< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 40 >

1 in vicesimo et quinto anno transmigrationis nostrae in exordio anni decima mensis quartodecimo anno postquam percussa est civitas in ipsa hac die facta est super me manus Domini et adduxit me illuc
In the fyue and twentithe yeer of oure passyng ouer, in the bigynnyng of the yeer, in the tenthe dai of the monethe, in the fourtenthe yeer after that the citee was smytun, in this same dai the hond of the Lord was maad on me, and he brouyte me thidur in the reuelaciouns of God.
2 in visionibus Dei adduxit me in terram Israhel et dimisit me super montem excelsum nimis super quem erat quasi aedificium civitatis vergentis ad austrum
And he brouyte me in to the lond of Israel, and he leet me doun on a ful hiy hil, on which was as the bildyng of a citee goynge to the south;
3 et introduxit me illuc et ecce vir cuius erat species quasi species aeris et funiculus lineus in manu eius et calamus mensurae in manu eius stabat autem in porta
and he ledde me in thidur. And lo! a man, whos licnesse was as the licnesse of bras, and a coorde of flex was in his hond, and a reed of mesure in his hond; forsothe he stood in the yate.
4 et locutus est ad me idem vir fili hominis vide oculis tuis et auribus tuis audi et pone cor tuum in omnia quae ego ostendam tibi quia ut ostendantur tibi adductus es huc adnuntia omnia quae tu vides domui Israhel
And the same man spak to me, Thou sone of man, se with thin iyen, and here with thin eeris, and sette thin herte on alle thingis, whiche Y schal schewe to thee, for thou art brouyt hidur, that tho be schewid to thee; telle thou alle thingis whiche thou seest to the hous of Israel.
5 et ecce murus forinsecus in circuitu domus undique et in manu viri calamus mensurae sex cubitorum et palmo et mensus est latitudinem aedificii calamo uno altitudinem quoque calamo uno
And lo! a wal withouteforth, in the cumpas of the hous on ech side; and in the hond of the man was a rehed of mesure of sixe cubitis and a spanne, that is, an handibreede; and he mat the breede of the bildyng with o rehed, and the hiynesse bi o rehed.
6 et venit ad portam quae respiciebat viam orientalem et ascendit per gradus eius et mensus est limen portae calamo uno latitudinem id est limen unum calamo uno in latitudine
And he cam to the yate that bihelde the weie of the eest, and he stiede bi degrees of it; and he mat the lyntil of the yate bi o rehed the breede, that is, o lyntil bi o rehed in breede;
7 et thalamum uno calamo in longum et uno calamo in latum et inter thalamos quinque cubitos
and he mat o chaumbre bi o rehed in lengthe, and bi o rehed in breed, and fyue cubitis bitwixe chaumbris;
8 et limen portae iuxta vestibulum portae intrinsecus calamo uno
and he mat the lyntil of the yate bisidis the porche of the yate with ynne, bi o rehed.
9 et mensus est vestibulum portae octo cubitorum et frontem eius duobus cubitis vestibulum autem portae erat intrinsecus
And he mat the porch of the yate of eiyte cubitis, and the frount therof bi twei cubitis; sotheli the porche of the yate was with ynne.
10 porro thalami portae ad viam orientalem tres hinc et tres inde mensura una trium et mensura una frontium ex utraque parte
Certis the chaumbris of the yate at the weie of the eest weren thre on this side, and thre on that side; o mesure of thre, and o mesure of the frountis on euer ethir side.
11 et mensus est latitudinem liminis portae decem cubitorum et longitudinem portae tredecim cubitorum
And he mat the breede of the lyntel of the yate of ten cubitis, and the lengthe of the yate of threttene cubitis.
12 et marginem ante thalamos cubiti unius et cubitus unus finis utrimque thalami autem sex cubitorum erant hinc et inde
And he mat a margyn of a cubit bifor the chaumbris, and o cubit was the ende on ech side; forsothe the chaumbris weren of sixe cubitis on this side and on that side.
13 et mensus est portam a tecto thalami usque ad tectum eius latitudinem viginti et quinque cubitorum ostium contra ostium
And he mat the yate fro the roof of the chaumbre til to the roof therof, the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis, a dore ayens a dore.
14 et fecit frontes per sexaginta cubitos et ad frontem atrium portae undique per circuitum
And he made frountes bi sixti cubitis, and at the frount an halle of the yate on ech side bi cumpas;
15 et ante faciem portae quae pertingebat usque ad faciem vestibuli portae interioris quinquaginta cubitos
and bifor the face of the yate that stretchith forth til to the face of the porche of the ynner yate, he mat fifti cubitis.
16 et fenestras obliquas in thalamis et in frontibus eorum quae erant intra portam undique per circuitum similiter autem erant et in vestibulis fenestrae per gyrum intrinsecus et ante frontes pictura palmarum
And he mat wyndows naraw with out and large with ynne, in the chaumbris and frountis of tho, that weren with ynne the yate on ech side bi cumpas. Sotheli in lijk maner also wyndows weren in the porchis bi cumpas with ynne; and the peynture of palm trees was grauun bifor the frountis.
