< Corinthios Ii 11 >

1 Utinam sustineretis modicum quid insipientiae meae, sed et supportare me:
I wish! to endure me small (one *no*) (the/this/who *k*) (foolishness *N(k)O*) but and to endure me
2 Aemulor enim vos Dei aemulatione. Despondi enim vos uni viro virginem castam exhibere Christo.
be eager for you God zeal to betroth for you one man: husband virgin pure to stand by the/this/who Christ
3 Timeo autem ne sicut serpens Hevam seduxit astutia sua, ita corrumpantur sensus vestri, et excidant a simplicitate, quae est in Christo.
to fear then not how as/when the/this/who snake to deceive Eve in/on/among the/this/who craftiness it/s/he (thus(-ly) *k*) to destroy the/this/who mind/thought you away from the/this/who openness (and the/this/who purity *NO*) the/this/who toward the/this/who Christ
4 Nam si is, qui venit, alium Christum praedicat, quem non praedicavimus, aut alium spiritum accipitis, quem non accepistis: aut aliud Evangelium, quod non recepistis: recte pateremini.
if on the other hand for the/this/who to come/go another Jesus to preach which no to preach or spirit/breath: spirit other to take which no to take or gospel other which no to receive well (to endure *N(k)(o)*)
5 Existimo enim nihil me minus fecisse a magnis Apostolis.
to count for nothing to lack the/this/who above/for greatly apostle
6 Nam etsi imperitus sermone, sed non scientia, in omnibus autem manifestus sum vobis.
if: even though then and unlearned the/this/who word but no the/this/who knowledge but in/on/among all (to reveal *N(k)O*) in/on/among all toward you
7 Aut numquid peccatum feci, me ipsum humilians, ut vos exaltemini? quoniam gratis Evangelium Dei evangelizavi vobis?
or sin to do/make: do I/we to humble in order that/to you to lift up that/since: since freely the/this/who the/this/who God gospel to speak good news you
8 Alias Ecclesias expoliavi, accipiens stipendium ad ministerium vestrum.
another assembly to rob to take compensation to/with the/this/who you service
9 Et cum essem apud vos, et egerem; nulli onerosus fui: nam quod mihi deerat, suppleverunt fratres, qui venerunt a Macedonia: et in omnibus sine onere me vobis servavi, et servabo.
and be present to/with you and to lack no to burden none the/this/who for deficiency me to supply the/this/who brother to come/go away from Macedonia and in/on/among all not burdensome I/we you to keep: protect and to keep: protect
10 Est veritas Christi in me, quoniam haec gloriatio non infringetur in me in regionibus Achaiae.
to be truth Christ in/on/among I/we that/since: that the/this/who pride this/he/she/it no (to stop *N(k)O*) toward I/we in/on/among the/this/who region the/this/who Achaia
11 Quare? quia non diligo vos? Deus scit.
through/because of which? that/since: since no to love you the/this/who God to know
12 Quod autem facio, et faciam: ut amputem occasionem eorum, qui volunt occasionem, ut in quo gloriantur, inveniantur sicut et nos.
which then to do/make: do and to do/make: do in order that/to to prevent the/this/who opportunity the/this/who to will/desire opportunity in order that/to in/on/among which to boast to find/meet as/just as and me
13 Nam eiusmodi pseudoapostoli, sunt operarii subdoli, transfigurantes se in apostolos Christi.
the/this/who for such as this false apostle worker deceitful to transform toward apostle Christ
14 Et non mirum: ipse enim satanas transfigurat se in angelum lucis.
and no (marvel *N(k)O*) it/s/he for the/this/who Satan to transform toward angel light
15 non est ergo magnum, si ministri eius transfigurentur velut ministri iustitiae: quorum finis erit secundum opera ipsorum.
no great therefore/then if: even though and the/this/who servant it/s/he to transform as/when servant righteousness which the/this/who goal/tax to be according to the/this/who work it/s/he
16 Iterum dico, (ne quis me putet insipientem esse, alioquin velut insipientem accipite me, ut et ego modicum quid glorier)
again to say not one me to think foolish to exist if: else then not indeed and if as/when foolish to receive me in order that/to I/we and small one to boast
17 quod loquor, non loquor secundum Deum, sed quasi in insipientia, in hac substantia gloriae.
