< Mattheum 15 >

1 Tunc accesserunt ad eum ab Ierosolymis Scribae, et Pharisaei, dicentes:
Thanne the scribis and the Farisees camen to hym fro Jerusalem, and seiden,
2 Quare discipuli tui transgrediuntur traditiones seniorum? non enim lavant manus suas cum panem manducant.
Whi breken thi disciplis the tradiciouns of eldere men? for thei waisschen not her hondis, whanne thei eten breed.
3 Ipse autem respondens ait illis: Quare et vos transgredimini mandatum Dei propter traditionem vestram? Nam Deus dixit:
He answeride, and seide to hem, Whi breken ye the maundement of God for youre tradicioun?
4 Honora patrem, et matrem. et: Qui maledixerit patri, vel matri, morte moriatur.
For God seide, Honoure thi fadir and thi modir, and he that cursith fadir or modir, die bi deeth.
5 Vos autem dicitis: Quicumque dixerit patri, vel matri, Munus, quodcumque est ex me, tibi proderit:
But ye seien, Who euer seith to fadir or modir, What euere yifte is of me, it schal profite to thee;
6 et non honorificabit patrem suum, aut matrem suam: et irritum fecistis mandatum Dei propter traditionem vestram.
and he hath not worschipid his fadir or his modir; and ye han maad the maundement of God voide for youre tradicioun.
7 Hypocritae, bene prophetavit de vobis Isaias, dicens:
Ypocritis, Isaie, the prophete, prophesiede wel of you,
8 Populus hic labiis me honorat: cor autem eorum longe est a me.
and seide, This puple honourith me with lippis, but her herte is fer fro me;
9 Sine causa autem colunt me, docentes doctrinas, et mandata hominum.
and thei worschipen me `with outen cause, techynge the doctrines and maundementis of men.
10 Et convocatis ad se turbis, dixit eis: Audite, et intelligite.
And whanne the puple weren clepid to gidere to hym, he seide to hem, Here ye, and `vndurstonde ye.
11 Non quod intrat in os, coinquinat hominem: sed quod procedit ex ore, hoc coinquinat hominem.
That thing that entrith in to the mouth, defoulith not a man; but that thing that cometh out of the mouth, defoulith a man.
12 Tunc accedentes discipuli eius, dixerunt ei: Scis quia Pharisaei audito verbo hoc, scandalizati sunt?
Thanne hise disciplis camen, and seiden to hym, Thou knowist, that, if this word be herd, the Farisees ben sclaundrid?
13 At ille respondens ait: Omnis plantatio, quam non plantavit Pater meus caelestis, eradicabitur.
And he answeride, and seide, Eueri plauntyng, that my fadir of heuene hath not plauntid, shal be drawun vp by the roote.
14 Sinite illos: caeci sunt, et duces caecorum. caecus autem si caeco ducatum praestet, ambo in foveam cadunt.
Suffre ye hem; thei ben blynde, and leederis of blynde men. And if a blynd man lede a blynd man, bothe fallen doun in to the diche.
15 Respondens autem Petrus dixit ei: Edissere nobis parabolam istam.
Petre answeride, and seide to hym, Expowne to vs this parable.
16 At ille dixit: Adhuc et vos sine intellectu estis?
And he seide, Yit `ye ben also with oute vndurstondyng?
17 Non intelligitis quia omne, quod in os intrat, in ventrem vadit, et in secessum emittitur?
Vndurstonden ye not, that al thing that entrith in to the mouth, goith in to the wombe, and is sent out in to the goyng awei?
18 Quae autem procedunt de ore, de corde exeunt, et ea coinquinant hominem:
But tho thingis that comen forth fro the mouth, goon out of the herte, and tho thingis defoulen a man.
19 de corde enim exeunt cogitationes malae, homicidia, adulteria, fornicationes, furta, falsa testimonia, blasphemiae.
For of the herte goon out yuele thouytis, mansleyngis, auowtries, fornycaciouns, theftis, fals witnessyngis, blasfemyes.
20 haec sunt, quae coinquinant hominem. Non lotis autem manibus manducare, non coinquinat hominem.
Thes thingis it ben that defoulen a man; but to ete with hondis not waischun, defoulith not a man.
21 Et egressus inde Iesus secessit in partes Tyri, et Sidonis.
And Jhesus yede out fro thennus, and wente in to the coostis of Tire and Sidon.
