< Lucam 19 >

1 Et ingressus perambulabat Iericho.
And Jhesus `goynge yn, walkide thorou Jericho.
2 Et ecce vir nomine Zachæus: et hic princeps erat publicanorum, et ipse dives:
And lo! a man, Sache bi name, and this was a prince of pupplicans, and he was riche.
3 et quærebat videre Iesum, quis esset: et non poterat præ turba, quia statura pusillus erat.
And he souyte to se Jhesu, who he was, and he myyte not, for the puple, for he was litil in stature.
4 Et præcurrens ascendit in arborem sycomorum ut videret eum: quia inde erat transiturus.
And he ran bifore, and stiyede in to a sicomoure tree, to se hym; for he was to passe fro thennus.
5 Et cum venisset ad locum, suspiciens Iesus vidit illum, et dixit ad eum: Zachæe festinans descende: quia hodie in domo tua oportet me manere.
And Jhesus biheld vp, whanne he cam to the place, and saiy hym, and seide to hym, Sache, haste thee, and come doun, for to dai Y mot dwelle in thin hous.
6 Et festinans descendit, et excepit illum gaudens.
And he hiyynge cam doun, and ioiynge resseyuede hym.
7 Et cum viderent omnes, murmurabant, dicentes quod ad hominem peccatorem divertisset.
And whanne alle men sayn, thei grutchiden seiynge, For he hadde turned to a synful man.
8 Stans autem Zachæus, dixit ad Dominum: Ecce dimidium bonorum meorum, Domine, do pauperibus: et si quid aliquem defraudavi, reddo quadruplum.
But Sache stood, and seide to the Lord, Lo! Lord, Y yyue the half of my good to pore men; and if Y haue ony thing defraudid ony man, Y yelde foure so myche.
9 Ait Iesus ad eum: Quia hodie salus domui huic facta est: eo quod et ipse filius sit Abrahæ.
Jhesus seith to hym, For to dai heelthe is maad to this hous, for that he is Abrahams sone;
10 Venit enim Filius hominis quærere, et salvum facere quod perierat.
for mannus sone cam to seke, and make saaf that thing that perischide.
11 Hæc illis audientibus adiiciens, dixit parabolam, eo quod esset prope Ierusalem: et quia existimarent quod confestim regnum Dei manifestaretur.
Whanne thei herden these thingis, he addide, and seide a parable, for that he was nyy Jerusalem, `and for thei gessiden, that anoon the kyngdom of God schulde be schewid.
12 Dixit ergo: Homo quidam nobilis abiit in regionem longinquam accipere sibi regnum, et reverti.
Therfor he seide, A worthi man wente in to a fer cuntre, to take to hym a kyngdom, and to turne ayen.
13 Vocatis autem decem servis suis, dedit eis decem mnas, et ait ad illos: Negotiamini dum venio.
And whanne hise ten seruauntis weren clepid, he yaf to hem ten besauntis; and seide to hem, Chaffare ye, til Y come.
14 Cives autem eius oderant eum: et miserunt legationem post illum, dicentes: Nolumus hunc regnare super nos.
But hise citeseyns hatiden hym, and senten a messanger aftir hym, and seiden, We wolen not, that he regne on vs.
15 Et factum est ut rediret accepto regno: et iussit vocari servos, quibus dedit pecuniam, ut sciret quantum quisque negotiatus esset.
And it was don, that he turnede ayen, whan he hadde take the kyngdom; and he comaundide hise seruauntis to be clepid, to whiche he hadde yyue monei, to wite, hou myche ech hadde wonne bi chaffaryng.
16 Venit autem primus dicens: Domine, mna tua decem mnas acquisivit.
And the firste cam, and seide, Lord, thi besaunt hath wonne ten besauntis.
17 Et ait illi: Euge bone serve, quia in modico fuisti fidelis, eris potestatem habens super decem civitates.
He seide to hym, Wel be, thou good seruaunt; for in litil thing thou hast be trewe, thou schalt be hauynge power on ten citees.
18 Et alter venit, dicens: Domine, mna tua fecit quinque mnas.
And the tother cam, and seide, Lord, thi besaunt hath maad fyue besauntis.
19 Et huic ait: Et tu esto super quinque civitates.
And to this he seide, And be thou on fyue citees.
20 Et alter venit, dicens: Domine, ecce mna tua, quam habui repositam in sudario:
And the thridde cam, and seide, Lord, lo! thi besaunt, that Y hadde, put vp in a sudarie.
21 timui enim te, quia homo austerus es: tollis quod non posuisti, et metis quod non seminasti.
For Y dredde thee, for thou art `a sterne man; thou takist awey that that thou settidist not, and thou repist that that thou hast not sowun.
22 Dicit ei: De ore tuo te iudico serve nequam. Sciebas quod ego homo austerus sum, tollens quod non posui, et metens quod non seminavi:
He seith to hym, Wickid seruaunt, of thi mouth Y deme thee. Wistist thou, that Y am `a sterne man, takynge awei that thing that Y settide not, and repyng ethat thing that Y sewe not?
23 et quare non dedisti pecuniam meam ad mensam, ut ego veniens cum usuris utique exegissem illam?
and whi hast thou not youun my money to the bord, and Y comynge schulde haue axid it with vsuris?
24 Et astantibus dixit: Auferte ab illo mnam, et date illi, qui decem mnas habet.
And he seide to men stondynge nyy, Take ye awei fro hym the besaunt, and yyue ye to hym that hath ten beyauntis:
25 Et dixerunt ei: Domine, habet decem mnas.
And thei seiden to hym, Lord, he hath ten besauntis.
