< Mark 4 >

1 Jesus el sifilpa luti sisken Lulu Galilee. Mwet puspis tukeni nu yorol we, ouinge el sroak nu fin soko oak ac muta fac in kof uh, ac mwet uh tu weacn uh.
And eft Jhesus bigan to teche at the see; and myche puple was gaderid to hym, so that he wente in to a boot, and sat in the see, and al the puple was aboute the see on the loond.
2 El luti ma puspis nu selos ke kas in pupulyuk, ac fahk ouinge:
And he tauyte hem in parablis many thingis. And he seide to hem in his techyng,
3 “Porongo! Tuh oasr sie mwet som in taknelik fiten wheat.
Here ye. Lo! a man sowynge goith out to sowe.
4 Ac ke el sisalik fita inima uh, kutu putatla nu pe inkanek uh, ac won uh tuku ac kangla.
And the while he sowith, summe seed felde aboute the weie, and briddis of heuene camen, and eeten it.
5 Kutu pac putati nu yen eoteot, yen ma srikla fohk we. Fita inge sa na in srunak mweyen fohk we suloal.
Othere felde doun on stony places, where it had not myche erthe; and anoon it spronge vp, for it had not depnesse of erthe.
6 Na ke fulen faht uh sreya elos uli, ac ke sripen oka uh tia kapla in loal pwanang sa na in masla.
And whanne the sunne roos vp, it welewide for heete, and it driede vp, for it hadde no roote.
7 Ac kutu fita uh putatla nu in fohk ma oasr okan kokul we, ac kokul uh kapak ac kupoiya, oru sacn uh tia ku in fokla.
And othere felde doun in to thornes, and thornes sprongen vp, and strangliden it, and it yaf not fruyt.
8 Tuh kutu fita uh putatla nu in fohk wo ac srunak ac kapak arulana wo, ac fokla: fokin kutu tolngoul, fokin kutu onngoul, ac fokin kutu siofok.”
And other felde doun in to good loond, and yaf fruyt, springynge vp, and wexynge; and oon brouyte thretti foold, and oon sixti fold, and oon an hundrid fold.
9 Ac Jesus el fahk, “Ke ma inge, kowos porongo fin oasr srewos!”
And he seide, He that hath eeris of heryng, here he.
10 Ac ke Jesus el mukena muta, mwet tumal lutlut ac kutu sin mwet su lohng mwe luti lal elos tuku nu yorol ac siyuk elan akkalemye kalmen pupulyuk lal ah.
And whanne he was bi hym silf, tho twelue that weren with hym axiden hym to expowne the parable.
11 El topuk nu selos, “Itukot nu suwos in etu ma lukma ke Tokosrai lun God. A elos su muta sayowos, elos lohng ke pusren pupulyuk mukena.
And he seide to hem, To you it is youun to knowe the priuete of the kyngdom of God. But to hem that ben with outforth, alle thingis be maad in parablis, that thei seynge se,
12 Ouinge, in oana ma simla, ‘Elos ac liye na liye A tia akilen; Ac elos ac lohng na lohng A tia etu. Mweyen elos fin etu, elos ac ku in forla nu sin God, Na ku in nunak munas nu selos.’”
and se not, and thei herynge here and vnderstonde not; lest sum tyme thei be conuertid, and synnes be foryouun to hem.
13 Na Jesus el siyuk selos, “Ya kowos tia kalem ke pupulyuk se inge? Na kowos ac etu fuka pupulyuk nukewa saya?
And he seide to hem, Knowe not ye this parable? and hou ye schulen knowe alle parablis?
14 Mwet taknelik el taknelik kas lun God.
He that sowith, sowith a word.
15 Kutu mwet uh oana fita ma putatla pe inkanek uh. Ke pacl se na elos lohng kas uh, Satan el tuku ac eisla lukelos.
But these it ben that ben aboute the weie, where the word is sowun; and whanne thei han herd, anoon cometh Satanas, and takith awei the word that is sowun in her hertis.
16 Kutu mwet uh oana fita ma putatla yen eoteot uh. Ke pacl se na elos lohng kas uh, elos sa na in eis ac insewowo kac.
And in lijk maner ben these that ben sowun on stony placis, whiche whanne thei han herd the word, anoon thei taken it with ioye;
17 Tusruktu tiana sremla wo in nunak lalos pwanang ac tiana oan paht. Ouinge ke pacl mwe lokoalok ac mwe ongoiya sikyak ke sripen kas inge, elos ac sa na in fuhleak.
and thei han not roote in hem silf, but thei ben lastynge a litil tyme; aftirward whanne tribulacioun risith, and persecucioun for the word, anoon thei ben sclaundrid.
18 Kutu mwet uh oana fita ma putati yen ma oasr okan kokul we. Elos inge pa mwet su lohng kas uh,
And ther ben othir that ben sowun in thornes; these it ben that heren the word,
19 tusruktu elos nunkala yohk ke moul lun faclu, ac lungse mwe kasrup, ac mwel ma puspis saya, na ma inge kupoiya kas uh, na elos tia isus fahko. (aiōn g165)
and disese of the world, and disseit of ritchessis, and othir charge of coueytise entrith, and stranglith the word, and it is maad with out fruyt. (aiōn g165)
20 Tusruktu, kutu mwet uh oana fita ma putati fin fohk wo uh. Elos lohng kas, ac eis, ac isus fahko: kutu pacl tolngoul, kutu pacl onngoul, ac kutu pacl siofok.”
And these it ben that ben sowun on good lond, whiche heren the word, and taken, and maken fruyt, oon thritti fold, oon sixti fold, and oon an hundrid fold.
21 Jesus el sifil tafwela ac fahk, “Ya nu oasr mwet akosak sie lam ac usak filiya ye tup uh ku ye bed uh? Ya el ac tia filiya fin sukan lam uh?
