< Fwackyuk 19 >

1 Tukun ma inge, nga lohng pusra se oana pusren u na lulap se ke mwet inkusrao, ac elos fahk, “Kaksakin God! Molela, wolana, ac ku ma lun God lasr!
Aftir these thingis Y herde as a greet vois of many trumpis in heuene, seiynge, Alleluya; heriynge, and glorie, and vertu is to oure God;
2 Nununku lal uh pwaye ac suwohs! El sulela tari mwe kalya nu sin mutan kosro se su akkolukyela faclu ke moul in kosro lal uh. God El kalyael mweyen el uniya mwet kulansap lal.”
for trewe and iust ben the domes of hym, whiche demede of the greet hoore, that defoulide the erthe in her letcherye, and vengide the blood of hise seruauntis, of the hondis of hir.
3 Elos sifilpa wowoyak ac fahk, “Kaksakin God! Kulasr ke e ma furreak siti lulap se ingo fosryak ma pahtpat ac ma pahtpat!” (aiōn g165)
And eft thei seiden, Alleluya. And the smoke of it stieth vp, in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
4 Ac mwet elder longoul akosr ac ma moul akosr elos epasr ac alu nu sin God su muta fin tron. Elos fahk, “Amen! Kaksakin God!”
And the foure and twenti senyouris and foure beestis felden doun, and worschipiden God sittynge on the trone, and seiden, Amen, Alleluya.
5 Ac sie pusra tuku liki tron ac fahk, “Kowos in kaksakin God lasr, kowos mwet kulansap lal nukewa ac mwet nukewa su sunakunul — mwet fulat ac mwet pusisel!”
And a vois wente out of the trone, and seide, Alle the seruauntis of oure God, seie ye heriyngus to oure God, and ye that dreden God, smale and grete.
6 Na nga lohng sie pusra oana pusren sie u lulap, oana kusen kof putat ac oana kusen pulahl upa. Nga lohng ke elos fahk, “Kaksakin God! Leum, God Kulana lasr, El pa Tokosra!
And Y herde a vois of a grete trumpe, as the vois of many watris, and as the vois of grete thundris, seiynge, Alleluya; for oure Lord God almyyti hath regned.
7 Lela kut in arulana engan ac insewowo; lela kut in kaksakin fulatlana lal! Tuh pacl in marut lun Lamb pa inge, ac mutan kial el akola.
Ioye we, and make we myrthe, and yyue glorie to hym; for the weddingis of the lomb camen, and the wijf of hym made redy hir silf.
8 Itukyang nu sin mutan sac nuknuk linen nasnas ac saromrom elan nokomang.” (Nuknuk linen inge pa orekma wo lun mwet lun God.)
And it is youun to hir, that sche kyuere hir with white bissyn schynynge; for whi bissyn is iustifiyngis of seyntis.
9 Na lipufan se fahk nu sik, “Simusla ma inge: Insewowo nu selos su suliyuk nu ke kufwen marut lun Lamb.” Ac lipufan sac sifilpa fahk, “Kas inge kas pwaye lun God.”
And he seide to me, Write thou, Blessid ben thei that ben clepid to the soper of weddyngis of the lomb. And he seide to me, These wordis of God ben trewe.
10 Ac nga putati nu ke nial in alu nu sel, a el fahk nu sik, “Nimet oru ouingan! Nga sie mwet kulansap wiom ac ma wien mwet lulalfongi nukewa su sruokya ku kas pwaye su Jesus El fahkak. Kom in alu nu sin God!” Tuh ma pwaye ma Jesus El fahkak kac pa akkeye mwet su fahkak kas lun God.
And Y felde doun bifore hise feet, to worschipe hym. And he seide to me, Se thou, that thou do not; Y am a seruaunt with thee, and of thi britheren, hauynge the witnessyng of Jhesu; worschipe thou God. For the witnessing of Jhesu is spirit of profesie.
11 Na nga liye kusrao ikakla, ac oasr soko horse fasrfasr we. El su muta fac pangpang Oaru ac Pwaye; el oru nununku lal ac mweuni meun lal ke suwoswos.