26 Dico autem vobis, quia omni habenti dabitur, et abundabit: ab eo autem, qui non habet, et quod habet auferetur ab eo.
And Y seie to you, to ech man that hath, it schal be youun, and he schal encreese; but fro him that hath not, also that thing that he hath, schal be takun of hym.
27 Verumtamen inimicos meos illos, qui noluerunt me regnare super se, adducite huc: et interficite ante me.
Netheles brynge ye hidur tho myn enemyes, that wolden not that Y regnede on hem, and sle ye bifor me.
28 Et his dictis, præcedebat ascendens Ierosolymam.
And whanne these thingis weren seid, he wente bifore, and yede vp to Jerusalem.
29 Et factum est, cum appropinquasset ad Bethphage, et Bethaniam ad montem, qui vocatur Oliveti, misit duos discipulos suos,
And it was don, whanne Jhesus cam nyy to Bethfage and Betanye, at the mount, that is clepid of Olyuete, he sente hise twei disciplis, and seide,
30 dicens: Ite in castellum, quod contra est: in quod introeuntes, invenietis pullum asinæ alligatum, cui nemo umquam hominum sedit: solvite illum, et adducite.
Go ye in to the castel, that is ayens you; in to which as ye entren, ye schulen fynde a colt of an asse tied, on which neuer man sat; vntye ye hym, and brynge ye to me.
31 Et si quis vos interrogaverit: Quare solvitis? sic dicetis ei: Quia Dominus operam eius desiderat.
And if ony man axe you, whi ye vntien, thus ye schulen seie to hym, For the Lord desirith his werk.
32 Abierunt autem qui missi erant: et invenerunt, sicut dixit illis, stantem pullum.
And thei that weren sent, wenten forth, and fonden as he seide to hem, a colt stondynge.
33 Solventibus autem illis pullum, dixerunt domini eius ad illos: Quid solvitis pullum?
And whanne thei vntieden the colt, the lordis of hym seiden to hem, What vntien ye the colt?
34 At illi dixerunt: Quia Dominus eum necessarium habet.
And thei seiden, For the Lord hath nede to hym.
35 Et duxerunt illum ad Iesum. Et iacentes vestimenta sua supra pullum, imposuerunt Iesum.
And thei ledden hym to Jhesu; and thei castynge her clothis on the colt, setten Jhesu on hym.
36 Eunte autem illo, substernebant vestimenta sua in via.
And whanne he wente, thei strowiden her clothis in the weie.
37 Et cum appropinquaret iam ad descensum Montis Oliveti, cœperunt omnes turbæ discipulorum gaudentes laudare Deum voce magna super omnibus, quas viderant, virtutibus,
And whanne he cam nyy to the comyng doun of the mount of Olyuete, al the puple that cam doun bygunnen to ioye, and to herie God with greet vois on alle the vertues, that thei hadden sayn,
38 dicentes: Benedictus, qui venit rex in nomine Domini! Pax in cælo, et gloria in excelsis!
and seiden, Blessid be the king, that cometh in the name of the Lord; pees in heuene, and glorie in hiye thingis.
39 Et quidam Pharisæorum de turbis, dixerunt ad illum: Magister, increpa discipulos tuos.
And sum of the Farisees of the puple seiden to hym, Maister, blame thi disciplis.
40 Quibus ipse ait: Dico vobis, quia si hi tacuerint, lapides clamabunt.
And he seide to hem, Y seie to you, for if these ben stille, stoonus schulen crye.
41 Et ut appropinquavit, videns civitatem flevit super illam, dicens:
And whanne he neiyede, `he seiy the citee,
42 Quia si cognovisses et tu, et quidem in hac die tua, quæ ad pacem tibi, nunc autem abscondita sunt ab oculis tuis.
and wepte on it, and seide, For if thou haddist knowun, thou schuldist wepe also; for in this dai the thingis ben in pees to thee, but now thei ben hid fro thin iyen.
43 Quia venient dies in te: et circumdabunt te inimici tui vallo, et circumdabunt te: et coangustabunt te undique:
But daies schulen come in thee, and thin enemyes schulen enuyroun thee with a pale, and thei schulen go aboute thee, and make thee streit on alle sidis,
44 et ad terram prosternent te, et filios tuos, qui in te sunt, et non relinquent in te lapidem super lapidem: eo quod non cognoveris tempus visitationis tuæ.
and caste thee doun to the erthe, and thi sones that ben in thee; and thei schulen not leeue in thee a stoon on a stoon, for thou hast not knowun the tyme of thi visitacioun.
45 Et ingressus in templum, cœpit eiicere vendentes in illo, et ementes,
And he entride in to the temple, and bigan to caste out men sellynge ther inne and biynge,
46 dicens illis: Scriptum est: Quia domus mea domus orationis est. Vos autem fecistis illam speluncam latronum.
and seide to hem, It is writun, That myn hous is an hous of preyer, but ye han maad it a den of theues.
47 Et erat docens quotidie in templo. Principes autem sacerdotum, et scribæ, et princeps plebis quærebant illum perdere:
And he was techynge euerydai in the temple. And the princis of prestis, and the scribis, and the princis of the puple souyten to lese hym;
48 et non inveniebant quid facerent illi. Omnis enim populus suspensus erat, audiens illum.
and thei founden not, what thei schulden do to hym, for al the puple was ocupied, and herde hym.

< Lucam 19 >