which to speak no according to lord: God to speak but as/when in/on/among foolishness in/on/among this/he/she/it the/this/who confidence/essence the/this/who pride
18 Quoniam multi gloriantur secundum carnem: et ego gloriabor.
since much to boast according to (the/this/who *ko*) flesh I/we and to boast
19 Libenter enim suffertis insipientes: cum sitis ipsi sapientes.
gladly for to endure the/this/who foolish thoughtful to be
20 Sustinetis enim si quis vos in servitutem redigit, si quis devorat, si quis accipit, si quis extollitur, si quis in faciem vos caedit.
to endure for if one you to enslave if one to devour if one to take if one to lift up if one toward face you to beat up
21 Secundum ignobilitatem dico, quasi nos infirmi fuerimus in hac parte. In quo quis audet (in insipientia dico) audeo et ego:
according to dishonour to say as/when that/since: that me (be weak: weak *N(k)O*) in/on/among which then if one be bold in/on/among foolishness to say be bold I/we and
22 Hebraei sunt, et ego: Israelitae sunt, et ego: Semen Abrahae sunt, et ego:
Hebrew to be I/we and Israelite to be I/we and seed: offspring Abraham to be I/we and
23 Ministri Christi sunt, et ego (ut minus sapiens dico) plus ego: in laboribus plurimis, in carceribus abundantius, in plagis supra modum, in mortibus frequenter.
servant Christ to be be insane to speak above/for I/we in/on/among labor more excessively in/on/among prison/watch: prison more excessively in/on/among plague/blow/wound severely in/on/among death often
24 A Iudaeis quinquies, quadragenas, una minus, accepi.
by/under: by Jew five times forty from/with/beside one to take
25 Ter virgis caesus sum, semel lapidatus sum, ter naufragium feci, nocte et die in profundo maris fui,
three times to beat with a rod once to stone three times be shipwrecked a night and a day in/on/among the/this/who the deep to do/make: spend(TIME)
26 in itineribus saepe, periculis fluminum, periculis latronum, periculis ex genere, periculis ex Gentibus, periculis in civitate, periculis in solitudine, periculis in mari, periculis in falsis fratribus:
journey often danger river danger robber/rebel danger out from family: descendant danger out from Gentiles danger in/on/among city danger in/on/among desert danger in/on/among sea danger in/on/among false brother
27 in labore et aerumna, in vigiliis multis, in fame, et siti, in ieiuniis multis, in frigore, et nuditate,
(in/on/among *k*) labor and toil in/on/among sleeplessness often in/on/among hunger and thirst in/on/among fasting often in/on/among cold and nakedness
28 praeter illa, quae extrinsecus sunt, instantia mea quotidiana, solicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum.
without the/this/who except the/this/who (stoppage me *N(k)O*) the/this/who according to day the/this/who concern all the/this/who assembly
29 Quis infirmatur, et ego non infirmor? quis scandalizatur, et ego non uror?
which? be weak: weak and no be weak: weak which? to cause to stumble and no I/we to burn
30 Si gloriari oportet: quae infirmitatis meae sunt, gloriabor.
if to boast be necessary the/this/who the/this/who weakness: weak me to boast
31 Deus et Pater Domini nostri Iesu Christi, qui est benedictus in saecula, scit quod non mentior. (aiōn g165)
the/this/who God and father the/this/who lord: God (me *k*) Jesus (Christ *K*) to know the/this/who to be praiseworthy toward the/this/who an age: eternity that/since: that no to lie (aiōn g165)
32 Damasci praepositus Gentis Aretae regis, custodiebat civitatem Damascenorum ut me comprehenderet:
in/on/among Damascus the/this/who governor Aretas the/this/who king to guard the/this/who city Damascus to arrest/catch me (to will/desire *KO*)
33 et per fenestram in sporta dimissus sum per murum, et sic effugi manus eius.
and through/because of window in/on/among basket to lower through/because of the/this/who wall and to escape the/this/who hand it/s/he

< Corinthios Ii 11 >