< Rome 14 >

1 Eisal su munas in lulalfongi, ac nimet akukuin yorol ke nunak na lal sifacna.
Welcome a man of weak faith, but not for the purpose of deciding doubtful points.
2 Lulalfongi lun kutu mwet uh oru elos kang kain mongo nukewa, tusruktu kutu mwet su munas in lulalfongi lalos elos kang fokinsak ac fokin acn uh a elos tia mongo ikwa.
One man has faith to eat anything; but he whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables.
3 Mwet se ma kang kain mwe mongo nukewa elan tia akkolukye mwet se ma mongo fokinsak mukena; ac el su mongo fokinsak mukena elan tia nununkal su kang kain mongo nukewa; tuh God El insewowo kacltal kewa.
He who eats meat must not despise the man who abstains; and let not the man who abstains judge him who eats; for God has received him.
4 Su kom an ku kom in nununku mwet kulansap lun siena mwet? Ma na lun mwet kacto lal sifacna in fahk lah ma el oru uh suwohs ku tia. Ac el fah oru in suwohs, mweyen God El ku in kasrel.
Who are you just that judges the household-servant of another? To his own lord he stands or falls. And stand he will, for his Master has power to make him stand.
5 Sie mwet el ac nunku mu oasr len se oa liki len ngia, a sie pacna mwet el nunku mu len nukewa oana sie. Kais sie mwet in sifacna sulela sel lah mea nunak lal kac.
There are some who esteem one day above another; there are others who esteem all days alike; let each other be fully persuaded in his own mind.
6 Kutena mwet su aksaokye sie len liki sie, el oru in akfulatye Leum God. Kutena mwet su kang kutena kain mwe mongo, el oru in akfulatye Leum God, mweyen el sang kulo nu sin God kac. Kutena mwet su tia kang kutena kain mwe mongo, el oru in akfulatye Leum God, ac el sang kulo nu sin God kac.
He who regards the day, regards it unto his Lord; and he who regards it not, disregards it unto his Lord. He who eats meat, eats unto his Lord, for he gives God thanks; and he who abstains, abstains unto his Lord, since he, too, gives God thanks.
7 Wangin sie sesr moul na nu sel sifacna; oayapa wangin sie sesr misa nu sel sifacna.
For not one of us lives unto himself, and not one dies unto himself.
8 Kut fin moul, kut moul nu sin Leum; ac kut fin misa, kut misa pac nu sin Leum. Ouinge kut fin moul ku misa, kut ma lun Leum.
If we live, we live unto our Lord; if we die, we die unto our Lord. So then, whether we live or die, we belong to our Lord.
9 Tuh Christ el misa ac moulyak tuh elan Leum lun mwet moul ac mwet misa.
For this purpose Christ died and became alive again, that he might be the Lord both of the dead and of the living.
10 Na efu ku kutu suwos nununku mwet wiowos in lulalfongi? Ac efu ku kutu suwos akkolukye mwet wiowos in lulalfongi? Kut nukewa fah tu ye mutun God in nununkeyuk sel.
But you the abstainer, why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you again the non-abstainer, why do you despise yours? For we shall all stand before the judgment-seat of God.
11 Tuh Ma Simusla uh fahk, “Leum El fahk, in oana ke nga pa God moul, Mwet nukewa ac fah sikukmutunte ye mutuk, Ac kais sie mwet fah fahkak lemtulauk lah nga pa God.”
For it is written, "As I live," says the Lord, "to me every knee shall bow, And to God shall every tongue confess."
12 Ke ma inge, kais sie sesr ac fah sifacna fahkulak ye mutun God.
So then each one of us shall give account of himself to God.
13 Ke ma inge, kut in tia sifil nununku sie sin sie, a kowos in sifacna sulela in tia oru kutena ma su ac aktukulkulye mwet wiowos in lulalfongi, ku oru tuh elos in putatyang nu ke ma koluk.
So let us no longer pass judgment on one another; rather let this be your judgment, that no one put a stumbling-block in his brother’s way, nor any cause of falling.
14 Kupasr luk nu sin Leum Jesus oru nga etu na pwaye lah wangin mwe mongo ma sufal in mongo. A mwet se fin lulalfongi mu oasr mwe mongo tia fal in mongo, na mwe mongo sac ac koluk nu sel.
I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is in itself unclean; but any food is "unclean" for one who considers it "unclean."
15 Kom fin aktoasrye sie sin mwet wiom in lulalfongi ke sripen mwe mongo su kom kang, na kom tila kolyuk ke lungse. Nik kom lela mwe mongo ma kom kang in akkolukyela sie mwet su Christ el misa kac!
If your brother is continually pained because of your food, you are not conducting yourself any longer in love. Do not, by what you eat, persist in destroying a man for whom Christ died.
16 Nik kom oru kutena ma su ac pwanang ma kom nunku mu wo uh in mwe akkolukyeyuk sin mwet ngia.
Therefore do not let what is right, so far as you are concerned, be evil spoken of.
17 Tuh Tokosrai lun God tia ma ke mwe mongo ac mwe nim, a ke suwoswos, misla, ac engan, su kut eis sin Ngun Mutal.
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
18 Ke sie mwet el kulansupu Christ in ouiya inge, el akinsewowoye God, ac mwet uh insewowo pac sel.
Those who are slaving for Christ devotedly in these ways, are well pleasing to God and highly commended by man.
19 Ke ma inge, kut enenu in suk ma su ac orala misla pacl nukewa, oayapa ma su ac kasru in akkeye sie sin sie.
So then let is eagerly pursue the things that make for peace and the upbuilding of each other.
20 Nikmet kunausla ma God El oru ke sripen na mwe mongo. Mwe mongo nukewa kowos ku in kang, tusruktu tia wo in kang kutena mwe mongo ma ac oru mwet saya uh in putatyang nu in ma koluk.
Do not, for the sake of food, be tearing down God’s work. All food indeed is ceremonially clean, but a man is in the wrong if his food proves a stumbling-block.
21 Ma se ma ac wo in orek uh pa in karinganang in tia mongo ikwa, ku nim wain, ku oru kutena ma ac pwanang mwet wiowos in lulalfongi in ikori kac.
The right course is not to eat meat, nor to drink wine, nor to do anything through which your brother is made to stumble.
22 Ke ma inge, ma kom lulalfongi ke ouiya inge ma na inmasrlom sifacna ac God. Insewowo mwet se su tia pula mu oasr mwata nu sel ke pacl se el oru kutu ma el nunku mu suwohs!
Have you faith? Keep it to yourself as in the presence of God. He is a happy man who does not condemn himself in that which he approves.
23 Tusruktu fin oasr alolo lal ke ma el kang, God El nununkal ke pacl se el kang, mweyen ma el oru uh tia ma ke lulalfongi. Ac kutena ma su tia ma ke lulalfongi, ma inge koluk.
But he who has misgivings, and yet eats meat, is condemned already, because his action is not based on faith; and whatever is not based on faith is sin.

< Rome 14 >