< Zaccharias Propheta 12 >

1 Onus verbi Domini super Israel. Dicit Dominus extendens cælum, et fundans terram, et fingens spiritum hominis in eo:
The birthun of the word of the Lord on Israel. And the Lord seide, stretchynge forth heuene, and founding erthe, and makynge the spirit of a man in hym, Lo!
2 Ecce ego ponam Ierusalem superliminare crapulæ omnibus populis in circuitu: sed et Iuda erit in obsidione contra Ierusalem.
Y schal putte Jerusalem a lyntel of glotonye to alle puplis in cumpas, but and Juda schal be in `a segyng ayens Jerusalem.
3 Et erit: In die illa ponam Ierusalem lapidem oneris cunctis populis: omnes, qui levabunt eam, concisione lacerabuntur: et colligentur adversus eam omnia regna terræ.
And it schal be, in that dai Y schal putte Jerusalem a stoon of birthun to alle puplis; alle that schulen lifte it, schulen be to-drawun with kittyng doun, and alle rewmes of erthe schulen be gaderid ayens it.
4 In die illa, dicit Dominus, percutiam omnem equum in stuporem, et ascensorem eius in amentiam: et super domum Iuda aperiam oculos meos, et omnem equum populorum percutiam cæcitate.
In that dai, seith the Lord, Y schal smyte ech hors in drede, `ether leesynge of mynde, and the stiere `of hym in woodnesse; and on the hous of Juda Y schal opene myn iyen, and schal smyte with blyndnesse ech hors of puplis.
5 Et dicent duces Iuda in corde suo: Confortentur mihi habitatores Ierusalem in Domino exercituum Deo eorum.
And duikis of Juda schulen seie in her hertis, Be the dwellers of Jerusalem coumfortid to me in the Lord of oostis, the God of hem.
6 In die illa, ponam duces Iuda sicut caminum ignis in lignis, et sicut facem ignis in fœno: et devorabunt ad dexteram, et ad sinistram omnes populos in circuitu: et habitabitur Ierusalem rursus in loco suo in Ierusalem.
In that dai Y schal putte the duykis of Juda as a chymnei of fier in trees, and as a broond of fier in hei; and thei schulen deuoure at the `riythalf and lefthalf alle puplis in cumpas. And Jerusalem schal be enhabitid eftsoone in his place, `in Jerusalem.
7 Et salvabit Dominus tabernacula Iuda, sicut in principio: ut non magnifice glorietur domus David, et gloria habitantium Ierusalem contra Iudam.
And the Lord schal saue the tabernaclis of Juda, as in bigynnyng, that the hous of Dauid `glorie not greetli, and the glorie of men dwellynge in Jerusalem be not ayens Juda.
8 In die illa proteget Dominus habitatores Ierusalem, et erit qui offenderit ex eis in die illa, quasi David: et domus David quasi Dei, sicut angelus Domini in conspectu eorum.
In that dai the Lord schal defende the dwelleris of Jerusalem; and he that schal offende of hem, schal be in that dai as Dauid, and the hous of Dauid schal be as of God, as the aungel of the Lord in the siyt of hym.
9 Et erit in die illa: quæram conterere omnes Gentes, quæ veniunt contra Ierusalem.
And it schal be, in that dai Y schal seke for to al to-breke alle folkis that comen ayens Jerusalem.
10 Et effundam super domum David, et super habitatores Ierusalem spiritum gratiæ, et precum: et aspicient ad me, quem confixerunt: et plangent eum planctu quasi super unigenitum, et dolebunt super eum, ut doleri solet in morte primogeniti.
And Y schal helde out on the hous of Dauid, and on dwelleris of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace, and of preieris; and thei schulen biholde to me, whom thei `fitchiden togidere. And thei schulen biweile hym with weilyng, as on `the oon bigetun; and thei schulen sorewe on hym, as it is wont `for to be sorewid in the deth of the firste bigetun.
11 In die illa magnus erit planctus in Ierusalem, sicut planctus Adadremmon in campo Mageddon.
In that dai greet weilyng schal be in Jerusalem, as the weilyng of Adremon in the feeld of Magedon.
12 Et planget terra: familiæ et familiæ seorsum: familiæ domus David seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum:
And erthe schal weile; meynees and meynees bi hem silf; the meynees of the hous of Dauid bi hem silf, and the wymmen of hem bi hem silf;
13 familiæ domus Nathan seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum: familiæ domus Levi seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum: familiæ Semei seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum.
meynees of the hous of Nathan bi hem silf, and the wymmen of hem bi hem silf; meynees of the hous of Leuy bi hem silf, and the wymmen of hem bi hem silf; meynees of Semei bi hem silf, and the wymmen of hem bi hem silf.
14 Omnes familiæ reliquæ, familiæ et familiæ seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum.
All othere meynees, meynees and meynees bi hem silf, and the wymmen of hem bi hem silf.

< Zaccharias Propheta 12 >