And Y say heuene openyd, and lo! a whit hors, and he that sat on hym was clepid Feithful and sothefast; and with riytwisnesse he demeth, and fiytith.
12 Atronmutal firirrir oana e, ac oasr tefuro puspis fin sifal. Oasr sie ee simla kacl, su wangin mwet etu kac a el mukena.
And `the iyen of hym weren as flawme of fier, and in his heed many diademys; and he hadde a name writun, which no man knew, but he.
13 El nokomang sie nuknuk loeloes twenyuki ke srah, ac ineel pa “Kas lun God.”
And he was clothid in a cloth spreynt with blood; and the name of hym was clepid The sone of God.
14 Ac un mwet mweun inkusrao elos kasrusr tokol fin horse fasrfasr pac, ac nuknukyang ke nuknuk linen nasnas ac fasrfasr.
And the oostis that ben in heuene, sueden hym on white horsis, clothid with bissyn, white and clene.
15 Sie cutlass kosroh tume liki oalul, ma el ac sang kutangla mutunfaclu. El ac fah leum faclos ke soko sikal osra. Ac el ac fac lolongya grape ke nien fut wain in kasrkusrak lun God Kulana.
And a swerd scharp on ech side cam forth of his mouth, that with it he smyte folkis; and he shal reule hem with an yren yerde. And he tredith the pressour of wyn of stronge veniaunce of the wraththe of almyyti God.
16 Simla ke nuknuk lal ac finyepal ee se inge: “Tokosra lun tokosra uh, ac Leum lun leum uh.”
And he hath writun in his cloth, and in the hemme, Kyng of kyngis and Lord of lordis.
17 Ac nga liye sie lipufan tu fin faht uh. El wowoyak ke sie pusra lulap nu sin won nukewa sohksok yen engyeng uh ac fahk, “Fahsru wi tukeni ke kufwa lulap lun God!
And Y say an aungel, stondynge in the sunne; and he criede with greet vois, and seide to alle briddis that flowen bi the myddil of heuene, Come ye, and be ye gaderid to the greet soper of God,
18 Fahsru ac kang ikwen tokosra, ikwen captain, ikwen mwet mweun, ac ikwen horse ac elos su muta fac, ac ikwen mwet nukewa — mwet kohs ac mwet sukosok, mwet fulat ac mwet pusisel!”
that ye ete the fleisch of kingis, and fleisch of tribunes, and fleisch of stronge men, and fleisch of horsis, and of tho that sitten on hem, and the fleisch of alle fre men and bonde men, and of smale and of grete.
19 Na nga liye kosro sulallal soko ah ac tokosra lun faclu ac un mwet mweun lalos ke elos toeni in mweun lain el su muta fin horse soko ac un mwet mweun lal.
And Y sai the beeste, and the kyngis of the erthe, and the oostis of hem gaderid, to make batel with hym, that sat on the hors, and with his oost.
20 Sruoh kosro sulallal soko ah, wi mwet palu kikiap se su tuh oru mwenmen ye mutal. (Ke mwenmen inge el kiapwelosla su tuh eis akul lun kosro soko ah, oayapa elos su alu nu ke ma sruloala lun kosro soko ah.) Kosro soko ah ac mwet palu kikiap sac moul na sisiyang nu ke lulu in e su firirrir ke sulfur. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And the beeste was cauyt, and with hir the false prophete, that made signes bifor hir; in whiche he disseyuede hem that token the carect of the beeste, and that worschipiden the ymage of it. These tweyne weren sent quyke in to the pool of fier, brennynge with brymstoon. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
21 Un mwet mweun lalos uh anwuki ke cutlass se ma tume liki oalin el su muta fin horse soko ah. Ac won nukewa elos kang ikwalos nwe ke na elos kihpi.
And the othere weren slayn of swerd of hym that sat on the hors, that cometh forth of the mouth of hym; and alle briddis weren fillid with the fleisch of hem.

< Fwackyuk 19 >