And he seide to hem, Wher a lanterne cometh, that it be put vndur a buschel, or vndur a bed? nay, but that it be put on a candilstike?
22 Kutena ma su wikla ac fah ikakla lemtulauk, ac ma nukewa ma afyufi ac fah ikakelik.
Ther is no thing hid, that schal not be maad opyn; nethir ony thing is pryuey, that schal not come in to opyn.
23 Kuwos in porongo, fin oasr srewos.”
If ony man haue eeris of heryng, here he.
24 El oayapa fahk nu selos, “Kowos porongo akwoye ma kowos lohng uh! Tuh kutena mwe srikasrak kowos orekmakin in sang nununku mwet uh, God El ac fah orekmakin in sang nununkekowos, tusruktu ku pac in upa liki.
And he seide to hem, Se ye what ye heren. In what mesure ye meten, it schal be metun to you ayen, and be cast to you.
25 Mwet su oasr ma lal, fah itukyang pac kutu nu sel; a el su wangin ma lal, finne ma srisrik ma oan yorol, ac fah itukla lukel!”
For it schal be youun to hym that hath, and it schal be takun awei fro him that hath not, also that that he hath.
26 Na Jesus el sifilpa fahk, “Tokosrai lun God oana ke sie mwet el sisalik fita inima lal.
And he seide, So the kingdom of God is, as if a man caste seede in to the erthe,
27 Na el ac motul ke fong uh ac ngetnget ke len uh, ac fita uh srunak ac kapak na, tusruktu mwet sac tiana etu lah fuka tuh sikyak ouinge.
and he sleepe, and it rise up niyt and dai, and brynge forth seede, and wexe faste, while he woot not.
28 Fohk uh sifacna oru fita uh in kapak ac isus fahko. Ma se sikyak meet uh pa srun, na fah ung mangosr tuku toko, na saflaiya fokla ung in wheat uh.
For the erthe makith fruyt, first the gras, aftirward the ere, and aftir ful fruyt in the ere.
29 Ke pacl se matula wheat uh, mwet sac el ac pakela ke mitmit natul uh, mweyen sun pacl in kosrani.”
And whanne of it silf it hath brouyt forth fruyt, anoon he sendith a sikil, for repyng tyme is come.
30 Na Jesus el fahk, “Mea kut ac luma Tokosrai lun God nu kac uh? Mwe pupulyuk fuka kut ku in sang akkalemye uh?
And he seide, To what thing schulen we likne the kyngdom of God? or to what parable schulen we comparisoun it?
31 Ac fah ouinge: sie mwet el eis sie fiten mustard, fita se ma srik emeet fin faclu, ac el yukwiya infohk uh.
As a corne of seneuei, which whanne it is sowun in the erthe, is lesse than alle seedis that ben in the erthe;
32 Na tok fita sac kapak ac yohk liki sacn nukewa. Lesak kac uh matol, pwanang won yen engyeng uh elos tuku ac oru ahng lalos olo ac muta ye lulin sak uh.”
and whanne it is sprongun up, it waxith in to a tre, and is maad gretter than alle erbis; and it makith grete braunchis, so that briddis of heuene moun dwelle vndur the schadewe therof.
33 Ke Jesus el fahkak kas lun God nu sin mwet uh, el orekmakin kas in pupulyuk puspis pac saya oana inge. El luti nu selos fal nu ke lupan ma elos ku in kalem kac.
And in many suche parablis he spak to hem the word, as thei myyten here;
34 El ac tia kaskas nu selos el fin tia orekmakin pupulyuk; tusruktu pacl ma el ac mukena muta yurin mwet tumal lutlut uh, el ac aketeya ma nukewa nu selos.
and he spak not to hem with out parable. But he expownede to hise disciplis alle thingis bi hemsilf.
35 Ke eku in len sacna, Jesus el fahk nu sin mwet tumal lutlut, “Kut som nu lefahlo.”
And he seide to hem in that dai, whanne euenyng was come, Passe we ayenward.
36 Ouinge elos som liki un mwet uh. Mwet tumal lutlut elos sroang nu fin oak soko ma Jesus el muta fac ah, ac elos tukeni kalot. Oasr pac oak saya welulos som.
And thei leften the puple, and token hym, so that he was in a boot; and othere bootys weren with hym.
37 Tia pact na eng na upa se tuhyak ac noa uh fungulya oak uh, ac oak uh apkuran in moti.
And a greet storm of wynde was maad, and keste wawis in to the boot, so that the boot was ful.
38 Jesus el motul ke kapin oak uh, ac ilung ilul se. Mwet tumal lutlut elos oaksalak ac fahk, “Mwet Luti, ya wanginna sum lah kut ac misa?”
And he was in the hyndir part of the boot, and slepte on a pilewe. And thei reisen hym, and seien to hym, Maistir, perteyneth it not to thee, that we perischen?
39 Jesus el tukakek ac kai eng uh, “Misla!” Ac el fahk pac nu sin noa uh, “Tui!” Na eng uh wanginla, ac arulana mihsi.
And he roos vp, and manasside the wynde, and seide to the see, Be stille, wexe doumbe. And the wynde ceesside, and greet pesiblenesse was maad.
40 Na Jesus el fahk nu sin mwet tumal lutlut. “Efu kowos ku sangeng? Ya srakna wangin lulalfongi lowos?”
And he seide to hem, What dreden ye? `Ye han no feith yit?
41 A elos arulana sangeng ac fahk nu sin sie sin sie, “Mwet se su mwet se inge? Finne eng uh ac noa uh elos aksol pac!”
And thei dredden with greet drede, and seiden `ech to other, Who, gessist thou, is this? for the wynde and the see obeschen to hym.

< Mark 4 >