< Psalmorum 76 >

1 In finem, in laudibus. Psalmus Asaph, canticum ad Assyrios. [Notus in Judæa Deus; in Israël magnum nomen ejus.
To the chief music-maker; put to Neginoth. A Psalm. Of Asaph. A Song. In Judah is the knowledge of God; his name is great in Israel,
2 Et factus est in pace locus ejus, et habitatio ejus in Sion.
In Salem is his tent, his resting-place in Zion.
3 Ibi confregit potentias arcuum, scutum, gladium, et bellum.
There were the arrows of the bow broken, there he put an end to body-cover, sword, and fight. (Selah)
4 Illuminans tu mirabiliter a montibus æternis;
You are shining and full of glory, more than the eternal mountains.
5 turbati sunt omnes insipientes corde. Dormierunt somnum suum, et nihil invenerunt omnes viri divitiarum in manibus suis.
Gone is the wealth of the strong, their last sleep has overcome them; the men of war have become feeble.
6 Ab increpatione tua, Deus Jacob, dormitaverunt qui ascenderunt equos.
At the voice of your wrath, O God of Jacob, deep sleep has overcome carriage and horse.
7 Tu terribilis es; et quis resistet tibi? ex tunc ira tua.
You, you are to be feared; who may keep his place before you in the time of your wrath?
8 De cælo auditum fecisti judicium: terra tremuit et quievit
From heaven you gave your decision; the earth, in its fear, gave no sound,
9 cum exsurgeret in judicium Deus, ut salvos faceret omnes mansuetos terræ.
When God took his place as judge, for the salvation of the poor on the earth. (Selah)
10 Quoniam cogitatio hominis confitebitur tibi, et reliquiæ cogitationis diem festum agent tibi.
The ... will give you praise; the rest of ...
11 Vovete et reddite Domino Deo vestro, omnes qui in circuitu ejus affertis munera: terribili,
Give to the Lord your God what is his by right; let all who are round him give offerings to him who is to be feared.
12 et ei qui aufert spiritum principum: terribili apud reges terræ.]
He puts an end to the wrath of rulers; he is feared by the kings of the earth.

< Psalmorum 76 >