< Zaccharias Propheta 12 >

1 Onus verbi Domini super Israel. Dicit Dominus extendens cælum, et fundans terram, et fingens spiritum hominis in eo:
oracle word LORD upon Israel utterance LORD to stretch heaven and to found land: country/planet and to form: formed spirit man in/on/with entrails: among his
2 Ecce ego ponam Ierusalem superliminare crapulæ omnibus populis in circuitu: sed et Iuda erit in obsidione contra Ierusalem.
behold I to set: make [obj] Jerusalem basin reeling to/for all [the] people around and also upon Judah to be in/on/with siege upon Jerusalem
3 Et erit: In die illa ponam Ierusalem lapidem oneris cunctis populis: omnes, qui levabunt eam, concisione lacerabuntur: et colligentur adversus eam omnia regna terræ.
and to be in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to set: make [obj] Jerusalem stone burden to/for all [the] people all to lift her to incise to incise and to gather upon her all nation [the] land: country/planet
4 In die illa, dicit Dominus, percutiam omnem equum in stuporem, et ascensorem eius in amentiam: et super domum Iuda aperiam oculos meos, et omnem equum populorum percutiam cæcitate.
in/on/with day [the] he/she/it utterance LORD to smite all horse in/on/with bewilderment and to ride his in/on/with madness and upon house: household Judah to open [obj] eye my and all horse [the] people to smite in/on/with blindness
5 Et dicent duces Iuda in corde suo: Confortentur mihi habitatores Ierusalem in Domino exercituum Deo eorum.
and to say chief Judah in/on/with heart their strength to/for me to dwell Jerusalem in/on/with LORD Hosts God their
6 In die illa, ponam duces Iuda sicut caminum ignis in lignis, et sicut facem ignis in fœno: et devorabunt ad dexteram, et ad sinistram omnes populos in circuitu: et habitabitur Ierusalem rursus in loco suo in Ierusalem.
in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to set: make [obj] chief Judah like/as basin fire in/on/with tree: wood and like/as torch fire in/on/with sheaf and to eat upon right and upon left [obj] all [the] people around and to dwell Jerusalem still underneath: stand her in/on/with Jerusalem
7 Et salvabit Dominus tabernacula Iuda, sicut in principio: ut non magnifice glorietur domus David, et gloria habitantium Ierusalem contra Iudam.
and to save LORD [obj] tent Judah in/on/with first because not to magnify beauty house: household David and beauty to dwell Jerusalem upon Judah
8 In die illa proteget Dominus habitatores Ierusalem, et erit qui offenderit ex eis in die illa, quasi David: et domus David quasi Dei, sicut angelus Domini in conspectu eorum.
in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to defend LORD about/through/for to dwell Jerusalem and to be [the] to stumble in/on/with them in/on/with day [the] he/she/it like/as David and house: household David like/as God like/as messenger: angel LORD to/for face: before their
9 Et erit in die illa: quæram conterere omnes Gentes, quæ veniunt contra Ierusalem.
and to be in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to seek to/for to destroy [obj] all [the] nation [the] to come (in): come upon Jerusalem
10 Et effundam super domum David, et super habitatores Ierusalem spiritum gratiæ, et precum: et aspicient ad me, quem confixerunt: et plangent eum planctu quasi super unigenitum, et dolebunt super eum, ut doleri solet in morte primogeniti.
and to pour: pour upon house: household David and upon to dwell Jerusalem spirit favor and supplication and to look to(wards) me [obj] which to pierce and to mourn upon him like/as mourning upon [the] only and to provoke upon him like/as to provoke upon [the] firstborn
11 In die illa magnus erit planctus in Ierusalem, sicut planctus Adadremmon in campo Mageddon.
in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to magnify [the] mourning in/on/with Jerusalem like/as mourning Hadad-rimmon Hadad-rimmon in/on/with valley Megiddo
12 Et planget terra: familiæ et familiæ seorsum: familiæ domus David seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum:
and to mourn [the] land: country/planet family family to/for alone family house: household David to/for alone and woman: wife their to/for alone family house: household Nathan to/for alone and woman: wife their to/for alone
13 familiæ domus Nathan seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum: familiæ domus Levi seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum: familiæ Semei seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum.
family house: household Levi to/for alone and woman: wife their to/for alone family [the] Shimeite to/for alone and woman: wife their to/for alone
14 Omnes familiæ reliquæ, familiæ et familiæ seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum.
all [the] family [the] to remain family family to/for alone and woman: wife their to/for alone

< Zaccharias Propheta 12 >