< Deuteronomii 17 >

1 non immolabis Domino Deo tuo bovem et ovem in quo est macula aut quippiam vitii quia abominatio est Domini Dei tui
Thou schalt not offre to thi Lord God an oxe and a scheep in which is a wem, ether ony thing of vice, for it is abhominacioun to thi Lord God.
2 cum repperti fuerint apud te intra unam portarum tuarum quas Dominus Deus tuus dabit tibi vir aut mulier qui faciant malum in conspectu Domini Dei tui et transgrediantur pactum illius
And whanne a man ether a womman, that doon yuel in the siyte of thi Lord God, ben foundun at thee, with ynne oon of thi yatis whiche thi Lord God schal yyue to thee, and thei breken the couenaunt of God,
3 ut vadant et serviant diis alienis et adorent eos solem et lunam et omnem militiam caeli quae non praecepi
that thei go and serue alien goddis, and worschipe hem, the sunne, and moone, and al the knyythod of heuene, whiche thingis Y comaundide not;
4 et hoc tibi fuerit nuntiatum audiensque inquisieris diligenter et verum esse reppereris et abominatio facta est in Israhel
and this is teld to thee, and thou herist, and `enquerist diligentli, and fyndist that it is soth, and abhomynacioun is doon in Israel;
5 educes virum ac mulierem qui rem sceleratissimam perpetrarunt ad portas civitatis tuae et lapidibus obruentur
thou schalt lede out the man and the womman, that diden a moost cursid thing, to the yatis of thy citee, and thei schulen be oppressid with stoonus.
6 in ore duorum aut trium testium peribit qui interficietur nemo occidatur uno contra se dicente testimonium
He that schal be slayn, schal perische in the mouth of tweyne, ethir of thre witnessis; no man be slayn, for o man seith witnessyng ayens hym.
7 manus testium prima interficiet eum et manus reliqui populi extrema mittetur ut auferas malum de medio tui
The hond of witnessis schal first sle hym, and the last hond of the tothir puple schal be sent, that thou do awei yuel fro the myddis of thee.
8 si difficile et ambiguum apud te iudicium esse perspexeris inter sanguinem et sanguinem causam et causam lepram et non lepram et iudicum intra portas tuas videris verba variari surge et ascende ad locum quem elegerit Dominus Deus tuus
If thou perseyuest, that hard and douteful doom is at thee, bitwixe blood and blood, cause and cause, lepre and not lepre, and thou seest that the wordis of iugis with ynne thi yatis ben dyuerse; rise thou, and stie to the place which thi Lord God hath choose;
9 veniesque ad sacerdotes levitici generis et ad iudicem qui fuerit illo tempore quaeresque ab eis qui indicabunt tibi iudicii veritatem
and thou schalt come to the preestis of the kyn of Leuy, and to the iuge which is in that tyme, and thou schalt axe of hem, whiche schulen schewe to thee the treuthe of doom.
10 et facies quodcumque dixerint qui praesunt loco quem elegerit Dominus et docuerint te
And thou schalt do, what euer thing thei seien, that ben souereyns in the place which the Lord chees, and techen thee bi the lawe of the Lord;
11 iuxta legem eius sequeris sententiam eorum nec declinabis ad dextram vel ad sinistram
thou schalt sue the sentence of hem; thou schalt not bowe to the riyt side, ether to the lefte.
12 qui autem superbierit nolens oboedire sacerdotis imperio qui eo tempore ministrat Domino Deo tuo et decreto iudicis morietur homo ille et auferes malum de Israhel
Forsothe that man schal die, which is proud, and nyle obeie to the comaundement of the preest, `that mynystrith in that tyme to thi Lord God, and to the sentence of iuge, and thou schalt do awei yuel fro the myddis of Israel;
13 cunctusque populus audiens timebit ut nullus deinceps intumescat superbia
and al the puple schal here, and drede, that no man fro thennus forth bolne with pride.
14 cum ingressus fueris terram quam Dominus Deus tuus dabit tibi et possederis eam habitaverisque in illa et dixeris constituam super me regem sicut habent omnes per circuitum nationes
Whanne thou hast entrid in to the lond, which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee, and weldist it, and dwellist therynne, and seist, Y schal ordeyne a kyng on me, as alle naciouns `bi cumpas han;
15 eum constitues quem Dominus Deus tuus elegerit de numero fratrum tuorum non poteris alterius gentis hominem regem facere qui non sit frater tuus
thou schalt ordeyne hym, whom thi Lord God chesith of the noumbre of thi brethren. Thou schalt not mow make king a man of anothir folk, which man is not thi brother.
16 cumque fuerit constitutus non multiplicabit sibi equos nec reducet populum in Aegyptum equitatus numero sublevatus praesertim cum Dominus praeceperit vobis ut nequaquam amplius per eandem viam revertamini
And whanne the king is ordeyned, he schal not multiplie horsis to hym, nethir he schal lede ayen the puple in to Egipt, nethir he schal be reisid bi the noumbre of knyytis, moost sithen the Lord comaundide to you, that ye turne no more ayen bi the same weie.
17 non habebit uxores plurimas quae inliciant animum eius neque argenti et auri inmensa pondera
The kyng schal not haue ful many wyues, that drawen his soule `to ouer myche fleischlynesse, nether `he schal haue grete burthuns of siluer and of gold.
18 postquam autem sederit in solio regni sui describet sibi deuteronomium legis huius in volumine accipiens exemplar a sacerdotibus leviticae tribus
Forsothe after that he hath sete in the trone of his rewme, he schal write to himsilf the deuteronomy of this lawe in a `volym ether book, and he schal take `a saumpler at preestis of `the kyn of Leuy;
19 et habebit secum legetque illud omnibus diebus vitae suae ut discat timere Dominum Deum suum et custodire verba et caerimonias eius quae lege praecepta sunt
and he schal haue it with hym, and he schal rede it in alle the daies of his lijf, that he lerne to drede his Lord God, and to kepe hise wordis and cerymonyes, that ben comaundid in the lawe;
20 nec elevetur cor eius in superbiam super fratres suos neque declinet in partem dextram vel sinistram ut longo tempore regnet ipse et filii eius super Israhel
nether his herte be reisid in to pride on hise brithren, nether bowe he in to the riyt side, ether left side, that he regne long tyme, he and hise sones on Israel.

< Deuteronomii 17 >