicans, that hadden be baptisid with baptym of Joon, iustifieden God;
30 Pharisaei autem et legis periti consilium Dei spreverunt in semet ipsos non baptizati ab eo
but the Farisees and the wise men of the lawe, that weren not baptisid of hym, dispisiden the counsel of God ayens hem silf.
31 cui ergo similes dicam homines generationis huius et cui similes sunt
And the Lord seide, Therfor to whom schal Y seie `men of this generacioun lijk, and to whom ben thei lijk?
32 similes sunt pueris sedentibus in foro et loquentibus ad invicem et dicentibus cantavimus vobis tibiis et non saltastis lamentavimus et non plorastis
Thei ben lijk to children sittynge in chepyng, and spekynge togider, and seiynge, We han sungun to you with pipis, and ye han not daunsid; we han maad mornyng, and ye han not wept.
33 venit enim Iohannes Baptista neque manducans panem neque bibens vinum et dicitis daemonium habet
For Joon Baptist cam, nethir etynge breed, ne drynkynge wyne, and ye seyen, He hath a feend.
34 venit Filius hominis manducans et bibens et dicitis ecce homo devorator et bibens vinum amicus publicanorum et peccatorum
Mannus sone cam etynge and drynkynge, and ye seien, Lo! a man a deuourer, and drynkynge wyne, a frend of pupplicans and of synful men.
35 et iustificata est sapientia ab omnibus filiis suis
And wisdom is iustified of her sones.
36 rogabat autem illum quidam de Pharisaeis ut manducaret cum illo et ingressus domum Pharisaei discubuit
But oon of the Farisees preiede Jhesu, that he schulde ete with hym. And he entride in to the hous of the Farise, and sat at the mete.
37 et ecce mulier quae erat in civitate peccatrix ut cognovit quod accubuit in domo Pharisaei adtulit alabastrum unguenti
And lo! a synful womman, that was in the citee, as sche knewe, that Jhesu sat at the mete in the hous of the Farisee, sche brouyte an alabaustre box of oynement;
38 et stans retro secus pedes eius lacrimis coepit rigare pedes eius et capillis capitis sui tergebat et osculabatur pedes eius et unguento unguebat
and sche stood bihynde bysidis hise feet, and bigan to moiste hise feet with teeris, and wipide with the heeris of hir heed, and kiste hise feet, and anoyntide with oynement.
39 videns autem Pharisaeus qui vocaverat eum ait intra se dicens hic si esset propheta sciret utique quae et qualis mulier quae tangit eum quia peccatrix est
And the Farise seynge, that hadde clepide hym, seide within hym silf, seiynge, If this were a prophete, he schulde wite, who and what maner womman it were that touchith hym, for sche is a synful womman.
40 et respondens Iesus dixit ad illum Simon habeo tibi aliquid dicere at ille ait magister dic
And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hym, Symount, Y haue sumthing to seie to thee. And he seide, Maistir, seie thou.
41 duo debitores erant cuidam feneratori unus debebat denarios quingentos alius quinquaginta
And he answeride, Twei dettouris weren to o lener; and oon auyt fyue hundrid pans, and `the other fifti;
42 non habentibus illis unde redderent donavit utrisque quis ergo eum plus diliget
but whanne thei hadden not wherof `thei schulden yeelde, he foryaf to bothe. Who thanne loueth hym more?
43 respondens Simon dixit aestimo quia is cui plus donavit at ille dixit ei recte iudicasti
Symount answeride, and seide, Y gesse, that he to whom he foryaf more. And he answeride to hym, Thou hast demyd riytli.
44 et conversus ad mulierem dixit Simoni vides hanc mulierem intravi in domum tuam aquam pedibus meis non dedisti haec autem lacrimis rigavit pedes meos et capillis suis tersit
And he turnede to the womman, and seide to Symount, Seest thou this womman? I entride into thin hous, thou yaf no watir to my feet; but this hath moistid my feet with teeris, and wipide with hir heeris.
45 osculum mihi non dedisti haec autem ex quo intravit non cessavit osculari pedes meos
Thou hast not youun to me a cosse; but this, sithen sche entride, ceesside not to kisse my feet.
46 oleo caput meum non unxisti haec autem unguento unxit pedes meos
Thou anoyntidist not myn heed with oile; but this anoyntide my feet with oynement.
47 propter quod dico tibi remittentur ei peccata multa quoniam dilexit multum cui autem minus dimittitur minus diligit
For the which thing Y seie to thee, many synnes ben foryouun to hir, for sche hath loued myche; and to whom is lesse foryouun, he loueth lesse.
48 dixit autem ad illam remittuntur tibi peccata
And Jhesus seide to hir, Thi synnes ben foryouun to thee.
49 et coeperunt qui simul accumbebant dicere intra se quis est hic qui etiam peccata dimittit
And thei that saten to gider at the mete, bigunnen to seie with ynne hem silf, Who is this that foryyueth synnes.
50 dixit autem ad mulierem fides tua te salvam fecit vade in pace
But he seide to the womman, Thi feith hath maad thee saaf; go thou in pees.

< Lucam 7 >