< Rome 13 >

1 Mwet nukewa enenu in akos mwet kol fin acn uh, mweyen God mukena pa sang ku nu sin mwet inge, ac wal fulat inge ma oakwuk sin God.
Euery soule be suget to heiyere powers. For ther is no power but of God, and tho thingis that ben of God, ben ordeyned.
2 Mwet se fin lain ku lun acn uh el lain oakwuk lun God; ac el sifacna oru in nununkeyuk el.
Therfor he that ayenstondith power, ayenstondith the ordynaunce of God; and thei that ayenstonden, geten to hem silf dampnacioun.
3 Elos su oru ma wo elos tia sangeng sin mwet kol fin acn uh, a elos na su oru ma koluk. Kom fin lungse in tia sangeng sin mwet kol fulat, na oru ma wo, ac el ac fah kaksakin kom,
For princes ben not to the drede of good work, but of yuel. But wilt thou, that thou drede not power? Do thou good thing, and thou schalt haue preisyng of it;
4 mweyen el mwet kulansap lun God in akwoye kom. Tusruktu kom fin orekma koluk, fal kom in sangeng sel mweyen oasr suwohs lal in kai kom. El mwet kulansap lun God, ac el akkalemye mulat lun God nu selos su orekma koluk.
for he is the mynystre of God to thee in to good. But if thou doist yuel, drede thou; for not with outen cause he berith the swerd, for he is the mynystre of God, vengere in to wraththe to hym that doith yuel.
5 Ke sripa se inge kowos enenu in akos mwet kol fin acn uh — tia ke sripen kowos sangen ke kaiyuk lun God mukena, a mweyen kowos sifacna etu insiowos lah pa inge ma suwohs.
And therfor bi nede be ye suget, not oneli for wraththe, but also for conscience.
6 Pa pac inge sripa se ma pwanang kowos in moli tax, mweyen mwet kol fin acn uh elos orekma nu sin God ke elos akfalye ma kunalos.
For therfor ye yyuen tributis, thei ben the mynystris of God, and seruen for this same thing.
7 Ke ma inge, kowos in akfalye kutena kain in tax ma oakwuk nu suwos in moli; ac akkalemye akfulat ac sunak lowos nu selos nukewa.
Therfor yelde ye to alle men dettis, to whom tribut, tribut, to whom tol, tol, to whom drede, drede, to whom onour, onour.
8 Kowos in tia soemoul nu sin kutena mwet — soemoul sefanna ma oasr yuruwos pa lungse sie sin sie. El su lungse mwet ngia el akfalye Ma Sap lal Moses.
To no man owe ye ony thing, but that ye loue togidere. For he that loueth his neiybore, hath fulfillid the lawe.
9 Ma sap uh fahk: “Nik kom kosro; nik kom akmas; nik kom pisrapasr; nik kom rapku” — ma inge nukewa, ac kutena ma sap saya, tukeni oan ye ma sap sefanna: “Kom fah lungse mwet tulan lom oana ke kom lungse kom sifacna.”
For, Thou schalt do no letcherie, Thou schalt not sle, Thou schalt not stele, Thou schalt not seie fals witnessyng, Thou schalt not coueyte the thing of thi neiybore, and if ther be ony othere maundement, it is instorid in this word, Thou schalt loue thi neiybore as thi silf.
10 Kom fin lungse sie mwet, kom ac tiana orekma koluk nu sel; ke ma inge lungse el mwe akfalye nufon ma sapkinyuk in Ma Sap uh.
The loue of neiybore worchith not yuel; therfor loue is the fulfillyng of the lawe.
11 Kowos enenu in oru ouinge, mweyen kowos etu lah pacl fuka inge: pacl in ngutalik liki motul. Tuh pacl se God El ac fah molikutla fototo me in pacl inge, liki ke kut tufahna mutawauk in lulalfongi ke Jesus Christ.
And we knowen this tyme, that the our is now, that we rise fro sleep; for now oure heelthe is neer, than whanne we bileueden.
12 Fong uh akuran in safla, ac len uh apkuran me. Lela kut in tila oru orekma lun lohsr uh, ac lela kut in srukak kufwen mwe mweun lun kalem.
The nyyt wente bifore, but the dai hath neiyed. Therfor caste we awei the werkis of derknessis, and be we clothid in the armeris of liyt.
13 Lela ouiyen moul lasr uh in suwohs, oana mwet su moul in kalem lun len — tia oror koluk ku sruhi, tia oru elahn kosro ku kutena lumah fohkfok, tia pac anwuk ku sok.
As in dai wandre we onestli, not in superflu feestis and drunkenessis, not in beddis and vnchastitees, not in strijf and in enuye;
14 A kowos in eis Leum Jesus Christ tuh in oana mwe loeyuk lun mweun, ac tia sifil suk in akfalyela ma kena lun ikwa.
but be ye clothid in the Lord Jhesu Crist, and do ye not the bisynesse of fleisch in desiris.

< Rome 13 >