< Mark 2 >

1 Kutu len tok Jesus el folokla nu Capernaum ac solyak lah el oasr in lohm sel.
And eft he entride in to Cafarnaum, aftir eiyte daies.
2 Mwet pukanten tuku tingilya in lohm ah lac nwe ke mutunoa ac likin mutunoa. Na ke Jesus el fahkak kas lun God nu selos,
And it was herd, that he was in an hous, and many camen to gidir, so that thei miyten not be in the hous, ne at the yate. And he spak to hem the word.
3 mukul akosr tuku us sie mwet musen ul nu yorol.
And there camen to hym men that brouyten a man sijk in palesie, which was borun of foure.
4 Tusruktu ke sripen iktokla lohm uh, elos tia ku in kalukyang in usak mwet mas sac nu yurin Jesus. Ouinge elos fanyak ac ikasla mangon lohm uh suwosna nu ke acn se Jesus el muta we. Na elos koela kilus se ma mwet ul sac oan fac.
And whanne thei myyten not brynge hym to Jhesu for the puple, thei vnhileden the roof where he was, and openede it, and thei leten doun the bed in which the sijk man in palesie laye.
5 Ke Jesus el liye lupan lulalfongi lalos, el fahk nu sin mwet ul sac, “Wen nutik, ma koluk lom nunak munas nu sum.”
And whanne Jhesus hadde seyn the feith of hem, he seide to the sijk man in palesie, Sone, thi synnes ben foryouun to thee.
6 Kutu sin mwet luti Ma Sap su muta we elos sifacna nunku in elos,
But there weren summe of the scribis sittynge, and thenkynge in her hertis,
7 “Efu mwet se inge ku kaskas ouinge? El kaskas enum ke God! Wangin mwet ku in nunak munas ke ma koluk, a God mukena!”
What spekith he thus? He blasfemeth; who may foryyue synnes, but God aloone?
8 In pacl sacna Jesus el etu ma elos nunku uh, na el fahk nu selos, “Efu kowos ku nunku ouingan?
And whanne Jhesus hadde knowe this bi the Hooli Goost, that thei thouyten so with ynne hem silf, he seith to hem, What thenken ye these thingis in youre hertis?
9 Pia kac ma ac fisrasr in fahk nu sin mwet ul se inge uh, ‘Ma koluk lom nunak munas nu sum,’ ku in fahk, ‘Tukakek, srukak mwe oan kiom, ac fahsr’?
What is liyter to seie to the sijk man in palesie, Synnes ben foryouun to thee, or to seie, Ryse, take thi bed, and walke?
10 Nga fah akpwayei nu suwos lah oasr ku lun Wen nutin Mwet in nunak munas ke ma koluk fin faclu.” Ouinge el fahk nu sin mwet ul sac,
But that ye wite that mannus sone hath power in erthe to foryyue synnes, he seide to the sijk man in palesie, Y seie to thee,
11 “Nga fahk nu sum, tuyak, srukak mwe oan kiom ac som nu lohm sum ah!”
ryse vp, take thi bed, and go in to thin hous.
12 Ke elos ngetang liye mwet sac, el tukakek, srukak mwe oan kial ac sulaklak som. Mwet nukewa arulana fwefela ac kaksakin God ac fahk, “Kut soenna liye lumah ouinge oemeet me!”
And anoon he roos vp, and whanne he hadde take the bed, he wente bifor alle men, so that alle men wondriden, and onoureden God, and seiden, For we seien neuer so.
13 Jesus el sifilpa folokla nu sisken Lulu Galilee. Un mwet puspis tuku nu yorol ac el mutawauk in lotelos.
And he wente out eftsoone to the see, and al the puple cam to hym; and he tauyte hem.
14 Ac ke el fahsr kutu nu meet, el liye sie mwet eisani tax su muta in nien eisani tax; inel pa Levi wen natul Alphaeus. Ac Jesus el fahk nu sel, “Fahsr tukuk.” Na Levi el tuyak ac fahsr tokol.
And whanne he passide, he saiy Leuy `of Alfei sittynge at the tolbothe, and he seide to hym, Sue me. And he roos, and suede hym.
15 Na tok Jesus el fungla in mongo in lohm sel Levi. Pukanten mwet eisani tax ac mwet koluk pac saya elos wi fahsr tukun Jesus, na in pacl se inge pus selos utyak welul ac mwet tumal lutlut mongo.
And it was doon, whanne he sat at the mete in his hous, many pupplicans and synful men saten togidere at the mete with Jhesu and hise disciplis; for there weren many that folewiden hym.