17 et eduxit me ad atrium exterius et ecce gazofilacia et pavimentum stratum lapide in atrio per circuitum triginta gazofilacia in circuitu pavimenti
And he ledde me out to the outermere halle, and lo! tresories, and pawment arayed with stoon in the halle bi cumpas; thretti tresories in the cumpas of the pawment;
18 et pavimentum in fronte portarum secundum longitudinem portarum erat inferius
and the pawment was bynethe in the front of the yatis, bi the lengthe of the yatis.
19 et mensus est latitudinem a facie portae inferioris usque ad frontem atrii interioris extrinsecus centum cubitos ad orientem et ad aquilonem
And he mat the breede fro the face of the lowere yate til to the frount of the ynnere halle with outforth, an hundrid cubitis at the eest, and at the north.
20 portam quoque quae respiciebat viam aquilonis atrii exterioris mensus est tam in longitudine quam in latitudine
And he mat bothe in lengthe and in breede the yate that bihelde the weie of the north, of the outermore halle.
21 et thalamos eius tres hinc et tres inde et frontem eius et vestibulum eius secundum mensuram portae prioris quinquaginta cubitorum longitudinem eius et latitudinem viginti quinque cubitorum
And he mat the chaumbris therof, thre on this side, and thre on that side, and the frount therof, and the porche therof, bi the mesure of the formere yate; the lengthe therof of fifti cubitis, and the breede therof of fyue and twenti cubitis.
22 fenestrae autem eius et vestibulum et scalpturae secundum mensuram portae quae respiciebat ad orientem et septem graduum erat ascensus eius et vestibulum ante eam
Sotheli the wyndows therof, and the porche, and the grauyngis, weren bi the mesure of the yate that bihelde to the eest; and the stiyng therof was of seuene degrees, and a porche was bifore it.
23 et porta atrii interioris contra portam aquilonis et orientalem et mensus est a porta usque ad portam centum cubitos
And the yate of the ynnere halle was ayens the yate of the north, and ayens the eest yate; and he mat fro the yate til to the yate an hundrid cubitis.
24 et duxit me ad viam australem et ecce porta quae respiciebat ad austrum et mensus est frontem eius et vestibulum eius iuxta mensuras superiores
And he ledde me out to the weie of the south, and lo! the yate that bihelde to the south; and he mat the frount therof, and the porche therof, bi the formere mesuris;
25 et fenestras eius et vestibula in circuitu sicut fenestras ceteras quinquaginta cubitorum longitudine et latitudine viginti quinque cubitorum
and the wyndows therof, and the porchis in cumpas, as othere wyndows; the lengthe of fifti cubitis, and the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis.
26 et in gradibus septem ascendebatur ad eam et vestibulum ante fores eius et celatae palmae erant una hinc et altera inde in fronte eius
And bi seuene degrees me stiede to it, and `an halle was bifor the yatis therof; and palme trees weren grauun, oon in this side, and another in that side in the frount therof.
27 et porta atrii interioris in via australi et mensus est a porta usque ad portam in via australi centum cubitos
And the yate of the ynnere halle was in the weie of the south; and he mat fro the yate til to the yate in the weie of the south, an hundrid cubitis.
28 et introduxit me in atrium interius ad portam australem et mensus est portam iuxta mensuras superiores
And he ledde me in to the ynnere halle, to the south yate; and he mat the yate bi the formere mesuris;
29 thalamum eius et frontem eius et vestibulum eius hisdem mensuris et fenestras eius et vestibulorum eius in circuitu quinquaginta cubitos longitudinis et latitudinis viginti quinque cubitos
the chaumbre therof, and the frount therof, and the porche therof bi the same mesuris; and he mat the wyndows therof, and the porche therof in cumpas; fifti cubitis of lengthe, and fyue and twenti cubitis of breede.
30 et vestibulum per gyrum longitudine viginti quinque cubitorum et latitudine quinque cubitorum
And he mat the halle bi cumpas, the lengthe of fyue and twenti cubitis, and the breede therof of fyue cubitis.
31 et vestibulum eius ad atrium exterius et palmas eius in fronte et octo gradus erant quibus ascendebatur per eam
And the porche therof was to the outermere halle, and the palm trees therof in the frount; and eiyte degrees weren, bi whiche me stiede thorouy it.
32 et introduxit me in atrium interius per viam orientalem et mensus est portam secundum mensuras superiores
And he ledde me in to the ynnere halle, bi the eest weie; and he mat the yate by the formere mesures;
33 thalamum eius et frontem eius et vestibula eius sicut supra et fenestras eius et vestibuli eius in circuitu longitudine quinquaginta cubitorum et latitudine viginti quinque cubitorum
the chaumbre therof, and the frount therof, and the porchis therof, as aboue; and he mat the wyndows therof, and the porchis therof in cumpas; the lengthe of fifti cubitis, and the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis; and the porche therof,
34 et vestibulum eius id est atrii exterioris et palmae celatae in fronte eius hinc et inde et in octo gradibus ascensus eius
that is, of the outermore halle; and palme trees grauun in the frount therof, on this side and on that side; and in eiyte degrees was the stiyng therof.
