< Matthew 17 >

1 Tukun len onkosr, Jesus el eisal Peter ac tamulel se, James ac John, ac elos utyak nu fin soko eol fulat, ac elos mukena we.
And after. vi. dayes Iesus toke Peter and Iames and Ihon his brother and brought them vp into an hye mountayne out of the waye
2 Ke elos liye na, Jesus el ekla ye mutaltal: saromrom mutal oana faht uh, ac nuknuk lal arulana fasrfasr pikapakla.
and was transfygured before them: and his face did shyne as the sunne and his clothes were as whyte as the light.
3 Na mwet tumal lutlut tolu ah liyalak Moses ac Elijah sramsram nu sin Jesus.
And beholde ther appered vnto the Moses and Helyas talkinge with him.
4 Na Peter el kasla ac fahk nu sin Jesus, “Leum, arulana wo ke kut muta inge uh! Kom fin lungse, nga ac musaela tolu iwen aktuktuk: sie sum, sie sel Moses, ac sie sel Elijah.”
Then answered Peter and sayde to Iesus: master here is good beinge for vs. If thou wylt leet vs make here. iii. tabernacles one for the and one for Moses and one for Helyas.
5 Ke el kaskas, sie pukunyeng na saromrom sonolosi, ac sie pusra in pukunyeng uh me fahk, “El inge Wen kulo saok nutik, su nga insewowo kac. Kowos lohngol!”
Whyll he yet spake beholde a bright cloude shadowed them. And beholde there came a voyce out of ye cloude sayinge: this is my deare sonne in whom I delite heare him.
6 Ke mwet tumal lutlut elos lohng pusra sac, elos arulana sangengla, na elos faksufi.
And when the disciples hearde that they fell on their faces and were soore afrayed.
7 Jesus el tuku nu yorolos ac kahlulosi, ac fahk, “Tuyak, nimet sangeng!”
And Iesus came and touched them and sayde: aryse and be not afrayed.
8 Na elos ngetak ac wangin mwet elos liye, a Jesus mukena.
And when they looked vp they saw no man saue Iesus onely.
9 Ke elos oatui liki fineol uh, Jesus el sap nu selos, “Nimet fahk nu sin kutena mwet ma su komtal liye inge nwe ke na Wen nutin Mwet el akmoulyeyukyak liki misa.”
And as they came doune from the mountayne Iesus charged them sayinge: se yt ye shewe the vision to no man vntyll the sonne of man be rysen ageyne from deeth.
10 Na mwet tumal lutlut elos siyuk sin Jesus, “Efu ku mwet luti Ma Sap elos fahk mu Elijah el ac tuku meet?”
And his disciples axed of him sayinge: Why then saye the scribes yt Helyas muste fyrst come?
11 Ac Jesus el fahk, “Pwaye lah Elijah el ac tuku meet, ac el ac fah akoela ma nukewa.
Iesus answered and sayd vnto them: Helyas shall fyrst come and restore all thinges.
12 Tusruktu, nga fahk nu suwos lah Elijah el tuku tari, ac mwet uh tiana akilenul, a elos oru ma na koluk nu sel oana ma elos lungse. Ac elos ac fah oru oapana nu sin Wen nutin Mwet.”
And I saye vnto you yt Helyas is come alredy and they knewe him not: but have done vnto him whatsoever they lusted. In lyke wyse shall also the sonne of man suffre of the.
13 Na mwet tumal lutlut elos kalemak lah el kaskas kacl John Baptais.
Then ye disciples perceaved that he spake vnto them of Ihon baptist.
14 Ke elos folokla nu yurin un mwet uh, oasr sie mukul tuku nu yurin Jesus, su faksufi ye mutal
And when they were come to ye people ther cam to him a certayne man and kneled doune to him and sayde:
15 ac fahk, “Leum se, pakomuta wen nutik! El musen pulkoa, ac pacl se ac tuyang nu sel uh arulana upa, oru el kwacna putatyang nu in e uh, ku nu inkof uh.