16 Kutu sin mwet luti Ma Sap su mwet Pharisee, elos liye ke Jesus el wi mwet koluk ac mwet eisani tax inge mongo, na elos siyuk sin mwet tumal lutlut lah efu el ku mongo ac nim yurin kain in mwet ouinge.
And scribis and Farisees seynge, that he eet with pupplicans and synful men, seiden to hise disciplis, Whi etith and drynkith youre maystir with pupplicans and synneris?
17 Ac ke Jesus el lohng, el fahk nu selos, “Mwet ku elos tia enenu mwet ono, a mwet mas mukena. Nga tia tuku in pangon mwet suwoswos, a mwet koluk.”
Whanne this was herd, Jhesus seide to hem, Hoole men han no nede to a leche, but thei that ben yuel at eese; for Y cam not to clepe iust men, but synneris.
18 Sie pacl ah, mwet lutlut lal John Baptais ac mwet Pharisee elos lalo. Na kutu mwet tuku nu yurin Jesus ac siyuk sel, “Efu ku mwet lutlut lal John ac mwet lutlut lun mwet Pharisee elos lalo, a mwet lutlut lom tiana lalo?”
And the disciplis of Joon and the Farisees weren fastynge; and thei camen, and seien to hym, Whi fasten the disciplis of Joon, and the Farisees fasten, but thi disciplis fasten not?
19 Ac Jesus el topuk, “Ya mwet kawuk lun mwet pisrla elos ac lalo ke mwet pisrla el muta yorolos? Tia ku! Lusen na pacl mwet pisrla el muta yorolos elos ac tia lalo.
And Jhesus seide to hem, Whether the sones of sposailis moun faste, as longe as the spouse is with hem? As long tyme as thei haue the spouse with hem, thei moun not faste.
20 Tuh sie len, mwet pisrla el ac fah utukla lukelos, na pacl sacn elos ac fah lalo.
But daies schulen come, whanne the spouse schal be takun awei fro hem, and thanne thei schulen faste in tho daies.
21 “Wangin mwet sang ipin nuknuk sasu in pinis nuknuk mah, mweyen ipin nuknuk sasu sac ac tulakeni ac sacla kutu nuknuk mah sac, ac oru mihsa sac ac yokelik liki meet ah.
No man sewith a patche of newe clooth to an elde clooth, ellis he takith awei the newe patche fro the elde, and a more brekyng is maad.
22 Oayapa wangin mwet okoaung wain sasu nu in pak in neinyuk wain matu, mweyen wain uh ac foklalik pak sac, na kewana wain ac mwe neinyuk wain ac musalla. Ouinge wain sasu enenu na in itukyang nu in mwe neinyuk sasu.”
And no man puttith newe wyn in to elde botelis, ellis the wyn schal breste the botels, and the wyn schal be sched out, and the botels schulen perische. But newe wyn schal be put into newe botels.
23 Jesus ac mwet tumal lutlut elos fahsr sisken ima in wheat ke sie len Sabbath, ac mwet tumal lutlut mutawauk in olela wheat uh.
And it was doon eftsoones, whanne the Lord walkid in the sabotis bi the cornes, and hise disciplis bigunnen to passe forth, and plucke eeris of the corn.
24 Na mwet Pharisee elos fahk nu sel Jesus, “Liye, ma mwet lutlut lom oru inge ke len Sabbath lain Ma Sap lasr!”
And the Farisees seiden to hym, Lo! what thi disciplis doon in sabotis, that is not leeueful.
25 Jesus el topuk ac fahk, “Ya kowos soenna rit ke ma David el oru ke pacl se oasr enenu lal ke mwe mongo? El ac mwet ma welul uh elos masrinsral,
And he seide to hem, Radden ye neuer what Dauid dide, whanne he hadde nede, and he hungride, and thei that weren with hym?
26 na el som nu in lohm sin God ac mongo ke bread ma kisala nu sin God. Ma inge tuh sikyak ke pacl se Abiathar el Mwet Tol Fulat. Ke oakwuk lun Ma Sap lasr uh, mwet tol mukena ku in mongo ke bread inge, a David el mongo kac ac el sang pac kutu nu sin mwet lal.”
Hou he wente in to the hous of God, vndur Abiathar, prince of prestis, and eete looues of proposicioun, which it was not leeueful to ete, but to preestis aloone, and he yaf to hem that weren with hym.
27 Na Jesus el fahk nu selos, “Len Sabbath orekla ke sripen mwet uh, ac tia mwet uh ke len Sabbath.
And he seide to hem, The sabat is maad for man, and not a man for the sabat;
28 Ke ma inge Wen nutin Mwet el oayapa Leum lun len Sabbath.”
and so mannus sone is lord also of the sabat.

< Mark 2 >