35 et introduxit me ad portam quae respiciebat ad aquilonem et mensus est secundum mensuras superiores
And he ledde me in to the yate that bihelde to the north; and he mat bi the formere mesuris;
36 thalamum eius frontem eius vestibulum eius et fenestras eius per circuitum longitudine quinquaginta cubitorum et latitudine viginti quinque cubitorum
the chaumbre therof, and the frount therof, and the porche therof, and the wyndows therof bi cumpas; the lengthe of fifti cubitis, and the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis.
37 vestibulum eius in atrium exterius et celatura palmarum in fronte illius hinc et inde et in octo gradibus ascensus eius
The porche therof bihelde to the outermore halle; and the grauyng of palm trees was in the frount therof, on this side and on that side; and in eiyte degrees was the stiyng therof.
38 et per singula gazofilacia ostium in frontibus portarum ibi lavabunt holocaustum
And bi alle tresories a dore was in the frountis of yatis; and there thei waischiden brent sacrifice.
39 et in vestibulo portae duae mensae hinc et duae mensae inde ut immoletur super eas holocaustum et pro peccato et pro delicto
And in the porche of the yate weren twei boordis on this side, and twei boordis on that side, that brent sacrifice be offrid on tho, `bothe for synne and for trespasse.
40 et ad latus exterius quod ascendit ad ostium portae quae pergit ad aquilonem duae mensae et ad latus alterum ante vestibulum portae duae mensae
And at the outermore side, which stieth to the dore of the yate that goith to the north, weren twei boordis; and at `the tother side, bifor the porche of the yate, weren twei boordis.
41 quattuor mensae hinc et quattuor mensae inde per latera portae octo mensae erunt super quas immolabunt
Foure boordis on this side, and foure boordis on that side; bi the sidis of the yate weren eiyte boordis, on whiche thei offriden.
42 quattuor autem mensae ad holocaustum de lapidibus quadris extructae longitudine cubiti unius et dimidii et latitudine cubiti unius et dimidii et altitudine cubiti unius super quas ponant vasa in quibus immolatur holocaustum et victima
Forsothe foure boordis to brent sacrifice weren bildid of square stoonys, in the lengthe of o cubit and an half, and in the breed of o cubit and an half, and in the hiythe of o cubit; on whiche boordis thei schulen sette vessels, in whiche brent sacrifice and slayn sacrifice is offrid.
43 et labia earum palmi unius reflexa intrinsecus per circuitum super mensas autem carnes oblationis
And the brenkis of tho boordis ben of oon handibreede, and ben bowid ayen with ynne bi cumpas; forsothe on the boordis weren fleischis of offryng.
44 et extra portam interiorem gazofilacia cantorum in atrio interiori quod erat in latere portae respicientis ad aquilonem et facies eorum contra viam australem una ex latere portae orientalis quae respiciebat ad viam aquilonis
And with out the ynnere yate weren tresories of chauntours, in the ynnere halle, that was in the side of the yate biholdynge to the north; and the faces of tho weren ayens the south weie; oon of the side of the eest yate, that bihelde to the weie of the north.
45 et dixit ad me hoc est gazofilacium quod respicit viam meridianam sacerdotum qui excubant in custodiis templi
And he seide to me, This treserie, that biholdith the south weie, is of the prestis that waken in the kepyngis of the temple,
46 porro gazofilacium quod respicit ad viam aquilonis sacerdotum erit qui excubant ad ministerium altaris isti sunt filii Sadoc qui accedunt de filiis Levi ad Dominum ut ministrent ei
Sotheli the tresorye that biholdith to the weie of the north, schal be of the preestis that waken to the seruice of the auter; these ben the sones of Sadoch, whiche of the sones of Leuy neiyen to the Lord, for to mynystre to hym.
47 et mensus est atrium longitudine centum cubitorum et latitudine centum cubitorum per quadrum et altare ante faciem templi
And he mat the halle, the lengthe of an hundrid cubitis, and the breede of an hundrid cubitis, bi square, and the auter bifore the face of the temple.
48 et introduxit me in vestibulum templi et mensus est vestibulum quinque cubitis hinc et quinque cubitis inde et latitudinem portae trium cubitorum hinc et trium cubitorum inde
And he ledde me in to the porche of the temple; and he mat the porche bi fyue cubitis on this side, and bi fyue cubitis on that side; and he mat the breede of the yate, of thre cubitis on this side, and of thre cubitis on that side.
49 longitudinem autem vestibuli viginti cubitorum et latitudinem undecim cubitorum et octo gradibus ascendebatur ad eam et columnae erant in frontibus una hinc et altera inde
But he mat the lengthe of the porche of twenti cubitis, and the breede of eleuene cubitis, and bi eiyte degrees me stiede to it; and pileris weren in the frountis, oon on this side, and `another on that side.

< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 40 >