Master have mercy on my sonne for he is franticke: and is sore vexed. And oft tymes he falleth into the fyre and oft into ye water
16 Nga tuh usalu nu yurin mwet tomom lutlut, tuh elos koflana akkeyalla.”
And I brought him to thy disciples and they coulde not heale him.
17 Na Jesus el fahk, “Fuka lupan selulalfongi ac sesuwos in orekma lomtal uh! Nga ac muta yurumtal nwe ngac? Nga ac muteng komtal nwe ngac? Use tulik sacn nu yuruk!”
Iesus answered and sayde: O generacion faythles and croked: how longe shall I be with you? how longe shall I suffre you? bring him hidder to me.
18 Jesus el sap ku nu sin demon sac, na el illa liki tulik sac, ac in pacl sacna tulik sac kwela.
And Iesus rebuked the devyll and he ca out of him. And ye child was healed even yt same houre.
19 Na mwet tumal lutlut elos tuku nu yurin Jesus in lukma ac siyuk sel, “Efu kut ku kofla lusla demon sac?”
Then came the disciples to Iesus secretly and sayde: Why could not we cast him out?
20 Na Jesus el fahk, “Mweyen srikla lulalfongi lowos. Pwayena nga fahk nu suwos, lulalfongi lowos fin oana luman fiten mustard se, kowos ac ku in fahk nu sin eol soko inge, ‘Fahsrot liki acn se inge nu ingo!’ na ac som. Kowos ac ku in oru kutena ma!” [
Iesus sayd vnto the: Because of youre vnbelefe For I saye veryly vnto you: yf ye had faythe as a grayne of musterd seed ye shuld saye vnto this moutayne remove hence to yonder place and he shuld remove: nether shuld eny thinge be vnpossible for you to do.
21 “Tusruktu pre ac lalo mukena pa ku in sisla kain inge; wangin ma saya ku in sisla.”]
How be it this kynde goeth not oute but by prayer and fastinge.
22 Ke mwet tumal lutlut nukewa fahsreni nu Galilee, Jesus el fahk nu selos, “Wen nutin Mwet el ac fah itukyang nu inpoun mwet
As they passed the tyme in Galile Iesus sayde vnto them: the sonne of man shalbe betrayed into the hondes of men
23 su ac fah unilya, tusruktu tukun len tolu, el fah sifil akmoulyeyukyak.” Mwet tumal lutlut elos arulana asor ke elos lohng ma inge.
and they shall kill him and the thyrd daye he shall ryse agayne. And they sorowed greatly.
24 Ke Jesus ac mwet tumal lutlut tuku nu Capernaum, mwet eisani tax lun Tempul elos tuku nu yorol Peter ac siyuk, “Ku mwet luti lom el wi moli tax lun Tempul uh?”
And when they were come to Capernau they yt were wont to gadre poll money came to Peter and sayde: Doth youre master paye tribute?
25 Ac Peter el fahk, “Aok.” Ke Peter el ilyak nu in lohm uh, Jesus el kasla meet ac fahk, “Simon, mea kom nunku? Su moli tax ac mwe takma saya nu sin tokosra lun faclu? Ya mwet na in acn se, ku mwet sac uh?”
He sayd: ye. And when he was come into the house Iesus spake fyrst to him saying What thinkest thou Simon? of whome do ye kynges of the erth take tribute or poll money? of their chyldren or of straungers?
26 Ac Peter el fahk, “Mwet sac uh.” Na Jesus el fahk, “Fin ouingan, kalem lah mwet in acn se ac tia moli.
Peter sayde vnto him: of straungers. Then sayd Iesus vnto him agayne: Then are the chyldren fre.
27 Tusruktu kut tia lungse aktoasrye mwet inge. Ke ma inge, kom som nu in lulu uh ac sisla soko ah an. Amakunak ik soko ma kom ahsak oemeet an, ac kom ac fah konauk ipin silver se in oalul ma fal in molela tax luk kom uh nu in Tempul uh. Usla ac sang akfalyela.”
Neverthelesse lest we shuld offende the: goo to ye see and cast in thyne angle and take the fysshe yt fyrst cometh vp: and when thou hast opened his mouthe thou shalt fynde a pece of twentie pence: yt take and paye for me and the.

< Matthew 17 >