22 Et ecce mulier Chananaea a finibus illis egressa clamavit, dicens ei: Miserere mei Domine fili David: filia mea male a daemonio vexatur.
And lo! a womman of Canane yede out of tho coostis, and criede, and seide to him, Lord, the sone of Dauid, haue merci on me; my douyter is yuel traueilid of a feend.
23 Qui non respondit ei verbum. Et accedentes discipuli eius rogabant eum dicentes: Dimitte eam: quia clamat post nos.
And he answeride not to hir a word. And hise disciplis camen, and preieden hym, and seiden, Leue thou hir, for she crieth aftir vs.
24 Ipse autem respondens ait: Non sum missus nisi ad oves, quae perierunt domus Israel.
He answeride, and seide, Y am not sent, but to the scheep of the hous of Israel that perischiden.
25 At illa venit, et adoravit eum, dicens: Domine, adiuva me.
And she cam, and worschipide hym, and seide, Lord, helpe me.
26 Qui respondens ait: Non est bonum sumere panem filiorum, et mittere canibus.
Which answeride, and seide, It is not good to take the breed of children, and caste to houndis.
27 At illa dixit: Etiam Domine: nam et catelli edunt de micis, quae cadunt de mensa dominorum suorum.
And she seide, Yhis, Lord; for whelpis eten of the crummes, that fallen doun fro the bord of her lordis.
28 Tunc respondens Iesus, ait illi: O mulier, magna est fides tua: fiat tibi sicut vis. Et sanata est filia eius ex illa hora.
Thanne Jhesus answeride, and seide to hir, A! womman, thi feith is greet; be it doon to thee, as thou wolt. And hir douytir was helid fro that hour.
29 Et cum transisset inde Iesus, venit secus Mare Galilaeae: et ascendens in montem, sedebat ibi.
And whanne Jhesus hadde passed fro thennus, he cam bisidis the see of Galilee. And he yede vp in to an hil, and sat there.
30 Et accesserunt ad eum turbae multae, habentes secum mutos, caecos, claudos, debiles, et alios multos: et proiecerunt eos ad pedes eius, et curavit eos:
And myche puple cam to hym, and hadden with hem doumbe men and crokid, feble and blynde, and many other; and thei castiden doun hem at hise feet. And he helide hem,
31 ita ut turbae mirarentur videntes mutos loquentes, claudos ambulantes, caecos videntes: et magnificabant Deum Israel.
so that the puple wondriden seynge doumbe men spekynge, and crokid goynge, blynde men seynge; and thei magnyfieden God of Israel.
32 Iesus autem, convocatis discipulis suis, dixit: Misereor turbae, quia triduo iam perseverant mecum, et non habent quod manducent: et dimittere eos ieiunos nolo, ne deficiant in via.
And Jhesus, whanne hise disciplis weren clepid to gidere, seide to hem, Y haue reuthe of the puple, for thei han abiden now thre daies with me, and han no thing to ete; and Y wole not leeue hem fastynge, lest thei failen in the weie.
33 Et dicunt ei discipuli: Unde ergo nobis in deserto panes tantos, ut saturemus turbam tantam?
And the disciplis seien to him, Wherof thanne so many looues among vs in desert, to fulfille so greet a puple?
34 Et ait illis Iesus: Quot habetis panes? At illi dixerunt: Septem, et paucos pisciculos.
And Jhesus seide to hem, Hou many looues han ye? And thei seiden, Seuene, and a fewe smale fisshis.
35 Et praecepit turbae, ut discumberent super terram.
And he comaundide to the puple, to sitte to mete on the erthe.
36 Et accipiens septem panes, et pisces, et gratias agens, fregit, et dedit discipulis suis, et discipuli dederunt populo.
And he took seuene looues and fyue fischis, and dide thankyngis, and brak, and yaf to hise disciplis; and the disciplis yauen to the puple.
37 Et comederunt omnes, et saturati sunt. Et quod superfuit de fragmentis, tulerunt septem sportas plenas.
And alle eten, and weren fulfillid, and thei token that that was left of relifes, seuene lepis fulle.
38 Erant autem qui manducaverunt, quattuor millia hominum, extra parvulos, et mulieres.
And thei that eten weren foure thousynde of men, with outen litle children and wymmen.
39 Et, dimissa turba, ascendit in naviculam: et venit in fines Magedan.
And whanne he hadde left the puple, he wente vp in to a boot, and cam in to the coostis of Magedan.

< Mattheum 15 >