< Corinthios I 6 >

1 Audet aliquis vestrum habens negotium adversus alterum, judicari apud iniquos, et non apud sanctos?
How dare any of you file a lawsuit before pagan judges if you have a dispute with your neighbor! Instead you should bring this before other believers.
2 an nescitis quoniam sancti de hoc mundo judicabunt? et si in vobis judicabitur mundus, indigni estis qui de minimis judicetis?
Don't you know that Christian believers will judge the world? If you're going to judge the world, are you not fit to judge in the most minor cases?
3 Nescitis quoniam angelos judicabimus? quanto magis sæcularia?
Don't you know we are going to judge angels? How much more those things that relate to this life!
4 Sæcularia igitur judicia si habueritis: contemptibiles, qui sunt in ecclesia, illos constituite ad judicandum.
So if you have to judge things that relate to this life, how can you go to judges that are not respected by the church?
5 Ad verecundiam vestram dico. Sic non est inter vos sapiens quisquam, qui possit judicare inter fratrem suum?
I'm trying to shame you by saying this. What? You can't find one wise person among you who can settle a dispute that you have?
6 Sed frater cum fratre judicio contendit: et hoc apud infideles?
Instead one believer takes another believer to court, and places the issue before unbelievers!
7 Jam quidem omnino delictum est in vobis, quod judicia habetis inter vos. Quare non magis injuriam accipitis? quare non magis fraudem patimini?
The very fact you have lawsuits against each other already is a complete disaster. Wouldn't it be better to accept the injustice? Why not let yourselves be defrauded?
8 Sed vos injuriam facitis, et fraudatis: et hoc fratribus.
But you would rather cause injustice and defraud even your fellow-believers in church.
9 An nescitis quia iniqui regnum Dei non possidebunt? Nolite errare: neque fornicarii, neque idolis servientes, neque adulteri,
Don't you know those who are unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Don't be fooled! People who are immoral, worship idols, commit adultery, sexual perverts, homosexuals,
10 neque molles, neque masculorum concubitores, neque fures, neque avari, neque ebriosi, neque maledici, neque rapaces regnum Dei possidebunt.
thieves, greedy, drunkards, abusers, or cheats, will not inherit the kingdom of God.
11 Et hæc quidam fuistis: sed abluti estis, sed sanctificati estis, sed justificati estis in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi, et in Spiritu Dei nostri.
Some of you were once like that, but you have been made clean and holy. You have been made right in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God.
12 Omnia mihi licent, sed non omnia expediunt: omnia mihi licent, sed ego sub nullis redigar potestate.
People say, “I'm free to do anything”—but not everything is appropriate! “I'm free to do anything”—but I will not let anything control me! People say,
13 Esca ventri, et venter escis: Deus autem et hunc et has destruet: corpus autem non fornicationi, sed Domino: et Dominus corpori.
“Food for the stomach, and the stomach for food”—but God will destroy both of them. Also, the body is not meant to be used for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.
14 Deus vero et Dominum suscitavit: et nos suscitabit per virtutem suam.
By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us up the same way.
15 Nescitis quoniam corpora vestra membra sunt Christi? Tollens ergo membra Christi, faciam membra meretricis? Absit.
Don't you know your bodies are parts of Christ's body? Should I take the parts of Christ's body and join them to a prostitute? Absolutely not!
16 An nescitis quoniam qui adhæret meretrici, unum corpus efficitur? Erunt enim (inquit) duo in carne una.
Don't you realize that anyone who has sex with a prostitute becomes “one body” with her? Remember that Scripture says, “The two will become one body.”
17 Qui autem adhæret Domino, unus spiritus est.
But whoever is joined to the Lord is one with him in spirit!
18 Fugite fornicationem. Omne peccatum, quodcumque fecerit homo, extra corpus est: qui autem fornicatur, in corpus suum peccat.
Stay away from sexual immorality! All other sins that people commit are outside of the body, but sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.
19 An nescitis quoniam membra vestra, templum sunt Spiritus Sancti, qui in vobis est, quem habetis a Deo, et non estis vestri?
Don't you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit that is within you, that you received from God?
20 Empti enim estis pretio magno. Glorificate, et portate Deum in corpore vestro.
You don't belong to yourself—a price was paid for you! So glorify God in your body!

< Corinthios I 6 >